Friday, March 22, 2013

How To Successfully Grow Carrots Every Year

     Many people have told me that they have a hard time growing carrots in the garden. This is very easy and  I have taught them and they have grown carrots now with great success.  Now I would like to teach you also.  My wife and I have grown carrots successfully for 30 years plus.  I never grow carrots in a single row.  I grow them in a wide row about as wide as a rake or a shovel head.  The length of the carrot row is 10 to 20 feet, or you can grow them on the south side of your house.  I first will dig up the soil with a garden shovel and break it up fine.  Then I add cow manure, Epson salt, pot ash and phosphorus to the soil, and again I turn over the soil and let it mix really good.  If you have clay soil, you can add sand to the soil at this time also.  I usually mark my carrot row with four wooden stakes, one on each corner of the row.
     My pick of a carrot seed is a proven sweet carrot with no core in the middle, and I like dwarf carrots over the long ones because they are much easier to dig up; but if your mother or grandmother has always grown the long carrots, they are fine too.  Now sprinkle the carrot seed on your prepared rows, but Do Not Bury The Seed.  Then add your favorite radish seed, white and/or red.  Compared to the carrot seed, sprinkle the radish seed sparingly, then use the back side of your rake and tamp the seeds into the soil.  Again, Do Not Bury the Seed.  I usually will put a spray nozzle on my water hose and sprinkle the water on the carrot seed on low to medium water pressure.  Then I cover the carrot area with grass clippings so you cannot see the soil anymore.  This will keep the birds from eating the seed and it also keeps the moisture in the soil. The young carrot plants will push their way up through the grass clippings with no problems.
     After the carrots begin to grow, water them every other day.  This makes sweet, juicy carrots.  After 30 to 40 days, check your radishes and pull them out when they are big enough to eat.  Growing and pulling out the radishes means you do not have to thin your carrot.  At least I have never thinned my carrots.  You can start eating your carrots when they become the size of your finger.  I never peel my carrots.  I pull them and wash them, then I eat them raw, or dice them and boil them in water.
     When my peas are ready, I eat them with my carrots.  You can add carrots to beef stews and soups like chicken soup.  To my mashed potatoes, I will add cooked carrots, peas, onions, peppers (These last two are usually diced and are added in a raw state), corn, celery and broccoli.  You can throw all these in at the same time, or in a combination.  You could also add cooked hamburger, or sausage.  Or you could add some leftover meat in your fridge, like roast beef chicken, turkey, or wild game meats.  Even hot dogs  that are cooked and cut up tastes great in mashed potatoes.  To top this off, you could add your favorite gravy (mine is country gravy) and/or grated cheese.  This sounds mouth watering doesn't it?
     When the leaves start falling off the trees, gather them up and put 3 feet of leaves on your carrots.  This will keep them from freezing.  And in the winter time, whenever you need some fresh carrots, you remove the snow and the leaves and dig the carrots out.  Be sure to replace the leaves so the rest of the carrots will keep fresh all winter.
     When you grow carrots in this way, there is plenty for you and also your good neighbors.  So again I ask you:  Are you a carrot lover?  You should be!

     Please read my articles on " How to grow lots of Peas ", and " Remedies for a better Garden ".

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are You A Carrot Lover? You Should Be!

     My mom use to feed us canned carrots as we grew up.  Canned carrots are mushy and tasteless.  As kids we hated them.  As a teenager. I had the chance to drink some carrot juice that my grandmother had made and the carrots came from her own garden.  Wow!  I thought that juice was delicious.  I couldn't believe that I was enjoying a by-product of carrots.  After I got married, my wife grew carrots in her garden and put them on the table for me, and I made a face at them, and I wouldn't eat them.  My wife could not understand how I did not like one of the tastiest vegetables that was ever placed on the supper table.  She told me to try a little bit with a dab of butter and some salt and pepper.  So I tried it and guess what?  For the first time in my life, I was enjoying cooked carrots and was helping myself to a 2nd and 3rd serving.  I have been a great carrot eater ever since and I have never eaten canned carrots ever again.
     If you are not a carrot eater, then you need to become one.  They are so healthy for you.  Because carrots are bright orange, they are an antioxidant and they are rich in beta carotene.  The body digests this beta carotene and turns it into vitamin A.  The molecules from digesting carrots will kill cancer cells when it comes in contact with them. The eating of carrots will also prevent Heart Diseases.
     I thought this was interesting:  When you eat only one cup full of raw carrots, it provides you with 31,000 units of beta carotene, but when you cook the carrots, then it becomes 38,000 units of  beta carotene.  That is 7,000 more units of beta carotene in cooked carrots over the raw ones.
     Now besides killing cancer cells, this beta carotene will greatly improve your eye sight.  And for those of you who suffer from night blindness, for the first time after eating a lot of carrots, you will be able to see better in the dark.  It's the natural Vitamin A that is doing the wonders to your eyes.  But carrots aren't the only edible food that provides beta carotene.  These other foods are also high in this wonderful stuff:

  1. Cantaloupe                                                                  
  2. Sweet Potato
  3. Kale
  4. Turnip greens
  5. Mustard greens
  6. Spinach
  7. Dried Basil
  8. Dried Parsley
  9. Dried Marjoram
  10. Dried Oregano
  11. Fresh Thyme
  12. Any of the Orange Flesh Squash
  13. Pumpkins
  14. Apricots
  15. Lettuce
  16. Collards
  17. Papaya
  18. Nectarines
  19. Peaches
  20. Raw Sunflower Seeds
     For those who did research on cancer in the US,  people who included a lot of beta carotene in their diets, suffer very little from cancer.  On the other hand, the cancer rate was much higher in those people who had very little of it in their diets.
     Also vitamin A is also known as the as the anti-infection vitamin.  It battles viruses and bacteria in two ways.  Vitamin A keeps body cells healthy and it provides the cells with a barrier that resists microorganisms.  Beta carotene also stops the viruses from growing in the body.
     Believe it or not, when you drink carrot juice, it will control Arthritis pains and you can double this effect if you mix celery juice with it.  Also, ground carrots can be wrapped around and  infectious wound and it will draw out the puss and help the wound to heal.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Can Tell You How To Never Ever Have Worms In Your Intestines

     When my brothers and I were young, my mom got herself an evening job and my Dad would cook supper for us.  Much of the time he would feed us really crappy food.  For an example, Dad would buy a pound of bacon and fry it up and then he would eat it.  He would save all the bacon grease and he would soak a slice of bread in the bacon grease.  That is what we ate for supper was the bread and bacon grease.  Well we had worms like you wouldn't believe, and mom would take us all to the basement and give us an enema to flush out the worms.  Oh I hated those days.
     Back in the good ole' days when our forefathers ate basic foods, having worms in the intestines was not as common as it is today.  Why?  The people of today do not eat the basics.  What I mean by the basics is that we do not buy the grain and freshly grind it into flour to make breads, cakes, muffins and rolls or whole wheat pancakes.  Instead, we are eating white refined flour that has no wheat germ, and no bran, and no vitamins.  This white flour is the kind of food that worms love to eat.  Many of us eat the fast foods that you just pop into a microwave for a minute or two and it is ready to eat.  Worms love this kind of food also.
     Most of our forefathers grew gardens and ate fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables, along with their whole grain products.  But today most of us will eat the canned vegetables and the canned soups.  They don't want to take the time to make the fresh homemade soups.  We are in a fast moving world, so most of us eat the same kind of foods that worms love to eat.
     When I was in college, I was supporting myself, so I was always looking for ways to budget my money and make it stretch.  So for $15 I bought a grist grinder that grinds fresh wheat into cereal and a 50 pound bag of wheat for $5.  For a whole year or more I ate oatmeal, fresh ground wheat cereal, sometimes cold cereal, and sometimes eggs and pancakes for breakfast.  The fresh ground cereal basically gave me all the breakfast I wanted for only about 10 cents a meal.  I would add a dab of butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins, vanilla and/or maple flavoring, and milk.  I would even add some vanilla ice cream when it was available.  Even though I added all these goodies, my breakfast was still all I wanted to eat for only about 10 to 15 cents a meal, and eating oatmeal was about the same.
     Later I read some interesting things about eating winter wheat.  First of all, it has 12% protein.  It has fresh wheat germ and wheat bran.  Winter wheat is also high in Vitamin E.  All four of these are deadly enemies to worms, and they are deadly enemies to Cancer Cells. If there was any worms in my body, they would have left a long time ago.  Too bad my Mom and Dad didn't have some of this knowledge when we were younger.
     Another way to get rid of worms is to eat hot spicy foods.  Worms do not like hot foods.  The worms would rather take a vacation instead, and never come back. The Red Hot Peppers are the best to use. Not only will they get rid of worms but they will also kill Cancer Cells because they are very high in Antioxidants and there is a lot of  Vitamin C. The same goes for any brightly colored fruit or vegetable that you might grow in your garden, these are all deadly enemies to worms.
     Worms like to eat food that has been robbed of it's life-giving properties and most people know that junk food fits into that category.  On the other hand, life-giving foods will get rid of worms.  Fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, by eating these foods you can say good by to the worms forever!

      Please read my article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/ The Facts About Cancer That Doctors Do Not Want You To Know About ".

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do You Have An Itch That Won't Quit?

by uncle bob    

     As we grow older, our bodies become more sensitive to cold, to dust particles in the air, to different soaps, lotions, and creams that we put on our bodies, and to insects.  Over the years, I have developed itches on my body and my feet that I have scratched until I was sore.  After doing much reading, I made an interesting discovery.  Those of us who have suffered from "Chicken Pox" when we were children thought it was cured when it went away.  But in most people who have had chicken pox, the virus of this disease went dorant in our bodies.  When we got older, this virus became active again; not in the form of chicken pox, but more in the form of "Hives", and you have itches all over the body.  I have noticed that if you cook up a batch of hot oatmeal cereal and dump it into a cheese cloth bag and swish it in a tub full of very warm water until it looks milky and soak yourself in this warm water, it will relieve you of your itches, but when you itch in the middle of the night and you need something to cure it right then and there, I have invented a salve that will relieve most itches in just 20 seconds.
     At a farmer's store, buy a can of "Bag Balm".  This product comes in a green square can. There are red clover flowers printed on the lid. This is a salve that farmers put on sore cow udders, but it works great for humans also.  Open up the can and take some out and put it into another container.  This regular salve is good for rashes, sores, insect bites and bee stings.  Leave the rest of the salve in the green can and melt it down on very low heat.  After it turns to liquid, add 12 capsules of  powdered yellow dock root to it.  these capsules can be bought at any health food stores.  There are about 100 capsules to a bottle.  Empty the powdered root into the mixture.  It will look like chocolate pudding.  Then let it cool over night and it will become a dark brown salve.  Put some white tape on the green lid and write on it "itch salve".  Like I have already said, this salve will relieve itch in just 20 seconds.  Whenever I get an itch on my body or feet, day or night, I rub on that itch salve and I find instant relieve.  This salve works so much better than the commercial itch salves. Be careful when you use this salve it will stain your clothes or it can stain your sheets.
     An old man had an itch on his butt and for 15 years he would scratch it.  Then one day he was visiting his sister and her best friend told him about "Wheat Germ Oil". He was told that when it was applied to itchy areas, it will make an itch go away.  So this old man tried it on his butt, and for the first time in 15 years, he found relief.  The itch was actually gone.
     Those of you who have Vitamin E oil, apply this oil to an itch and it will also relieve it.  Apple cider vinegar will also relieve itches and so will baking soda.  But out of all of these.  I still like to use my itch salve
     Everyone has to change their diet or eating habits from time to time to order to keep up with our everyday demands that will help us to be more healthier. I too have changed my diet trying to keep up with a healthy body. Several months ago my wife and I decided on a diet that cuts way back on the use of Sugar. That diet was showing us that we had to cut way back on our Soda Pop drinking. Right now we drink only water, milk and fruit juices. Of coarse I try to drink molasses and milk everyday because it kills Cancer Cells. [ Read my article on Molasses and Milk.]. We both have a sweet tooth but we have said  NO to all kinds of candy and the milk chocolates which is my favorite. In doing my research on Sugar the negative side effects that are attached to Sugar are 20 to 1, yes Sugar is Deadly and it should be no longer a part of our diet. By the way the number one disease that comes from eating too much sugar is Diabetes. So if you are no longer using  sugar you are doing yourself a big favor health wise. My wife asked me the other day if I have noticed anything really unusual about this NO SUGAR DIET, and I said yes that I have not had any ITCHES anywhere on my body for a long, long time. You too could enjoy NO MORE ITCHES, BY EATING NO MORE SUGAR. And don't be surprised if you never became a Diabetic!
      My wife and I have not used any soda pop for a few years. On Earth Day, I took in a load of metals that I have been saving all year, and I drank 3 or 4 cups of soda pop that was being given away for free. About two hours later I had the itches real bad for several days. The next time that the soda pop is given away for free I plan to leave it alone. If you have the itches and you are a soda pop drinker, It might be wise to leave the the pop alone. Besides this soda pop will take away the oxygen in our bodies causing more Free Radicals. Of course if you want all the Free Radicals that you can possibly get and you enjoy scratching all the itches that you are getting then be sure to drink all the soda pop that you possibly can.

      Please read my article on Google Search: Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Will Magnets Help Our Bodies.