Saturday, September 6, 2014

Remedies For Cuts, Wounds And Nosebleeds.

      When we were children we were always falling down and scraping our arms and legs on the ground or falling off our bikes. We were always getting nicked somewhere on the body, and who was our Doctor? Yes, you are right, our own Mothers. Today we are the Moms and Dads and it is our turn to doctor up ourselves and our children. Generally for most cuts and wounds we do not need to see a Doctor and with the few ideas listed below we should be able to fix most wounds ourselves.
      But you need to be the Judge. If a wound has torn off a lot of skin and flesh from an accident or there is a big gap in the flesh from a knife wound or from some glass, then the person needs medical attention. TAKE THEM TO A DOCTOR.
      For the minor cuts and wounds, just do some of the basic First-Aid that our parents use to practice. Here are some basic guide lines.

 1. You need to stop the bleeding. Put a clean cloth over the bleeding area and apply pressure for a few minutes. This is very important for wounds that are bleeding a lot. In this case while pressure is being applied, get the person to a Doctor as soon as possible. Some people think that you have to use a Tourniquet to stop the bleeding. A Tourniquet is something that you tie around the leg or arm between the wound and the heart to cut off blood circulation. Improper use of a Tourniquet could cause the loss of an arm or a leg or it could cause the person to die. DO NOT USE A TOURNIQUET! Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.

 2. The wound needs to be cleaned. Often when you fall on the ground there is dirt on the wound. All cuts and wounds need to be washed with Soap and Water. Soap will not only clean the wound but it also disinfects all wounds, and helps them to heal.

 3. Apply a disinfectant to the wound. Soap may disinfect it but you need to be doubly sure. So at this time apply Iodine or Hydrogen Peroxide or Rubbing Alcohol and then put a bandage over the wound.

 4. For smaller wounds you can put a Band-Aid on it after you have washed it. If the wound is on your finger and it is bleeding, you could put your finger into white flour or baking soda. Both of these will quickly stop the bleeding. For larger wounds use some gauze after you have washed it and use some white tape to hold the gauze onto the wound. Change the bandage twice a day and before you put another on it spray some more disinfectant onto the wound.

 5. There are several things that you could add to a wound to speed up the healing time or provide more comfort to the wound. These Ointments, Salves, Sprays and Oils can be bought at the store. The Manager will help you to pick the right one. Below are some of the other extras that you could put on a wound to make it more comfortable.

 A.    Many people grow a plant in their house called Aloe Vera. When you break a leaf off this plant the juice in the leaf is excellent for Cuts, Wounds and Burns. It is very soothing to any Wound and it will speed up the healing time.

 B.    The milky fluid that is found in the Dandelion Plant or the Milkweed Plant, it can be added to a Wound to help speed up the healing time.

 C.    White Vinegar is excellent when added to all Wounds.

 D.    Honey is excellent for Burns and all kinds of Wounds. Honey is a natural disinfectant and it will draw the heat out of a Burn. Just put a little dab of it on the Band-Aid or the gauze and then tape it directly to the sore.

 E.    Yellow Mustard that you put on Hot Dogs is also good for all kinds of Wounds. It is excellent for Bad Sunburns. It is very soothing to the Burn and it will help you sleep at night without that prickly feeling that you get from sunburn. Again just put a dab of it on a bandage and tape it to the wound.

 F.    Vitamin E Oil is excellent when rubbed onto all Wounds and Burns. Again this is very soothing to all Wounds.

 G.    A lady from India says that Yogurt is very soothing to all Wounds and Burns.

 H.    A lady got bitten on the calf of her leg by a wild alley cat and her leg became swollen. The next day she went to Wyoming, USA, to visit her sister. The sister's neighbor was a Country Doctor and she came over to look at that swollen leg. She took a piece of bread and soaked it in sweet milk and tied it to the lady's leg with some cotton strips. The next day the wound was almost healed and the leg was no longer swollen.

 I.    Today if a person steps on a rusty nail, they are given a Booster Shot and then the Doctor will clean and bandage the puncher wound. Back in the good old days over 100 years ago before they had Booster Shots, if a person stepped on a rusty nail or got injured on rusty farm equipment, they would take a thin piece of salt pork fat and put lots of pepper on it and then tie it onto the wound. This method would always work because the pork fat would always draw out the poison and prevent infection.

 J.    I always keep a can of Bag Balm sitting in my house. It is excellent for all kinds of wounds and rashes. If you melt the salve down on low heat until it turns to liquid and then add 12 capsules of powdered Yellow Dock Root to the liquid and stir it, it will make a very good itch salve. When it cools it will be a salve again. The powdered Yellow Dock Root can be bought at any health foods store. This is really some good stuff.

 K.    As it shows up above there are several Oils the are good for all kinds of wounds and it will speed up the healing time. These Oils are: Vitamin E, Garlic, Flax Seed, Wheat Germ and Olive Oil.

L.    A man had a finger that got all infested and it was full of puss. His wife put a slice of tomato on the finger and bandage it up. Two days later the finger was almost healed.

      So when we are faced with Cuts and Wounds. we do not have to always run to the Doctor when we can apply First-Aid ourselves. But remember, if the cut is way too big or too deep or too much skin and flesh was torn from the body, then it may be wise to include a Doctor. But most wounds can be treated at home.

      Now it is time to say something about Nosebleed. Some people get them often while others get them only once in a while. But the Remedies in stopping a nosebleed are easy.
      Most nosebleeds are caused from us digging in our nose with a finger. Something is in our nose and it is driving us batty. So we put our finger up our nose to get that bothersome matter out of our nose. But while doing so we accidentally scratch the insides of our nose with the fingernail and our nose starts to bleed. You all know what I mean. Or we accidentally bump our nose and it begins to bleed. To stop a Nosebleed, please do one of the following:

 1.    The most common way to stop a nosebleed is to put a piece of tissue paper up each nose hole and leave them there for a few minutes. When you pull them out, if the nose is still bleeding then repeat the process and leave the tissue in there for a longer period of time.

 2.    Use your thumb and first index finger and squeeze both sides of the nose for a few minutes. This will stop a nosebleed.

 3.    Putting a cold object on the back of the neck will stop a nosebleed, like an ice pack, or a cold piece of metal or an ice cube.

 4.    My Boss one day put a broom handle on the back of my neck and pressed down on it. The nose quit bleeding.

 5.    Put a penny between the upper lip and the gums and hold it tight for a few minutes, or use your finger and press hard against the middle of the upper lip for a few minutes.

 6.    I will have to try this one the next time I get a nosebleed. It is so easy. Just put your hands into some ice cold water and it will stop a nosebleed. But remember if one of these Remedies do not seem to work then try another one. No two of us are the same.

      Please read my article on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Will Magnets Help Our Bodies ". Also read " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Molasses And Milk An Old Remedy But Still A Good Remedy ".

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