This is a sensitive subject, and what I am about to tell you, many Medical Doctors do not want you to hear this. Why? Because as long as they can convince you that there is no cancer cures, they will be making tons of money. Of course I do believe, as some of you do, that some of those doctors really do care about us, and they are our friends. Right now most doctors will tell you that there are no cures for cancer, but guess what? There has been a cure for cancer since the 1920's. A common herb, or weed, as some people would call it, grows on many people's lawns. The herb is known as "Red Clover". Doctors have been informed about this cure, but they act like they don't know anything about it, and they don't want you to know anything about it.
For most lawns that have not been sprayed, there is a white flower that grows on it. This is called "White Clover". Most of the common honey on the market is known as white clover honey. White and red clover both have 3 leaves on each plant that are dark green. On other lawns, you will see a red colored flower with the same triple leaves. This is called "Red Clover". This is the Plant that even though it produces three leaves, if you found a four leaf clover it will bring you lots of Good Luck. It is high in antioxidants, and to this day it is the number one herb in the USA for killing cancer cells in the body. Wow! This herb is free for the taking. All you want! And Guess what? Both teas from either white or red clover will clean your blood and make it pure. Both of these plants are valuable Herbs, but the Red Clover is the more popular Medical Herb of the two.
There is a saying that if your blood is pure and your body is balanced, you will never get cancer. When I say balanced, I mean a healthy body, one that is full of the natural vitamins and minerals from eating fresh fruits and vegetables and the eating of whole grains.
Because of a polluted environment that we all live in, I believe we all have cancer cells in our bodies. The whole purpose of this article is to inform you that there is a lot of ways to either kill cancer, or to live a diet where our blood is pure and our bodies are balanced to where dormant cancer cells can not ever grow inside our bodies.
There is a man who goes all over the United States telling people how to keep your blood pure and your body balanced by eating highly nutritional foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, which will make your body immune to most diseases. His name is Dr. Joel Wallach and his program is called "Dead Doctors Don't Lie". Through the research that he has done, he says the radiation treatment people are taking for cancer is 97% ineffective. In other words, the radiation treatments is all a bunch of baloney. These treatments bring such an unbalance to the body that only about 15% of the people who have taken these treatments will live, and the rest of them will die. Dr. Joel Wallach sells a whole line of vitamins and minerals called " Youngevity ". Plus all of his products will bring balance to your body and they will kill Cancer Cells. If you have any questions about the Health Program or the Vitamins and Mineral Supplements, please call Deven's Youngevity at 1-800-788-9664 and talk to an expert. He will advise you on how to overcome most of your health problems.
Would you like to see your body become immune to cancer? I think some of us could still get cancer even though we have tried our best to prevent it, but if you follow some of my suggestions, it will greatly minimize your chances of getting cancer. I have already mentioned about drinking red clover tea. If you cannot find any of this plant, or herb on yours or someone else's lawn, you can buy the red clover blossoms at a health food store. I have a bag full in my basement right now for wintertime use, but in the summer, my lawn has white clover, my next door neighbor has red clover all over their lawn, and anyone can harvest it. Here is the method for making red clover tea. Pick the red clover flowers only, and make sure there are no stems attached to the flowers. The stems will make the tea taste bitter. I usually will pick a quart jar full. Then I put the blossoms on a double paper towel in a double boiler pan. This is 2 pans, one inside the other. The top pan has holes all over the bottom, and the bottom pan has water in it that boils and the dripping coming off the clover blossoms will be collected as a tea. During this process, a lid is covering over the top pan, and you let this boil on low heat for 20 minutes. The tea will be yellow at first, but after it is removed form the heat, the tea will turn to a bright red in about 15 minutes. Drink this tea while it is yellow, because it is very high in antioxidants, but when it turns red, it has only about half of the antioxidants. So in order to get the full benefit of this tea, drink it while it is still yellow. You can drink it plain or sweeten it with honey.
A 2nd way to kill cancer cells in the body is to drink Goji berry juice. Of all the fruits on the market, Goji berries are the highest in antioxidants. This berry commonly grows in Europe, but in the United States, and in other countries the juice can be bought in a health food store for about $40.00 a quart. It also has a very pleasant taste.
A 3rd way to kill cancer cells is to buy a 16 ounce container of cottage cheese at a food store. Put one teaspoon of flax seed oil into the cottage cheese and stir. Eat this cottage cheese on a regular basis along with your meals. Like Goji berries, flax seed is also very high in antioxidants. It would be wise to purchase flax seed, then grind it up and sprinkle the fresh ground seed into homemade soups, hot cereal, yogurt, or stir some into your fruit juices before you drink them. Flax seed is no good in a whole form. It has to be grounded up, or buy flax seed oil and mix it with some of your foods.
A test was done on dogs whose bodies were full of cancer cells, and they were all fed this cottage cheese with the flax seed oil. Within a month, all the cancer in the dogs had been completely destroyed. The cancer cells in the dogs were gone. Now would you like to double the effect of getting rid of cancer cells? Drink Goji berry juice along with eating the cottage cheese.
I was told by a friend that said if you can buy " Hemp Oil " and mix one teaspoon of this into your 16 oz container of cottage cheese, it will be 100% better in killing Cancer Cells then any other oil. But before you go out and buy this " Hemp Oil " make sure that you will not be in trouble with the law enforcement officers because your state will not allow it. Some companies even make a skin lotion with Hemp Oil in it. This kind of lotion will greatly help to prevent all kinds of Skin Cancers.
A 4th way to get rid of cancer is to drink fresh concord purple grape juice. not the processed juice. Not the grape juice you buy in the can, or in a half gallon container, or the juice from concentrate. This juice will not work! It has to be fresh juice from freshly squeezed purple concord grapes, or in other words, this grape juice is 100% alive!
I hope this information will be helpful to you in overcoming any cancer problems. Also in following these instructions, you need to follow the rules of common sense. You still eat nutritional, well balanced meals. You do not smoke, and you do not drink liquor. Also, positive thinking is very important. If you think that none of these things will work for you because your doctor said so, or someone else told you so, then they probably won't do you any good. On the other hand, if you take any of these methods, seriously thinking they are going to help you, then you can, and will get rid of all those cancer cells safely and naturally.
There are over 50 herbs that are known as " Blood Purifiers ". But I am going to list the most common ones. I have already said that " If your body is balanced and your blood is pure, you will never get Cancer ". I am going to list several " Blood Purifiers " and then I will tell you a little bit about each one.
1. Burdock Root-This plant has large leaves and they are very soft when you touch them. The leaves are attached to celery like stalks and it looks a lot like Rhubarb. Burdock grows for two years and then it will die. This plant grows in moist shaded places and it grows all over the world. Boy Scouts use these leaves for T.P., but even though the whole plant can be eaten, all parts of the plant is very bitter. The second year plants grow cock-a-burs [ the seed of the plant ] and they will attach to your clothes in the fall. The leaves can be boiled into a tea and when you sweeten it with honey, it is not bad tasting. The roots are the most valuable. They are the blood purifiers. You can gather the roots and roast them in an oven. They make a good coffee substitute. Burdock is an excellent blood cleaner and its juices will get into your blood stream faster the any of the other herbs. Burdock is one of the number one herbs for all kinds of skin problems both internally and externally. If you wish not to gather the Burdock herb, you can buy the ground up root at any health food stores. In the fall the roots of the first year plants can be dug up, cleaned and peeled of its brown outside skin. this is the bitter part that has been removed. Then you can cut them up and boil or fry them. They taste a lot like potatoes. My brother has gathered these roots all winter long in New Jersey and he claims they are very tasty. The ground up roots are also put into capsules for easy use and they kill Cancer cells.
2. Cayenne Red Peppers that are grounded up and put into capsules. This is a popular blood purifier and you can buy it at any store that sells vitamins and minerals. A bottle of these capsules is called " Cayenne fruit " 40,000 STU. If you don't mind eating hot food you can sprinkle Cayenne Pepper powder in much of your food being that this herb is healthy for you. But if you are like me I do not like hot food not one bit! But I know it is very healthy for me so I will eat half of my meal, then I will take and swallow the capsule and then I will eat the other half. In this way I am not troubled with any hot food. Every once in a while I will burp up some of that hotness and I will drink milk to stop the burning. Do not take more then one capsule per meal. It will give you a belly ache and then some. I know because I have done it and it is no fun. Cayenne Pepper will kill Cancer cells in the body and it will open up your arteries and will make them soft and pliable. It will also give you better blood circulation.This is the number one herb for completely getting rid of stomach ulcers. It took care of mine. My son took Cayenne Pepper capsules for his acne and it completely cleared up. He took one in the morning and one at night after a full meal. He did this for several weeks.
3. Yellow Dock Root that has been grounded up and put into capsules. This is an excellent blood purifier. It is also the number one herb for itch. Most stores do not sell this product. It has to be bought at a health foods store. Buy a can of " Bag Balm " at a farmers store and take some out and put it into another container. This salve is good for sores, bee stings, burns and rashes. Heat the rest of the green can on your stove on low heat until it melts into a liquid. Then you add 12 capsules of the Yellow Dock. Open up each capsule and dump the contents into the liquid salve, and stir well. The next day it will look like a chocolate salve. Put this salve on any itch and the itch will be gone in 20 seconds. I like this salve better then all the commercial itch salves. Be careful though, this salve could stain your clothes.
4. Dandelion Root that has been grounded up and put into capsules. This herb will kill Cancer cells in the body. It is also an excellent blood purifier. This is the common weed that grows on just about every ones lawn in the spring. It has tooth shaped leaves and a yellow flower grows on long stems. The mountain people make a dandelion wine out of the blossoms of this plant. Also many will gather the young tender leaves of the dandelion plant in the spring and they will add the leaves to their daily salads. In the spring I will dig up the dandelion plants in my garden and cut off the roots. Then I will roast the roots in a sun oven for several hours and then I boil the roasted roots in a double boiler and make a big pot of " Dandelion Brew ". I will sweeten mine and add some milk to it. I have made Dandelion Brew every spring for over 30 years. So if you came by my house next spring, I would gladly serve you a cup of fresh Dandelion Brew. Yummy!!!!
5. Red and White Clover. This herb grows on most peoples lawns if the lawn had not been sprayed. Both of these plants are blood purifiers, but the Red Clover has stronger characteristics then the White Clover and Red Clover is a deadly Cancer killer. Most of the honey that is sold in stores comes from the White Clover because there is more of it around.
6. Fresh Grape Juice that comes from freshly squeezed Purple Concord Grapes. I am not talking about the canned juice, or the frozen grape juice, or grape juice that is in a carton even though it says fresh. I am talking about fresh squeezed purple concord grapes that is 100% ALIVE. When you combined pure grape juice with a nut milk about half and half, this will furnish your system with a new blood of the purest kind. It is always best to make your own grape juice. Then you will know it is fresh and you can drink it fresh. They claim that this fresh juice is the best Blood Purifier of then all and it too will kill Cancer cells in the body. Although I do believe that it would be wise to use three or four of these blood purifiers for best results.
There is a spice that is kind of on the top of the list for killing Tumor and Cancer cells in the body. This spice is called " TURMERIC " and its color is bright golden yellow. This spice will stain your clothes if you are not careful in its use. Turmeric comes from a plant that grows in both China and India and both of these countries use this spice in their every day cooking. Turmeric is not-HOT-as many people think it to be. But it does have a strong flavor and it taste just like it smells. Most people do not like the taste of turmeric, but if you use just a little bit in some of your food then the taste is not noticeable. Turmeric will kill the cells of several kinds of cancer in our bodies and it will also kill tumor cells. With this in mind it is wise to use turmeric in our every day cooking. I will put a little bit in my juices, my hot fresh grain cereals, my home made egg nog, my molasses and milk, pancake batter or a bowl of mashed potatoes. These last two will have a buttery look to them because of the turmeric. You could also add turmeric to your soups, beef stews or any stir fried food. But remember to only use a little bit of turmeric. Too much turmeric will give your food a turmeric taste.
There are some side effects that you need to know about on the use of turmeric. They are:
1. Having turmeric in your body will weaken radiation treatments that is done for killing cancer.
2. Turmeric will cause contractions in pregnant women.
3. Turmeric and aspirin should never be taken together. It could destroy your liver. But the use of turmeric by itself is great for the liver.
4. You should not use turmeric if you have a bad gallbladder.
5. Again I repeat myself that pregnant women should not use the spice called Turmeric.
There are several herbs that can be used as teas to get rid of both Cancer and Tumor cells. But for best results it is wise to use a combination of herbs as a tea. Below is a list of those herbs. I hope you will find them all to be useful. Most of these herbs can be bought at a heath foods store.
1. Alfalfa seed-it needs to be grounded up.
2. Astragalus-an herb from China.
3. Burdock Root
4. Chaparral
5. Dandelion Root
6. Golden Seal Root
7. Horseradish Root
8. Mandrake Root
9. Parsley Leaves
10. Periwinkle
11. Red Clover
12. Red Root
13. Rose Hips
14. Slippery Elm-the inner bark.
15. Violet
16. Taheebo-the inner bark of the Red Lapacho tree which grows in the rain forest of South America. This herb is excellent for Leukemia, Cancer and Tumors This is also called Lapacho Tea. This tea was given to a 5 year old girl who had Leukemia and it cured her of the disease in just 6 weeks. This tea is very nasty tasting and it is suggested that you mix one level teaspoon of this tea with organic grape juice and this will cover up the nasty taste. It is suggested though that you use one level teaspoon of Toheebo every three days and no more. When you buy a container of this herb, you will find printed on the label " Pau d' Arco ". This same herbal tea was given to a lady who had a giant Tumor growing on her Thyroid Gland that was very noticeable to all who looked at her. After taking Taheebo tea for four months, the Tumor disappeared and it never grew back again.
17. Graviola Tea-this herb is a strong cancer killer. Graviola is 10,000 times more effective then what you would get from Chemotherapy and guess what? There is no side effects! It is suggested though that you use only one level teaspoon of this herb per day. This is a very popular herb for those who actively have Cancer.
18. AHCC-This is not an herb but it is made up of several different types of dried mushrooms that have been put into capsules. This was invented by scientist that was aware of its medical properties for colds and flu. These capsules will also greatly boost up your immunity system so that cancer can not spread throughout your whole body. These capsules are a bit pricey. They cost over a dollar per capsule.
19. Red Bush Tea-This Tea has about the same amount of Antioxidants as does Goji Berries. This Tea comes from Africa and can be bought in a Health Food Store under the name of " Kaffree Tea ", it is also known as " Rooibos Leaves " and make sure the store knows that you are buying Red Bush Tea, because no two health stores are the same. This Tea has 50 times more Antioxidants then Green Tea but Green Tea has lots of Caffeine in it which hardens up your arteries and causes Stoke. Red Bush Tea has NO CAFFEINE! Besides killing Cancer Cells this Tea will also kill off Free Radicals, it will get rid of Bad Cholesterol, it improves the Memory, it protects the Liver, it makes healthy Bones, Gums and Teeth, it controls Muscle Cramps, it soothes Colic in Children, it helps you to sleep better all night, it fights off all kinds of Skin Diseases, it will relieve nausea and vomiting, it stops external itches and it makes an excellent Sports Drink. We all should be drinking this Tea on a regular bases. By the way you can drink of this Tea all you want with no side effects. This is a very valuable tea to have in your house.
My favorite combination is: Alfalfa seed, Astragalus, Chaparral, Red clover, Red root, Red Bush Tea and violet. Maybe you might have a favorite combination also, and it doesn't hurt to ask some of the older folks what teas were used for the common sicknesses. All of these teas can be drank plain or they could be sweetened with honey. What teas did your Mother make you drink when you became sick?
Selenium is the number one mineral for killing cancer cells in the body. Brazil nuts are very high in the mineral called selenium, but the selenium content varies from tree to tree. It depends on on how much selenium was in the soil in the first place where the tree was grown. It is wise to take a selenium capsule every day. Your body needs this mineral. It will kill cancer cells and it will boost up your immunity system preventing the cancer cells from growing in your body. If you cannot find Selenium in a store and most stores do not sell it, then call Deven's Youngevity at 1-800-788-9664. Deven is an expert on how to overcome health problems and he will show you where you can buy the Selenium Supplements.
What I am about to say to you may sound like a Twilight Zone story, but it is 100% the truth. If you look at any map of Egypt, the green Nile Valley forms a perfect 90 degree angle and at its southern most tip sits the Pyramid of Giza. Because the Pyramid of Giza is creating a magnetic force, the Nile Valley will always be GREEN, and if you would to tear the pyramid down the Nile Valley would go back to being a dessert and it will no longer be green. This same Magnetic Force is very Deadly to Cancer cells and you can create this same Magnetic Force in your own home.
Go to a thrift store or a yard sale and buy an old record player that turns on the 78 speed. This was the speed that the very old records use to be play on. Buy an old LP record from a thrift store and then buy some button magnets from a Hobby or Crafts store. Put super glue on the magnets and glue them all over the LP record. The more magnets you have on that record will help to give you a stronger magnetic force. Then put this record on the record player and spin it at the 78 speed. This will create a personal magnetic force in your own home. While the record is spinning you sit next to it as much as possible and you think strongly that those magnets are going to do you a whole lot of good. For better results, put one of these spinning magnets in each of the four corners of the room. WOW! What a magnetic force that would create and may you never get sick ever again. Remember also to always practice every day Wisdom and Common sense. This is very important if you wish to live for a long time!
Please read my article on Google Search: Uncle Bob's home Remedies-Do Not Drink Chlorinated Water.
One other comment that I wish to say about these spinning magnets, in my opinion the spinning magnets is the same as finding the Fountain of Youth. These spinning magnets are turning negatives into positives and they are causing molecules to become dormant. When you sleep next to these spinning magnets all night long your body will become relaxed and your body will go into a dormant state. Or in other words you will not age all night long as long as those magnets are spinning. My wife and I sleep next to these spinning magnets every night and if we are still alive 50 years from now then I guess we can say " I told you so! ". Read my article called " I Have Found The Fountain Of Youth ".
If you can not find an old record player then use a window fan and glue the magnets on both sides of the blade. Put the same amount of magnets, maybe only two or three per blade on both sides. Make sure that they are positioned the same on each blade so that it will not create an unbalance on the whole fan. In the summertime you will have air conditioning and a magnetic force. In the winter time you can blow this fan across one of your vent heaters and better circulate the heat in your house and still keep the magnetic force going throughout the whole year.
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