If your body is balanced and the blood is pure, cancer cells can not grow in this kind of system. So the question comes up, "What can I take into my body that will protect me from cancer on a regular basis?" Actually, the answer to this question is very simple. And that is: Eat natural foods that are high in natural vitamins and minerals, and this in itself will kill off any cancer cells. Why? Because cancer can only grow in an unhealthy body, or in other words, cancer loves people who eat non-nutritional junk food, or it loves people who eat foods that are rich in the man-made vitamins that are made from petroleum by-products.
I had an open minded bus driver tell me that it is good advice to eat the colors of the rainbow in the way of foods if you wish not to ever have cancer. All plants love the sun, and using the sun as a tool, these plants produce a process known as photosynthesis. This process produces antioxidants which usually comes in the form of brightly colored fruits. So what colors will we find in a rainbow? How about green or yellow or red or orange, and then there is purple and blue. The colors of red and orange in the way of fruits and vegetables. These are the highest of all the colors in antioxidants. Yellow is the third highest in antioxidants. Highly antioxidant foods will kill cancer cells in a heartbeat. Foods that are on the list as being red are as follows:
- Watermelon
- Strawberries
- Red Currents
- Cranberries
- Tomatoes
- Pomegranates
- Red Peppers
- Red Raspberries
- Goji Berries
The common fruits that are naturally orange are:
- Oranges
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pumpkins
- Apricots
- Peaches
- Nectarines
- Com cots
- Papaya
- Orange Colored Squash
Other fruits grown in the garden have antioxidants, but they have less than the red and orange ones. In fact, any vegetable you eat from an organic grown garden (a garden grown without chemical sprays or fertilizers) will kill cancer cells in the body. That is why it is important to you to grow a garden. It will greatly reduce your chances of ever getting cancer.
Another grain that is very high in antioxidants, and it will kill cancer cells is flax seed. Flax seed has to be ground up, or it will not do you any good. Flax seed is a natural laxative, so it needs to be eaten sparingly. My neighbor eats flax seed on a regular basis. He grinds it up and sprinkles the granules into yogurt, hot cereal and stirs it into fruit juices. He says when everyone else is suffering from colds and the flu, he never gets sick, and he never takes the flu shot. Actually, if you are eating foods that are high in antioxidants they will protect you from all sicknesses. My wife and I rarely ever get the flu, and we do not take the flu shot. When I grind up my fresh, hot grain cereal for breakfast, I'll add a half teaspoon of flax seed to a half cup of red turkey wheat, and a half cup of buckwheat. I will also grind up two tablespoons of millet seed, and a half teaspoon of alfalfa seed. If you made homemade bread with fresh ground wheat you could add a teaspoon of flax seed, and a teaspoon of alfalfa seed. Both of these need to be ground up. These would be added to each batch that would make three or four loaves of bread.
There are also some minerals that are deadly enemies to cancer. "Selenium" is one of these. Brazil nuts are very high in selenium, but it varies as to how much selenium was in the soil in the first place where the tree was grown. If you go to a company that specializes in minerals, and there are several companies who will sell you minerals in the form of pills, you can probably buy the selenium pill from them, and taking these pills will help to kill off cancer cells.
Organic vinegar under the brand name of "Braggs" is found in health food stores. This vinegar is rich in "Potassium", and this mineral is deadly to cancer cells. You add a cap full of vinegar to a glass of water, and drink it. Do this at least every other day. Vinegar will also lower your blood pressure. It will dissolve all crystals in your boy and it will slow down your aging process. Caution: Do not mix vinegar with any milk products, because it will sour the stomach, and make you sick.
A product found in farmer's stores that is used for killing pain in horses is called "MSM". This can also be used as a people supplement and it is made from the fibrous parts of trees to where the organic mineral called "Sulfur" is taken from the tree. This mineral is also deadly to cancer cells. There is a round scoop in each container of MSM and you put a scoop of this into water and stir well. I will usually put it into my vinegar water and then drink it. Flax seed granules could also be added to this drink.
Another way to protect your body from cancer is to buy a 16 ounce container of cottage cheese, and put one teaspoon of flax seed oil into it (this oil can be bought at heath food stores), and eat this with any of your meals. I bought my Flax Seed Oil from " Alco Dept. Store ", it was in the area where they sell vitamins and minerals.
Of all the fruits that are out there, "Goji Berries" are the highest in antioxidants, but being this berry only grows naturally in certain countries around the world, one would have to buy the juice in a health food store for about $40 a quart. I have been told by some people that they were able to get the seeds of Goji Berries and they grew them in large planters. They put the Goji Berries outside all summer and they put them inside on the colder nights and during the winter. They claim that these plants do grow Goji Berries and they are all eaten at end of the summer. But don't forget about all the orange and red fruits and vegetables you can eat, and many of them are grown naturally around us, including the herb that grows on many lawns called "Red Clover".
One area I have not covered, but I did say it is wise to buy was a juicer, is juicing up fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember, any juice that is fresh from live plants is called "living juice". All of these juices from live plants will kill cancer cells, and the two highest fruits on the list for antioxidants are goji berries and fresh juice from live purple concord grapes. Not the frozen grape juice, and not the juice in cartons, or bottles. Even though it may say fresh, it has to be juice that is freshly squeezed from the grapes. Also because they are orange, fresh Carrot Juice is deadly to Cancer cells.
There is an old remedy called Molasses and Milk. This is 20 times higher in Potassium then any other food. Molasses has 9 minerals and vitamin B-6. This drink is a cancer killer. I usually mix one teaspoon of molasses to 16 ounces of milk. If it seems too strong for your taste buds, then just add more milk. Please read my article on " Molasses and Milk an old fashioned remedy ".
There is a spice that is on the top of the list that will kill the cells of several different kinds of cancer and it will also kill tumor cells. This spice is called TURMERIC. This is a plant that grows in both China and India. It is bright yellow and if you are not careful this spice could stain your clothes. Turmeric is not-HOT-as some people think it is. Turmeric does taste like the way it smells and it is a strong taste, so use only a little bit. I will add less then a fourth of a teaspoon to juices, my molasses and milk, my home made egg nog, my hot breakfast cereals and I will put some into the pancake batter or a large bowl of mashed potatoes. These last two the turmeric will give them a buttery look. You could also add turmeric to your soups, beef stews and to stir fried foods. When you work in the kitchen, use your imagination when it comes to using turmeric. But remember to use only a little bit, because too much of this spice will give your food a turmeric taste.
There are several herbs that can be made into a tea that is very beneficial into boosting up the immune system and to protect the body from Cancer. They can be used separately or in combinations. They are as follows: 1. Alfalfa Seed-this seed needs to be grounded up. 2. Astragalus-this is an herb that comes from China. 3. Burdock Root. 4. Chaparral. 5. Dandelion Root. 6. Golden Seal Root. 7. Red Root. 8. Red Clover. 9. Horseradish Root. 10. Mandrake Root. 11. Parsley Leaves. 12. Periwinkle. 13. Rose Hips. 14. Slippery Elm-a tea made from the inner bark. 15. Violet.
16. Taheebo Tea-This is the inner bark of the Red Lapacho tree which grows in the rain forest of South America. This herb is excellent for Leukemia, Cancer and Tumors. This is also called Lapacho Tea. This tea was given to a five year old girl who had Leukemia and it cured her in just 6 weeks. This tea is very nasty tasting and it is suggested that you mix one level teaspoon of this tea with organic grape juice and this will cover up the nasty taste. It is also suggested that you use one level teaspoon of Taheebo every three days and no more. This tea could also be mixed with Peppermint Tea to some what hide its nasty taste. When you buy Toheebo Tea at a health food store the name " PAU D' ARCO " will be the name on the front of the container. The container that I found was about 16 ounces and it cost about 25 dollars. A bottle of this herb that has 100 capsules cost about $8.00.
17. Graviola Tea-This herb is a strong Cancer killer. Graviola is 10,000 times more effective then what you would get from Chemotherapy and guess what? There are no side effects. It is suggested that you use only one level teaspoon of this herb per day. A bottle of Graviola has about 100 capsules and it cost about $15.00. This is available at health food stores.
18. Red Bush Tea-This Tea has about the same amount of Antioxidants as does Goji Berries. This Tea comes from Africa and it can be bought at a Health Food Store. It comes under the name of " Kaffree Tea " or will say " Rooibos Leaves " on the box, and make sure the store knows you are buying Red Bush Tea because no two health stores are run the same. This Tea has 50 times more Antioxidants then Green Tea, but Green Tea has a lot of Caffeine in it which will harden up your arteries and it will cause stroke. Red Bush Tea has no CAFFEINE! Besides killing off Cancer Cells this Tea will also kill off Free Radicals, it will get rid of Bad Cholesterol, it improves the Memory, it protects the Liver, it makes healthy Bones, Gums and Teeth, it controls Muscle Cramps, it soothes Colic in Children, it helps you to sleep better all night, it fights all kinds of Skin Diseases, it will relieve Nausea and Vomiting, it stops external itches and it makes an excellent Sports Drink. We should all be drinking this Tea on a regular bases. By the way you can drink of this Tea all you want and there is no side effects.
I hope this information will be helpful to you in making your body immune to cancer. Like I said before, any one of us could still get cancer, but by practicing any of these suggestions I honestly believe our chances of getting cancer is one in a million. Also remember to always have a positive attitude.
By the way, people who live by the interstate highways are ten times more likely to get cancer than those that live farther inland.