This subject is more like how to use a credit card " Wisely ". Many of you have had a credit card and had to pay high interest on an unpaid balance. This is no fun and the future may bring much stress and discomfort before your credit card debt is paid off. The whole purpose of this article is to set some rules so that all credit card owners will never have to pay interest on their credit cards ever again. For those of you who will soon be on your own, if you follow these few simple rules, you will never, ever have to pay credit card debt like others before you who have been stuck with it. Having to pay off a credit card debt will hurt you in many ways. If you don't like my rules then make up your own set of rules and then " Live By Them! ".
Rule Number One.
Learn To Budget Your Money.
Pay everything with cash. Buy a Journal or a notebook and when you get your next paycheck write every item down and what you paid for it. This includes food, personal items, monthly utility bills, car payments, rent or house payments, going to the movies, snacks, tobacco, pop and beer, eating out or any toys you may have bought to make yourself happy. Don't cheat yourself, write everything down. When you start running short on money before the next paycheck comes, look back to where your money has been spent. Always remember to write the balance of what is left from your last paycheck so that you will know at all times how much money you have left. In this way by showing your remaining balance you will not over spend your paycheck. It is also important to start a savings program so that when something breaks down, you will have extra money to pay for it. As a rule of thumb put 10% of each pay check into a savings account. But don't cheat yourself. Put money back into the bank to replace what you have drawn out so that the next time things get out of hand, you will again have money in the bank to pay for it.
Do this budget long enough until you feel really good to where your money is going and you are living within your means. It is not how much money you can make that is important but how wisely you can spend your hard earned money and how to make that money stretch. By budgeting your money, you will have learned to say NO, and you will have extra money to put into the bank and you will feel very comfortable with how you are spending your money in between paychecks. When you get very comfortable with how you are budgeting your money wisely, then you are ready for a credit card. " Do Not Use A Credit Card Until You Feel Comfortable With How You Are Budgeting Your Money!!!! ". Believe it or not some people will pay everything with cash. They don't even have a checking account which is OK because you never have to worry about your balance and you will not have to pay any penalties. But in this day and age most of us will never see a paycheck ever again. All of this money will go into a Direct Deposit and most of our utility bills will be paid on line.
Rule Number Two.
Never Use Your Credit Card As A Second Paycheck.
Too many people who are not wisely spending their money will run low on cash and then they will use a credit card for money that is not there. In other words the credit card is being used as a second paycheck. That is why it is so important to budget your money so you can live comfortably from paycheck to paycheck with no problems. Treating the credit card as a 2nd paycheck will get you into a lot of trouble with Credit Card Debt. So again I say " Never Use Your Credit Card As A 2nd Paycheck!!!! ".
Rule Number Three.
Never Use Your Credit Card Unless You Already Have Money In The Bank To Pay For What Will Be Charged On The Credit Card.
This means that you have an active bank account in which you are adding money to it on a regular bases and you know how much is in that account. Always have more money in your account then what your credit card will ever pull out. As a rule of thumb, I will have over a thousand dollars in my checking account so that when I use my credit card the total amount that has been with drawn, it will rarely go under the thousand that is left in the bank. In other words I always know what is in my checking account so when I use my credit card I already feel comfortable with my final balance. This in its self will protect me from ever having credit card debt. How much money that you wish to have in your account is totally up to you. But in an emergency to where I might need several hundred dollars, I still can use my credit card safely and wisely.
Rule Number Four.
Always Pay Off Your Credit Card Bill With In 5 Days After You Have Received It.
Don't put it off. Make this a habit. If you have followed the other three rules then paying off the monthly bill should never be a problem. That is why it is so important for you to never use your credit card unless you already have money in the bank to pay for it.
If you are one of those people who will find that these four rules are hard to live by, then you should never use a credit card. A credit card will ruin your life and then some. You will be unhappy, uncomfortable and other people will not enjoy being around you. On the other hand, if you live by these 4 rules very seriously, I promise you that you will enjoy a peace of mind that only a few others will enjoy, and by doing so you will never, ever have to pay credit card interest for the rest of your life. That Sure Sounds Great!! Don't you agree!! Please read my article on " How To Get More Out Of Your Paycheck ".
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