Monday, April 4, 2016

20 Common Places Where People Safely Hide Their Cash.

      We all live at a time when strangers will walk right into our houses and will steal your money or any valuables that may be sitting around your house. There are even relatives who will steal from you when they think you are not looking. Most of our money belongs in a bank and most of us do trust those who are watching over our money. But we all need some spending money to be near by or we might end up with a bunch of cash that will come from another on a Holiday or a weekend when the bank is closed. So where can we safely put that money that could end up in a strangers pocket. Below are 20 places that you could safely hide your money. Good Luck!!!!

 1.  Under The Mattress.   Many people will hide their money or valuables under the mattress, but in the moves the mattress is always one of the first places that is checked. Some people will hide a gun under the mattress that they can easily get to just in case someone breaks into their house in the middle of the night. A person who is very quiet can come into your house and check under your mattress with their hand or under the pillow and steal your money while you are sleeping. If you are wise and you still are thinking about using the mattress for a hiding place, cut a hole at the top of the mattress with a knife where your head is laying on a pillow and put your money and or valuables into a sock and stuff it into the hole. Only you will know that it is there.

 2.  Under A Loose Floor Board.   In the attic of the house that I grew up in, a water pipe with a sealed cap on the end came out of the floor about 4 inches. It came through a hole in the floor board. My brother had worked the board loose around the pipe and he would pull it up and turn it to a 90 degree angle and then hide his money in the rafters. He did this for many years and none of us knew about it. When Bill moved out of the house he showed me his hiding place and I began using it for several years.
      A neighbor down the street about two blocks away was removing the floor boards in the house that he was renting so that he could grow Drug Mushrooms under his house. For five years he grew and sold those mushrooms. Then he got caught and had to go to jail for several years.
      Yes. hiding money and other valuables under the floor boards of your house makes a great hiding place. Most people would have to tear your house apart in order to find it..

 3.  Behind A Loose Brick In The Wall.   A friend of mine was a boot repair man, and he was raised up in an old sand stone house on the other side of town. He said when he was a boy he would use his pocket knife to loosen a stone in the wall of his bedroom and behind the stone he would hide his valuables. I asked him if any of his valuables were still in the wall and he said that he had a bunch of marbles, some old coins maybe 20 or 30 of them and a bunch of old baseball cards. Those were put into the wall back in the 1930's. He has passed on and his old house was sold to another who has completely sheet rocked the whole inside of that old house. So that hiding place with all of those valuables will continue to remain hidden for years to come.
      In many cowboy shows on the TV it will show people hiding their money in the walls of their homes and they would remove several bricks to pull the money box out of the wall. If you remember in the musical called " Oliver " the old man would hide all of his valuables in a wall and he had to remove several bricks in order to get his chest out. You too could hide all your valuables and money in side the walls of your home that only you know about.

4.  Put Your Money Into A Metal Box And Bury It In The Ground.   This idea has been around for over a thousand years. Back in the good old days bandits would rob the stagecoach or the bank and then bury the money. If they got caught they would serve their time in prison and then go back and enjoy the money that they had stolen and only they knew where it was hidden.
      You could do this also if you had a large some of money on hand and you wanted to put it into a safe place so that you could spend it at a future time. Most people will bury a metal box full of money in their flower beds next to the house. Others will bury it somewhere in the backyard and put a painted rock over it to mark the spot. Then they will add a row of other painted rocks to make others think that it is a landscape idea in your backyard but only you will know where your money is hidden. Others will take a box of money and bury it at a favorite picnic spot or at your favorite fishing hole. It does not matter where you bury it as long as you will not forget about it. But that one day will come along when you will need a bunch of money right then and there and only you will know where it is hidden in the ground,

 5.  Inside A Hollow Object.   Both Drugs and Diamonds have been secretly transported from one place to another in toys and other hollow objects and no one ever knew about it. One day when I took a load of trash to the dump, I found an old orange Shredded Wheat Lionel box car sitting on the ground with rusty wheels. I took it home and I cleaned it up and sanded most of the rust off of the wheels..There was a slit in the top of the box car so that it could be used as a coin bank. The top could also be easily removed from the wheels by using a screwdriver. For several years I would stuff paper money into that box car and only I knew about it. I even bought an old Lionel electric train set at a yard sale and I would add that orange box car full of money to my train set when I played with it but only I knew that there was paper money in it. Then one day I needed a bunch a money and I opened up that box car and there was over 300 dollars in there. You too could hide money inside a toy and no one would know about it.

 6.  Inside A Pocket Of An Old Pants Or Shirt.   Do this only to clean clothes and put it into the bottom of your drawer that is full of pants or shirts. Or you could put it into a sock. I have also put paper money into my socks and then put the socks inside my shoes. This is also a good hiding place when you visit the swimming pool or the Gym and you use a locker to park your clothes. Your clothes with the money could also be hidden in a suitcase or a trunk or you could hang them in a closet. No one ever bothers your clothes and only you know where the money is hidden.

7.  Inside An Old Birdhouse.   Birdhouses are not only found in trees but the new ones are used to help decorate the insides of our homes. Generally a birdhouse is a hollow small box with a round hole for the bird to get in and out. Most of these houses are hung in trees to attract more birds to our yards. Money could be put through the round hole of a birdhouse that was sitting inside your house or your garage. Or you could use an old birdhouse that hangs in your tree and the birds do not use it anymore. The only thing bad about using a birdhouse is that you can not get your money out unless you break it open with a hammer. But it is a great place to hide your money for a long time like I did in using a toy box car and I have used birdhouses also to hide my money.

 8.  Under The Carpet.   Most homes have carpet in every room. If you were to loosen an area to where you could slide an envelope under the carpet with a few hundred dollars bills in it, no one would ever notice that it was there except for the one who hid it. You could hide money in several places under the carpet and it will be easy to get to when you need some cash.

 9.  In Your Attic Or In Your Garage.   Both of these places are used to store our junk or stuff that we do not want to throw away. There are hundreds of places that you could hide your money and no one would ever find it. Besides this no one ever goes to the attic unless you really need something that was stored there.

10.  In A Rotted Out Tree Hole.   These holes can be found in any place where trees grow even in your own backyard. But make sure that it is not a tree that kids like to climb or you will find that your money will be gone and some lucky kid will be enjoying a lot of treats for a long time. I have hidden money in tree holes many times for as long as two years and so far none of it was ever found and the money was still there waiting for me to come and pick it up. Sometimes birds will make a nest in the hole but they are not interested in your money.

11.  In Your Own Wallet.   Some people would say that your wallet is a crazy place to hide your money. But your wallet goes everywhere that you go unless you lay it down and walk off without it. When I moved to California I was told by others to always put my wallet into my front pocket. All of your other pockets can be picked even your suit coat pockets. But they always have a hard time picking your front pockets because your hand is always sitting on your front pocket. So I made this a habit early in life. In fact the back pockets have been picketed so often that they began to make wallets with a chain on it and it is attached to your belt. My one dollar bills will be in the regular money slot but all of the larger bills are hidden inside the other pockets of my wallet and that wallet does sit in my front pocket.

12.  Put All Your Larger Money Bills Into A Money Belt.   A money belt will be on your waist all day long and no one will know about it except you. Your money will always be safe and you can even go to bed with it. Just make sure you are in a safe place so that no one will see you pulling the money out of the money belt.

13.  Inside An Old Appliance That Is No Longer Used.   Most appliances can come apart by using a screwdriver. There is plenty of room in most appliances to stash some money and being that it no longer works some of the motor could be removed to make more room. These old appliances could be placed in the kitchen, the attic, the basement, into a closet or in the garage.

14.  Hide Your Money In An Old Empty Paint Can.   Most people store their left over paint cans on a shelf on the back porch or in the garage or it could be stored in the basement. When you have emptied the paint can of it's paint and have allowed it to dry, money could be put on the inside and then pound the lid back in place. To take off the lid when you need some money you just pry off the lid with a flat screwdriver. The can is placed back on the shelf with the other paint cans.

15.  Hide Your Money Under The Back Or Front Steps Of Your House.   I have successfully left money for a short time under the steps in a metal box and no one ever touched it. When my mother use to gather magazines and newspapers and put them on the back porch to make money for the Boy Scouts, we kids would go through it all looking for comic books and we also found a bunch of Playboy Magazines. To hide them from our mother we hid them under the back steps of our next door neighbor who was an old lady. They sat under those steps for ten years and only we knew that they were there. After ten years, those old wooden back steps were replaced with steps that were made out of cement. The men who replace those steps were happy to find all of those Playboys and they put them all into their trucks and that was the end of that.

16.  Put Your Money In A Small Metal Box.   They make both mints and breath fresheners in several different flavors that are packed in metal cans. I have also seen Band-Aids that were in metal cans. These empty cans are great for storing small parts. My wife uses them for her sewing supplies and I use them for my fishing lures. These small metal boxes are great for your large money bills. In the basement you could put a flat magnet on the back side of your furnace or water heater or put a magnet on the top of any water pipe except copper, and put that can of money on the magnet. The possibility of hiding a small metal box on a magnet anywhere in your house is almost endless and I am sure that you will know the perfect place to hide it.

17.  Put The Money Into Your Sock Or Your Shoe As You Move About.   This means that as you go places your large money bills are very safe if you put them into your sock or into the bottom of your shoe. Only you will know it is there but don't forget to remove the money when you take your shoes off. You could put all the money into your sock and stuff this into the bottom of your shoe or you could hide that money into another safe place.

18.  Put Your Money And Other Valuables Into The Truck Of Your Car.   People who live in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, have told me that if you lock your car with valuables sitting inside, they will break your windows and steal the goodies. But if you locked all of those valuables in the trunk of the car and left your car unlocked, no one will bother your car. The same goes if you are at home. Your money and valuables will be very safe inside the trunk of your car.

19.  Inside The Pages Of An Old Book.   I have put large money bills in between the pages of an old book and no one ever found them. First of all you put it into a book that no one reads. Then you put it with other books that are not read or you could put it into a suitcase or a trunk with other books. An attic or a garage is a good place to hide the book. I have left money in the pages of an old book for several years and it was still there when I needed it.

20.  Inside A Locked Room, A Locked Closet Or In A Home Safe.   All of these places are great in hiding your money but a burglar will think that you must have something valuable sitting in that locked room and they will want to break the door down to find out why it is locked. A lot of people will have a home safe custom built behind a picture or in a book case behind the books. Some people will buy a large safe for their guns and they will also put their money and valuable papers in there also. Small safes can also be bought that will easily sit on your floor and one safe is so small that it can sit between your hands. Most all of these safes are fire proof and any thing you have stored in it will be safe. As for myself I have never bought a safe but I have hidden my money in most of the places listed up above with very good results. Just make sure no one is watching as you hide the money or you will find the money all gone the next time you go looking for it.

      Good Luck in putting your money into a safe place, but remember your money will also be very safe inside a bank. I have hidden my cash at home all of my life and only I knew where the money was hidden, None of my money has ever been stolen but my wife has had her money stolen and it was our relatives who stole it. So make sure that no one is watching when you are hiding your money or you will find it gone just as soon as you turn your back.

      Please read on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to start your own bank and make 100%  interest " or punch in " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to get more money out of your paycheck ".