If you are not a carrot eater, then you need to become one. They are so healthy for you. Because carrots are bright orange, they are an antioxidant and they are rich in beta carotene. The body digests this beta carotene and turns it into vitamin A. The molecules from digesting carrots will kill cancer cells when it comes in contact with them. The eating of carrots will also prevent Heart Diseases.
I thought this was interesting: When you eat only one cup full of raw carrots, it provides you with 31,000 units of beta carotene, but when you cook the carrots, then it becomes 38,000 units of beta carotene. That is 7,000 more units of beta carotene in cooked carrots over the raw ones.
Now besides killing cancer cells, this beta carotene will greatly improve your eye sight. And for those of you who suffer from night blindness, for the first time after eating a lot of carrots, you will be able to see better in the dark. It's the natural Vitamin A that is doing the wonders to your eyes. But carrots aren't the only edible food that provides beta carotene. These other foods are also high in this wonderful stuff:
- Cantaloupe
- Sweet Potato
- Kale
- Turnip greens
- Mustard greens
- Spinach
- Dried Basil
- Dried Parsley
- Dried Marjoram
- Dried Oregano
- Fresh Thyme
- Any of the Orange Flesh Squash
- Pumpkins
- Apricots
- Lettuce
- Collards
- Papaya
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Raw Sunflower Seeds
Also vitamin A is also known as the as the anti-infection vitamin. It battles viruses and bacteria in two ways. Vitamin A keeps body cells healthy and it provides the cells with a barrier that resists microorganisms. Beta carotene also stops the viruses from growing in the body.
Believe it or not, when you drink carrot juice, it will control Arthritis pains and you can double this effect if you mix celery juice with it. Also, ground carrots can be wrapped around and infectious wound and it will draw out the puss and help the wound to heal.
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