When we were all children many of us ran around in our bare feet. Walking in your bare feet is very healthy. All the nerves in the body end up in your feet and by walking bare footed, it toughens them and it automatically massages them.
There are foot doctors out there who can and will give you a foot massage if you ask them. They can tell you if your kidneys and liver are working normally, or if you are having heart problems, or if any of your glands are not properly working and the list goes on and on. I honestly believe that a foot doctor can tell you what is wrong with you more then a medical doctor can. Half of the time a medical doctor is guessing as to what is wrong with you when you tell him about your aches and pains. A foot doctor will tell you where your aches and pains are without even asking any questions. When they work on you and tell you what is wrong. you actually wonder as to " How do they do that? ". Chiropractors can also tell you where your aches and pains are before they even give you an adjustment. I have noticed that a Chiropractor can show you painful places that you did not even knew you had.
If you are an adult and if you are not doing some of your exercise program in your bare feet, then you need to start. There are no beer drinkers at my house so I don't have to worry about any beer bottles getting broken on my front or back lawns. I do sometimes get rocks on the lawn and I blame that on the grand kids when they are outside playing. So when it is nice outside and I have done my indoor stretches, I will go outside and walk on my lawn in my bare feet for one to two miles. CAUTION! Do not walk on your lawn unless you know for sure that there is no broken glass or any other sharp and/or pointed objects that could provide you with some very uncomfortable feet. If you do not trust your own lawn then maybe you could trust your neighbor's lawn. You can probably trust an old lady's lawn and she will gladly let you walk on her lawn if you promise to mow it every once in a while or rake her leaves. Who knows, maybe she will come out and walk in her bare feet too, or make you a plate of cookies. But most of all, these old ladies will become your friend for life and it is worth it.
Do not trust city parks for bare foot walking. Everyone uses the city parks for their family parties. You are not allowed to drink at the city parks, but who obeys that rule? Many of these family members will drink bottled beer or the bottled whiskies. So can you trust a city park? I most certainly would not!
It is also good to walk on rocks but just any rocks is not good enough. If any of the rocks that you will be walking on have sharp edges, they could cut up your feet. So for best results make your own rock path. Pick up flat and smooth rocks for your pathway. Water the ground where your path will be until it turns to mud, then you push the smooth rocks into the mud. When the mud dries you will have your own rock pathway. A rock pathway that you can trust to walk on in your bare feet. One of these rock pathways would look really good in your flower garden. But in the winter time when it is cold outside, I walk inside my house in my bare feet on the carpeted floors. By the way, your home made rock pathway will someday go to weeds, but this can be controlled by spraying the weed remover called " Round-Up " on to your rock pathway once in the spring and once in the fall.
If you walk in your bare feet almost everyday the whole year round, you will discover an inter strength that you thought you never had. Also when you walk in your bare feet this will boost up your immunity system to where you will not get sick very often of the common diseases.
Walking in your bare feet can put callouses on your feet. To keep your feet soft and also from drying out put lotion on your feet before you go to bed. If you want to double the your chances of making your feet soft then ware socks after you put lotion on your feet.
Try it! It does work!
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