Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Uncle Bob's Most Famous Stories

  1. The Happy Woodsman.....The Stick Of Gum[a funny story]
  2. Genghis Khan And His Hawk.
  3. The Wise And Most Beautiful Lady Ghost [Not Scary]. and "The Lady In White"
  4. The Story Of Zepho [ From The Book Of Jasher]
  5. Jania The Queen Of Africa.
  6. An Angel Came To My House
  7. A Grandmother Who Went To Court In Mississippi.
  8. A True Story That Was Told On The Radio.
  9. The Real Story Of The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
  10. The Little People Of The Pryor Mountains In Montana.
  11. I Saw A Flying Saucer In The Area 51 Bunker.
  12. My Brother Does Not Lie [ A True Big Foot Story ]
  13. Big Foot Is Well Known All Over The World.
  14. What Ever Happened To Fred Kueppers Who Was Involved In Time And Dimension Experiments?
  15. Why Did Most Of The Ships And Planes Disappear In The Bermuda Triangle From 1940 to 1970?
  16. The " Star Tiger " And The " Star Ariel ", and " The Sulfur Queen ". 
  17. " We Flew Our Plane 4 Hours Into The Future In The Triangle And We Do Not Have An Answer ". 
  18. Alfred Allee---- A Fast Drawing Lawman From Texas, USA.
  19. A True Story About Bat Masterson, A Famous USA Gambler From The 1800's.
  20. A Montana Cowboy And His Horse.
  21. George W. Arrington----A Famous Lawman, And One Of The Greatest Texas Rangers Ever. 
  22. John Wesley Hardin----The Fastest Gunman That The West Had Ever Seen.                

1. The Happy Woodsman.

      There was once a woodsman who made a living at taking care of his family by going into the woods and chopping wood and he would use that wood to buy his family food, clothes and other beautiful things. One day he stopped by a very large Oak Tree that sat next to a very deep creek. He thought about all the things he could buy with this giant Oak Tree and so he began to cut it down. After a few hours of work he stopped to take a rest and he leaned his ax against the tree. As he turned around he accidentally tripped on the tree root and he knocked his ax into the deep water. He looked all over for his ax but he could not find it. Oh the woodsman was greatly troubled and he said out loud, " What am I'm going to do now, how am I'm going to support my family ".
      Suddenly a beautiful lady came out or the water. She was known as the Water Fairy and she asked the troubled woodsman what was wrong. He told her that he had lost his ax in the deep creek and he did not know what to do. She said that she would try and find his ax and she dove down into the deep water. When she came back up again she had a Pure Silver headed ax and she said  " Is this yours? ". The woodsman thought about all the things he could buy with a pure silver ax but he was an honest woodsman and he told the fairy that was not his ax. So she dove down into the water a second time and came back up with a Gold Headed ax and she asked the woodsman if that was his ax. Again he told her that was not his ax. So she dove into the water yet a third time and brought back up a steel headed ax and the woodsman told her that was his ax and he thanked her. She smiled at him and said because he was an honest woodsman he could have all three axes, then she dove back into the water. The woodsman picked up all three axes and smiled all the ways home thinking of all the nice things he was going to buy with a Pure Silver and a Pure Gold headed axes.  Remember, it always pays to be honest.

                                            The Stick OF Gum [a funny story]

      A girl is walking through a park chewing gum and she is dancing to a song that only she can hear on some headphones. She sits on a park bench and she puts her chewed gum on the back of the bench. Then she gits up and dances away. Then a young boy comes along with an untied shoe lace and he sits on the bench and ties his shoes. He put his hand on the headrest of the bench and the gum gets stuck on the palm of his hand. He takes it off his hand and leaves it on the seat of the bench and then leaves. An old man comes along and sits on the gum for several minutes resting himself. He then gets up and he is mad because the gum is now stuck to his pants. He pulls the gum off the pants and throws it on the ground, then he walks away. A young boy comes along doing somersaults and he lands right onto the gum. He pulls the gum off his shoe and puts it back onto the seat of the bench and then he is gone. [ The story is not finished yet. ]. The girl who was dancing to the music on the headphones walks by the park bench and she notices the gum sitting there. She picks it up and wipes it on her clothes, then she pops it back into her mouth and dances away.

2. Genghis Khan And His Hawk.

      In the days when Genghis Khan was the King of Mongolia, they used Hawks to help them hunt in stead of dogs. When a Rabbit or a Deer was located the Hawk would sweep down and show the hunter where the game was so that the hunter could shoot it.
      One day the hunting was very poor and even though the hunters had hunted all day no game could be found. By evening most of the hunters had gone home and Genghis Khan and his Hawk had remained a bit longer in the woods. He realized suddenly how thirsty he was. At that time his Hawk had flown away and Genghis thought his bird had gone home. The man knew of a place where drops of water would fall from a mountain and if you had a cup you could slowly fill your cup and then drink it. So he pull out a silver cup and slowly filled it. When he got the cup full he raised the cup to his lips and suddenly the Hawk showed up and knocked the cup right out of his hands. He picked up the cup a 2nd time and slowly filled it. When he tried to drink it again the Hawk showed up and knocked the cup out of his hands a 2nd time. Genghis was mad at his Hawk so he picked up his sword and again filled his cup yet a 3rd time. When the Hawk came to knock the cup out of his hand, Genghis killed the Hawk with his sword and his cup fell into a hole between two rocks and he could not get it out. So Genghis began to climb the mountain so that he could get himself a drink of water. When he got to the top there was a large pool of water and in the very center of the water was a dead very poisonous snake. Now Genghis understood why the Hawk had knocked the silver cup out of his hands. The Hawk had saved his life. The sad man slowly climbed down the mountain and gently gathered up his faithful Hawk and took it home for a proper burial.

3. The Wise And Most Beautiful Lady Ghost [ Not Scary ] But A True Story

      In 1834 a large sailing ship left the coast of Wales with a load of lumber and coal. It was to sail across the Atlantic Ocean, around the southern tip of south America and stop at a big city in Chile. Going there and back it takes about six months providing that the weather was good. This ship had an experienced Captain who knew how to use the stars to navigate the ship at night. The ship also had a worthy crew who got along just fine and they all liked and trusted their Captain.
      When the sailing ship was about 100 miles from its final destination a beautiful lady ghost with a long flowing robe came from out of the sky and landed on the deck of the ship. The Captain was at the wheel using the stars to navigate the ship. Several of the crew members were on deck and they saw this ghost and they heard everything that was about to happen. This beautiful lady ghost went directly to the Captain and told him he must turn the ship around and go back to where he came from. She said that if he continued on the ship would be destroyed and all hands will be lost at sea. For several seconds no words were spoken. Then the ghost put her face next to his and sincerely said:  " You must obey me. What I have said is the truth. Your ship and crew will be destroyed. You must turn this ship around and go back to where you came from if you wish to live ". She then went back across the deck and went back into the sky. The Captain continued on their present course for another half hour. One of the crew members came up to the Captain and said that the crew thought the ship was cursed and they did not want to die at sea. " We all heard what the ghost said. If you are wise you will turn the ship around and head back to Wales ". Several minutes later the Captain did turn the ship around and headed back home. The ship owners were very up set at the Captain when they heard his story. They told him that he was supposed to be the Captain of his ship and not some stupid ghost and they had the Captain chained up and thrown into prison. Then the owners found a new Captain. The old crew would not go. They said the ship was cursed. So the owners had to go out and find a new crew. Before they left dock the owners told the Captain that he was the Boss of this ship and if a lady ghost were to come along and tell him to turn his ship around the Captain was to tell the ghost to get lost. The Captain and his crew set sail across the Atlantic Ocean and seven months later the owners received word that their ship had caught fire and all hands were lost at sea.
      By this time the old Captain had been released from the prison and he called the owners murderers. He told the owners that they should have not told the new Captain to tell the ghost to get lost. Now they can rot through the eternities because they have lost everything.

I will tell you a second ghost story that is true but not scary. It is called " The Lady In White ".
      In the year of 1887 a rich family was making a traditional seasonal dinner about two weeks before Christmas. They lived in a large home in the country in Delaware and their home had about 8 upstairs bedrooms. They had invited several of their friends who lived in town. Everyone showed up including a couple who had a baby. The dinner was being served in the dinning room area and the hostess had prepared for them some southern fried chicken, baked potato, baked sweet potato, cooked carrots and steamed beets. For desert the hostess was serving the best molasses pudding on this side of heaven. The young couple had left their infant child in a cradle in the parlor. The only other things in that room was a wood burning stove, a bookcase full of books and a few chairs. Everyone had sat down and they began to eat. Then the baby began to cry and it's mother jumped up to attend to its needs. Her husband grabbed her arm and told her that the baby will be fine. He told her to sit down and enjoy her meal. A few minutes later the baby began to laugh and both the husband and his wife ran into the other room followed by the hostess. Sitting in a chair and rocking the cradle was a very beautiful lady dressed in a very white gown. The young couple said: " Who are you and what are you doing to our baby "? Then the hostess said: " I have never seen you before, but if you think you are going to miss out on the best molasses pudding on this side of heaven then you are mistaken ". Then she grabbed the girl by the arm and dragged her into the dinning room and gave her a seat. Everyone was staring at her. None of them have ever seen her before. She was young, very beautiful and she had this beautiful glow all around her whole body. And her dress, it was whiter then fresh fallen snow. Everyone ate their meal and desert. Snow had been falling out side and there was two or three feet already on the ground. The hostess told everyone not to worry that she had bedrooms for all of them. In those days it was customary to lock you in your bedroom and that is what the hostess did telling them she would unlock their doors in the morning and feed them a hearty breakfast. In the morning she did unlock every ones room. When she unlocked the lady in white, they discovered that she was not in her bedroom. Her door had been locked and all the windows were locked, plus there was no foot prints anywhere around the house in the fresh fallen snow. The hostess said that she could not have a ghost because she was grabbed by the arm and dragged into the dining room. For many years to come this beautiful lady in most whitest dress was the talk of the town. She just plain disappeared and no one knows were she went. But guess what?  I know exactly where she went and so does some of my friends, don't we!!!

4. The Story Of Zepho [ From The Book Of Jasher ] 

      Zepho was a mighty warrior and he lived in Africa. One day when the armies from his country were battling with the Egyptians, Zepho felt that he did not belong in this battle so he fled out of the country and came into the land of Chittim. The people in Chittim received Zepho with great honors and because he was a mighty warrior the people of Chittim hired him to fight their battles, and Zepho became very rich in those days, and because he was friendly everyone loved him.
      One day Zepho lost a young heifer and he went out into the mountains to look for it. He heard the sounds of his heifer screaming in pain and he followed the sound to the mouth of a cave. The cave had a large stone in front of it and Zepho split the stone and went in side the cave. He saw a large animal eating his heifer. This creature from the middle upward looked like a man. But from the middle downward it was a large animal. Zepho was angry with the creature and he slew the beast with his sword. The people of Chittim knew all about this beast and it had been killing their animals for a lot of years. The people were so happy with Zepho in killing this beast that they set aside a special holiday that came once a year to celebrate Zepho's killing of this mighty beast. During this holiday a big feast took place in which there was a lot of good eating and drinking.

      For those of you who do not know this the Island of Cyprus was in the past the land of Chittim. Today if you look at any modern map of the Island of Cyprus you do see the word Kittim written there.

5. Jania The Queen Of Africa.

      The King of Africa where Zepho use to live, his name was Angeas. Angeas went to the land of Chittim before Zepho had moved there, and he saw a beautiful lady named Jania. He fell in love with her and asked her father if Jania could be his wife. He took her home and she became the Queen Of Africa. After a short time Jania became very sick. She was administered to by many local doctors but she wasn't getting any better. So King Angeas called in several wise men and they told the King that his wife was sick from breathing African air and from drinking African water. These wise men suggested a change that if Jania was to survive she would have to start breathing Chittim air and drink Chittim water. So they brought several containers of water from the land of Chittim and brought them into Africa. They discovered that the African water was very heavy and the Chittim water was very light. When King Angeas became informed about the water he commanded his officers to assemble together men who knew how to work with stone. The officers found over 10,000 men and these men made a strong bridge out of rocks. This bridge brought water from a spring in the land of Chittim and conveyed it clear down into Africa where they all lived. These waters were for Jania the Queen and for all her concerns. For drinking, for bathing and for washing her clothes. It was also used to water the fields where fruits and vegetables were grown to feed the royal family.
      The King also brought many ship loads of soil from the land of Chittim into Africa. They also brought ship loads of rock from the land of Chittim and they used these rocks to build palaces for the royal family to live in. The wise men were right, Jania the Queen became completely healed. There was only one problem. When ever the Armies of King Angeas would enter the land of Chittim to get soil or rocks they would plunder and take other things that did not belong to them. When Zepho heard what the Armies of King Angeas were doing it made him mad and he raised a large Army and fought back chasing them clear back to Africa. Zepho placed guards though out the land just in case the Armies of King Angeas had decided to come back, but they had no more problem from King Angeas. The people of Chittim were so happy that they made Zepho their King and he reigned over the whole land of Chittim and over the land of Italia for 50 years in peace.

      This bridge that was built out of rocks to bring water from the land of Chittim down to the center part of Africa, it must have been thousands of miles long. Even though it was built many thousands of years ago I wonder if any of this bridge still does exist to this very day.

6. An Angel Came To My House

      This story happened to a friend of mine who's Grandfather was getting ready for bed and he heard a knock at his back door. The Grandfather opened the door and there was an old man standing there and he said that he was cold and wanted to come in and warm up and maybe get a bite to eat. The Grandfather let him in, fed him and gave him a couch to sleep on for the night. His Grandfather got up early the next morning and the old man was already up and was sitting at the kitchen table. The Grandfather offered him breakfast and the old man said:  " No, I will be just fine but I could use a scarf and a pair of gloves  ". The Grandfather gave the old man a scarf and said he would be back in a moment with the gloves. The Grandfather returned with the pair of gloves and the old man had already left.
      Three feet of new snow had fallen that night and the roads had not been plowed yet nor had anyone driven up the road  in the newly fallen snow. The Grandfather quickly went out the back door and followed the foot steps of the old man out to the street and the foot steps just stopped right there as if the old man had vanished into thin air. The Grandfather figured that the old man must have been an Angel that was sent to his house to test him and he was glad that he took good care of the old man.
      His grandson now lives in that house and he told me that he turns no one away that comes to his house and asks for a bite to eat. He wants a good report on the other side that he was kind and fair to everyone who knocks at his door.

       Because we are on the subject of Angels I have another story that took place only a few miles away from the story up above. This is a short story but I was very impressed with it.
      A young lady in her 30's was driving down the road with her little girl. She had her seat belt fastened but her daughter did not. The lady lost control of her car and ran directly into a telephone pole. She saw her daughter get thrown out the window and then she passed out. When she came to her full sences several minutes later she yelled out her daughter's name but she got no response. She was pinned in her car and could not move. Several minutes later help arrived and the first thing this lady said to them was to check on her daughter to make sure she was OK. They went around to the other side of the car and found the little girl sleeping peacefully. They woke her up and asked if she was OK. She said that when she got thrown out the window, a pretty red haired lady caught her and gently set her down on the grass. She said everything was going to be OK. This pretty lady began stroking her hair and told her to go sleep. Of course the young lady was removed from the car and she and her daughter was taken to the hospital.
      What interested me the most about this story was that the little girl who came out the window and landed into the arms of a pretty red haired lady. Yes angels are all around us ready to give a helping hand. The only problem is most of us can not see them.

7. A Grandmother Who Went To Court In Mississippi.

      Lawyers should never ask a Grandma a question in court unless they are really ready for an answer.

      In a court trail, a southern small town Prosecuting Attorney called his first witness. This was a Grandmother and a very elderly lady. After she had taken the stand the Lawyer approached her and said: " Mrs. Jones do you know me? "  Mrs. Jones said back to him. " Why yes, I know you Mr. Williams. I have known you since you was a boy and frankly you have been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you are a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize that you will never amount to anything more then a two-bit paper pusher. Yes I know you ".
      The Lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do. he pointed across the room and asked: " Mrs. Jones do you know the defense Attorney? "  Again she replied:  " Why yes I do. I have known Mr. Bradly since he was a youngster. He is lazy and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention that he cheated on his wife with three different women and one of those women was your wife. Yes, I know him."  The Defense Attorney was very embarrassed.
      The Judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and in a very quiet voice he said:  " If either of you Idiots ask her if she knows me I will send you both to the Electric Chair! ".

8. A True Story That Was Told On The Radio.

      A husband and wife had been married happily for 20 years. They lived in an $ 800,000.00 home with all the modern furnishings and throughout the whole house all the curtain rods were made of Pure Gold. They had their own hot tub and a nice swimming pool in the back yard. Her husband owned his own construction company and money was not a problem in their life.
      After work her husband would always stop at a bar on the way home to have a few drinks and of course like it always happens he meets this beautiful lady and falls in love with her. After a few weeks his girl friend told him that he had to make a choice between her and his wife. So he explained everything to his wife and said that he did not love her any more and he asked her for a divorce. He also told her that she could only spend three more days in the house and then she had to move out.
      The first day at the house she just lived an easy life remembering the good times that she and her husband had experienced together. She also spent much time in the hot tub and the swimming pool. The second day she cleaned the house from top to bottom and then she enjoyed her favorite meal which included the eating of much Caviar. When she got done with her meal there was a lot of Caviar left over so she decided to play a joke on her ex-husband and his new wife. She pulled down the curtain rods and pulled off the ends and stuffed the Caviar down inside the rods. The third day she packed up all her stuff and moved everything into a small apartment. A few days later her ex-husband and his new wife moved into the house.
      As a settlement from the divorce this lady ended up with $ 250,000.00 and a nice car that was already paid for. After living in the big house for a week both of them noticed this awful smell in the house and they couldn't find the source of it. So they called some professional cleaners who cleaned the house from top to bottom. A few days later the smell came back and it smelled worse then it did before. So the wife talked him into selling the house and buying a new one. At first they were asking $750,000.00 and people were coming to look at the house but because of that awful smell which became worse everyday no one was interested in buying the house. When the price got lowered to $ 250,000.00 his ex-wife showed up to say hello and to see how things were going. The other lady who did not like the ex-wife, she told her husband to sell the stinky house to his ex-wife for $ 100,000.00 and we will be done with it. The ex-wife agreed with the terms and she bought the $ 800,000.00 house for only $ 100,000.00. When the couple moved out of the house, the lady knowing that the curtain rods were made of Pure Gold, she could not part with them and she gathered up all the curtain rods and took them to her new home. The ex-wife moved back into her old house that she got for free and she still had $ 150,000.00 left over from the divorce settlement. Nor did her house have a bad smell to it ever again.

9. The Real Story Of The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

      In the movie  " The Unsinkable Molly Brown " the story goes that Molly and her husband Johnny Brown came from a town called Leadville, Colorado and they were both poor. But Johnny found a Gold Mine which produced a large amount of Gold and they became very rich from this so called " Little Johnny Mine ". They left their poor town of Leadville and moved to Pennsylvania Ave. in Denver, Colorado. This was a high society neighborhood. After a time they both left the United States and spent some time in Europe. While they were over there they had learned both the French and the German language and they became very good friends of some of the Royal Families. Johnny got tired of the high society living and moved back to Leadville. They did not divorce but they were separated for a time. Molly continued to live with her high society friends for about two years then she decided to go home. She got passage on the ship known as the Titanic which was supposed to be unsinkable. The Titanic did hit an iceburg in the year of 1912 and the ship was sunk. There were a number of survivors and Molly Brown was one of them. She strongly encouraged a high moral in the boat that was holding them all and she kept them all calm and quiet until they were rescued. Molly survived this incident along with several hundred of other people. When they got back to New York she became a National Hero. When she got back to Denver, Colorado Johnny was there waiting for her. He forgave her and they both got back together again. If you have not seen the movie then you need to watch it. It is a very highly entertaining family movie.
      Even though the movie is highly entertaining the story about Molly and Johnny is wrong, and if you read on I will tell you the real story of Molly and Johnny.
      Margret Tobin  was nicked named  " Maggie ". She was never called Molly. It was Hollywood who gave her that name. Margret Tobin  was born to a very poor family in Missouri in 1867. Her parents were uneducated but she attended school until she was 13 years old. Being an educated person she had an advantage over her peers. A few years later she became very ambitious and in 1886 at the age of 19 she moved to the mining town of Leadville,  Colorado. This is where she met her husband whose name was James Joseph Brown who was 31 years old and all his friends would call him J.J. Brown. They fell in love and got married and before the 1890's came along they had two children. J.J. owned a silver mine there in Leadville that was making them independently wealthy so they moved to a high society neighborhood in Denver, Colorado, the address was 1340 Pennsylvania Ave. [ Today the house still stands and it is a Museum called  " The Molly Brown House. " ]
      During this time Margaret and J.J. became very close but Margaret was ambitious and wanted to be High Society. Hanging around the high society people made her want to become this way also. As a result of her ambitions she and J.J. drifted a part until her marriage came to an end. In the spring of 1912 Margaret began touring Europe until she heard that her grandson had become very ill. On April 10th, 1912 she booked passage on a ship called the Titanic. The Titanic hit an iceburg and sunk killing most of its passengers. Margaret Brown was one of the survivors and for her courage to up lift the spirits of others until they were rescued  Margaret Brown became a National Hero. The Titanic experience made her a very wealthy person in those days. That is how she got the name  " The Unsinkable Molly Brown ". She loved the attention she was getting and she also loved J.J. Brown but she never did remarry him. J.J. Brown died a lone man in 1922 and ten years later Margaret Brown died in 1932. Their home which still stands to this very day is still at 1340 Pennsylvania Ave. in Denver and it is a museum that is open to the public. It is believed that even though Margaret and J.J. never got back together in this life, they must have been reunited in the Spirit World because both of their presences have been felt at the home on Pennsylvania Ave many times.  

10. The Little People Of The Pryor Mountains In Montana.

      This is a Tribe of White Skinned Indians that live in the Pryor Mountains north of Cody, Wyoming, and they are a small race of people that look like Hobbits. Where they really came from no one really knows. But a long time ago a race of these same kind of people lived by the Great Lakes in the USA and when the white man moved into that area and became numerous, these small Indians left the area. It is strongly believed that the Indians of the Pryor Mountains is in deed the same tribe of Indians that came from the Great Lakes. These small Indian people is nothing new in American History because many of the Indian tribes that lived in the mountains of North America, they talk about trading with a small tribe of Indians that was only about three feet tall. The main items that was wanted by these small Indians was salt, blankets and dried meats and fish. The Indians of North America had traded with this small race of people for hundreds of years and they would trade with them generally twice a year. As to where these little Indians came from or where did they live at, none of the other tribes had no idea. The big thing that stopped all the trading between these Indian Tribes was the new highways that were being built from the 1960's to the present. Because after the 1960's these small Indians were never seen or heard from ever again.
      In the White Man's World these little hobbit Indians is just a Myth or you might say they feel that it is a bunch of Boloney. It is like the stories that come from other countries around the world. Like Fairies, Pixies, Gnomes, Brownies, Gremlins and the Leprechauns that came from Ireland. This is known as Folklore. Some people believe in it and others do not! But the Indians of North America, they pay high respects to these Little Indians of the Pryor Mountains. Below is a list of the Indian Tribes and the name they have for the Indians that live in the Pryor Mountains.

      Cree---------------- Mannegishi
      Nes Perce-----------Itste-ya-ha

      The Crow Indian Tribe whose Reservation is just north of the Pryor Mountains, they show more respect to these small Indians then any other tribe. When ever they go hunting in the Pryor Mountains or even come to their boarders the Crow Indians will leave gifts as a way of saying Thank You. We enjoy being your neighbors. When the Crow Indians become sick and I mean really sick, they will call on these Little Indians for help because they have the gift to heal.
      In the 1960's, there was a young Crow Indian lady that was 15 years old and she accidentally swallowed a whole tooth pick and it got caught in her throat length wise. The Medicine Man tried everything he could think of but he could not get the tooth pick out. When the tooth pick began to infect her throat, the Medicine Man was very concerned and told the girl that she would die if they don't get the tooth pick out. He told the girl that he was going to try and get a hold of the Little Indians that very night and he asked her to come back to his house after dark. She did come back and  she was on her back. For a whole hour the Medicine Man shook his rattles and sang Indian Chants. He did this in side the house and also on the outside. Then the Medicine Man came back in side and told the girl that the Little Indians were coming. He told the girl to close her eyes and keep them closed, and if she opened her eyes the Little People might leave and never comeback. Several minutes later the 15 year old girl felt a bunch of little hands touching her body and some were touching her neck. One set of hands grabbed a hold of the tooth pick and it was push out on the side of her neck and then something was applied to the neck. Then the Indians left. The girl was tired and fell asleep. The next morning the Medicine Man found a piece of herb on the side of her neck and when he removed it there wasn't even a mark on her neck where the tooth pick came out.
      The following story came from the Journals of Lewis and Clark.
      In the South Dakota area the date was the 25th of August, 1804, Merriweather Lewis and William Clark along with a band of Sioux Indians, they came across a small hill called  " Spirit Mound ". This was the land of the Little People or Small Indians. These explorers and the Indians all saw these Little People because they were up and about. They were about three feet tall and had a very large head. Lewis and Clark wanted to move in and have a closer look at them but the Indian Chief stopped them and said that the Little People were very mean. They make short spears that are very sharp and they were good at throwing them. The Chief said that all the Indian Tribes have high respect for these Small Indians and they all stayed away from their lands. The Sioux Chief told Lewis and Clark that 250 years before their time a band of 350 Indians got to close to the Little Indians land at night and the Little Indians killed almost everyone of them. Those who did survive were crippled for life.
      In another story that took place by Pryor Mountains in Montana a young Teen-age Crow boy was out bow hunting and was sneaking upon a large Bull Elk. Before he got close enough a Small Indian stepped out from behind a rock, he threw two spears at it and the Elk dropped down dead. The Small Indian then picked up the Elk showing what strength he had and with the Elk's head dangling across his chest he dragged the dead Elk back into the mountains.
      The Crows say that the Little Indians are a strong people and in battle they are mean warriors. In the past the Crows have gone to battle with the Little People but the Crows would loose the most men so at all cost the Crows would try and get along with them. Besides that the Little Indians were great healers and they had helped the crows with a lot of their sicknesses.
      The 21st Century Crows or the Indians who live in our time, most of them have never seen these Little People but they still follow the examples of there forefathers by leaving gifts for the Little Indians whenever they go hunting or just travel though their lands.
      Before I close I wish to mention that small foot prints have been found in freshly fallen snow in our present day all around Mt. Shasta in Northern California. Also the Indians who live in South America, they talk about some three foot tall Indians living in Bolivia and also a second group of small Indians in the Andes Mountains. No matter where these Indians live they are a quiet race of people who wish to remain in hiding, and they are doing a good job at it because other people rarely see them.

11. I Saw A Flying Saucer In The Area 51 Bunker.

      A friend of mine spent four years in the U.S. Army and much of his time was spent in Germany. This man has had a stuttering problem almost all his life.Even when he talked to me he had the hardest time getting some of his words out. But I never laughed at him, instead many times I felt really sorry for him.
      About 30 years ago this friend of mine had about three Bullies jump him and wrestled him to the ground. All three of them were known by this man but none of them treated him kindly. They kept teasing this man until he lost his temper. He struggled until he got back on his feet. He had learned how to defend himself in the Army and he used the methods on these three Bullies. He beat up two of them to a bloody mess and the third one tried to run away. He caught up with the third one and turn him also into a bloody mess. All three of these Bullies had to receive hospital care and even though they started it, the book was thrown at my friend and he had to go to Jail. When it came time for a trial the three Bullies were there and they got off scott free and no charges were brought against them. My friend on the other hand was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
      The first few years he was assigned to road gangs. Then he got a job working in the kitchen and he got to make the sandwiches for the road gangs. He tried to treat them good with a sandwich that had lots of meat. He added some carrots and celery, some lettuce, an apple or a banana, some raisins and 2 or 3 cookies. The road gangs really liked this guy. Other men working in the kitchen would only give you a sandwich and they were stingy on the meat and an apple and that was it. He worked in the kitchen for several years and he loved working there because it made the time go by fast. Before to long they had made him a trustee. In this way he could drive the lunches to the road crew and then return back to the kitchen without a guard. He was sent out side the prison many times to do clean up work without a guard. He said he wanted to do his time and then go home. The thoughts of running away just never entered his head. When he had about two years left they transferred him to another prison and they told the guards there that he was a trustee. Many times a guard would drop him off at a downtown location with his orange prison uniform and he would clean the city streets all by himself.
      One day he met another prisoner who was doing time for selling drugs to minors. This prisoner was very quiet and he kept to himself. One day my friend sat next to him at lunch time and they began talking and they became friends. When they had discovered that both of them had been in the Army this struck up a whole new conversation. The prisoner wanted to hear my friends experiences in Germany and he asked him lots of questions. A few days later my friend asked where he served in the Army and the prisoner told him that he drove a truck from the Pacific Coast to Area 51 and then back again. He said he never knew what was loaded onto his truck nor did he ever ask any questions. He just did his job and drove the truck. My friend asked him of all the years he had worked there had he ever heard of any stories about a Flying Saucer that may be hidden at Area 51. This other guy said  " Yes and I saw the real thing down in one of their bunkers ". He said on a holiday weekend he came back to Area 51 on a Sunday night after midnight. There was only one guard there on duty and the prisoner personally knew him from boot camp. They exchanged a few words and then the guard asked if he was interested in seeing a Real Flying Saucer. They went down a couple of levels to a Bunker and low and behold right in front of his eyes sat a Real Flying Saucer. He went up to it and touched it several times to make sure his eyes was not deceiving him. He told my friend that he may think he was crazy but he saw with his own eyes a Real Flying Saucer and I touched it with my hands. The guard told him that the flying saucer had been there for a couple of years. It crashed landed out on the dessert and they saw it come down on radar. They loaded it onto a flat bed trailer and brought it back to Area 51 and it has been in that Bunker ever since. The Guard said there was movement in the saucer for about two years and then it quit. A window would appear from time to time and you could look inside the saucer through the window. The Guard said that you could see electrical panels through the window and they were all lit up with lights. When the window was't there it could not be seen anywhere on the saucer. The Saucer was of a metallic blue in color which would make it hard to see as it floated across the sky. For years the Military had been looking for an entrance way to get in side the Saucer but none was ever found. They were also trying to cut a hole into the Saucer but they could not even make a dent in that strange metal Saucer.
      The Prisoner swears on his mother's grave that he did in deed see a Flying Saucer and he did touch it. He says:  " I don't care what the Military says. I saw that Flying Saucer with my eyes and I did touch it with my hands. No one can change what I KNOW!!!!

12. My Brother Does Not Lie [ A True Big Foot Story ]

      A few years ago I was riding the Bus to work. Most generally when I ride the Buss, I always have an Herb Book that I am reading. But this very morning I was reading another book that I received on the Inter Library Loan Program. About 15 minutes from where I live a Mailman always gets on the Buss and we will call his name Dave. Dave sat right across from me and he asked me if I was learning anything new about the herbs. I told him that I was reading another book that talks about Time and Dimension Experiments that was a secret government project at Montauk Air Force base on the southern tip of Long Island. I told Dave that this was some very deep stuff that will blow your mind. But I told Dave that this is a subject that most people would say:  " It's all a bunch of Boloney ". I told him that it is like the subject of Big Foot. I said some people believe in him but most people do not believe in him at all. I said :  " You and me Dave, we are the only ones in this whole Buss that believes in the Big Foot ". An Indian that was sitting right in front of Dave, he turned around and said: " I believe in Big Foot ". I told him that most Indians do believe in the Sasquatch but what was it that made him become a believer in Big Foot. He said only a month ago his brother was hunting deer in a canyon about 100 miles away and he was climbing this hill and stopped in front of a thick bunch of brush. Suddenly a tall hairy beast came out of that brush running up the hill on two legs. I asked him if his brother knew what this creature was and he said yes,  " It was the Big Foot ". I asked him if he believed in his brothers story and he said Yes. I asked him Why? Then he said: " My brother does not Lie ".

      This second story happen to my Daughter-In-Law's twin brothers who have always been known to be truthful. Several years ago these two boys were teenagers and they were on a deer hunting trip with their Dad. They camped up on top off the mountains. None of these three people smoke nor do they drink. So they were of a sound mind when this incident took place. The next morning after a good nights rest the two boys grabbed some binoculars and went over to a big clearing where you could see down the slopes of the mountain into a large meadow. They were looking for deer. After a few minutes a tall, large, hairy creature came out of the trees and walked across the meadow and went back into the trees. They both looked at each other and said:  " We just saw the Big Foot ".

      This third story happened to Ghengis Khan when he became king of Mongolia. He wanted to find out how many different kinds of animals was in his kingdom so he commanded his men to form a 200 mile circle and slowly they drove all the animals to a large meadow at the center of the circle. They let the animals out one by one and wrote down the names of each animal. It was interesting to note that when they got done they had the names of monkeys, apes, gorillas and Large Hairy Men Creatures. Some would say that these last creatures were Big Foots. What would you call them?

      A fourth story happened to a Utah State University student in Logan, Utah USA. She was taking a Plant Science class and she had to go and take some pictures of plants and trees as a part of her homework. She made a trip down to Liberty, Utah which was about 50 miles south of Logan. Liberty is just a very small town but it sat on the edge of a wilderness area. She got out of her car and for two or three hours she took 100's of pictures. When she got back to the University she and her boy friend put all of these pictures onto the computer. After viewing several of them her boy friend noticed a dark object in the back ground. He said: " What in the world is that? ". So they blew it up and it was a Big Foot standing at the edge of the forest watching her take those pictures.

      If you are a Sasquatch believer but have never seen one yet, most of these true stories will give you a general area to start your search. May I provide you with a few suggestions that will make your search for a Sasquatch more successful. Even I am planning a camping trip this summer with friends to an area that has had over 100 sightings of Big Foot in the last five years. The local Sheriff's Department of that area has told us this. First of all if you are with a group of people do not go as a group hunting for Big Foot. He will see you and He will remain hidden. He will not come out into the open and say " Here I Am! ". In looking for Big Foot you travel as one person for best results. If you have to have a partner, do not be together. Be 100 of more feet apart and you never talk to each other. You have to be very quiet all the time. that means no walkie talkies and no cell phones. Any sound at all could prevent a Sasquatch from being seen. You travel forwards slowly for 30 or 40 feet. Then you wait for 15 or 20 minutes. If everything is quiet then you move slowly another 30 or 40 feet and make no noises as you move. Again I will say that if you are out there by yourself you will have more success then you will traveling with another. Also if you were to hike into the woods at least a couple of miles from your camp site and just wait, your chances of seeing a Big Foot is fair. Or if you waited by a rock slide but remain hidden, again I believe that your chances are fair. Sasquatch does much of his hunting for food at these rock slides. Two or three other suggestions that could be very helpful are, do not take a bath. You want to smell natural, no soaps and no under arm deodorants. Wear plain clothes. do not wear white or brightly colored shirts. Wear grey, brown, darker tan, dark green or Army clothes with Levis or dark slacks. Make sure that you roll all over the ground in your clothes and rub leaves in your hair and on your arms so that you will smell like the outdoors. Two other things that will attract a Big Foot is a bag of oatmeal and/or take along 6 or 8 cans of any Beer to dump on a rock slide. Sasquatch loves the smell of Beer. If you seriously follow my suggestions and you travel alone, your chances of seeing a Big Foot with in 72 hours is real good. Remember, Sasquatch is a night time creature. He is also seen often in the evenings and early morning. People have seen Him in the day time but that is rare. Most people who do see Him are generally minding their own business and Big foot walks into their campsite not knowing they are even there. But remember no one will believe your story. They will all say that you Lie. Pictures don't seem to prove anything either. They will just say that it is man in a monkey suit. But you will know that He does exists because you saw Him and you know he was for real.

      This 5th story took place near Index Mountain in the state of Washington. A fisherman likes to go fishing up above the Foss River because the fishing there is excellent and not that many people come here to fish. One time on the 24th of September 1996, this same fisherman was hiking near Big Heart Lake and he stopped to take a rest an looked at the mountain. A tall, dark hairy man was looking at him and it was only a few hundred yards away. The fisherman said that he felt very strange and it made his skin crawl. He said he had a very strange felling go through him and it felt very uncomfortable. When he had looked a second time the dark figure was gone and it was no where to be seen in all directions.
      He told this story to a friend of his and the friend asked him if this was the only time he had ever seen this creature? He said about a month ago he was hiking in the mountains near St. Regis, Montana. He said he was eight miles north of St. Regis River and he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Not too far from him standing by some Birch Trees was a female Sasquatch. He could plainly see her breast and he said it felt like she was trying to read his mind. I kid you not! It was the strangest feeling. He said he could see this Big Foot very plainly. Then it suddenly walked off and it was never seen again.

      This 6th story took place at a wilderness campground in the North River Washington area. The local Sheriff kept getting calls from the campground that big rocks were being thrown near the campers but so far no one had been hurt. So the Sheriff threw camping gear into the back of his pick-up and he, his wife and his son all headed for that campground. It took them an hour to set up camp and after it got dark all three of them were sitting around the the campfire. Suddenly a six inch in diameter tree branch was thrown into their campfire circle and it came from the near by woods. The Sheriff quickly jumped up and grabbed a gun and a flashlight and entered the woods where the tree branch came from. He did not get very far when he saw two large, dark hairy creatures standing on two feet looking at him. One of those creatures was ten feet tall. It was standing under a tree branch that was later measured. They just stood there looking at each other for a time. The Sheriff felt that these creatures were not going to harm him and he was scared. He headed back to his campsite and gave his family some quick instructions. They had the pick-up loaded in less then 15 minutes and were headed home. He was not about to spend the night up there with those two hairy creatures walking around.
      Now here is a story that you could go to the North River Washington Area Sheriff's Department and hear the story directly from the Sheriff himself and get the details from him to start your Sasquatch Hunt. I'll bet he has told that story hundreds of times.

      This 7th story I found it to be somewhat funny but it was't very funny to the Boy Scout or the Sasquatch. A scout leader took his scouts camping way up into the mountains in the state of Washington. They set up camp, had their supper and enjoyed their evening campfire activities. Then they all went to bed. In the middle of the night one of the newest scouts was squirming real bad in his sleeping bag and another scout shook him and told him he was having a nightmare. The boy said: " I have to go Pee ", but he was too afraid to step out of the tent and do his thing. The other scouts told him that he was going to pee in his bed and they shoved him out the door. As the boy peed his eyes were seeing better in the dark and he could see that he was peeing on some large hairy feet and he looked up into the face of a tall ugly Big Foot. I bet that Big Foot was wondering why that kid was peeing on his feet. Anyway that scout let off a big scream and the Sasquatch took off running. All the boys and the scout leader were up and about and they heard something running away crashing through the trees. The next morning they found 20 inch foot prints all over the campsite and they knew that a really big Sasquatch had visited them the night before. So who was the most scared, the young scout or the Sasquatch?

      Story number 8 talks about an older couple who were enjoying a camping trip near Quartsville, Oregon. The couple decided to take a hike and they were hiking towards an old mine shaft that they were familiar with. There was snow on the ground and the couple came across some fresh 18 inch tracks that had an 8 foot stride. They both got scared and turned around and headed back to their campsite. They did not get very far when they heard this high pitched scream that made the hair stand on the back of their neck. When they got back to the campsite there was a tall hairy creature standing in the middle of the road. His hair was all black except there were several white noticeable hairs near the top of it's head. They looked at each other for several seconds and then the Big Foot just walked away. The man turned to his wife and said: " People may call us a liar but we just saw the Big Foot, and that is the honest to God Truth! ".

      This 9th story talks about Don Monroe and his wife. They own a Trading Post up in the pan handle of Idaho. Both of them are hunters and they mainly hunt Bear, Elk, Mountain Goat and Mountain Lion in the states of Montana, Idaho and Washington. On the 25th of September 1982 they had gone to a rock slide on Mt. Index and they had set up several targets so that they could sight in their guns that they used for hunting. As Don was getting ready to shoot his wife stopped him and said there was a man on the top of the rock slide. After a few seconds she said it looked more like a Bear. Then the creature began walking across the rock slide and his wife said that's no man and it's not a bear and she did not know what it was. Don went to the van to get the binoculars. By the time he got it on the creature he saw only the back side of it and then it disappeared behind a large rock and was gone. His wife said that when Don went to the van the creature stopped and looked right at them, then he began to run and Don saw him just before he disappeared behind the rock. After doing some talking, both of them felt they had seen a real Sasquatch. When they got back to the Trading Post in Idaho, Don put a large sign in the window that said:  " If you have a story about the Big Foot, please come inside and tell us about it. ".

      This 10th story is again about Don Monroe. Don had made a new business card that advertised his Trading Post and he had a picture of Sasquatch on the card. An Indian Family from the Northern Nevada Indian Reservation were on a vacation and they stopped at the Trading Post to get some gas. They saw the sign in the window about Big Foot stories and spent two hours talking to Don and his wife. The Indian told Don that there was a cave on his Reservation that has the bones of a ten foot creature laying on an old bed. The Indian said the bones are not from his people nor are they white man's bones. This Indian told Don that he would show him the bones but he was to promise never to tell another person nor was he ever going to take another person to that same cave. Don and his wife met this Indian again in Reno in the fall of 1992 and Don pulled out that new business card and was showing it to the Indian. An old Spanish man was looking over his shoulder and he began speaking in Spanish. His wife was standing next to him and she told them in English that her husband had seen the same creature that was on his business card. She said that when her husband was a teenager he was hiking with friends in the Sierra Madres Mountains in Mexico and they all saw that same creature that was on his business card. He said it was a tall black hairy creature that ran across the meadow real fast and disappeared into the trees. He said the beast is very evil and he will never go back there ever again.
      While Don Monroe was there in Reno he met a lady from Russia. She told him that she believed in the Big Foot. She had heard stories of Big Foot ever since she was a little girl. She also said that she and her husband has seen the Big Foot lots of times there in Russia in the Ural Mountains. She said they would go to the mountains often and whenever they saw Him, he seemed friendly enough to not want to harm them and so they did not really fear him. She told Don that if he came to Russia with her, she would take him into the Ural Mountains and he would see the Big Foot also. She said there is not just one but there are several of them.

      This 11th story is about a man who works for one of the national wildlife magazines and he was in the Idaho Cascade Mountains. They had made a platform for him and it was raised up into the trees 20 feet from the ground. His purpose was to watch and record all wildlife activities for two weeks living on that platform. He said after being there for a week a large Big Foot that was black in color walked by under his platform and then it was gone. The guy said that the Big Foot never knew he was there.
      A few years later this same magazine received word that there was a certain meadow in one of the wilderness areas of Florida and an Indian claimed that a Sasquatch walked across that meadow just about everyday. So they drove down to that area and set up several cameras on the edge of the meadow. They were there a whole week and a Big Foot never did show up. They put away all their cameras and was about to leave went someone yelled out: " What is that dark thing over there by the trees. ". They pulled out some binoculars and there on the edge of the woods was a Sasquatch looking at them. He was there only a few moments and then He was gone.

      This 12th story was about a deer hunter who had a permit to hunt a buck in the state of Oregon. For a long time the hunter was hiding in the bushes down-winded from a doe and a fawn that was standing in a clearing. He was sure that a buck would soon join then and he was hoping that it would be soon because it was beginning to get dark. Then suddenly without warning this dark hairy 10 foot creature jumped out of the bushes, grabbed the fawn and put it under one arm. Then it went back into the bushes and took off running through the trees on two feet. This all happened in the matter of a few seconds. The hunter said it no bear. A bear does not grab it's food, put it under an arm and then run away on two feet. Others have told him that he had seen a real Sasquatch.

      This 13th story was told on the radio after a person had called in and asked if they believed in the Big Foot? They made a few comments about the Big Foot but they did not answer her question with a Yes or a No. However they did tell these two stories before they went on to the next caller.
      A man was a Forest Ranger all of his life. After putting in 40 years of service he decided to retire. He had been asked a few times if he had ever seen the Big Foot and he would tell them No. He would also tell them that he did not believe in the Big Foot. When he retired another Ranger took over his job. After 6 months the new Ranger asked for two weeks off and the old Ranger took over his job. On his second day this old Ranger was driving down an old forest road and not more then a hundred feet from his pick-up a Big Foot came out of the trees and crossed the road and went back into the trees. The Ranger knew he had seen a Sasquatch and he radioed in what he saw. He stopped his pick-up and got out and was looking into the woods but the woods were very thick and he could not see anything even though the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. He got back into his pick-up and wrote in his log book that had seen a Big Foot for the very first time.
      A lady got onto a Greyhound Bus and was traveling from Sacramento, Ca. to Portland, Ore. The buss had about 20 people on it. When the buss got to Northern California almost at the Oregon boarder, the buss driver slowed down the buss and told everyone to look out the front window. A Sasquatch came out of the woods in broad day light, crossed the highway and went back into the woods. Someone asked the buss driver if that was a Big Foot? The buss driver replied back saying: " I believe it is! ". The people on the buss claim that the creature was tall, dark, hairy and it was strongly built.

      This 14th story was told by a full blooded Ute Indian. His grandfather was a Game Warden in the northern Utah mountains for almost 40 years. He said his grandfather has told him stories of Big Foot many times. The boy said he loved to hunt and fish in unusual places. He said one day his grandfather told him to stay away from the Stillwater Wilderness Area. His grandfather told him that he had seen Sasquatch many times in that area. That the Big Foot wasn't just a story. He was for Real. Being that I was his grandson I believed him. Also being that he was a Game Warden, I don't think that he would be one to go around telling people a bunch of lies. He also told me about an 18 foot snake that was in the Stillwater River at a place where the river was slow and deep. It stayed in a cave at night and it would crawl up the same path every night to get to its cave. He said the weather wasn't that bad in that very area and that a snake could easily survive. He said people often release their pet snakes in a wild area like this one. Or the snake may have escaped from a zoo. The Stillwater Wilderness area is in northern Utah about 50 miles south of Evanston, Wyoming. An old road, route 150, starts at the 2nd exit on interstate 80 on the western side of Wyoming. Route 150 goes south down into Utah and goes right through the Stillwater Wilderness Area. If you follow the road to it's end, it will end up in Kamas, Utah. This is an older road that goes over the mountains and it is closed in the wintertime. I have been informed that there is also a Stillwater wilderness area in the panhandle of Idaho. Our family went on a camping trip a few years ago into the panhandle way out in the boonies and we heard the scream of the Sasquatch. It sounded like 100 women screaming at the top of these voices. This scream made the hair stand up on the back of our necks, and we heard the screams at about 4 am in the morning. It was really freaky.

      This 15th story is about a lady who went on a hunting trip with her husband and his friends and she was asked to come along and be their cook. They went up into the mountains 50 miles west of Randolph, Utah and set up camp. They camped a short distance from a mountain creek and after each meal she would take all the dishes down and wash them in the creek. On the very last night of their hunting trip, she finished washing the dishes and put them away in her dish bag. Then she sat on the ground to enjoy the quiet evening and the great outdoors. As she sat there she noticed this dark object that was moving behind a tree stump about 2 thirds up the hill on the other side of the creek. She was watching it very closely because she thought it was a bear. Then it stood up on two feet and it was looking directly at her. She knew she was looking at a Sasquatch and all the hairs were standing on the back of her neck. She has also heard stories of the Big Foot capturing young women and carrying them off. This Big Foot started walking down the hill in her direction and she grabbed the bag of dishes and ran back to her camp. She went right to her husband and told him that a Big Foot was coming down the hill in her direction and she ran away. Her husband laughed at her telling her that there was no such thing as Big Foot that she got scared over some little bear. Some of the men went down by the creek but they saw nothing. They came back and laughed at her also. A few days after they got home her husband read in the paper about an old couple who was sitting on the back porch of their cabin which sat upon the hill above Bear Lake and a Sasquatch came out of the trees and was looking at them for several seconds, then he went back into the trees. The man went to his wife and told her he was sorry and said that she did see a Sasquatch.

      In this 16th story some bear hunters went to Tenderfoot Valley in Montana and when they got there the fishing looked really good, so they all began fishing. Sometime later they all agreed that there was an awful smell that smelled like rotten garbage, but they did not know where it was coming from. That afternoon they killed a 200 pound Bear, dressed it out and hung it in a tree to cool. It was hanging high in a tree with a half inch new rope, and they were going to pick it up the very next day. When they returned the next day the new rope had been snapped off and the Bear was thrown 35 feet away. It was torn all apart and the meat was scattered everywhere, and none of the meat was eaten. The carcass had not been drugged on the ground and something powerful had stomped on the meat and it had jumped all over it. Other meat eating animals wouldn't do a thing like this.
      We heard on the radio that same day that a Sasquatch had frightened some other campers that were camping near us, and they pulled out a gun and shot at him and it ran away. We all felt also that it was a Sasquatch who had messed with our Bear.

      Story number 17 is a follow up story from number 16. There are three or four stories of people who owned hunting dogs and they would send their dogs into the woods after a Big Foot that they had been tracking down. When the dogs failed to return the hunter would go looking for them. In all of these stories the hunting dogs were all killed in the same way. Some creature had ripped the dogs all apart and their body parts were scattered everywhere. On some of the dogs something had grabbed the hind legs and slammed the dogs against the the trees until their heads were a bloody mess. Can you feel how these hunters had a hatred for the creature who killed these dogs that the hunter had raised and loved only to find them scattered all over the place in one big bloody mess. Those hunters must have sat down and cried.
      Several years ago on Pikes Peak a popular mountain in Colorado, the fish and game people had been watching and feeding a large herd of Elk. Sometime during the month of January they went up on the mountain and found the whole herd of Elk completely destroyed. Their bodies were torn all apart and the meat was scattered everywhere. There was also 18 and 20 inch foot prints all over in the snow. A fellow employee where I worked told me this story and the first thing I said was: " It sounds like something that the Big Foot would have done.". I was informed that this story took place in January of 2009.

      Story number 18 took place on the west side of Oxford Peak which is about 40 miles north of Malad, Idaho. The present Sheriff of Oneida County was on the Jeep Patrol over 20 years ago and they received a call that the campers at a campground on the west side of Oxford Mountain was being bothered by a bear and they were asking the Sheriff in Malad, Idaho to please come and check it out. So the Jeep Patrol was sent into that area. After a while they did catch up with the so called bear but it wasn't a bear and the leader of the group called in on the radio and said: " This is not a bear. It is a tall hairy black creature that runs around on two feet! ". Everyone on the Jeep Patrol saw it and they chased it for a while until it got away.
      Again here is a story where everyone on the Jeep Patrol saw a Sasquatch and one of them is the present Sheriff living in Malad, Idaho. You can go talk to him and hear the story right from his own lips. By the way a friend of mine has a present day mining claim on the west side of Oxford Mountain and he mines for Gold. He said the Big Foot is still seen from time to time and he is hoping it will someday walk by his claim while he is there. To the Sasquatch hunter, Oxford Mountain would be an excellent place to start your search.

      In story number 19, a man has to drive though a national forest everyday to get to and from work. This one summer he had to work a lot of overtime and it made him tired when it came to driving home. One night after working quite late, he drove about half way through the national forest and he felt that he should pull over and get some rest before he hit a tree. He said he doesn't know how long he slept but his car began to shake and he thought it was an earth quake. After several moments he tried to go back to sleep and his car began to shake again. He looked out the drivers window and just outside was the face of a Big Foot looking back at him. It really scared him and he started his car and got out of there.

      Story 20 is about Jim Carter an amateur photographer and an expert skier. In 1950 he and several of his friends had climbed the slopes of Mt. Saint Helens to do some serious skiing. When they got to a landmark called " Dogs Head " which is about 8000 feet high, Jim Carter said he was going to start taking pictures of the others as they went skiing down the hill. The others went to the bottom of the hill but Jim Carter never came down, and they have no idea what ever happened to him. The Seattle Mountain Search And Rescue unit came to the area to search for Jim Carter. A man named Bob Lee was their leader. He said he had been on several trips with the search and rescue but this one was the most eeriest experience he ever had. When ever he was away from the others he always felt like something was watching him and it made the hair stand up on the back of his neck. Bob Lee was the first one to find Carter's ski tracks, but the tracks did not tell the whole story. He said Carter took off down the hill in a wild death defying dash taking chances as if something was wrong or he was being pursued. He jumped over three large crevasses and was going down the hill like the devil. When Carter reached Ape Canyon, which has basically up and down canyon walls, he went down those walls without hesitation. They found his tracks at the bottom of the canyon but no smashed body or any of his ski equipment was ever found. He simply disappeared and to this day no one knows what ever happened to Jim Carter.
      But it is strongly believed that he was chased by a Sasquatch and they are the ones who stole his body and ski equipment. There are several caves located in Ape Canyon and several of these caves were searched but nothing was ever found.
      There was also a story of a Boy Scout group that went camping in this same area during the summer and the scout leader said they spent two days at the base of Mt. Saint Helens. The scout leader said that this was strangest campsite he had ever been to because he always had the feeling that something was watching them and the hair kept standing on the back of his neck. He kept looking over his shoulder but nothing was there. On the second day after lunch the scouts went on a hike. They were going down an old logging road and the trees had formed a natural tunnel. The leader of this group of boys noticed that an 8 or 9 foot dark hairy beast walking on two feet had entered the other end of the tunnel and it was coming in their direction. To all of these boys it looked like a Monster coming towards them and they took off running back towards their camp. When the scout leader heard their story and because the hair kept standing on the back of his neck, they quickly packed up everything and got out of there. The scout leader said he will never go back there ever again. He said the area is really spooky.

      Story 21 happened during the summer of 1964 near the sister lakes not too far from Monroe, Michigan. The police had received several reports from people who had seen a 9 foot Monster walking through the recreation areas and they wanted them to come and do something about it. The police came and found 18 inch foot prints and they were 7 inches wide. They looked for the creature but the could not find him. For the next several days nothing was reported and then on a sunny afternoon two girls were walking in the woods and this tall hairy creature stepped out of the trees and was looking at them for several seconds. This was in the day time. Then the creature went back into the woods and was gone.
      For several months no reports were made about this large hairy creature and then this story took place. A 17 year old girl named Christine Van Acker was driving a car with her mother through a wooded area not far from the farmhouse where they lived. Suddenly this 9 foot tall hairy beast jumped out in front of the car. The girl slammed on the brakes but she still ran into the creature. It was a hot summer day and both of their windows were rolled down. The creature came around to the driver's side and both both ladies began screaming. The creature reach in side the car and grabbed the girls head and knocked her unconscious against the door frame and she fell over onto the horn which began to blow. Her mother was still screaming during this whole time. With all of this noise going on the Big Foot took off and went back into the woods. The girls father who was outside the farmhouse, he heard all this noise and he called the cops and then he went over to help them. The cops got a hold of all the volunteers they could find and using dogs they went after this creature so that they could shoot this beast and get rid of him. But they never found him and the creature was never seen again. The mystery of the Michigan Monster remained a mystery.

      The 22 story took place in the Deltox Marsh near Freemont, Wisconsin in the fall of 1968. Three hunters were out bow hunting and they came to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a dark hairy manlike beast that was 9 or 10 foot tall. None of them had ever seen this kind of a creature. When this Beast saw them he took off running and they never saw him anymore that year.
      On the last day of November one year later these same three hunters came back to the same marsh but 9 other hunters had also joined them. They were all going on a big deer drive but instead of flushing out deer they flushed out a Big Foot. It looked like the same one that the three hunters had seen one year ago. The Big  Foot acted as if he was not afraid of them and slowly walked away looking over his shoulder to see if any of the hunters were going to follow him, and then he was gone.
      A short time later, one of the hunters had a friend from New York who dropped in to see him and the hunter shared this story with him. This man's name was Ivan Sanderson and he was the director of the Society for the investigation of the unknown. The hunter took him up the the marsh and showed him the foot prints that the creature had made. Ivan told him that these were the foot prints of a Sasquatch, but he was surprised to see one this far to the east. He said they usually live in the western mountain states.

      The 23 story is centered around a question that is often asked. Has any Sasquatches ever been captured alive? The answer is yes.Below are 8 stores that have been told and retold. I hope you enjoy them.

 1. In 1884 a young Sasquatch was captured near Yale, British Columbia. It was four feet seven inches tall and it weighed 127 pounds. Students that were riding a train saw this creature crossing a meadow and they stopped the train and chased after him. One student got close enough and threw a rock hitting the young Big Foot on the head and it knocked him out. They threw him into a jail cell in the town of Yale and at first he was mean and he would snap at anyone who got near him. But after 3 weeks he became as tame as a pet monkey. His name was Jacko and after being in that jail cell for three months, the Queen of England wanted to see him. So they took him by train to the east coast and put him on a boat headed for England. The boat never arrived and it was believed that the boat was lost at sea.

 2. In the 1820's three mountain men caught a Sasquatch and they threw him into a cage that was built for bears. During the night the Big Foot tore the cage all apart and escaped.

 3. In southern Russia during the 1850's six lumbermen caught a seven foot wild women that had a reddish brown hairy body. One of her captors who had never been married and he was about her same height, he mated with her and she bore him with six children. Her name was Zana and she had a terrifying face. She could out run a horse or swim across a swift river. She never did speak a language and about the only task they could get her to do was to pick up firewood. Two of her children became Big Foots. The other four children were fairly normal humans except they were powerful and dark looking. These four all got married and had children and grandchildren. The youngest son was the most human looking of all of them and he died in 1954. Many of their grandchildren and great grandchildren are alive and are living as normal people. Many of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren have moved to the United States and they are raising their families there. So if you have a son with lots of hair on his body, you might be related to Zana the female Big Foot.

 4. In Western Canada the Indians talked about a 5 foot tall, dark, hairy, female creature that would come out of the mountains to steal the Indian babies and she would take them back to her cave and eat them. After several babies had been stolen, the Indians drove the creature completely out of their country. The creature began stealing babies from another tribe of Indians and they also drove this creature from their land. The 3rd Indian tribe had already heard stories of this creature and when their first baby got stolen they went after it but it got away. When the second baby got stolen, the Indians caught up with the creature and cornered it. They took back the baby and thew the creature into a cage. After a week, the mother of the first baby that was taken really hated that creature, and after a week she picked up a spear and killed it. No more babies will be stolen ever again.

 5. A large hairy man-like creature was caught in a Lithuanian Forest in 1661. It was tamed and it lived for many years at the Polish Court.

 6. Another large hairy creature was caught in the Transylvanian Forest in Hungry and it was also tamed.

 7. In 1954, a Chinese Historian, a Prof. Hoy Vai-Loo was visiting a mountain village in the Shansi Province, he caught a wild man and taught him to perform several simple tasks.

 8. The Persians have used Big Foots as fighting animals.

      Story number 24 was told by a 70 year old lady who went to big foot meeting with a friend in southern California. Everyone there were telling Sasquatch stories and it became her turn. She said when she was 12 years old her Dad owned a Dude Ranch in the Frank Church Wilderness Area in Idaho. This Dude Ranch attracted vacationers, hunters and fishermen. Her Dad owned his own air plane and he would fly to this Dude Ranch every weekend and she would go with him. While at the Dude Ranch she would hike in all directions so that she was familiar with the land that surrounded the Dude Ranch. She found a small beautiful valley that had creek running through it and it became her favorite place. One day when she was in that valley eating her lunch, a seven foot, brown, hairy, female creature suddenly stepped out from the brush and the girl screamed. They looked at each other for a full minute and the girl felt that the creature was not going to harm her so she offered the creature one of her sandwiches and the creature sat down next to her. They tried to talk to each other but they did not get anywhere. The girl left and the next time she returned to this little valley a few days later, the female creature was already there waiting for her. All summer long this girl would meet with this female Big Foot in that little valley. Most of the time it would bring a young Big Foot with it and other times her mate would be there. He was a 9 foot tall, dark, hairy creature but he paid no attention to the girl and she did not fear him.
      In the fall, her Dad sold the Dude Ranch to a new owner. She has never been back to that Dude Ranch since but she still remembers the kind female Big Foot who had become her friend.

      Story number 25 is about a 22 year old who went fishing on the west side of Mount St. Helens in 1966. The fishing was really good and he had 4 fish on his stringer and his pole was yanking again. He reeled in the 5th fish and then threw his line back into the water. Before he got the fish on the stringer his pole was yanking again. He put the string of 5 fish on a rock and grabbed his pole and reeled in the 6th fish. He went to put the fish on the stringer and the stringer was gone. Not too far from where he was standing was a 10 foot tall black hairy creature that  had his string of fish up against a rock and he was smashing them with another rock. The young man was really scared and he grabbed his tackle box and fishing pole and ran away from that mean looking creature. When he got back to town and told his friends about the creature, they just laughed at him and said that he was drinking too much. But when he told the story to his Grandfather, his Grandfather believed every word. His Grandfather said:  " My grandson has always told the truth. What he says about this tall hairy creature is for real. I believe that his story is very true. ".

      Story number 26 is about a lady who went camping with her husband near Bridesville, British Columbia which is just north of the US Boarder. They had been camping in this area before and while hiking one day they ran across an old house that had an old garden spot and the Rhubarb plant grew wild there. She wanted to go up there and help herself to that plant. Her husband did not want to go, so she went by herself. She did find the old cabin but the wind had blown it over and it was leaning against a tree. Also sitting on the ground with it's back against the same tree was a large, dark, hairy creature. His hands were resting on it's knees and he was looking at her blinking his eyes. She said he looked like a large monkey and she was scared to death of him. He wasn't very far away and she slowly backed away and started to walk back towards her camp. She looked over her shoulder but the Big Foot had not moved. The more distance she covered, the faster she walked until she got back to her camp. She told her husband about the creature and he believed her. He waited about two days before returning to the old garden spot and he dug up the rhubarb for her. He looked for the creature but it was gone.

      This 27th story took place near Fort Bragg, California in June of 1962. Bud Jenkins wanted to visit with his sister and brother-in-law who lived way out in the country right next to some heavy woods. Bud could not sleep very well the first night and when he heard the dogs barking madly outside he put on his boots and a raincoat because it was raining. He went out to the backyard to a 6 foot fence that divided the house from the barn. Standing on the other side of the fence on two feet was a 10 foot tall bear. It was the biggest bear that Bud had ever seen. He ran back to the house to get his brother-in-law who was a bear hunter. When they both got to the 6 foot fence the bear was gone. Bud's sister was standing in the doorway yelling that the bear was coming towards the cabin. Both men ran back into the cabin and tried to close the door but the creature was on the other side trying to open the door. It took the efforts of all three of them to close the door and lock it. Then they looked out the window at a 10 foot creature running away on two feet and it disappeared into the woods and it was never seen again. This hairy creature was no bear and they figured that the creature must have been a Sasquatch. The next day they found a hand print on the door that measured almost 12 inches from the bottom of the palm to the tallest finger.

      This 28th story came from the state of New Jersey from the town of Lower Banks which sat on the edge of a wilderness area called the Pine Barrens. In 1966 a couple that was living in a house, they saw a pair of eyes looking at them through a window. They did not know what kind of animal it was but to be nice to it they left their table scraps outside every night for the animal to eat. It ate everything except a peanut butter sandwich. One night they forgot to put their table scraps outside and the creature got really mad and began to beat on the door. Then he took the garbage can and threw it against the house. The owner of the house grabbed his rifle and went outside and he saw this 9 foot tall dark hairy creature looking at him. He fired a shot over it's head but the creature just stood there. So he fired a shot at it and the creature ran into the woods and was never seen again.

13. Big Foot Is Well Known All Over The World.

      Every Indian Tribe in both North and South America, they all have stories of the Big Foot that goes back hundreds of years. Also every Indian Tribe that has a written language they all have a word for Sasquatch and guess what, no two words are same. Big Foot or Sasquatch is well known all over the whole world and every country has their name for Big Foot and guess what, no two of those names are the same. If there is any truth to this then that means there hundreds or maybe even thousands of Big Foots all over the world.

      Below is a list of several countries and the name they have chosen for Sasquatch.

  1. Tibet (next to the Himalaya mountains)----------------------------Yeti or The Abominable Snowman.
  2. Australia--------------------------------------------------------The Yowie.
  3. China-----------------------------------------------------------The Yeren.
  4. The states or Georgia and Florida in the USA-------------------The Skunk Man.
  5. Vietnam--------------------------------------------------------The Nquoi Rung.
  6. Philippines------------------------------------------------------The Kapre.
  7. Japan-----------------------------------------------------------The Hibagon.
  8. Finland----------------------------------------------------------The Wudewasa.
  9. Siberia----------------------------------------------------------The Chuchunaa.
  10. West Africa-----------------------------------------------------The Abonesi.
  11. South Africa----------------------------------------------------The Apamandi.
  12. Scotland--------------------------------------------------------The Feria Mohr.
  13. Wales----------------------------------------------------------The Grey King.
  14. Pakistan--------------------------------------------------------The Baramanu.
  15. The State of Alaska USA---------------------------------------The Arulataq.
  16. The Big Foot of the South American Andes Mountains----------The Ucumar.
  17. Brazil-----------------------------------------------------------The Mapinquary.
  18. Venezuela------------------------------------------------------The Vasitri or Salvaje.
  19. By the Indians that lived near the Great Lakes USA-------------The Manaha or the Windigo.
  20. The Indian name from the Arctic Region of North America------The Toonijuk.

      If you are not a Big Foot Fan then you should become one. It will be only a matter of time before the rest of us will actually see a real live Sasquatch. Then you can tell the rest of the world: " I told you so ".

       14. What Ever Happened To Dr. Frederich A. Kueppers?

      Fred Kueppers was one of the main Scientist who was involved in the Philadelphia Experiment, The Phoenix Project and other Time and Dimension Experiments that took place in the USA. Fred was born in Germany but he was against the German cause during World War Two so he moved to the USA and began working as a scientist at the Montauk Air Force Base which sat on the southern tip of Long Island. They think that Fred Kuppers was smuggled into the United States by a Military Officer named Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr. who was the original father of Edward and Duncan Cameron who were the only two men that lived through the Philadelphia Experiment.  In the 1940's it was known as " Fort Hero ".  He worked closely with the the " Greys " on Time and Dimension experiments and he was one of the main scientist to work on the Philadelphia Experiment. He had a daughter named Helga in whom he had shared many of his far-fetched ideas from time to time. She had heard these ideas many times as a child until she became an adult.
      For a time during World War Two Fred was given a leave of absence from Fort Hero to go to upper state Maine to be a part of the Manhattan Project. This was a private government camp near the Canadian boarder. There were several scientists there that were involved with the project but Fred Kueppers was the one who invented the device that allowed the Atom Bomb to blow up. To try out his device they picked a Japanese controlled Island called Hiroshima. The experiment was a great success. There was nothing left to the Island. The Island of Nagasaki got blown up also. The blowing up of these two Islands really up set Japanese Leaders. They did not want an A-Bomb dropped on Japan. So Japanese leaders met American Leaders on the ship called the USS Missouri and both the Japanese Foreign Minister Mainoru Shigemitsu and Chief of Staff Yoshijiro Umezo signed treaty papers which ended six years of fighting among most of the major nations of the world. A very happy day.
      After the Manhattan Project Fred Kueppers went back to Fort Hero and continued his experiments. One day he told his daughter Helga, that he had enough knowledge working with magnetic forces and radio frequencies that he knew how to put himself into another dimension and then come back again and Helga felt that he had already done that experiment to himself several times with great success.  But being she was young she did not think too much about it at that time and it was no big deal to her.
      Helga grew up in life, got married and started her own family. She tried a number of businesses but throughout her life she was always a minister and she was very good at reading other peoples thoughts. In 1962 Helga had received word that her Dad had passed away so she attended his funeral. They would not open the casket but Helga felt very strongly that her Dad was not in there. For a long time afterwards she wondered as to why are we having this funeral for her father, and if he was not in the casket then where was her father and how was she going to find him? Several months later Fred Kueppers came to visit with Helga and he told her that he had not died and that he had staged his own funeral. That was why the casket was not allowed to be opened. Government Officials were looking for him so that they could destroy him. They did not want him to reveal any of his secrets to anyone else. Because he had been very successful with his Dimension Experiments, he decided to put himself into another Dimension and he could come and go as he pleased. He told Helga that he was very happy and very comfortable living in another dimension and that she was not to worry about him. But most of all Government Agents will never find him. That secret of traveling into another Dimension is now lost except Fred Kueppers still knows how to do it.
      One of my sons was living in southeastern Canada for a time and one day he ran into the care takers of that old government camp where the Manhattan Project took place. This government camp is now privately owned. My son had been invited many times to this camp as a guest by the care takers. A year or two later we took a family trip to upper State Maine and we became guest of this same camp. It sat on the edge of a lake deep in the woods surrounded by about two thousand acres of wilderness and it was only about 15 miles from the Canadian border. There was a large house, a large barn and several other sheds on the property. The house had about 12 bedrooms up stairs that was to house all the scientists and it had 2 or 3 bathrooms. Down stairs there was a large dinning area that had a large table that would sit 12 or more people. There was a large kitchen and a large refrigerated food pantry. There was a large living room that would comfortably  seat 12 or more people. On the walls all around this living room were pictures of all the scientists who were a part of the Manhattan Project. On the one side of the house there was a room that had windows on all sides. This was the reading room. Or a room to just plain relax. All the furniture and chairs were the same as it was back in the 1940's. The house did have a full basement but the care takers would not take us down there.
      Upstairs there was one bedroom that was Fred Kueppers bedroom. All the other rooms had a bed and maybe a place to put your clothes but that was it. Fred's room was the largest. It had a comfortable bed. A large table that was used as a desk and a work place. It had books and small tools on the table. There were several cabinets and some still had some of Fred's real clothes. Two of the cabinets had Rifle and Shot Gun shells in them. The bed room closet was full of Guns just in case any of the scientists wanted to go hunting. They also did a lot of fishing on the lake. About the only other thing in that bedroom was some bookcases that were full of books.
      I am personally aware of ghost if they are present in a room. I can enter any room and I can tell you right off the bat if there are any spirits in that room. During the day I felt nothing in Fred Kueppers bedroom but at night time it was a different story. I did feel a ghost in his bedroom every night, and during the night he would walk the halls. How do I know. Well I felt his spirit out there when I got up to go to the bathroom. Fred did not make any noises nor did he want to harm any body. I did not tell any body about what I felt. Everyone was having a good time and I did not wish to let them know what I knew. In fact I did not tell them until several months later nor did I say anything to the care takers. Although I think they already know about Fred Kueppers' ghost.
      Some years later I read about Fred Kueppers and how he had put himself into another Dimension and I began to smile. Why not, living at that old government camp in Northern Maine gave Fred a sense of peace and happiness. To have been transferred there into another Dimension would have been perfect for Fred Kueppers.
Some day I will return to that old camp in Northern Maine, and I will find out for sure if Fred Kueppers does in deed live there but in another Dimension!

15. Why Did Most Of The Ships And Planes Disappear In The Bermuda Triangle From 1940 To 1970?

      If you look up the history of the Montauk Air Force Base or Fort Hero as it was also called, it will say that Fort Hero had opened it doors for business in 1942. They say it was used as a training center for new recruits, and it was a hugh torpedo testing facility. But if you look a little deeper into the history of Fort Hero, it had it's beginnings during World War One and the area was named after a military commander, his name was Major-General Andrew Hero, Jr. and he died in 1942. This area was called Fort Hero as early as 1926 but it was made official after Commander Hero had passed away. Fort Hero sits on the southern most tip of Long Island about 7 miles south of the town called Montauk, New York. This Military camp was a self-contained town with recreational facilities, barracks and it's own power plant. The Military had placed some large guns all around Fort Hero and other guns were placed along the coast line and some were placed by the Light House. This was an added protection just in case we were attacked by unwanted ships. But as far as I know they never did have that problem, except for some German U-Boats that came quite close to the military base but nothing happened. Fort Hero did have some radars but the Military was not satisfied with them and in the month of June 1948 the Military installed a giant Sage Antenna that was almost as big as a football field. They had made a special building for this Antenna so that it would last a long time and to this very day that Sage Antenna is still there. It will be a land mark for many years to come.
      Because this new Sage Antenna seem to work as the Military wanted it to function the US Government made Fort Hero the " Eastern US Radar Center " and it had that title for the next ten years. Of course when you read about the history of the Montauk Air Force Base they are not going to tell anything about the secret projects that were being carried out. The less you know, the more happier the Military will be. Even though they say that the doors to Fort Hero wasn't open until 1942, the Military had a secret project going on as early as 1936. This was called the " Rainbow Project ". Scientists were putting Railroad Boxcars into another Dimension and then they were bringing them back. Like I said the Rainbow Project began in 1936 and it ended in about 1942. This is about the time that the Philadelphia Experiment had its beginning. If you read the story up above it will tell you that Fred Kueppers was one of main scientist of the Philadelphia Experiment. I do have the story of the Philadelphia Experiment but I not going to tell it at this time. But I promise you that it will be one of the most interesting stories that you will have ever heard.
      Fort Hero has 7 basement levels to it and of course the Military will tell you this is not the truth. The first 5 levels were used for secret projects like Brain Washing, Time and Dimension Experiments, reading other peoples thoughts, the Philadelphia Experiment and they had a project where they were using computers and they attached wires to a man's brain and put his brain waves into another man that was sitting next to him. This man could see through the other man's eyes. He could move the arms, the hands and he could even get up and move about walking around the room. There were other secret projects that were going on but I am not going to tell you about all of them at this time. If you wish to read about this, check out three books that were written by the scientists who worked at Fort Hero. They swear that all of these books are 100% the truth. They are " The Philadelphia Experiment " by a Commander X. The 2nd book is called: " The Montauk Project " by Preston B. Nichols, and the third book is called  " Montauk Revisited " by Preston B. Nichols. All of these books were very interesting. I hope you will find joy in reading them. Most Libraries do not have these books. I got both of mine on the Inter-Library Loan Program. Now I am going to tell you about the other two basement levels. The 6th level goes under ground for 7 miles into the town of Montauk. This tunnel ends in the basement of the building called the Montauk Tower. The 7th level goes way under the ocean for a long distance and I have never read of anyone who have ever been to the end of that tunnel. Today all the entrance ways to the lower basement levels have all been closed up to keep people out of them.
      On August 12th, 1943 the scientists caused a Destroyer called the USS Eldridge to disappear into another Dimension for several minutes and then they brought it back. The ship was in good shape but most of the crew members died or they went crazy. Fred Kueppers and other scientists continued their experiments for the next ten years. What they did during that time no one knows because all records have been lost. But almost exactly 10 years after the Philadelphia Experiment a full sized Aircraft Carrier with all its planes and a full crew, this all was put into another Dimension. When they brought it back it was located three thousand miles away. This time the ship, the crew and all the planes were all in good shape. Which shows that all those scientists were busy for those ten years. The Montauk Air Force Base remained open until 1969. At that time Montauk had lost all of its funding and everyone who worked there were all out of a job. Fort Hero had to close its doors. In 1973, Montauk reopened its doors for a new form of Technology that they wished to do experiments. They were using generators, receivers, computers, the Sage Antenna and after 1973 they built another called the Delta T Antenna. If you read my article " Can magnets help our bodies ", it talks about the Pyramid of Giza and how it holds the fertile Nile Valley in a magnetic force. Because of the pyramid of Giza the Nile Valley will always be green. The Delta T Antenna is made up of two pyramids patterned after the Pyramid of Giza. These pyramids sit on top of each other. One is pointed up and the other is pointed down. Not only is this  antenna is connected to computers but it also sits on magnetic north, thus it runs on magnetic forces also the same as the pyramid of Giza.  This became known as " The Montauk Project ". There were several people involved but the names of the main two scientists was Preston B. Nichols and Duncan Cameron. A step by step record of these experiments are found in a book called " The Montauk Project " by Preston B. Nichols. This book was really good. In 1981 they accidentally opened a window into the future to the year of 6037 A.D. and they sent a lot of people into the year of 6037 but most of them became lost and never returned. On the 12th of August 1983, they accidentally put the whole Air Force Base into another Dimension and also a 20 foot beast appeared and began destroying the buildings. Preston B. Nichols told everyone that it was the electronic equipment that was causing these problems and if they destroyed everything, things would go back to to normal. So everyone got busy and destroyed all the electronic equipment. As a result the 20 foot beast disappeared and the Montauk Air Force Base went back into the present time. But it also would mean that everyone was now out of a job. The Montauk Project had come to an end, and Montauk again closed its doors. Like I said before you can get a full account of these experiments by reading " The Montauk Project " by Preston B. Nichols. By the way they had a telephone interview on the internet with Preston B. Nichols only a few years ago and he talked about the experiments that they conducted at Montauk from 1973 to 1983 and he swears on his mother's grave that all of these events that took place at the Montauk Air Force Base did really happen.  
      Now what I am about to tell you, this did not come from any book. These scientists who were working on Time and Dimension Experiments from the 1940's clear up to 1970, they needed test subjects to help them to succeed. They had a powerful Sage Antenna that could tract any ship or plane way out in the Atlantic Ocean. They were using Magnetic Forces and Radio Waves in their experiments and most of these ships and planes did disappear between the 1940's and 1970. I honestly believe that the Montauk scientists used those ships and planes as Guinea Pigs. If they ended up disappearing, who is going to blame them, and that was what their experiment was all about. They were putting solid objects into another Dimension and if they could they would bring them back. But that does not explain all the disappearances. Many ships disappeared before the 1940's and many other planes and ships have disappeared after the 1970's. Montauk may have used some of these as a part of their experiments, but how do you explain the disappearance of all the others. Below are some stories of both planes and ships that have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. It is also known as the Devil's Triangle.

16. The " Star Tiger " And The " Star Ariel.
        Two " Tudor 4 " planes that were owned by the British South American Airways were both passenger planes and both of them were in excellent condition. The first one called the Star Tiger took off from Santa Maria in the Azores at 3:34 PM in the afternoon and it was flying to Bermuda. This was a distance of 450 miles and it was suppose to arrive at 5:00 PM. When the plane was half way there, the pilot radioed in that everything was running smoothly and the weather was excellent and they felt that they would arrive in time. When 5:00 PM came rolling around there was no Star Tiger anywhere. Bermuda tried to contact them but they got no response, and the Star Tiger was never to be seen again. Search planes were sent out but they found nothing at all. This event took place on the 29th of January 1948.
      About one year later the airplane that was called the Star Ariel was flying from Bermuda to Jamaica. This plane was also owned by the British South American Airways. This plane was flying almost the same route as the Star Tiger. The weather was excellent and twice the pilot radioed in and said everything was going smoothly and they felt that they were going to arrive on time. Well they never did arrive at Jamaica nor were they ever heard from again. Both planes had completely disappeared and no one knows what ever happened to them.

" The Sulfur Queen "

      The " Sulfur Queen " was a Giant Tanker that set sail in the month of February 1963. It was traveling from Texas to Virginia and it had a cargo of hot liquid Sulfur. The ship sent several messages before it entered into the Bermuda Triangle and them it disappeared with 39 people aboard the tanker. No one ever saw this ship again. They sent out search crews but the found nothing. The giant tanker was gone forever into the unknown. About three weeks later they found washed ashore two life jackets that said " Sulfur Queen " on them. Did the Hot Sulfur aboard the Tanker explode? If it did no parts of the ship was ever found. Did the ship run into a bad storm, again they think not because there was no distress calls. So! What did happen to that Giant Tanker with 39 people aboard?

      In this 3rd story an Army plane the C-54 took off from Bermuda on the 3rd of July 1947 with a crew of 6 people and it was flying to Morrison Army Air Field in Palm Beach, Florida. It disappeared somewhere between Bermuda and the Air Field. The Army, the Navy and the Coast Guard covered over 100,000 square miles of sea and no trace of the plane was ever found.

      In this 4th story a chartered passenger plane a DC-3 took off from San Juan and it was flying to Miami on the 27th of December 1948. This plane had 36 passengers and the crew. The weather was excellent and the skies were clear. The plane left at 10:30 pm and after a time a radio message came in that all was well and that everyone was happily singing Christmas Songs. At 4:14 am a message came in from the DC-3 and they said they were only 50 miles south of Miami and that they could see the lights of the city. They said all was well and they would be standing by for landing instructions. Nothing more was ever heard from that plane and it was never seen again. The interesting part was that last 50 miles to Miami was over shallow water that was only about 25 feet deep, and yet the search crews found no trace of the plane anywhere.

      This 5th story talks about Private Aircraft or planes that have left Florida Airports between 1948 and 1970. The number of aircraft that ended up missing was over a thousand planes. They would take off from the Florida Airports and never return and no one knows what ever happened to them. Most of them had passengers and they were out on a pleasure trip. But it looks like those pleasure trips ended somewhere into the unknown. If Rod Sterling was around he would have said that they all entered into the Twilight Zone.
      The same story goes with private boats and small ships. Their boat ride could have been centered around a fishing trip or a family outing. They simply sailed into the Bermuda Triangle and no one ever saw them again.
      Another large plane that flew over the northern end of the Triangle on it's way to Ireland, it also disappeared. This took place in March 1950 and the name of the aircraft was The US Globemaster.
      A British York Transport carrying 33 passengers and the crew disappeared while flying to Jamaica. This took place on the 2nd of February 1952. Over 200 boats and planes were involved in the search but nothing was ever found.
      Other large planes that have disappeared was a Navy Plane called the US Constellation on the 30th of October 1954. Besides the crew there were 42 passengers aboard the plane. On the 9th of November 1956 a Navy Martin Patrol  Seaplane the P-5M had disappeared with a crew of 10 people near Bermuda. An Air Force Tanker the KB -50 was flying from Langley Field, Virginia to the Azores and it disappeared and was never found. It left Virginia on the 8th of January 1962. Two brand new 4-engine Stratotankers known as KC-135's, they left the Homestead Air Force  Base in Florida and they both disappeared about 300 miles southwest of Bermuda on the 28th of August 1963. A Cargomaster plane the C-132 disappeared while flying to the Azores on the 22nd of September 1963. A cargo plane called the Chase YC-122 disappeared somewhere between Palm Beach and the Grand Bahamas on January 11th 1967. All of these planes were searched for by the Navy, the Air Force and the Coast Guard, but nothing was ever found.
      A message to our readers. If you have an idea or an answer as to how these planes and ships have all disappeared, please leave your comments at the bottom of this page and we will print your comments for everyone to read.

 17. " We Flew Our Plane 4 Hours Into The Future In The Triangle And We Do Not Have An Answer ".

      I saw a car plate with U.S.A.F. printed on it and one day while driving past his house he was out working in his yard. I stopped and said hello. He told me that he was an Air Force Pilot for 30 years and most of that time he was stationed at an Air Force Base on the east coast. I asked him about the Bermuda Triangle and he said the US Air Force had high respects for that area but they would still would send pilots into that area with a mission to perform. I asked him if he was ever sent there and if anything unusual ever happened. He said he went on many missions into the Triangle but most pilots would have a fear that they would never return. He said one time he and another pilot was to fly 280 miles directly east across the Triangle. Then they was to fly northwest back to the mainland and then back to the base. They took off at 8:OO am but before leaving they had checked their watches to make sure the were exactly the same. While flying the 280 miles into the Triangle they both kept an eye on the position of the sun just in case their compass should quit working. When they got to the 280 mile point their compass did quit working and they both took a guess which way was northwest. They found the mainland and flew back to the base arriving at 1:10 pm.  Their meeting with the officers was at 4 pm and so both of them went out to play a few holes of golf. At 1:40 pm an officer came to them and told them that their meeting was at 10:00 am.  They hurried inside and they noticed that the clock said five minutes to ten. When they looked at their watches it said five minutes to two. Somehow they had gone 4 hours into the future while being in the Triangle and they had no answer for it. I asked him if he included that part in their report? He said: " No we did not. The Officers wanted answers and we did not have one, so we left that part out of the report. ". Then this retired man said:  " You are the first person that I have told that story to in over 30 years. ".

18. Alfred Allee, A Fast Drawing Lawman From Texas, USA.

      Allee was born in DeWitt County, Texas, USA in 1855 and he died in the year of 1896. He was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Karnes County, Texas and in the year of 1882 he shot a suspect who was charged with robbery. Allee was later charged with murder because others claimed that Allee had bad feelings towards the man and shot him just to get him out of the way. But because they could not find proof the court let Allee go. He was also asked to leave the county and never return. So he applied for the Deputy Sheriff's job in Frio County, Texas. Only a couple of weeks after taking the job he got into an argument with another Deputy Sheriff named Rhoads and the argument had to do with who was the fastest on the draw. They were both in the Bar with witnesses all around. Allee suddenly jumped up and drew both of his guns and put 8 bullets into Rhoads body. Four of those bullets found his heart and the deputy laid dead on the floor. Again Allee was charged with murder, but there were several witnesses who came forward saying that Rhoads drew his guns first. So again Allee was set free.
      In 1888 the Sheriff asked Allee to track down a very mean train and bank robber named Brack Cornett. A bunch of Texas Rangers were chasing after him and he out smarted them and hid in Arizona. Allee tracked Brack Cornett down and Brack's  friends told him that Allee was coming down the road. Cornett got on his horse and ran fast towards Allee. Cornett drew his gun first and he was a deadly shot but Allee was quicker on the draw and his aim was good. Cornett fell out of his saddle and laid dead on the ground.
      Allee hated all the black people and he wanted nothing to do with them. One day Allee was boarding a train and there was a black porter at the top of the steps. Allee was climbing the steps and lost his balance and fell down the steps. He blamed the black porter for his fall and came back up the steps with a gun in his hands and shot the black porter in the heart. Again he went to court for murder, but again he got off the hook when someone in the courtroom yelled out and said that white men were better then blacks because they make less mistakes. All charges were dropped and Allee was again a free man. Allee got off the hook many times for the killings of other men but his luck finally came to an end on the 19th of August 1896. One of the friends of one man that Allee had shot, he was looking for Allee and when he found him he quickly came up to him and stabbed him. Allee laid dead on the floor.

                    19. A true story about Bat Masterson, a USA gambler from the 1800's.

      This story took place in the town of Dodge City, Kansas during the late 1870's. The Lawman in Dodge City at this time was a US Marshal named Larry Degar. Bat Masterson was a kindly man, he was quick on the draw, a deadly shot and an honest gambler.He was also a law abiding citizen traveling from town to town trying his luck at gambling. His favorite game was Poker, and at this time he was in Dodge City.
      One evening, a trouble maker named Bobby Gill was in the Saloon bothering people and shooting off his guns.The Marshal Larry Degar heard the gun shots and came over to the Saloon and arrested Bobby Gill. He took his guns away and march him off to jail. Bobby was moving too slow so Larry Degar began to kick him, telling him to move faster and he would kick him some more. Bat Masterson was watching all of this and came across the street and told the Marshal to quick kicking his prisoner. The Marshal told Bat to mind his own business and continued to kick poor Bobby. Bat drew a gun on the Marshal and told him to quit kicking Bobby. Two of the Marshal's friends came from side streets and took the gun away from Bat Masterson, and now the Marshal march two prisoners off to jail.
      When a US Marshal locks anyone in his jail, a letter is sent to other US Marshals and the Governor as to who is locked up in his jail. The Governor was Bat's friend, and Bat had a brother Ed, who was a Deputy Marshal and he also read that letter. Ed Masterson went to Dodge City and got the full story from his brother, but Larry Degar would not release Bat. Ed went to see the Governor and the Governor told Larry Degar that if he wished to keep his job he was to release Bat Masterson. Bat stayed in Dodge City for a week staying out of the marshal's way before he left town.

                                            20. A Montana Cowboy And His Horse.

      A Montana Cowboy bought a newborn colt and raised it, teaching it to do tricks. The horse would shake it's head to a yes or no question and it would paw the ground with its foot as to how old it was. It would lie down and roll over and it would say good morning to you in horse language. No one else could ride this horse except for this cowboy in whom the horse dearly loved.
      One day the cowboy grabbed his gun and rode his horse high into the mountains to do some hunting. For the first two days they found nothing. On the third day they came upon a bush that was doing a lot of shaking and the cowboy felt that there was a big Deer behind the bush. The horse was seriously looking at the bush also. The cowboy got off his horse and started to approach the bush. The horse grabbed him by the shoulder and knock him down He got up and began cursing the horse. Then he started for the bush again and his horse again grabbed him by the shoulder and knocked him down a second time. He got up and called his horse a bunch of dirty names. For a third time he tried to approach the shaking bush and this time his horse grabbed him by his belt and pick him up into the air and threw him away from the bush. The cowboy was really mad and stomped on his hat and cursed the horse and was making so much noise that the animal behind the bush came out and looked at him and then his horse. It was not a Deer but a big Black Bear. The Bear looked at them for a second or two and then he ran away. The cowboy knew the horse had saved him from the Bear and he was very sorry for the way he had treated his horse.

  21. George W. Arrington----A Famous Lawman, And One Of The Greatest Texas Rangers Ever.

      He was born in Greensboro, Alabama on December 23, 1844 and he was a member of the Mosby's Raiders fighting for the south during the Civil War. After the war he lived in Central America for a time and then he moved to Texas in 1867 and he joined the Texas Rangers becoming a Captain in just a short time. He was quick on the draw, a deadly shot, a fearless man and he always rounded up the bad guys and brought them in for a trial. Some times it took him several months and he would travel from one side of the United States to the other side, But he always found his man and brought them back to Texas. Arrington holds the record for the most wanted men brought in, in a months time. That record is 40 men. Sometimes he had help going after the bad guys but most generally he would capture these bad man all by himself.
      In the early 1880's, Arrington quit the Texas Rangers and became the Sheriff of Wheeler County for eight years. In 1890 he bought a ranch and he called it  " The Rocking Chair Ranch " and he retired from being a lawman for four years.
      In 1894 he was asked to fill in as the Sheriff of Wheeler County for a short time. During this time six tough cowboys came to town, got drunk and started to cause problems and dared the Sheriff to throw them all into his tiny jail. Instead of rounding them all up, he took the guns away from them and hand cuffed them all to the Saloon's Bar Rail for 24 hours. At the end of that time they were so uncomfortable that they promised to leave town and never come back. A short time later Arrington retired from being a lawman, this time for good. He spent the rest of his days on his ranch and died in 1923.

          22. John Wesley Hardin----The Fastest Gunman That The West Had Ever Seen.

      John was born on the 26th of May 1853 in Bonham, Texas. His young life was good. He had hard working parents and his Dad was a Methodist Minister. He grew up with firearms and was an excellent shot by the time he was 10 years old.
      When Hardin was a teenager, he bought a set of guns and then strapped them on his hips. Every day he would practice and practice becoming very fast on the draw and a bulls eye shooter. But he felt that no matter how fast he was , there had to be someone out there that was much faster.So he invented a new way to draw a gun faster then from the hips. He sewed holsters on the inside of his vest so that the handles of the guns would be next to his chest. Then he practiced many hours everyday drawing those pistols. When Hardin got into gun fights he would stand in the street with his arms folded. He would be wearing his hip guns, but when the other man drew, Hardin would grab the guns in his vest and draw faster then anyone else. He became the fastest gunman that the west had ever seen. A lot of gunmen felt it was against the gunman's code to draw guns from your chest instead of drawing them from the hips, but nothing was ever done about it. Hardin was a deadly shot and most of the men he had shot, the bullet went right between the eyes. Most of his gunfights were ruled as self-defense but he was always on the run, feared by most men and Lawmen were always looking for him.
      In Hardin's lifetime he had killed over 40 men by out drawing them and it was always ruled as self defense. He never backed down from any gunfight, and many men had shot at him and missed, but he would quickly turn around and would shoot the men either in the head or the chest and they would drop down dead. Then he would get on his horse and get out of town before anyone ever tried to stop him. His life ended in 1895 when he was in a bar and he saw a man behind him with a gun in his hand. He could see him in a mirror. As Hardin began to turn around, the man with the gun named Mr. Selman shot Hardin in the head and after Hardin fell onto the floor Mr, Selman shot him twice more in the chest and in the arm. Selman had to go to court over this shooting, but the jury found him not guilty because witnesses claimed that Hardin was reaching for his chest guns.

      Punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Words Of Wisdom And Redneck Ideas That Will Save You Several Bucks A Week ".



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