Thursday, February 11, 2016

Orgone Energy----The Pure White Orb Surrounds Each One Of Us.

      This is a Scientific Term that no one ever talks about and you will not find this topic in any of the science books. The Term " Orgone Energy " almost sounds Science Fiction, but this Energy is very real and some of us are gifted to where we can see it but most people can not see it. Most people would ask the question:  " What is Orgone Energy ? ".  Every Human Being on this earth has a bright white light that surrounds the whole body. This white light is called an Orb or a Halo and it is also known as Orgone Energy. I have the gift of seeing these bright white lights that are found around every individual and these lights are for real. They really do exists. I have noticed that the more righteous that a person may be the brighter will be his light. What I mean by righteous is that the person is kind and friendly towards everyone and he really loves them. He is always willing to help others and make them happy and he is not paid at all for his services. The people who are unfriendly and they keep to themselves and they are mean towards others, it is hard to see their Orbs and you wonder if they even have one.
      I have a friend that lives about 20 miles away and he and his wife are the nicest people you have ever met. These people are natural problem solvers. If you have a problem that is really bothering you, you could go and ask them for help. They will do anything in their power to help you and they will not charge you for their services. In their house the walls and the ceilings are painted with the whitest Industrial White paint that I have ever seen and there are very few pictures on their walls. In the day time those white rooms are well lit up. When this man and his wife stands next to those pure white walls their Orbs are very very bright and as bright white that the walls may be, their Orbs are very much more whiter then the white walls. It is really a great experience to see this. I have talked to religious leaders and they have told me that this bright light that is called an Orb is " The Light Of Jesus Christ " , and the more Christ like that a person may be the brighter will be the light that surrounds his body. He said that if we had seen Jesus Christ, His Halo would have been brighter then any other person.
      A scientist that was born in Germany named Wilhelm Reich, he discovered a way to harness this Orgone Energy. He went to medical school in Germany and became a Doctor of medicine in 1922. He did a lot of good working in the German Hospitals, but his mind kept exploring scientific ideas which led him into doing many experiments in his free time. As a result of his many experiments he learned to harness Orgone Energy. Because the German Government kept trying to control his life, Wilhelm Reich moved to the United States and continued his studies and experiments in Orgone Energy. Even though he continued his studies he never applied for a Medical License. In 1940 he made a small metal box and using Orgone Energy he would put Cancerous mice. rats, dogs and cats into the box and completely cure them. Then he made a 5 foot cubed metal box with a chair in it to cure people of Cancer. For several years Wilhelm Reich was very successful in curing people of Cancer using the " Light Of Christ ", but the only drawback was everyone had to remove all of their clothes in order for the Orgone Energy Rays to work properly. The nice thing was that his metal box was successfully curing everybody of their Cancer.
      One day he accepted a beautiful 12 year old girl who came from a rich family.  The Cancer was all over the inside of her body and he put the girl inside his box naked and did the experiments on her. The Cancer was completely removed after several treatments. Of all the Cancerous people who entered the metal box, none of them ever died nor did they experience any side effects. On the last treatment of the 12 year old girl the father was in the room when the door was opened. He was very shocked to find out that his daughter was naked. He took Wilhelm Reich to court and because Reich had no license to practice medicine, he was thrown into jail for several months and his five foot metal box was completely destroyed.
      When he got out of jail, he and his son bought a farm on the east side of the State of Maine in the USA. There was a small house and a well built barn. He turned the barn into a laboratory and he and his son continued with his experiments. He did not make any more Cancer boxes but he did invent and built a Ray Gun that ran on Orgone Energy. This was not a gun that sat in the palm of your hand but it was a very large object and he wrote in all the newspapers about his invention claiming that he could aim the object at any cloud and he could make it rain. He called the object a Cloudbuster. A Blue Berry Farm in northern Vermont was going through a drout and they offered Wilhelm Reich a large amount of money if he could produce rain and save their crop. He took his Cloudbuster to Vermont and on the 3rd day a bunch of clouds were moving towards the farm and when they were directly over head Reich shot them with his Ray Gun and it began to rain. This news was printed in newspapers all over the world and people began to write to Wilhelm Reich asking him to start mass producing the Cloudbuster. They all wanted to buy one. Reich could now become a Millionaire. He left the house to go and round up a lot of supplies to start making the Cloudbusters. While he was gone his son took the Cloudbuster outside and pretended that he was in a war. A military plane flew by and the boy aimed the Ray Gun at the plane and pulled the trigger. The Orgone Rays ruined the electronics in the airplane and it had to make an emergency landing. No one got hurt but they had to rewire the whole plane. The US Air Force Personnel came right to the farm house and they talked to the boy. The boy told them what he did but he did not think it would hurt the plane. When they heard that his father was out gathering supplies to mass produce the cloudbusters they were not happy with this story and they did not want the cloudbuster to be sold to other countries. When Wilhelm Reich came home he was thrown into jail and went before a judge. They told him that he could not mass produce the Cloudbusters and they threw him into a military prison in 1957. A year later he died of a heart attack. His Cloudbuster was completely destroyed and the military burn up all of his notes so that no one could learn how to harness Orgone Energy ever again. His son did not know how to follow in his Dad's footsteps so they let him go and he lived a normal life.