Monday, September 29, 2014

Natural Remedies For Bed-Wetters.

      I had a lady come to me and said that she had a problem with Bed-Wetters and over the years she had to cope with it and yet she had not found a way to solve the problem. She then asked me for suggestions. The first thing I said to her was to give her children 4 fl. oz. of pure Cranberry Juice before they went to bed. This Juice controls the bladder and it helps you to sleep all night without wetting the bed. She asked if this worked on my children? I told her that I did nor discover this Remedy until after my children had learned to overcome this bad habit. I told her that I had read several sources where people claimed that pure Cranberry Juice does really work. Also if you add real lemon juice to the Cranberry Juice it will double it's properties and it is great on your Kidneys.

 1. So the first Remedy is to give 4 fl. oz. of pure Cranberry Juice to the Bed-Wetter before they go to bed. Like I said up above this Juice will control your bladder so that you will not have to Pee during the night. Not all Remedies will work for each person, but you could try this and if it works, hey that is great. But if it does not work then you can try something else. But from what I have researched, Cranberry Juice is not only great for children but it is also good for older folks too.

 2. A lady who was a Bed-Wetter both as a child and an adult discovered that eating HONEY before going to bed helped her to stay dry all night long. She got this information from a friend and guess what? It did work! From that time fourth she kept plenty of honey around the house and this Remedy also works for children. Children really like this Remedy because it is sweet. This lady eats a teaspoon of honey in the morning, one teaspoon at noon, one teaspoon in the afternoon and another before she goes to bed. The honey causes the body to secrete more ADH Hormones and this slows down or stops the urination.

 3. We used the old fashioned method on our children and it help them to control Bed-Wetting. Number one. You can get up every night and take them to the bathroom. This most generally would stop the Bed-Wetting. Also no water was drank after 6 PM. A third way was to set an alarm to go off each night and the child would train himself to get up and go to the bathroom. You would also teach him to set his own alarm all by himself. After a while they will get up on their own without the alarm and go to the bathroom.

 4. A Chiropractor claims that there is a bone in the pubic area of children that does not form right  while the child is growing up and if not corrected the child will Pee the bed. But if the Chiropractor makes a simple adjustment that causes the bone to sit like it is supposed to do then the child will not be wetting the bed anymore. I do believe that this is possible because when my children had ear drainage problems, a simple adjustment from the Chiropractor drained the ears and a Medical Doctor did not have to put tubes in his ears which save us a few thousand dollars.

 5. Taking Corn Silk in capsules before going to bed at night, this will stop a child from wetting the  bed.

 6. By not letting children drink milk from the time they get home from school to the time that they  go to bed, this will stop children from wetting the bed.

 7. One person claimed that " Orange Blossom Honey " was way more effective in stopping bed- Wetters then that of using regular honey. This is also true with Blueberry and Blackberry Honey.

 8. This is for grown-ups. Do not drink Beer after 6 PM. Beer will make you want to Pee all night  long.

 9. Cut way down on the Sugar intake for children. This includes the drinking of Soda Pops. Way too  much Sugar in their diets will cause them to be Bed-Wetters.

10. Feed a child a whole white Walnut, they look like a Brain, and a tablespoon of Raisins. This will  stop a child from wetting the bed.

11. Giving a child a Bone Meal Tablet after lunch and a 2nd one after supper, this will stop them
 from wetting the bed.

12. The lack of the Mineral called Magnesium in a child's body can cause them to be Bed-Wetters.  Have them take a pill that has both Vitamins and Magnesium.

13. When you Pee in the toilet do this: Pee,Stop... Pee, Stop... Pee, Stop...Do this until the urine is  gone. This will strengthen the Bladder Muscle and you will Pee less often during the night. If you   can teach a child to do this it will help them to control Bed-Wetting. This also works very well with older men.

14. Blueberries are expensive to buy in a store. But if you live in an area where Blueberries or  Blackberries grow wild all around you, you can gather them and eat them before going to bed.
 This will help to control Bed-Wetting. The eating of these berries will also cure Diarrhea. They
 are high in Pectin and that is what does the trick.

15. It is suggested that you take your child to a Clinical Hypnotherapist. These people can teach a
 child to overcome their Bed-Wetting problem in just 2 or 3 visits.

16. One Doctor suggested that you tie a towel around the child's loins with the knot in the front
 before the child goes to bed. The reason is unknown but in some children this method did cure

      For best results try 3 or 4 of these suggestions all at the same time. These suggestions are safe to use for both children and adults.

      Every child is different and not every Remedy will work for everyone. If one does not seem to work then try another one. One lady claimed that regular Honey would not work for her kids. But she discovered that the Orange Blossom Honey worked very well in helping her children into overcoming their Bed-Wetting problems.

      There are 16 methods that are suggested here and Parents who are using them on their kids, they claim that many of them do work and they are providing a dry night for their children for the first time in years. Like I have already said that these Remedies will work for Adults also. So give it a try! You have nothing to loose!

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