Monday, March 17, 2014

A Big Breakthrough Or A Cure For Those Who Have Multiple Sclerosis-M.S.

      If you have been diagnosed with MS then you should be under a Doctors care! As it has been simply explained to me, Multiple Sclerosis is a painful nerve disease. It is compared to a live copper wire in which the insulation has been removed and the wire is being grounded and it is throwing off a bunch of sparks. Or someone is pouring acid onto your nerves and it is burning like crazy. So it is also with your nerves to where the nerves are almost being grounded like the copper wire and there are pains being produced. Some people with MS have more pain than what other people do.
      Doctors do give out drugs to help with the pain. Four of the most common drugs that are given by doctors for MS are: Avonex, Betaserone, Copaxone and Naltrexone. These all have negative side effects and they should only be used under a doctors supervision. You will have a lot of health problems if you are drinking alcohol or using any of the street drugs while using any of these four drugs. The side effects are: The Body will Sweat a lot, Convulsions, Vomiting and your body will go through many aches and pains during the first 48 hours or more in using these four drugs. But most of all the improper use or using these drugs, or using them  for too long of a period of time, it will destroy your Liver. The first three drugs are injected into the body but the fourth one comes in the form of a pill. Some people claim that this fourth drug, Naltrexone, has cured them of MS, but I personally would not take Naltrexone, because of all of its side effects. But to this day researchers claim that they have not found a cure for Multiple Sclerosis, nor can they completely control it. They can offer you drugs and a change in your diet which includes foods that are high in antioxidants. Doctors will also offer you Vitamins and Minerals such as: Selenium, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
      Every person is different and one needs to talk to his Doctor as to how much they should take. One Doctor suggested to take the following to control MS per day:

      SELENIUM--------------------100 Micro grams
      VITAMIN B-12----------------300 Micro grams
      VITAMIN C-------------------1000-2000 Miligrams taken as 2-4 divided doses
      VITAMIN E-------------------800 International Units

      Again talk to your Doctor and let him decide what will be best for you.

      Would you like to hear some breakthrough news about a Doctor in France who may have some what found a cure for Multiple Sclerosis? I will not tell you his name but I will tell you his story. This Doctor was an M.D. and he had practiced medicine for most of his life. He himself had Multiple Sclerosis and he was treating several others who also had MS.
      One day he went to the country to help a family who had all come down with the fever and body cramps. After he had done his work and it came time for a payment, this family claimed that they had no money and they gave the Doctor a sack of Buckwheat. This Doctor had never eaten buckwheat before but he took the sack of grain home and his wife began making Buckwheat pancakes for the whole family. A day or two later the Doctor noticed that he had very little pain that came from the Multiple Sclerosis and it made him wonder, what brought this about. Why did he feel this sudden change. So he blamed it on the Buckwheat and he did some research on this grain. Buckwheat was very high in a mineral called "Manganese". This is a Mineral that our bodies will only get traces of it through eating green leafy vegetables and root crops like carrots and beets. So he began to give out doses of Manganese to his patients who had it. To some the MS was controlled but in other patients it was completely cured.  This Doctor wrote to one of the major Medical Journals and told his story. He explained that when a person's body was low on Manganese they could get Multiple Sclerosis, but when the Manganese was put back into the body the MS  was brought under control and in some cases this disease was completely cured. Well the medical people did not except his ideas because he had suggested something natural to cure Multiple Sclerosis and they stripped this Doctor of his right to practice medicine. But this man continued helping those who had MS and encouraged them to eat more Buckwheat.
      If you have MS and you would like to try this Buckwheat method, I have a few suggestions if you want the best results.

 1. Do not buy the Buckwheat pancake mix that is found in a store. You have no idea how old this pancake  mix is and you have no idea how much of the germ and the bran has been removed, and maybe all of it has been removed.
 2. Buy a wheat grinder that will grind all grains into flour. In the long run the grinder will pay for it's self  because you will be eating fresh ground flour made in your own kitchen. This fresh ground flour will have both the bran and the germ in it. If you can not afford an Electric Grinder which will cost from 2 to 3 hundred dollars then buy a hand crank grain grinder for 20 to 50 dollars. But buying an electric grinder is so much better and easier to operate. You could also use a blender or a coffee grinder for some nice looking flour, but you have to do one cup at a time. Then remove the flour before doing the next cup of grain. Whole Buckwheat can be bought at a health food store or some grain elevators will sell it to you in 25 or 50 pound bags. Some food stores will sell whole grain Buckwheat but most of them do not. Health food stores will sale Buckwheat in 4 or 5 pound bags.
 3. Use any pancake recipe using Buckwheat flour instead of regular flour.
 4. The Buckwheat pancake batter can be greatly improved if you add 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar, a teaspoon of Cinnamon, and several drops of maple and/or vanilla flavoring. You could also add raisins and/ or cookie chips to make a deluxe pancake.
 5. There are no side effects from eating Buckwheat and this food does good to the Liver. Also Buckwheat is a Gluten-Free food.

      Again, for best results in letting the Buckwheat help you to overcome MS, do not settle for the Buckwheat pancake mixes that are found in most food stores. These Mixes Will Not Work!! For Best Results, grind up the whole grain Buckwheat that has the Bran and the Germ in it. That is the only way that you can take an advantage of the Mineral called "  Manganese " that is found in Buckwheat. It is very important that you eat the fresh ground Buckwheat.
      For those of you who do not have MS, it is a good idea to eat Buckwheat products from time to time to make your body immune to this disease. Manganese will also get rid of  " Free Radicals " in your body.

      Another Remedy to help control MS is to drink Molasses and Milk. Molasses has Vitamin B-6 and nine minerals including Manganese. Punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Molasses And Milk ".

      Also read my article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/The Facts About Cancer That Doctors do not want you to know about ".

1 comment:

  1. I was having joints pain in both hands inside and outside and muscle weakness due to multiple sclerosis (MS). I was falling a lot, I had headaches and lightheadedness. I couldn’t keep myself balanced, and walk with a tremor like I cannot control my steps. I was on Copaxone, the first year was daily and later was 40 mg, 3 times a week. It didn’t make a tremendous difference for me. I've tried therapy, but it is not helping. I was seeking something to help regain my life to be able to do things for myself. It is frustrating when it feels like nobody is trying to help you find some relief. Through my primary physician i learnt about a (MS) herbal formula from NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS and their success rate with the treatment, i immediately started on the (MS) herbal protocol, I am glad to report the herbal formula worked effectively and there was no side effects, I had a total decline in symptoms, the joints pain, weakness and other symptoms stopped, my MS is totally REVERSED, Here is a link to the website we ordered from ww w.naturalherbalgardens.c om DON’T GIVE UP HOPE.
