A large range of things can cause a reaction to the body. Different kinds of pollen in the air or the smell of Chemicals. Some foods you have eaten or clothes that you have worn or touching poisonous plants. Any one of these items could have caused one of the following: A.--Red watery eyes. B.--Itchy skin. C.--Sneezing. D.--Coughing. D.--A runny nose. E.--Hives or rashes. F.--Stomach cramps. G.--Diarrhea. H.--Vomiting. I.--Or you are having a hard time breathing.
Sometimes we could even be sensitive to some of the Chemical that are found in the foods that we eat. Or too many sweets are entering our bodies, and it just can not handle all that sugar. Many things like this can cause a reaction. They make us go Bananas. It is also good to know about the prescription drugs that we are taking. They could be bothering us also. Below are some Remedies that will help you to overcome those Allergies.
1. If you feel that something is always bothering you then go see a Doctor to help you determine the next step that you need to take. Also see a Doctor if your body reacts to a Bee Sting, or see a Doctor for a spider or a snake bite.
2. If you feel that there are several things that are bothering you could start an " Allergy Journal " and make a list of all the foods you ate, the clothes that you wore, the lotions and soaps you have used and how they have reacted on your body. In this way you may be able to pinpoint as to what is causing your problem.
3. If packaged food was bothering you you could read the ingredients on the package to determined what was in it that was bothering you or you could avoid the product altogether.
4. Always wash with soap and water all pots and pans and dishes before you reuse any of them. Just rinsing the food off the plates is not good enough. Also make sure that the soap is all washed off with a good rinse. Soap that is left on the dishes could cause a reaction. It is best to drip-dry your dishes in stead of using a towel for best results.
5. Eat your food with a positive attitude. A negative attitude could make your body react to a lot of different foods.
6. Always wash your hands and face before eating. This will prevent Germs from getting into your food. Wash your hands often during the day. This will prevent Germs, different forms of Virus and Bacteria from spreading to your clothes and other body parts like your face.
7. Wash your clothes and bed sheets regularly. Sanitation is very important in preventing Allergic Reactions.
8. Make sure that your bathroom is clean and disinfected regularly so that your waist products will not spread a disease. Always wash your hands after using the bathroom and use plenty of soap and water.
9. Soaps, body lotions, shampoos and hair spray can also cause an Allergic Reaction on our bodies.
10. If a deodorant gives you a rash then quit using it and try another one.
11. Take a bath regularly using soap, shampoo or liquid body soap. If any of these make you itch then try something else. Some soaps bother me and others do not. Even dish soap can be used as a shampoo or a body wash because it is a concentrated soap. Do not use regular soap to wash your hair. this will dry up your scalp causing your skin to flake and become dandruff.
12. The juice inside an Aloe Vera plant is very soothing to sores, burns, itches and rashes that may have formed from an Allergic Reaction. It will relieve all kinds of skin problems.
13. Soak a cloth in sweet milk and put this onto irritated skin or sunburn for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this process on any skin condition until it feels better.
14. You can also rub Yellow Mustard, the same that you put on hot dogs, onto sores, rashes and sunburn. This will relieve the pain and cause these irritations to heal.
15. Use " Calendula Tea " for soothing irritated skin and sunburn. The instructions are as follows. Steep " Marigold Flowers " in hot water and put the tea soaked rag over your rash or sunburn. You will feel 100% better. Calendula is a common ingredient in many oils, creams and ointments to help wounds to heal fast. Another flower called " Chamomile ", it has the same properties for healing wounds the same as " Calendula ". Chamomile Tea has been a popular beverage for over 300 years in helping the body to relax and it will help you to sleep better at night. It has no side effects.
16. A cloth soaked in Witch Hazel will get rid of a rash or other body pains.
17. Crushed Flax seed mixed with hot water or you can use flax seed oil, this can be applied to irritated shin with good results.
18. The leaves of the English Walnut Tree can be boiled in water and applied to sores and other skin irritations for excellent results. It is very good for oosing sores. It will make them dry up and heal.
19. Almond Oil is also good for softening and soothing irritated skin.
20. If the Pollen in the air is bothering you then buy some local honey and eat a teaspoon of it everyday. In a lot of people the honey will control your Allergic Reaction to the pollen.
21. Mix a tablespoon of horseradish with some honey and add a few drops of real lemon juice. All three of these will kill Bacteria and it will force your sinuses to open up. It will also destroy the mucus in your body.
22. Take 500 milligrams of the leaves of Stinging Nettle in capsules 3 times a day, when your body is going through an Allergic Reaction. The leaves have a lots of good health properties and they could be taken everyday on a regular bases.
23. Take 120 to 240 milligrams a day of Ginkgo Biloba. This is a very effective Allergy fighter.
24..It is suggested to use 3000 milligrams a day of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. This is fish oil and it is used for Allergies. The Fish Oil from Salmon and Mackerel is the best choice.
25. Flax seed is very high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Take one tablespoon of Flax Seed Oil everyday or put it into your juice or smoothie. Flax Seed is a deadly Cancer fighter. It is also suggested to put a teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil into a 16 oz. container of cottage cheese and eat this with your meals.
26. If you suffer from pollen during that part of the season then always wash your hair before going to bed. This will prevent the pollen from going from your head to your pillow.
27. During pollen season, be sure to roll up all the windows of your car and turn on the air conditioning.
28. During pollen season, wear wrap around sunglasses to protect your eyes or wear a face mask.
29. A thunderstorm will cause Pollen Grains to swell up and break open. So if pollen bothers you then stay indoors during a thunderstorm and up to 3 hours afterwards.
30. Vacuum all your carpets regularly. This will pick up dust and insects called " Dust Mites " that can cause an Allergic Reaction. If your bed has Dust Mites and it is giving you an Allergic Reaction, you can buy a special covering at a drug store to cover over your bed. This will repel all insects.
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