All of those who own and drive a car or a truck are very wise when they back it into a parking spot or they will park it on a drive through parking space so that it is sitting forwards. These cars all have " Blind Spots " and there are more of them when you have to back your car up in a busy parking lot with a lot of people around. On the other hand when you are ready to go, you just climb into your car, look both ways twice and go forwards with caution. There are way less " Blind Spots " when you go forward in a busy area.
How many times have you or I had walked through a parking lot and someone was backing up and they about hit us because they could not see past their blind spots. If their car was facing forwards then their sight would have been 100% better. One day I was sitting in my Van and it was sitting forwards in a busy parking area. A lady got into her car and began to back up. She stopped and looked both ways twice. Then she started backing up again. A car tried to get past her and she backed up into the side of the car and put a big dent into the door. This could have happened to anyone of us if we had to back out of our parking spot. But I will bet that you will agree with me that if that lady's car was sitting forwards, this accident would not have happened. You will also agree with me that people are getting hit by cars everyday somewhere in the world because someone was backing up and the blind spots caused the accident.
Many times I have sat in a parking lot and you see all these pull through parking spots all around you. It is surprising how many people will not use a pull through and when they get done shopping, a car had pulled in front of them and now they have to back up. So the next time you go shopping, please take an advantage and use a pull though parking spot so that you can go forwards when it is time to go home or you could back up into a parking space. Believe me you will be doing us all and yourself a big favor.
The backing of your car or truck into your own driveway is also wise. Many of you do not live in a busy neighborhood but I most certainly do. Cars are always going up and down my street and I believe I would be a fool if I had to back out of my driveway everyday. It is so much safer for me to go forwards out of my driveway. I have noticed that there are a lot of wise people who will back their car or truck into a garage because backing out of a garage with children or grandchildren around can be very dangerous and many people have backed up and ran over their own children. So make a wise choice today when parking your car or truck and it will prevent any future accidents.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Natural Remedies For Getting A Good Nights Sleep.
Some of us will go to bed and in a few minutes we are fast asleep while others will toss and turn and sleep just will not come. This article is for those who can not go to sleep. I did read a statement a long time ago that when everything you have tried to make yourself go to sleep and nothing seems to work, try Hops Flowers made into a strong tea and it will put you to sleep. When I was in College, one of my room mates had a bad case of the Flu. He took all kinds of Medication but he could not go to sleep. Another room mate gave him his grandmother's sleeping Remedy and it put him to sleep for over 48 hours. But when he woke up his Flu was gone and he felt just fine. The Remedy that we gave him was a tall glass of strong hot lemon aid followed by a bottle of Coca Cola. I do not know if this Remedy will work for everyone and I have never tried it myself, but it sure did help my room mate to go to sleep and to get well.
Many people would rather take sleeping pills for a good nights rest but many of these have side effects. Be sure that you understand the side effects before you take any pills. The Natural Remedies most generally do not have negative side effects. Below is a list of Natural Remedies that will help you to get a good night rest. Try them! They just might work!!
1. Do not drink any Caffeinated Drinks after 6 pm in the evenings. Some people will drink coffee at every meal or they will drink the Caffeinated soda pops and or Energy Drinks all day long. These Caffeinated drinks are very bad for you and those who use then regularly, they will have a hard time sleeping at night. The Caffeinated drinks will harden up your arteries giving you poor circulation and high Blood Pressure. The more Caffeine that is present in the drink that you are taking, the higher will be your risk for getting a Heart Attack or Stroke. It is a fact that those who drink a lot of the Mountain Dew Soda Pop it slowly eats the Cartilage out of the knees and you will need a knee replacement before you turn 60 years old. So make a wise choice. Do Not Drink Any Of The Caffeinated Drinks. They Will Do You More Harm Then Good!!!!
2. Keep busy all day long and you will naturally tire out your body so that at the end of the day when you sit down or lay down your body will relax and it will want to go to sleep. Many of us will come home from work, eat supper and then we will read a book or watch the TV and as we do so our bodies will begin to relax and we will become sleepy. If we were already in bed then we would just turn off the TV and the light and then go into a peaceful sleep. If you are retired, find things to do all day long to keep yourself busy. Always remember that when you are serving others and you are making them happy then you too will be happy. You will be busy all day long helping others and then at night you will sleep very peacefully.
3. Say a Prayer asking God to help you to sleep peacefully every night before going to bed. I know that many of you out there are religious and you do believe in God. Most of our Parents taught us to pray when we were children and we were to say our prayers before going to bed. You could do this too and ask God to help you to sleep peacefully every night. If you do not know how to pray then I will teach you the same way that my mother taught me. She told me that I have a kind Heavenly Father who loves me very much. I was to think that He was sitting on the bed next to me. I would get on my knees and start my prayer by saying " Dear Father in Heaven ". Then I would thank Him for the things that I enjoyed in life. Like my friends, for good food, for the clothes that I wear, for good health and for my bike. Then I would ask Him for the things that I was in need of like to forgive others that have not been nice to me. Or I would ask Him for a good nights rest. I would ask him to help me to obey my Parents, or help me with my homework so that I could be a good student. Then I was taught to end all of my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ because He was the one who paid for my sins when He died on the cross. If we repent of our sins that we had made in the future we could all go back someday to again live with our Father in Heaven. Then we end the prayer by saying the word " Amen ". This is how I pray. This was the way that my mother had taught me. This is just an example on how to pray and I am sure that many of you will also say your kind of prayer to help you to get a good nights rest.
4. Listen to some relaxing music after jumping into bed. Some may want to listen to Rock and Roll music but to me that kind of music does not relax the mind. I will listen to orchestra music like " Dance of the Hours " or " The Poet and the Peasant " or " Orphesus and the Underworld " or most of the instrumental Waltzes are very soothing to the mind. This kind of music will put me into a deep peaceful sleep.
5. When most of us were children our mother would tell us a bedtime story. In my opinion it was not the Fairy Tale Story that put us to sleep, it was the smooth rhythm of our mothers voice that would make us all sleepy. It was the voice from one that we all trusted. Believe it or not my wife will tell me a story while I am in bed or she will read a chapter from one of her books and the rhythm of her voice will put me to sleep in just a short time.
6. Many people enjoy taking a bath or a shower in the morning right after they get up so they can smell fresh and clean all day long. But if you are one who can not sleep at nights then try taking a bath or a shower before going to bed. This will greatly relax the body and you will sleep more soundly all night. If you have a tub you could take a bath first and then you add the spice called Ginger and or Epsom Salt to the warm water and soak yourself an additional 10 minutes before getting out of the tub. The Ginger will much more greatly relax the body before climbing into bed.
7. Drink one or two Hot Tottys before going to bed. A Hot Totty is very easy to make and it is pleasant to drink. To a cup of hot water add one tablespoon of Organic Vinegar, one tablespoon of Honey and also add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Then stir until the Honey is dissolved. If you would like to make this drink a little warmer then put it into the microwave oven for 30 seconds.
8. The sound of Rain on a tin roof or a heavy Rain Storm outside will greatly relax most of us into a nice sleep. Also a waterfalls or a swift flowing Creek or River can be very soothing to our nerves. I have noticed that on the Internet you can find programs that will play a thunderstorms with heavy rains or you can listen to the ocean surf or a waterfalls and these sounds can be played all night long on your computer.
9. A person singing softly can put others to sleep. You see this a lot in the movies to where a parent is singing to their children hoping that they will go to sleep. My Mother use to sing to me and my brothers when we were children a common song that her mother use to sing to her. This lovely song was called " Little Man You're Crying " and I am sure that this is a familiar song to many of you. The words of this song as far as I can remember goes like this: " Little Man You're Crying, I Know Why You're Blue. Someone Took Your Kitty Cart Away. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. You've Been Playing Solder. The Battle Has Been Won. The Enemy Is Out Of Sight. Come Along There Solder. Put Away Your Gun. The War Is Over For Tonight. Time To Stop You're Screaming. Time Your Day Was Through. Time To Do Your Bitty Bitty By's. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. Yes, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. ". For those who know me and do not know this song, please get a hold of me and I will sing it.
10. Do a Massage on each other before going to bed. You don't have to be a Massage Doctor. Anyone can learn to Massage, and the more that you do it the better you will become. Use Coconut or Olive Oil and rub this onto your hands. While the person is laying on their stomach use the palms of your hands and your fingers and begin to rub the shoulders and all over the back with a circular motion. Then rub your hands from the top of the back to the waist line and do this several times. Many Chiropractors will Massage people with hot rocks before they give an adjustment. These rocks are kept in a slow cooker filled with water to keep them nice and warm. You too could also use hot rocks when you Massage. Pick up smooth flat rocks that will fit into the palm of your hand. It feels so good to the person who is receiving the hot rocks as a part of the Massage.
Many people would rather take sleeping pills for a good nights rest but many of these have side effects. Be sure that you understand the side effects before you take any pills. The Natural Remedies most generally do not have negative side effects. Below is a list of Natural Remedies that will help you to get a good night rest. Try them! They just might work!!
1. Do not drink any Caffeinated Drinks after 6 pm in the evenings. Some people will drink coffee at every meal or they will drink the Caffeinated soda pops and or Energy Drinks all day long. These Caffeinated drinks are very bad for you and those who use then regularly, they will have a hard time sleeping at night. The Caffeinated drinks will harden up your arteries giving you poor circulation and high Blood Pressure. The more Caffeine that is present in the drink that you are taking, the higher will be your risk for getting a Heart Attack or Stroke. It is a fact that those who drink a lot of the Mountain Dew Soda Pop it slowly eats the Cartilage out of the knees and you will need a knee replacement before you turn 60 years old. So make a wise choice. Do Not Drink Any Of The Caffeinated Drinks. They Will Do You More Harm Then Good!!!!
2. Keep busy all day long and you will naturally tire out your body so that at the end of the day when you sit down or lay down your body will relax and it will want to go to sleep. Many of us will come home from work, eat supper and then we will read a book or watch the TV and as we do so our bodies will begin to relax and we will become sleepy. If we were already in bed then we would just turn off the TV and the light and then go into a peaceful sleep. If you are retired, find things to do all day long to keep yourself busy. Always remember that when you are serving others and you are making them happy then you too will be happy. You will be busy all day long helping others and then at night you will sleep very peacefully.
3. Say a Prayer asking God to help you to sleep peacefully every night before going to bed. I know that many of you out there are religious and you do believe in God. Most of our Parents taught us to pray when we were children and we were to say our prayers before going to bed. You could do this too and ask God to help you to sleep peacefully every night. If you do not know how to pray then I will teach you the same way that my mother taught me. She told me that I have a kind Heavenly Father who loves me very much. I was to think that He was sitting on the bed next to me. I would get on my knees and start my prayer by saying " Dear Father in Heaven ". Then I would thank Him for the things that I enjoyed in life. Like my friends, for good food, for the clothes that I wear, for good health and for my bike. Then I would ask Him for the things that I was in need of like to forgive others that have not been nice to me. Or I would ask Him for a good nights rest. I would ask him to help me to obey my Parents, or help me with my homework so that I could be a good student. Then I was taught to end all of my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ because He was the one who paid for my sins when He died on the cross. If we repent of our sins that we had made in the future we could all go back someday to again live with our Father in Heaven. Then we end the prayer by saying the word " Amen ". This is how I pray. This was the way that my mother had taught me. This is just an example on how to pray and I am sure that many of you will also say your kind of prayer to help you to get a good nights rest.
4. Listen to some relaxing music after jumping into bed. Some may want to listen to Rock and Roll music but to me that kind of music does not relax the mind. I will listen to orchestra music like " Dance of the Hours " or " The Poet and the Peasant " or " Orphesus and the Underworld " or most of the instrumental Waltzes are very soothing to the mind. This kind of music will put me into a deep peaceful sleep.
5. When most of us were children our mother would tell us a bedtime story. In my opinion it was not the Fairy Tale Story that put us to sleep, it was the smooth rhythm of our mothers voice that would make us all sleepy. It was the voice from one that we all trusted. Believe it or not my wife will tell me a story while I am in bed or she will read a chapter from one of her books and the rhythm of her voice will put me to sleep in just a short time.
6. Many people enjoy taking a bath or a shower in the morning right after they get up so they can smell fresh and clean all day long. But if you are one who can not sleep at nights then try taking a bath or a shower before going to bed. This will greatly relax the body and you will sleep more soundly all night. If you have a tub you could take a bath first and then you add the spice called Ginger and or Epsom Salt to the warm water and soak yourself an additional 10 minutes before getting out of the tub. The Ginger will much more greatly relax the body before climbing into bed.
7. Drink one or two Hot Tottys before going to bed. A Hot Totty is very easy to make and it is pleasant to drink. To a cup of hot water add one tablespoon of Organic Vinegar, one tablespoon of Honey and also add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Then stir until the Honey is dissolved. If you would like to make this drink a little warmer then put it into the microwave oven for 30 seconds.
8. The sound of Rain on a tin roof or a heavy Rain Storm outside will greatly relax most of us into a nice sleep. Also a waterfalls or a swift flowing Creek or River can be very soothing to our nerves. I have noticed that on the Internet you can find programs that will play a thunderstorms with heavy rains or you can listen to the ocean surf or a waterfalls and these sounds can be played all night long on your computer.
9. A person singing softly can put others to sleep. You see this a lot in the movies to where a parent is singing to their children hoping that they will go to sleep. My Mother use to sing to me and my brothers when we were children a common song that her mother use to sing to her. This lovely song was called " Little Man You're Crying " and I am sure that this is a familiar song to many of you. The words of this song as far as I can remember goes like this: " Little Man You're Crying, I Know Why You're Blue. Someone Took Your Kitty Cart Away. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. You've Been Playing Solder. The Battle Has Been Won. The Enemy Is Out Of Sight. Come Along There Solder. Put Away Your Gun. The War Is Over For Tonight. Time To Stop You're Screaming. Time Your Day Was Through. Time To Do Your Bitty Bitty By's. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. Yes, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. ". For those who know me and do not know this song, please get a hold of me and I will sing it.
10. Do a Massage on each other before going to bed. You don't have to be a Massage Doctor. Anyone can learn to Massage, and the more that you do it the better you will become. Use Coconut or Olive Oil and rub this onto your hands. While the person is laying on their stomach use the palms of your hands and your fingers and begin to rub the shoulders and all over the back with a circular motion. Then rub your hands from the top of the back to the waist line and do this several times. Many Chiropractors will Massage people with hot rocks before they give an adjustment. These rocks are kept in a slow cooker filled with water to keep them nice and warm. You too could also use hot rocks when you Massage. Pick up smooth flat rocks that will fit into the palm of your hand. It feels so good to the person who is receiving the hot rocks as a part of the Massage.
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