Monday, March 10, 2014

Do Not Drink Chlorinated Water-It Causes Leg Cramps.

     Drinking Chlorinated water will increase your aging process and it will lower your immune system. If you could look at the percentages of those who drink Chlorinated water compared to those who drink the specially treated water that you buy in a store or those who drank water from a well or a natural springs, you will discover that the Cancer rate was very low compared to thoughts who drank the Chlorinated water. The Cancer rate on those who drink the chlorinated water is 90% higher. This kind of water is bad for your heart, bad on your kidneys and liver and you will be sick more often because your body will be more open to the common diseases.Also the drinking of chlorinated water will cause leg cramps. When I quit drinking the chlorinated water and increased my Calcium in take, I had no more leg cramps. Thank Goodness! So again I say do not drink Chlorinated Water!
      Most of us come from a big city and we have to drink " Treated " water that is approved by the EPA or the USDA. These are government agencies who test our city water on a regular bases, to make sure that the water coming out of our taps is OK to drink. Now what do I mean by " Treated " water?  Every day the water that we drink, it is also used for bathing, washing our clothes and to flush body waists down the toilet. All of this waist water will go through a government approved Treatment Plant and the water is once again made fit to drink. This recycling  of bad water in our big cities goes on and on again and again. The final step is to chlorinate the water. This will get rid of all tiny bugs in the water that could make us all sick. Even though every city government requires all water to be chlorinated, there is a way to unchlorinate the water that we drink. Some people will boil this chlorinated water before drinking it and that is OK. But boiled water has a taste that you have to get use to. There is an easier way to get rid of chlorinated water, and the water will taste much, much better.
      We use wide mouth gallon containers like what was used for salad dressings or wide mouth half gallon glass canning jars. If you don't have either one of these a gallon milk jug will work. Just cut off the top but make sure the handle can still be used, or you could use a half gallon milk or juice container and cut off the top. The whole purpose of these containers is to fill them with the chlorinated water and let them sit on your counter top or kitchen table for 48 hours. By then all the water will have been dechlorinated or the Chlorine evaporated into the air. After 48 hours put this treated water into other water containers and put them into the frig for all your drinking needs. This water is now unchlorinated. A suggestion to pass on to you that I practice is to leave a wide mouth cup by all sinks anywhere in the house and fill it with water. The next day the water will be fit to drink. I will drink the water and then fill it up to drink again on the next day. Other cups could be left there also for other people.
      My wife bought a Ceramic Ring from off the internet that will change the water molecules to a Hexagon shape. This makes the water a little more healthier. It helps the body to absorb vitamins and minerals then what you would get with regular water. The Ring was a bit pricey but if it does what it says it does then I believe that it is worth it. Anyways we have been drinking this unchlorinated, Hexagon shaped water now for over five years. It is worth it because it will slow down our aging process and our chances of getting Cancer will be much less then those who drink the chlorinated water, and we will be by far more healthier and disease-free compared to those who drink the chlorinated water.
      By the way if you are interested in those Ceramic Rings, punch in on Google Search " EM Ceramics for Hexagon Water ".
      So which kind of water would you prefer to drink? By the way those who drink the heavy liquors, this will also speed up your aging process and lower your immune system.
      You can always buy bottled water for all you drinking needs or many stores will sale treated water that you buy by the gallon and you fill your own containers, or you could buy distilled water which is very healthy to drink. This is  the same kind of water that you find inside of fresh fruits and vegetables. A final way to get good drinking water is from a natural well from the ground or from a natural springs that just bubbles out of the ground. My mother-in-law has drank from one of these natural springs for over 40 years.
      By the way those of you who drink the chlorinated water it will cause leg cramps and believe me I have had my share of them. But ever since I began drinking the unchlorinated water I do not have the leg cramps any more like I use to. I still get leg cramps every once in a while but when I was drinking the chlorinated water I got leg cramps almost every night.

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