Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Remedy For Garden Growers For A More Successful Garden.

     Do garden plants have good neighbors as well as enemies in the way of other vegetable plants?  Yes they do!  The whole purpose of this article is to inform you that some garden plants are enemies to each other, and planting these next to each other will do you more harm than good.  But by properly planning your garden before planting, you can make sure that companion planting is practiced and enemy plants are avoided.  I hope the following information will be very helpful to you as a successful gardener in the future.
  1. Asparagus- Companions:  Basil, parsley, tomato.     Allies: Pot marigold deters beetles.
  2. Bean- Companions:  Beets (to bush beans only), cabbage family, carrot, celery, chard, corn, cucumber, eggplant, pea, potatoes, radish, and strawberry     Allies:  Marigold deters Mexican bean beetles, and nematodes.  Nasturtium and rosemary deter bean beetles.  Summer savory deters bean beetles and improves the growth and flavor.     Enemies:  Garlic, onion and shallot stunt the growth of beans.
  3. Beets- Companions:  Bush beans, cabbage family, lettuce, onion.     Allies:  Garlic improves the growth and flavor.     Enemies:  Pole beans and beets stunt each others growth.
  4. Cabbage Family- (Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi) Companions:  Beets, celery, chard, cucumber, lettuce, onion, potato, spinach.     Allies:  Chamomile and garlic improve the growth and flavor. Garlic will keep the white butterflies away from all the Cabbage Family plants. Catnip, hyssop, rosemary and sage deter cabbage moths also.  Dill improves growth and health.  Mint deters cabbage moth and ants, and improves health and flavor.  Nasturtium deters bugs, beetles and aphids.  Southernwood deters cabbage moth, and improves the growth and flavor.  Tansy deters cabbage worm and cutworm.  Thyme deters cabbage worm.     Enemies:  Kohlrabi, and tomato stunt each others growth.
  5. Carrot- Companions:  Bean, lettuce, onion, peas, pepper, radish and tomato.     Allies:  Chives improve the growth and flavor.  Rosemary and sage deter the carrot fly.     Enemies:  Dill retards carrot growth.
  6. Celery- Companions:  Bean, cabbage family, and tomato.     Allies:  Chives and garlic deter aphids.  Nasturtium deters bugs and aphids.
  7. Chard- Companions:  Bean, cabbage family, and onion.
  8. Corn- Companions:  Bean, cucumber, melon, parsley, pea, potato, pumpkin, and squash.     Allies:  odorless marigold and white geranium deter Japanese beetles.  Pigweed raises nutrients from the soil to where the corn can reach them.     Enemies:  Tomatoes and corn are attacked by the same worm.
  9. Cucumber- Companions:  Bean, cabbage family, corn, pea, radish, tomato.     Allies:  Marigold deters beetles.  Nasturtium deters aphids, beetles, and bugs, and it also improves the growth and flavor.  Oregano deters pests in general.  Tansy deters ants, beetles, bugs and flying insects.     Enemies:  Sage is generally injurious to cucumber.
  10. Eggplant- Companions:  Bean and pepper.     Allies:  Marigold deters nematodes.
  11. Lettuce- Companions:  Beets, cabbage family, carrot, onion, radish, and strawberry.     Allies:  Chives and garlic deter aphids.
  12. Melon- Companions:  Corn, pumpkin, radish, and squash.     Allies:  Marigold deters beetles.  Nasturtium deters bugs and beetles.  Oregano provides general pest protection.
  13. Onion- Companions:  Beets, cabbage family, carrot, chard, lettuce, pepper, strawberry, and tomato.     Allies:  Chamomile and summer savor will improve the growth and flavor.  Pigweed raises nutrients from the subsoil and makes them available to the onions.  Sow thistle improves the growth and health. Enemies:  Onions stunt the growth of beans and peas.
  14. Parsley- Companions:  Asparagus, corn, and tomato.
  15. Pea- Companions:  Bean, carrot, corn, cucumber, radish, turnip.     Allies:  Chives deter aphids.  Mint improves health and flavor.     Enemies:  Garlic and onion stunt the growth of peas.
  16. Pepper- Companions:  Carrot, eggplant, onion, and tomato.
  17. Potato- Companions:  Beans, cabbage family, corn, eggplant, peas.     Allies:  Horseradish planted at the corners of the potato patch provides general protection.  Marigold deters beetles.     Enemies:  Tomatoes and potatoes are attacked by the same blight.
  18. Pumpkin- Companions:  Corn, melon, and squash.     Allies:  Marigold deters beetles.  Nasturtium deters bugs and beetles.  Oregano provides general pest protection.
  19. Radish- Companions:  Bean, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, melon, and peas.     Allies:  Chervil and nasturtium improves the growth and flavor.     Enemies:  Hyssop
  20. Spinach- Companions:  Cabbage family and strawberry.
  21. Squash- Companions:  Corn, melon, and pumpkin.     Allies:  Borage deters worms, and improves the growth and flavor.  Marigold deters beetle.  Nasturtium deters squash bugs and beetles.  Oregano provides general pest protection.
  22. Strawberry- Companions:  Bean, lettuce, onion, spinach, and thyme.     Allies:  Borage Strengthens resistance to insects and disease.  Thyme, as a border, deters worms.      Enemies:  Cabbage
  23. Tomato- Companions:  Asparagus, carrot, celery, cucumber, onion, parsley, and pepper.     Allies:  Basil repels flies and mosquitoes, and improves the growth and flavor.  Bee balm, chives, and mint improves the health and flavor.  Borage deters tomato worm and improves the growth and flavor.  Marigold deters nematodes.  Pot marigold deters tomato worm and general garden pests.     Enemies:  Corn, and tomato are attacked by the same worm.  Mature dill retards tomato growth.  Kohlrabi stunts tomato growth.  Potatoes and tomatoes are attacked by the same blight.
  24. Turnips- Companions:  Peas.
     One final word I would like to pass on to you about planting corn.  Do not plant more than one variety of corn in each corn patch.  The cross pollination of two or more varieties can ruin the flavor of your corn.
     Always throw dirt around the base of all your corn plants when they get about 3 to 4 feet tall.  This will keep your corn from blowing over in a wind storm.

     Please read my articles on " How to grow lots of Peas ", and " How to grow lots of Carrots ".

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