Saturday, December 28, 2013

Home Made Chicken Soup Is The Number One Remedy For Colds And The Flu

      Or you might say that chicken soup is the number one choice in a lot of countries around the world for controlling or curing Colds and the Flu. There are also a whole bunch of other effective remedies that seem to work just as well. Some of these remedies will sound familiar while others are unheard of, but those who have used them including myself, claim that they all work.

      As I did my research on  " Home Made Chicken Soup ", I was very impressed as to how many countries around the world has made this Soup the number one Remedy. A list of those countries are as follows:    1. Germany.    2. Russia.    3. Austria.    4. Hungary.    5. Italy.    6. India.    7. Romania.    8. Spain.    9. France.    10. The entire Jewish Nation. 11. Many countries in Africa and most of the Spanish speaking countries in South America.    12. There are also many European countries that are not listed that know about and use Chicken Soup as a Remedy for Colds and the Flu. The people of China will also make chicken soup but they will also add some of their most popular herbs into the soup that will protect them from some of the other common diseases.
      I don't think that Americans from the USA are sold on this Remedy except for the Mountain and the Country Folk. Even many of the American Indians today use Chicken Soup as a cure all.
      One day while I was at work I was attending a safety meeting and our Bosses was showing us a movie on Chicken Soup. But the movie was showing us the negative side of this Remedy and they were making fun of it. It said that we are all being brain-washed into thinking that Chicken Soup was an excellent cure all and they felt that this soup was no better then any other soup. In other words they are saying that Chicken Soup does nothing for you that it is just a plain old soup. Later I talked to my boss and I told him that I disagreed with the movie that the movie makers have it all wrong. I told my boss that often times in life our bodies become unbalanced and this unbalance will make us feel sick. The whole purpose in eating the Chicken Soup was to bring back that balance. You are giving a natural soup to a natural body to make it feel natural again. I have used Chicken Soup many times and I find that it does work for the sickness that I had at that time.
      The Home Made Chicken Soup has fresh carrots, celery, lots of onions and peas. It could also have diced green and/or red bell peppers and I have seen diced potatoes. Of coarse there was the most important part and that was the chicken and the chicken broth. When you make this soup you cook the chicken first until it falls off the bones. If  you want very tender chicken then soak the chicken in salt water over night before you start cooking it. Remove the chicken and the bones and add all the above vegetables and cook them until you can poke a fork into them. Throw the chicken bones away and dice up the chicken meat putting it back into the almost done soup. Season the soup with salt and pepper and also at this time I will add raw onion to the last few minutes of this almost done soup. There are two reasons why I add the raw onion. For flavoring and also the fresh juices of an onion is excellent for Colds and the Flu. You could also add prepared egg noodles or elbow macaroni at this time. If you are one of those who do believe in Chicken Soup as a Cure-All for Colds and the Flu, I want you to know that you do not stand alone. A large per cent of the worlds population also believe in Home Made Chicken Soup.
      There are some wise people out there that will not throw the chicken bones away and they will reboil these bones into a 2nd kind of soup. This soup will have a lot of calcium and bone marrow. You could drink the broth by itself or you could remove the bones and add fresh vegetables to it making it a whole new kind of soup. This soup will fight your Colds and the Flu in a different way then that of the first soup and because of the Calcium and the Bone Marrow this 2nd soup would be more deadlier to Cancer Cells in our bodies then that of the 1st Chicken Soup.
      I know there are many out there who are more then likely to believe in the information of this safety movie that chicken soup is for the birds, so I am adding several natural Home Remedies that will help get rid of those Colds and the Flu that most of us have been unable to stop them from coming into our lives. Some of those Remedies are as follows:

      1. Make a  " Hot Tottie ". This Remedy has been around for a long, long time and this is very safe for children. The instructions are very simple. Put some warm water into a cup and add a tablespoon of organic vinegar. Then add the juice that was squeezed from a half of a lemon. Add a teaspoon of honey and stir well. You can sip on this all day with no side effects and a Hot Tottie is also soothing to a sore throat.
      The Old Timers will add two tablespoons of Blackberry Brandy to this Hot Tottie and the Mountain Folk will add two tablespoons of Whisky. If you choose to use this 2nd or 3rd way then I would suggest that you only drink just one before going to bed. It will help you to relax at night and it will help to kill some of those germs that are present in our bodies. Drinking just one of these with the Brandy will not get you drunk nor will you have a hangover. If you choose to give this type of Hot Tottie to a very sick child, I would suggest that you use One or Two Teaspoons of Blackberry Brandy into an already made Hot Tottie then let the child sip on this just before going to bed. This Brandy has Pectin in it which is excellent for colds and the Flu. The Whisky has no Pectin in it. If that child is very sick, it may be wiser to take that child to see a Doctor.

      2. Taking Vitamin C on a regular bases will protect you from getting a Cold or the Flu. People who took Vitamin C Pills everyday would very rarely catch a cold while others who were not taking Vitamin C they were getting sick.

      3. Ground up Flax Seed is great in preventing Colds and the Flu. I have a neighbor that grinds up Flax Seed on a regular bases and he adds it to his juices, his oatmeal, his yogurt or any other food that this Flax Seed could be sprinkled on. While others around him are getting Colds and the Flu, he never gets sick nor does he ever take a Flu Shot. I will add Flax Seed to my homemade bread, pancakes and my fresh ground hot whole grain breakfast cereal. There is one word of Caution! Flax Seed is a natural laxative and too much of it at one time could cause diarrhea. But with what little I have used and my neighbor also, neither one of us has that problem. My neighbor says his bowel movements are always comfortable.

      4. The eating of Garlic will prevent you from getting a Cold or the Flu. The eating or Garlic will greatly boost up you immunity system. A lady claims that while everyone else all around her are getting sick she seems to always feel, just fine. Throughout the year when this lady makes a meat sandwich she will add a slice of onion, tomato, green pepper and lettuce. She will also add Miracle Whip and slices of Garlic.
      A bus driver told me that when he was a kid he lived with his grandmother all winter and every day she would give him and his brothers a little piece of Garlic and she made them swallow it. He said while others ended up with the Colds and the Flu, he said that he and his brothers never got sick.
      When you feel a Cold coming on boil a few cloves of Garlic in a pan of water and then you sip on this Garlic Tea. Drinking this tea slowly will help a sore throat also. The Garlic needs to be cut up very fine or put it into a blender before boiling it. This Garlic Tea will kiss all Colds Good By!!
      Putting crushed Garlic into a vaporizer will not only cure a Cold but it will disinfect a whole room of its germs. The only thing that is bad this method will give your house a Garlic smell but that problem can be taken care of if you removed the Garlic and add a mint oil or Mentholatum.

      5. A fresh slice of Onion dipped into a cup of hot water a couple of times to make a simple Onion Tea will do wonders to a Cold when you sip on it. Also you will sleep better at night if you cut a Onion so that it can sit on your night stand all night long to where you can breath its fumes. I personally find this Remedy very effective. I will put my Onion on a stool next to my bed. It almost has a magical effect. It helps you to breath all night long with no coughing. This method really does work.

      6. Making a tea from the herb called Horehound. The dried leaves are made into a tea and this is excellent for Colds and the Flu. This tea will also loosen up the gunk that gets caught in you throat. The tea is very bitter and it needs to be sweetened with honey.
      Back in the good old days they use to make a hard tack candy called Horehound Candy. It was a popular candy in the winter time because of its effectiveness against Colds and a Sore Throat. This so called Horehound Candy is commonly sold in many stores throughout the Western part of the United States. But you have to acquire a taste for it. Because of its bitter-sweet taste most first time users will put a piece in their mouth and then they will spit it right back out again. Then they will say " How can anyone eat such awful candy. "  I have seen children eat this candy and very much enjoy it. Like I say, you have to acquire a taste for it. Most people do not like Beer or plain Black Coffee the first time they tried it. Personally I think both of these liquids are very nasty tasting and yet most of the people in the world drink both of these with no complaints.

      7. Both the Russians and the Mountain Folk in the United States will make a tea out of Elderberry Flowers. They will add Lemon Juice to this tea and it was used to cure colds and the Flu. Of course these flowers are probably not available when Cold season comes around but they can be bought at a health food store at a low price.

      8. Birch Bark Tea. The Old Timers claim that this is the Best Remedy when it comes to Colds, the Flu and sore throats. The recipe is as follows:
      You strip the bark from Birch Trees [ Sweet and/or Black Birch will have a wintergreen mint taste to it.] then you wash the bark and boil it until it turns to a murky brown. You strain the tea through a cloth and to each quart add one half of a cup of sugar, one tablespoon of honey and 6 Sage leaves. After you heat this mixture up you add one level teaspoon of Alum. When this liquid has cooled it will be known as  " Birch Bark Tea ", and it was stored in quart sized or half gallon containers.

      9. Sassafras Tea is excellent for Colds and the Flu. I use to drink this a lot when I was a child and I loved its taste. This tree grows commonly all over the Northeastern part of the United States, but not at all in the Mountain States and I am sure it grows in other parts of the world also. Sassafras Tea is commonly sold at health food stores.

    10. " Wild Cherry Bark Tea ". This tea is excellent for getting rid of the gunk in you throat. It is also known as the Chest Cold Tea and a Pep Tonic. This tea will control diarrhea. It will tune up your vocal cords. If you could not sing before you will be able sing now. I have used this tea a lot and it has a chalky texture to it when you gargle with it. I bought mine at a health food store.

    11. Another Tea that was good for a Cold or the Flu was to boil ground up Flax Seed into a tea, and just before you drink it you add Lemon Juice and honey to it.

   12. A Vaporizer is an excellent investment for those who may have the Flu or a Cold or Bronchitis. This one is excellent for children as well as for Adults. It is best to put the vaporizer into a tent next to a bed. In this way you get the full benefit of the vaporizer. You could add Vicks Salve, or Mentholatum or one of the mint oils. A couple sticks of Cinnamon will work also.

  13. At night rub yourself down on the neck and /or the chest with some Vicks Salve or Mentholatum. Then wear a bandanna around your neck to hold the heat in. This always felt good during a cold and this is also great for children.

  14. Eat plenty of fresh fruit during the " Cold Season ". Also fresh carrot juice or fresh apple cider is drank for Colds and the Flu.

 15. This is my own personal Remedy. Because I had to work out side for most of my life, I would wear a bandanna on my neck during the cold weather. This will keep the cold from blowing on your neck and across your chest. This is great for men or women. When it got extra cold outside, I would wear two bandannas because it would keep your neck extra worm. During cold weather I would also wear a stocking cap and a pair of gloves. This not only kept you warm but it also prevented colds. I would also wear three or four pairs of socks to keep my feet warm. During the summer months i would wear two pair of socks to soak up the sweat and prevent blisters from forming on my feet.
      During the summertime, I wear a bandanna on my neck most of the time because it soaks up the sweat on my neck and keeps it cool. It also helps to prevent sunburn on the back of the neck. If you watch any cowboy shows, most of them wear bandannas and long sleeve shirts on the hottest days. These clothes kept the cowboy cool and it also prevented the arms and the back of the neck from getting sunburned. They also used the bandanna to cover their faces during a dust storm. The Indians on the other hand would wear a band on their head. This prevented the sweat from coming off the eyebrows and rolling down their face. I do this also during the summer and wear a bandanna on my head when I am doing a lot of heavy work outside.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Good Remedy For Sore Throat And Gingivitis.

      Everyone suffers from a sore throat at some time or another both at being a child or an adult. Our throats will become all congested with foreign matter that is chocking us and making us cough over and over again, and you wonder, " Will this cough ever go away! ". But before we go into a remedy for sore throat, we need to find out what causes these sore throats in the first place so that we can prevent them.
      There are four events that take place in North America and other parts of the world that are a major cause for sore throats. Can you guess what they are? The answer is:  1. Valentines Day  2. Easter  3. Halloween   4. and Christmas.  What do these four days have in common? Yes, the intake into our bodies of a lot of sweets, mostly Candies. At Christmas time we might be eating a lot of sweet breads, jelly rolls, glazed donuts and lots of cakes and cookies with plenty of frosting on them. These mouth watering treats may be some what  " Yummy For The Tummy "  but they are not so great for the throat. All that sugar in the throat just before we go to bed will cause the throat to swell up and become sore and raspy. As a rule of thumb even though this rule is hard to follow:  " Never Eat Any Sweets After 6 P.M. ". Make sure your mouth is all brushed out at least 2 hours before you go to bed. Make sure also that at least one glass of water has been drank after 6 pm to help clear the throat of all foreign matter. For those of you who enjoy the Soda Pops, please no pops after 6 pm. But most people are not going to live this rule and say Heck with it. so if you end up with a sore throat, you can blame yourself.
      There are two kinds of candies that I leave completely alone because they can cause a sore throat real fast. These are:  1. Candy Corn  2. and Orange Candy Peanuts.  Candy Corn or any other candy that is made from the same stuff but are made into Hearts, Eggs, Pumpkins, Christmas Trees and the list goes on and on, these candies can make a sore throat real quick.  The same goes with the orange Candy Peanuts. When you suck on them they turn to pure sugar and when you eat either one of these candies it will quickly make your throat very sore. I am sure that each one of you can tell me about a certain candy that will quickly make your throat sore. Regardless as to how good they may taste, we need to leave them alone.
      Two other times that sore throats will take place, but you will find this more common in children is when we take them to the movies and they eat all that candy. The other time is eating all that cake with lots of frosting and ice cream on birthdays and special holidays. Also there are other factors that will make our throats very sore and they are Pollen or Dust in the air, polluted air that you would find in many of our bigger cities, poisonous gases from factories, steel mills and chemical plants, all of these can cause our throats to be dry, raspy and sore.
      There are lots of remedies that are good for sore throat and some work better then others. I have found a remedy that I like better then all the others and I will tell you about it at the end of this article. It is also an excellent remedy for Gingivitis. The more popular remedies for sore Throat are as follows:

      1. The old fashion remedy is to gargle with warm salt water. This was the common remedy that many wise Mothers would pass this on to their children. I find it to be kind of gagging and I hated to use this remedy even though it was my Mothers favorite remedy. You had to gargle many times with salt water before you found relief. I heard a lot of years later that if you add real lemon juice to the salt water it will make the gargle way more effective. Try it. Maybe it will do wonders for you.

      2. Buy some organic vinegar under the name of  " Braggs ".  Put two tablespoons of this vinegar into a glass of warm water and gargle with this solution. I found this to be more comforting to my sore throat then what I found from gargling with salt water. Again you could add lemon juice to double the effect of this gargle. In my opinion I believe this to be a better way then gargling with that nasty salt water. Also if you swallow this solution rather then spit it out it will have positive side effects on your body. These side effects include lowering your blood pressure, dissolving all crystals in the body, slowing down your aging process, preventing winkles on your face when you get older and the vinegar will kill cancer cells in your body. All of these side effects show that taking a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water is good to drink everyday, and that is a true statement. Do not drink milk for at least an hour after drinking the vinegar water. Milk and Vinegar together will sour your stomach.

      3. Make a  " Hot Tottie ". This is an excellent gargle for sore throat. This is also excellent to sip on when you have a cold or when you are all congested up. This is also good to sip on when colds and flu are headed your way and it may prevent you from getting sick. The recipe is as follows:  Take a cup of hot water and add two tablespoons of organic vinegar. Squeeze into the hot water the juice of a half of lemon, then add a tablespoon of honey and stir well. You can gargle with this solution or you can slowly sip on it until it is all gone. The old timers would also add two tablespoons of Blackberry Brandy. This Brandy has natural Pectin in it which is also a benefit for colds and the flu. The mountain folk would use two tablespoons of any kind of Whisky saying this Hot Tottie was excellent for any kind of cold. In my opinion a Hot Tottie works great either way you choose.

      4. Swallow a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of real lemon juice. This will help a sore throat and a cough. If it does not work the first time try it a second time. Kids like this remedy because it is sweet. Personally, I have tried this method and sometimes it works and then there are other times when it will not work. Try it! IF it does not work then you can try something else.

      5. Make a homemade Cough Syrup that is also soothing to a sore throat. Do the following:
      Chop up a medium size onion, and put this into a quart size jar. Then you add two cups of honey putting this over the onions. Then you add the juice that has been squeezed from a whole lemon. If you let the lemon sit in hot water for a few minutes then you can squeeze more juice out of the lemon. Then you add one cup of Blackberry Brandy. Shake this solution very well and store it in a refrigerator. For a cough or to sooth a sore throat take one teaspoon every three hours.

      6. Gargling or drinking a tea made of  " Verba  Santa " leaves will loosen up the mucus in the throat. This tea can be bought at a Health Foods Store.
      7. Gargling with the tea made from  " Wild Cherry Bark ". The bark from sweet or pie cherries will work also. This is the number one herb for getting rid of mucus and foreign matter from out of the throat. I bought mine from a health foods store and when you gargle with it, it has a chalky  texture to it. Swallowing some of it will not hurt you. This tea is also used to control Diarrhea. This tea will also tune up your vocal cords. If you couldn't sing before, you will be able to sing now, and if you have a lovely voice, it will be greatly improved. CAUTION:  Pregnant women should not use this Herb called  " Wild Cherry Bark Tea  ". It has a chemical compound called " Punasin " that could cause Birth Defects. But for everyone else it is a great gargling tea that will get rid of all that " Gunk " that seems to collect in our throats. I will generally put a half of a teaspoon to a cup of warm water, then you stir well and gargle. What ever you have left over, you could let it sit by the sink. Whenever I use it again I add some more water, then I will reheat it in the microwave, stir, and start gargling again. Put your finger in the tea to make sure it is not too hot for gargling. If it is too hot, then just add a little bit of cold water so it will feel comfortable on your throat.

      8. The drinking of Fenegreek Seed Tea will get rid of mucus throughout the whole body.

      9. Often at times Lemons and Limes will go on sale at a store for 5 or 6 for a dollar. My wife will buy 5 dollars worth and take them home and soak them in warm water for a few minutes. This will soften up the fruit so you can squeeze more juice out of them. Then she will put the fresh juice and some pulp into ice trays and let them freeze over night. When the cubes are ready she will take them out of the trays and put them into a zip-lock bag and leave them in the freezer. When you feel a cold, a cough or a sore throat coming on, put one of those Lemon cubes into a water bottle with a lid on it and shake it. When the cube melts you have a cool Lemon water drink that will be very soothing to a cough or a dry raspy throat. This is a wonderful Remedy for Children. Adding honey to it will not only sweeten it but it will also improve the medical properties against a sore throat.

     10. There is a popular mouthwash that is sold at the store called  " Listerine ", and people who have used it for sore throats, they claim that it does a wonderful job. I remember when this product first came out on the market and my Mom bought it as a mouthwash and a gargle. Holy Cow! It was awful tasting. I couldn't figure out how anyone could ever want to use that nasty tasting stuff. My Mom and Dad would use it a lot but we kids wouldn't touch it. All of these years that I have been married, I have never bought the product called  " Listerine ", and my wife does not like it nor will we ever use that nasty garbage. But if you like it then go for it. Like I said that others have claimed that this mouthwash does wonders to sore throats. Again I do believe that the use of Listerine is an adult remedy and children should be given something else for their sore throats.
     11. A teaspoon of Blackberry Brandy with a few drops of lemon juice will also help a sore throat. That is what the old timers will tell you. This will also be great for children, but children don't need to know  what medicine they are taking. Blackberry Brandy has a sweet pleasant taste to it and the natural Pectin in this brandy is good for colds, flu and sore throats in both children and adults.

    12. At many stores in the western part of the United States there is candy made from the herb called  Horehound. These candies have a bitter-sweet taste to them and usually the first time users will spit them right back out onto the ground. Many children have acquired a taste for these candies and they eat them all the time. They are made with honey and they are great for sore throats and for people who have the Flu or a bad Cold. These candies are sold in many stores throughout the western states of the United States in the USA, or they can be ordered from the internet. Just punch in Horehound Candy Sales.

      As I have already said, I have a personal remedy for sore throat and I will use it First because it really works better then all the others. Not only is it good for a sore throat but it is also great for the nagging coughs that sometimes keeps you awake for half the night  This remedy will help you to sleep all night long comfortably........and I kid you not.   The remedy is that you gargle with is PEROXIDE. The same Hydrogen Peroxide that you buy  in the stores to disinfect sores. On the back side of the bottle it does say: WARNING! For external use only and do not put this into your eyes. I figured if peroxide was excellent for outside sores then why not for a sore throat. So the next time I had a sore throat I gargled with Hydrogen Peroxide. It foams up all over in your throat as you gargle and I will gargle for one or two minutes before I spit it out. But I will NOT rinse my mouth out with water. Instead I will leave that foam in my mouth so that the Peroxide can work on my throat all night long. Most generally by morning my sore throat is gone. When the nagging coughs would come and go, again I leave that foam of Peroxide in my throat and I can sleep all night long with no more problems. Some times one gargling will not work and I have to gargle a second time. But over all, gargling with Peroxide has given me more sleep then any other remedy. Sometimes I have to swallow some of the Peroxide to get to some of the lower areas that the gargling won't touch. One word of Caution that I wish to leave with you is that this Hydrogen Peroxide Remedy is an adult remedy for getting rid of sore throat. This Remedy is not for children because they will be more likely to swallow it. Too much Peroxide in your body could be harmful. So keep the bottle of Peroxide out of children's reach. But for adults, Peroxide is a great sore throat and cough reliever. As for children, let them try one of the milder ways of curing a sore throat that is listed up above and below.

      Also rubbing Vicks Salve or Mentholatum on the chest and neck will help to relieve a sore throat. Be sure to tie a neckerchief around the neck to help hold the heat on the neck. Vaporizers are also good at this time for coughs and sore throats. Into the vaporizer you could put the spice called cloves or cinnamon, or you could put in the oil of peppermint or spearmint, or you could add some Vicks salve or Mentholatum. Vinegar will also work in a vaporizer. All of these will fill the air with a strong scent that will help a cough or a sore throat. Again this Remedy  is wonderful for both children and adults.

      For the last 20 years I have had Gingivitis twice. When food gets trapped between the gums and the teeth and it does not get properly brushed out, it will become infected and your gums will swell up with puss. Often the side of your mouth that will have the infection, the gland in your neck will swell up as though you have the mumps. When this happens I will put Hydrogen Peroxide on to my toothbrush and scrub out the whole inside of my mouth real well. Then I will rinse out my mouth and I will repeat the process. This will most generally put a stop to the Gingivitis. If you live near a Dentist, I would advise to go see him for Gingivitis. But if you live way out in the boonies far from a Dentist, you could try this method. If it worked for me it then it should work for you too.

      Please read my article on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Flu Shots, Should We Take It Or Not "..


Friday, December 6, 2013

Stretching And Yawning And Taking A Nap Everyday Will Help You To Live Longer

      Most of us will wake up in the morning and jump out of bed and into the shower. Then we will get dressed, have a cup of coffee and some breakfast, then we are out the door and on our way to work. On weekends we might sleep in a little longer, but if we have other activities planned, then we are again out of that bed and we are getting ready for the weekend.
      How many of you readers out there have had a dog or a cat for a pet? Have you ever noticed that when a dog or a cat first wakes up, what do they both do? They stretch their front legs and give out a big yawn and then they stretch their back legs and give out another yawn. Many times both dogs and cats will do this stretch twice. In fact just about every time the dog and cat gets up from any sleep time they are stretching and yawning. This is natures way of telling us that stretching and yawning after a good nights rest is good for all of us. But most of us are not in the habit of doing these stretches every morning.
      But today is a good day to start Stretching and Yawning. By doing so you will live a lot longer, you will be more healthier and you will be more alert to your everyday problems. So from now on when you wake up in the morning, take a minute and lay on your back and stretch out your body as much as you can and then give out a big yawn. Then you stretch a 2nd time and let out another yawn. Now you can jump out of that bed and take your shower. But before you get dressed or after you get dressed [ I will generally still have my pajamas on when I do this.] lay on the floor and put your head on a pillow and again stretch your body and give out a big yawn. I will do this stretching and yawning two or three times. Then you take a couple of minutes and stretch your legs, and you rotate your arms or swing your legs while you are standing still. You could even do some jumping jacks or jump rope like my wife does every morning. These exercises will get your blood circulating really good. Everyone should spend 5 to 10 minutes doing these body stretches but if you are really pressed for time then just lay on the floor and stretch and yawn. Take this program seriously. It is not stupid. I have a son that does Yoga exercises just about every morning saying that this is a wonderful way to start your day off.
      For those of you who decide to start your own stretch and yawning program, you will find that you will be more alert all day. Your mind will think more clearly and your attitude will be more on the positive side. You will live longer and be less sick then those who do not stretch and yawn. I also believe that the stretching and yawning will bring more Balance to your body. Remember, if nature makes dogs and cats stretch and yawn then humans need to practice this habit also.
      It is also wise for all of us to lay on the floor at midday and again do some body stretches and yawns. If you have time add some other exercises also. Everyone has their private place to do this. You don't have to do this stretching in front of everyone. Many people will go walking on their lunch breaks and this is great exercise also. No one can go wrong by doing some extra walking.

      All Parents who allowed their young children to take naps everyday they have discovered that these children were by far less cranky and they could get along with other children with less fights and disagreements. Children who took naps were more controllable, and Parents did not get so upset with them.
      The same principle of taking a daily nap and making a person feel 100% better can apply to Adults also. Most of us have such a busy schedule with our jobs and family life that there just is no time to squeeze in a midday nap even though we would love to have one. Others have a job that gives them an hour off for lunch, and they can take the time to take a 15 to 30 minute nap. Believe it or not many who have jobs that are centered around doing a lot of thinking and pondering and they are expressing themselves to other people on a regular bases like Lawyers, Congressmen, Senators, all kinds of Doctors and scientists, many of these people do indeed take a nap everyday. A daily nap will clear your mind. It will help you to think more accurately. Your mind will be more relaxed in your problem solving. You will be able to express yourself around other people and others will enjoy spending time with you. Taking a nap will help you to be more on the positive side and you will be more healthier then those who do not take a daily nap. But this also depends on if you are practicing common sense. Both smoking and drinking will make you less healthy and so will a diet of junk food. It is very important to eat the foods that have the natural vitamins and minerals. So let us go out there and get our bodies more balanced today then it was yesterday.

      Taking a daily nap is excellent for everyone no matter what age you are. I Promise you that if you take a daily nap that all the above attributes will be experienced in your life also no matter what age you are, and if you are Wise, you will live longer and more healthier then others who are not so Wise.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Remedies On How To Never Have Credit Card Debt.

      This subject is more like how to use a credit card  " Wisely ". Many of you have had a credit card and had to pay high interest on an unpaid balance. This is no fun and the future may bring much stress and discomfort before your credit card debt is paid off. The whole purpose of this article is to set some rules so that all credit card owners will never have to pay interest on their credit cards ever again. For those of you who will soon be on your own, if you follow these few simple rules, you will never, ever have to pay credit card debt like others before you who have been stuck with it. Having to pay off a credit card debt will hurt you in many ways. If you don't like my rules then make up your own set of rules and then  " Live By Them! ".

Rule Number One.

      Learn To Budget Your Money.

      Pay everything with cash. Buy a Journal or a notebook and when you get your next paycheck write every item down and what you paid for it. This includes food, personal items, monthly utility bills, car payments, rent or house payments, going to the movies, snacks, tobacco, pop and beer, eating out or any toys you may have bought to make yourself happy. Don't cheat yourself, write everything down. When you start running short on money before the next paycheck comes, look back to where your money has been spent. Always remember to write the balance of what is left from your last paycheck so that you will  know at all times how much money you have left. In this way by showing your remaining balance you will not over spend your paycheck. It is also important to start a savings program so that when something breaks down, you will have extra money to pay for it. As a rule of thumb put 10% of each pay check into a savings account. But don't cheat yourself. Put money back into the bank to replace what you have drawn out so that the next time things get out of hand, you will again have money in the bank to pay for it.
      Do this budget long enough until you feel really good to where your money is going and you are living within your means. It is not how much money you can make that is important but how wisely you can spend your hard earned money and how to make that money stretch. By budgeting your money, you will have learned to say NO, and you will have extra money to put into the bank and you will feel very comfortable with how you are spending your money in between paychecks. When you get very comfortable with how you are budgeting your money wisely, then you are ready for a credit card.  " Do Not Use A Credit Card Until You Feel Comfortable With How You Are Budgeting Your Money!!!! ". Believe it or not some people will pay everything with cash. They don't even have a checking account which is OK because you never have to worry about your balance and you will not have to pay any penalties. But in this day and age most of us will never see a paycheck ever again. All of this money will go into a Direct Deposit and most of our utility bills will be paid on line.

Rule Number Two.

      Never Use Your Credit Card As A Second Paycheck.

      Too many people who are not wisely spending their money will run low on cash and then they will use a credit card for money that is not there. In other words the credit card is being used as a second paycheck. That is why it is so important to budget your money so you can live comfortably from paycheck to paycheck with no problems. Treating the credit card as a 2nd paycheck will get you into a lot of trouble with Credit Card Debt. So again I say  " Never Use Your Credit Card As A 2nd Paycheck!!!! ".

Rule Number Three.

      Never Use Your Credit Card Unless You Already Have Money In The Bank To Pay For What Will Be Charged On The Credit Card.

      This means that you have an active bank account in which you are adding money to it on a regular bases and you know how much is in that account. Always have more money in your account then what your credit card will ever pull out. As a rule of thumb, I will have over a thousand dollars in my checking account so that when I use my credit card the total amount that has been with drawn, it will rarely go under the thousand that is left in the bank. In other words I always know what is in my checking account so when I use my credit card I already feel comfortable with my final balance. This in its self will protect me from ever having credit card debt. How much money that you wish to have in your account is totally up to you. But in an emergency to where I might need several hundred dollars, I still can use my credit card safely and wisely.

Rule Number Four.

      Always Pay Off Your Credit Card Bill With In 5 Days After You Have Received It.

      Don't put it off. Make this a habit. If you have followed the other three rules then paying off the monthly bill should never be a problem. That is why it is so important for you to never use your credit card unless you already have money in the bank to pay for it.

      If you are one of those people who will find that these four rules are hard to live by, then you should never use a credit card. A credit card will ruin your life and then some. You will be unhappy, uncomfortable and other people will not enjoy being around you. On the other hand, if you live by these 4 rules very seriously, I promise you that you will enjoy a peace of mind that only a few others will enjoy, and by doing so you will never, ever have to pay credit card interest for the rest of your life. That Sure Sounds Great!! Don't you agree!!  Please read my article on " How To Get More Out Of Your Paycheck ".