When my brothers and I were young, my mom got herself an evening job and my Dad would cook supper for us. Much of the time he would feed us really crappy food. For an example, Dad would buy a pound of bacon and fry it up and then he would eat it. He would save all the bacon grease and he would soak a slice of bread in the bacon grease. That is what we ate for supper was the bread and bacon grease. Well we had worms like you wouldn't believe, and mom would take us all to the basement and give us an enema to flush out the worms. Oh I hated those days.
Back in the good ole' days when our forefathers ate basic foods, having worms in the intestines was not as common as it is today. Why? The people of today do not eat the basics. What I mean by the basics is that we do not buy the grain and freshly grind it into flour to make breads, cakes, muffins and rolls or whole wheat pancakes. Instead, we are eating white refined flour that has no wheat germ, and no bran, and no vitamins. This white flour is the kind of food that worms love to eat. Many of us eat the fast foods that you just pop into a microwave for a minute or two and it is ready to eat. Worms love this kind of food also.
Most of our forefathers grew gardens and ate fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables, along with their whole grain products. But today most of us will eat the canned vegetables and the canned soups. They don't want to take the time to make the fresh homemade soups. We are in a fast moving world, so most of us eat the same kind of foods that worms love to eat.
When I was in college, I was supporting myself, so I was always looking for ways to budget my money and make it stretch. So for $15 I bought a grist grinder that grinds fresh wheat into cereal and a 50 pound bag of wheat for $5. For a whole year or more I ate oatmeal, fresh ground wheat cereal, sometimes cold cereal, and sometimes eggs and pancakes for breakfast. The fresh ground cereal basically gave me all the breakfast I wanted for only about 10 cents a meal. I would add a dab of butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins, vanilla and/or maple flavoring, and milk. I would even add some vanilla ice cream when it was available. Even though I added all these goodies, my breakfast was still all I wanted to eat for only about 10 to 15 cents a meal, and eating oatmeal was about the same.
Later I read some interesting things about eating winter wheat. First of all, it has 12% protein. It has fresh wheat germ and wheat bran. Winter wheat is also high in Vitamin E. All four of these are deadly enemies to worms, and they are deadly enemies to Cancer Cells. If there was any worms in my body, they would have left a long time ago. Too bad my Mom and Dad didn't have some of this knowledge when we were younger.
Another way to get rid of worms is to eat hot spicy foods. Worms do not like hot foods. The worms would rather take a vacation instead, and never come back. The Red Hot Peppers are the best to use. Not only will they get rid of worms but they will also kill Cancer Cells because they are very high in Antioxidants and there is a lot of Vitamin C. The same goes for any brightly colored fruit or vegetable that you might grow in your garden, these are all deadly enemies to worms.
Worms like to eat food that has been robbed of it's life-giving properties and most people know that junk food fits into that category. On the other hand, life-giving foods will get rid of worms. Fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, by eating these foods you can say good by to the worms forever!
Please read my article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/ The Facts About Cancer That Doctors Do Not Want You To Know About ".
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