What are English Walnuts ? These are a light brown and some what round nut that is rough on the outside. One end of the nut is round and the other end has a point on it. When you crack it open the nut on the inside looks like a Human Brain. These are also called White Walnuts and a lot of people buy them both shelled and unshelled at the store. They are eaten as they are right from the bag as a snack or people will chop them up into small pieces and add them to cookies, cakes or a topping to go onto ice cream. The unshelled ones are bought commonly throughput the year while the shelled ones, that you have to crack open, these are often bought at Christmas time. I have notice that when people buy the shelled mixed nuts, the Walnut are always the last nuts left in the bottom of the bowl and yet it is one of the most healthiest of all the nuts to eat.
Because this nut is shape like a Human Brain, is it a healthy food for the Brain ? Yes it is ! It is an Antioxidant Food that is rich in Fiber and it feeds the Brain. It also provides good Cholesterol that will surround the Brain to help it to perform and think way much better. Yes, the eating of 5 or 6 Walnuts everyday is healthy for both your Body and your Brain. Believe it or not the eating of these Walnuts will help the body NOT to get the Cancerous Diseases. So it is very safe to eat more Walnuts everyday. Some of the other Health Benefits from eating Walnuts are listed below.
1. English Walnuts have Vitamin A, the B-Complex Vitamins and it is very rich in Vitamin E. These Walnuts also have the following Minerals: 1. Potassium 2. Calcium and 3. Magnesium.
2. Walnuts eaten as a food will get rid of the Free Radials in our bodies because it is an Antioxidant.
3. Walnuts have Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients in them that will help to get rid of both Infections and Staff that may be found in the body.
4. The eating of English Walnuts everyday will greatly reduce the risk of both Prostate and Breast Cancer.. This is a proven fact.
5. Eating Walnuts everyday will help to control both Diarrhea and Constipation.
6. Because Walnuts provide the Brain with Fiber, Oxygen and Good Cholesterol, it will help to prevent both Alzheimer and Parkinson's Disease.
7. Walnuts have a rich source of Heart Healthy Mono-Unsaturated Fats and they are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
8. The eating of Walnuts will benefit the Heart and the Circulatory Systems. It will cause the Blood Vessel Walls to be soft and flexible.
9. It will stop excessive clotting in the Arteries.
10. Because of the minerals that are found in Walnuts it will help to lower our Blood Pressure.
11. Walnuts are a great food source for those who have Type 2 Diabetes and for those who do not have Diabetes, the eating of English Walnuts will greatly lower the risk of future health problems.
12. Other Health Benefits that come from eating Walnuts are weight loss and Walnuts will help to create strong Bones. It will help to boost up your memory and it will greatly strengthen the nervous system.
13. The leaves on the tree will make a great Bug Repellent. Rub these leaves on your arms and face and all over your clothes. It will repel mosquitoes, flies, bees and fruit flies.
14. The Walnut Husks when they turn to a dark brown or almost a black color, the insides of these husks can be rubbed onto your grey hair as a natural brown dye. Then rub Vinegar onto your hair and you will have beautiful brown hair until you again cut your hair. I have done this to my own hair and it does work. It will make you look 20 years younger. One year for Halloween I rubbed the green husks onto my hair and it gave me green hair for over a month. But in today's world green hair will help you to blend in with others who dye their hair with every color of the rainbow.
As you can see above English Walnuts are indeed a very healthy food. Not only for our bodies but it is also very healthy to our Brains. You can't go wrong from eating lots of English Walnuts.