Saturday, November 9, 2013

How To Get More Money Out Of Your Paycheck.

      Many people believe that the more money you make, the better you are, and the farther you will be in life over others. But this is not true.'It's not how much money you make that counts, but how wisely you spend your money and you have learned to live within your means.' In other words you have learned ways to make your paycheck last a lot longer. or you have learned ways to save an extra ten or twenty dollars or maybe even 50 dollars from off your existing paycheck.
      When you do run out of money, never use a credit card as a 2nd paycheck. You are getting yourself into more hot water and you will be a 'worry wort when you have no money to pay off a credit card debt. Do not barrow money from loaning companies. You will have to pay it all back with interest. The whole purpose of this article is to find ways to make your paycheck-STRETCH-or you will find ways to save 20 to 100 dollars from every paycheck.
      I was reading on the internet about a family of six that was struggling with an income of over $250,000.00 a year and they were having problems making ends meet. Holy Cow! I wonder what their problem is. They are making more then a one fourth of a million dollars a year and that is not enough money to live on. They need  to read my rule number one listed below on how to budget your money and live with in your means. All the other suggestions would be a great help also. But they are not the only ones who are struggling. There are many others who are struggling to make it to their next paycheck and they make between $100,000.00 and $200,000.00 every year. Well if you are one of these then read on. What is listed below will be a great help in helping you to save a big bunch of money so that you can live with in your means.
      One day I was talking to a corporate lawyer and I asked him how much money does he make in a years time. I asked him 500,000.00 dollars? He said try two and a half million dollars. I said wow, you must be really out of debt and then some. He said he was so deep in debt that he would never break even. I told him that even with all the overtime I have worked over the years I have never made more then 25,000 dollars a year gross and yet I was completely out of debt even though I have raised a large family. My house is paid for and I own my car and my pick-up truck. So again I repeat myself: "It does not matter how much money you make, but how wisely you spend what little you do make is what really counts." Or how to make your paycheck-STRETCH-so it will last longer.
      Below are several suggestions that will help you save an extra 20 to 100 dollars or more from off of each paycheck. If it helped me I know it will help you.

      1. Buy a Journal or a notebook and write down everything you have spent from each paycheck. You need to be honest with yourself and write everything down. Like gas money, utility bills, mortgage payments, car payments, snacks and pop, doctor and dentist bills, for beer and tobacco, for eating out, for the toys you buy to make yourself happy and the list goes on and on. Again I say " be honest with yourself and write everything down." When you start to run out of money you look back at your list to find out where you could cut back. Perhaps eating out could be twice a month instead of 6 of 8 times a month. Right there that will save you 100 dollars or more a month. Do not buy snacks and pop as often and chew gum or eat sunflower seeds instead. Or carry a bottle of water around to drink when ever you get thirsty. This could save you an extra 40 or 50 dollars a month. Already you have saved yourself almost 150 dollars a month. But spend that 100 dollars wisely. Put that extra money into the bank and start a savings program. Then one day when you need some money for home repairs or car parts you can barrow from yourself, your savings program, and then slowly put that money back into the bank.
      2. Never use a credit card as a second paycheck. Or never use a credit card unless you already have money in the bank to pay for your credit card bill. If you follow this rule you will never have to pay interest on your credit card providing that you pay the monthly credit card bill on time. If you do not feel comfortable in using a Credit Card then get rid of them. They will do you more harm then good.
      3. Turn off your water heater tank when you are not using it. Our water heater goes on and off  several times a week. By doing so you will save yourself an extra 20 to 30 dollars a month on your electric or gas bill. Try it. It will save you money.
      4. I go by houses all the time at night and some people must have every light on in their house. When you leave a room turn off the light. Putting a sign above the light, to turn off the light, will help children and others to get into the habit. Use only the lights that you need and leave the rest of them off. Also turn off the TV. when no one is watching it. Some people leave it on all day long, and that is not the thing to do. A TV will use a fair amount of energy if left on all day long. By following these rules you could save over 10 dollars a month. Also if you could put your refrigerator or freezer in a cool place like on your back porch, or in the garage, or in the basement, it wouldn't have to be running all the time as it would sitting inside a warm house. This will also save you a bundle of money.
      5. If there is any way you could ride the buss to work or ride in a car pool, this will save you money on gas and wear and tear on your car. Depending on how far you have to travel to and from work, riding the buss could save you from one to two hundred dollars a month. Also when ever you could walk or ride a bike rather then use your car, this could save you up to 10 dollars or more a month.
      6. Being that I have raised a large family, I would buy food by the case when it came on sale. This will save you a bunch of money. Start a years supply of food and add to it when ever a case lot sale would take place. The money you have put in your savings account could be used also for these case lot sales.Do not buy food at it's regular cost at the store unless you have to.
      7. Grow a garden. This could save you over 1000.00 dollars on your yearly food bill. Most foods are easy to grow and libraries will generally have lots of books on how to grow a garden or you could talk to some of your neighbors. Most of them will gladly come to your house and will help you to get started. The worse part of growing a garden is keeping the garden weed free. The weeds will steal the nutrients from out of the soil and if the weeds get out of hand they can retard the growth of the other garden plants.So throughout the whole summer it is very important to get out in your garden and...hoe...hoe...hoe. One thing about growing a garden you can put leaves all over the carrots and beets so they will not freeze in the winter. So when ever you need carrots or beets in the winter you just go out and dig them up. Would you believe that my wife and I have not bought carrots from the store in over thirty years. Please read my articles on " How to grow lots of Carrots ", or " How to grow lots of Peas ", or " Remedies for growing a Garden ".
      8. A lot of people out there are either buying or leasing a car and they are paying from 100 to 400 dollars a month. I have never done this. I have always bought used cars and I would borrow from my savings account. Then I would slowly put money back into my savings. I have never paid interest on any of my cars. If you do not have a savings program get one going this weekend. Buying used cars and not paying interest will save you tons of money. But if you would rather spend 400 hundred a month plus then go for it.
      9. There are thrift stores in every city. Goodwill Industries, Somebody's Attic, some churches have thrift stores or you could go to one of the many garage sales that take place almost every weekend. I say this because you could visit some of these places and buy nice 2nd hand clothes, videos, DVD's, books and small appliances that work like new. Even some clothes look like new and you only pay a fraction of the price compared to the new clothes. Look at all the money you would save at Christmas time if you bought most of your gifts at a thrift store. I do buy new stuff but I also buy a lot from the thrift stores. If you look at my wife and I and our kids, we are all dressed just as nice as everyone else.
     10. Invest some money in a wheat grinder and buy whole grains in 25 or 50 pound bags. This could be wheat, rice, buckwheat, millet seed, sorghum, spelt or barley. You can make healthy homemade bread by following the instructions in a cookbook. You could make over 100 loaves of bread with a 50 pound bag of wheat or you could make over 1000 pancakes. A 50 pound bag of wheat will cost only 15 to 20 dollars. If you grind this grain into cereal using a coffee grinder, you could eat fresh hot cereal for only 15 cents a bowl. To make this hot cereal taste good, add a few sprinkles of salt, some butter, brown sugar according to your taste, a few drops of vanilla and/or maple flavoring, a handful of raisins, some cinnamon, some milk, and some vanilla ice cream if you have some. The instructions for making the hot cereal is very simple. Grind up fine in a coffee grinder 3  cups of grain.What ever you have left over of this ground up grain can be put into the frig for another day. Boil a pan of water and add a few sprinkles of salt. Using a wire whisk and pouring the ground up cereal slowly into the pan until it begins to thicken then put your heat on low and stir the cereal for 40 or 50 seconds. Turn off your stove and put the cereal into bowls then add all the goodies to make it taste good. Children will even eat it and enjoy it when you add all the above goodies, ice cream and candy cookie chips, or m&m candies. Any of the fresh grain cereals when eaten, they will kill cancer cells in your body.
     11. Buying new tires for your car or truck could cost you 800 to 1200 dollars or more. But there are used tire outlets all around the world where you could pay 150 to 250 dollars for a nice set of four tires. so why pay more when you really don't have to. I see tires for sale at yard sales. Keep your eyes open and you will see some good deals. Also many gas stations will sale you their used tires for real cheap.
     12. Fasting is good for your body. It gives the body a rest from it's everyday use. A fast could be going without food and water for 24 hours. Some people fast for only two meals. Others fast by eating no foods but they still drink the liquids. Some people fast once a week and others fast once or twice a month. After you have fasted, then you figure out how much money you have saved by not eating food and you put that money into a savings account. Or you can do like some of the rest of us. We will take that money and buy food with it and give it to the poor and needy. By doing so you will enjoy a sense of peace that others will never feel....and I kid you not.

      Some people will run to the doctor for every little ache and pain they have. Would you believe about 80%  of the people who go to doctors, there is really nothing wrong with them. I have had several doctors tell me this. A lot of people think they are sick when they are really not. A lot of sicknesses can be cured at home, and by doing so look at all the money you would have saved and that money would not have ended into a DOCTOR'S  POCKET!!!!
      Many power companies will offer a special rate program where the customer will pay a lower rate on their electric bill if they live by the company's rules. For instance most people who are on the regular rate will wash and dry their clothes on any day of the week. On the special rate program you will pay more money if you wash and dry on the week days but on the other hand if you would wash or run most of your power equipment on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, you will save yourself a bundle of money while those who are on the higher rate are paying a lot more then you are. The only draw back that there is if you were to wash on the week days, you will pay a higher rate then those on the regular rate program. My wife and I have been on this low rate program for over 20 years and if you can live by their rules, you will save a lot of money, yes, a big bunch of money. That is why our refrigerator and freezer sits on our back porch because it uses a lot less energy then it would if it was sitting in a warm house.
      If you are also interested in a program like what is listed above, contact your local Power Company and see what they have to offer. If they have no such program then see if you can get one going. Most Power Companies are more then willing to work something out with you.

      Some people believe in coupons as a way to save money, but this program doesn't seem to work for me. When case lots sales come up we are always looking at the best deals and the major brands are most generally not a part of this program. Most coupons are centered around the major or the more popular brands that are sold on the market. But I do know a lot of people who are sold on the coupon program and it does save them a lot of money. If this program works for you and coupons do save you a bunch of money, then go for it. I do use the coupons when they are in my favor but over all I am not crazy about the coupon program like others are.

      I hope this information will help you to save money, and to make that paycheck-STRETCH-a little bit farther today then it did yesterday. Again I repeat myself that it matters not on how much money you make in a years time that is of importance, but how wisely you spend your hard earned cash and you have learn to live with in your means. If I can live off of $25,000.00 a year with a family of 11 persons with no problems, then YOU should be able to live off of more then $100,000.00 with a family of 6 or 7 and still make ends meet. All the above ideas will save you a lot of money if you choose to live by them. Please read my article on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How To Never Have Credit Card Debt ".

      By the way, even though I only made 25,000 dollars a year the program listed up above has got me completely out of debt. I own my house. I own my car and truck. I am able to pay all my taxes with no problems and I have money in the bank that will help me through those rainy days that come and go but this program does help me to overcome my everyday problems. I am smiling because I am on the top of my problems. I am worry-free.    Woopeeee!!!!

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