Saturday, January 18, 2014

I Have Found The Fountain Of Youth

      For hundreds of years early explorers from all over the world have been searching for the " Fountain Of Youth ".  This is a fountain of water that will keep you young by drinking its contents. Have they ever really found it?  Your guess is as good as mine. Oh there are mineral Springs, and  Ever Flowing  Wells and even natural Mud Holes in different parts off the world. They claim that if you would to drink, soak or bath yourself in these substances that there are medical properties that will cure you of any disease. Yes, some even claim that you will not grow old too quick if you drank their mineral water. There is even a park that is centered around a natural springs and a waterfalls. This is a very beautiful place and they call this place " The Fountain Of Youth ". It is a 15 acre Archaeological Park located at St. Augustine, Florida. I don't think they will let you bath in their waters but you can drink all you want from this " Fountain Of Youth ".
      It has been a known fact that the people living in China have lived well over a 100 years. Their secret is they all drink Ginseng Tea. This Herb is grown all over China and it takes 7 years to grow from a seed to a mature root that is used for medicine. The people of China can buy these roots fresh and they will chew on them or they will make a fresh batch of Ginseng Tea. They drink this tea regularly. Why! Because GINSENG TEA WILL GREATLY SLOW DOWN YOUR AGING PROCESS! The people of China have known this for hundreds of years. You can buy Ginseng in capsules but you have no idea how old they are and you have no idea how effective this store bought Ginseng will be. Ginseng is a popular herb taken internally in capsule form all over the world. In China Ginseng is fed to their domestic animals because their reproduction is much higher. It is higher in people also when you use Ginseng .
      Two other common substances that will slow down your aging process and both of these are available at a health food store they are Organic Vinegar under the brand name of " Braggs " and the other is a product called Liquid  " Lecithin ". A teaspoon of Organic Vinegar added to a glass of water and drank every other day this will slow down your aging process.
      My Mother passed away in her early 60's and she drank vinegar water on a regular bases. The people at the Funeral Home claimed that she had the face of a 40 year old woman and that there was no wrinkles on her face, none whatsoever. Caution: Do not mix Milk and Vinegar together, it will sour in your stomach.
      2. Buy a bottle of  liquid  " Lecithin ". This is Soy Bean Oil and it is thicker then honey. So put it on the back of your tongue and swallow a teaspoon of this stuff every other day. Lecithin will also slow down your aging process.
      3. There is a third product that is advertised on TV called  " Okinawa Life " and they claim that taking these capsules will help you to live well over 100 years old. These capsules contain only three foods but the diet of these people included several kinds of food including lots of fish. I think it would be kind of hard to pick just 3 foods and say because of them you will live over 100 years old. But who knows maybe they really do work.
     4. Drinking unchlorinated water will slow down your aging process. Punch in on Google Search: ""Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/Do Not Drink Chlorinated water ".
      My Wife and I have found our own " Fountain Of Youth ", and this is something you can create in your own home. This Fountain of Youth is based on Magnetic Forces. If you look at any map of Egypt you will find that the Nile Valley forms almost a perfect 90 degree angle and at its southern most tip sits the Pyramid of Giza. This Pyramid was built on magnetic north while the other two Pyramids were built on true north. The Nile Valley will always be Green because it sits in side a Magnetic Force that is being produced by the Pyramid of Giza. If you tear down the Pyramid of Giza the Nile Valley would become dessert ground once again. The Whys and the Hows of a Pyramid giving off a Magnetic Force has been a mystery for thousands of years and Why the Nile Valley is always Fertile and Green will keep scientist scratching  there heads for another thousand years. This will be a mystery that will go on and on into the future and it will be one of those Laws that will be naturally excepted even though no one really understands what is going on. In other words it is another unexplained Twilight Zone Story that is for REAL!
      You can create this same magnetic force in your own house. Buy an old record player that spins the 78 speed, then buy an old LP record at a thrift store. Using Super Glue, glue the magnets all over the LP record. Then spin this record on the 78 speed. This Magnetic Force is a natural power that turns negatives into positives. If you spin them all night in your bedroom, this Magnetic Force will relax your body and it will put your body temporarily into a Dormant state. During the 8 hours that you are asleep those magnets will stop all aging processes. Of course you are not going to see the final result until you have lived another 50 years. By then most of your friends will have already died and all you can say is  " I told you so. ".
      By the way, if you can not find an old record player a window fan will work also. Just glue two or three button magnets on each blade. During the summer months you could have air conditioning and a magnetic force all in the same time. In the winter time you could blow this fan across any heater to better circulate the heat. Speaking of spinning fans you could always put these button magnets on all of your ceiling fans or on the fan behind the radiator of your car. On a computer graph which showed a dark smoky screen, when other cars would go by the smoky screen did not make a change. But when a car went by with magnets on it's fan the car would leave a streak of white clear across the dark smoky screen showing that the magnets was cleaning up the air as the car went down the street. Now if everybody would add magnets to the car fans it would make the air that we breath so much cleaner then what it is. Please make the effort to to glue button magnets onto the fan blade of your car or truck. You will be helping to make the air that we all breath so much more cleaner. Again I ask you, " Please Do Your Part! ".
      When I say I have found the " Fountain of Youth " I really mean it! These spinning magnets will greatly slow down our aging process. Now you can double or triple this Magnetic Force by putting these spinning magnets into every corner of the house. Wow! What a Force that would create. By the way, these spinning magnets are very deadly to all Cancer Cells. Cancer can not grow on the in side of this magnetic force.
      Good Luck and have fun. If you wish to be a scientist, the field is wild open in Magnetic Forces and you may become one of the Great Ones someday.

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