There are two kinds of aluminum, organic and inorganic. Organic aluminum is found in many of the green leafy vegetables that we eat and root crops like beets, carrots, and turnips. This is a natural mineral that is good for the human body. The inorganic aluminum is no good for the human body. Once it is in the body, it cannot be removed. It is there to stay, except there is one possible way to remove the aluminum.
How do we get inorganic aluminum into our bodies? The aluminum pots and pans that we cook our food with are always oxidizing in our earth's atmosphere. When we cook food in aluminum cookware, the food absorbs those aluminum particles, and when we eat food that has been prepared in aluminum cookware we are putting that inorganic aluminum directly into our bodies. This is known as "Aluminum Poisoning". If you read the articles of those who have done research on the why's and the causes of "Alzheimer's Disease" they claim that the brain loses it's natural shape and becomes Stringy. While examining the brain, many particles of aluminum are found there. They really don't say that the aluminum particles are the cause of this disease. Right now researchers don't know what causes Alzheimer's nor do they have a cure for it. But aluminum particles are found on the brain. Most generally it was cooking with Aluminum pots and pans that put that Aluminum into our bodies in the first place.
To prevent these aluminum particles from going into the body, throw away all of your aluminum cookware and cook with stainless steel, cast iron, regular steel or glass and/or stone cookware. I personally disagree with copper and/or pans with copper bottoms. Why? Because in welding classes they claim that very hot copper will put out a poisonous gas. In my opinion, if leaking natural gas will be absorbed by Bread giving it a bad taste, then food cooked in some kind of copper cookware will also absorb this poisonous gas. But I do not know how sick it could make you. So I do not cook with copper pans. I cook only with stainless steel. Some stainless steel pans have aluminum in it's construction to provide even heat and that is okay because you cannot see it and the food only touches stainless steel. There is a new product of cook ware called Titanium. It is a very heavy duty metal and in the form of pots and pans it cooks food very evenly. The people who have used this line of cook ware are very pleased with it. All though I think it does cost more then the Stainless Steel cookware.
If you feel like you have a lot of inorganic aluminum particles in your body and you would like to try and get it out of your system, they claim there is a natural way of doing that. That secret is to Eat Raw Sesame Seeds. This acts like a magnet absorbing the aluminum particles and it gets them out of the human body, but the seeds have to be ground up fresh and consumed. Whole seeds will not work. Also, Eating Sesame Seeds are very healthy for you. Some hamburger buns have Sesame Seeds on them but most of them will go through your body in the whole form and they will not do you any good at all. In grade A dairy processing plants Milk touches stainless steel only. It never touches aluminum. If you know of anyone who cooks with aluminum cookware, do them a favor and tell them to use stainless steel pots and pans only.
So, do not eat any food that has been prepared with Aluminum Cook Ware. If you have any of this cookware, get rid of it now. Go to a store and tell them that you want Stainless Steel Cook Ware Only. There are many to choose from and you don't have buy a big fancy set for several hundred dollars. You could buy a nice set of stainless steel cookware set for under 100 dollars from the Heartland Liquidation magazine. On Google Search punch in Or you could buy a fry pan and a large sauce pan to get your self started and then add on when you get more money. Believe it or not some of my pots and pans came from thrift stores. But you have to know which is which other wise you will be buying Aluminum cook ware all over again. Remember this, if you buy brand new Stainless Cook Ware from a store it will last you the rest of your life, and you will be buying some top Quality Stainless Steel Cook Ware when you buy it from any major store.
Dutch Ovens are becoming more popular. Most of them are made out of Cast Iron. This is excellent for cooking all kinds of food. But they also make Aluminum Dutch Ovens that are a very shiny silver. Do not let the appearance of this dutch oven fool you. Make sure the store owner knows that you want to buy Cast Iron Dutch Ovens Only. Please read my article about Dutch Oven cooking: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/ Beware Of Improper Food Combinations ".
Most of the cookware that is sold at the Boy Scout Outlet Stores for the individual scout who cooks for himself, they are made out of aluminum. When I was a Boy Scout, we were poor and so we used some of Mom's old cookware that she would not be missed if we failed to bring it home. These outlet stores did sell some stainless steel pots and pans to scout leaders if they were cooking for the whole group but they also sold aluminum ones and most troupes would buy the aluminum ones because they were sold at a cheaper price. So the next time you buy cookware for your scout, make sure you are NOT buying Aluminum. cookware.
Please read my article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Get Rid Of Kidney Stones-And This Cure Does Work ".
Thanks for this article, really useful, i was thinking about what kind of pots to buy! This helped me!