A lot of people will say: " How can my bathroom make me sick? ". The answer to this question is very simple. If your bathroom is not cleaned regularly and sprayed down with a Germ Killer, those Germs that are present in your bathroom could make you very sick every time you use your bathroom. In your own house, your bathroom should be cleaned and sprayed with a Germ Killer at least once a week, and it is much better if it was cleaned twice a week. Believe me, you will always have a good feeling in using your own bathroom knowing that it is clean and there are no more Germs. You will feel calm and peaceful and you will not get sick as often as those who do not properly clean their bathrooms. But you need to always wash you hands every time your use any bathroom. If any employee is caught not washing their hands after using the bathroom, they will be Fired! So make this a habit to wash your hands often.
In any of the public buildings the bathrooms are cleaned and sprayed 2 to 4 times every day. This includes all Department Stores and any business that sells food to the public. In the Walmart Stores a man or a woman is assigned to clean and spray down the bathroom and mop the floors. This is their job all day long and if they do not do a good job they will be replaced with another employee. Every store owner feels really good if their bathrooms are very clean and they smell good. We, the public, also enjoy a clean and fresh smelling bathroom and if it is not this way then we need to inform the store owner so the the bathroom will be cleaned just as soon as possible.
No two people are the same in using the bathroom. Some people never wash their hands even after a bowel movement. Most people who use the bathroom, they have Germs and Bacteria on their clothes, their bodies and their hands and being that the bathroom is the place to get rid of all your Body Wastes, it is very important to clean and spray the bathroom with a Germ Killer on a regular bases including the bathrooms in our own houses.
Before I got married I lived in several houses with other men. Some men are very well trained in cleaning a house or a bathroom, but most men couldn't care less, and their white toilets, they are more brown with stains then they are white. But when I moved out to another apartment the toilet was nice and white again.
There are lots of cleaners and Germ Killers that you could buy for your bathroom. My mother would use an all around house cleaner and Germ Killer called " Lestoil " or " Pinesol ". The smell of either one of these would remain in your bathroom for a long time. Others use a Germ Killer called " Lysol ". People in the country would use Ammonia and water or Vinegar and water as a Germ Killer and they would also use household common Baking Soda. But if you are not sure as to what to buy any store owner will show you a whole line of cleaners and Germ Killers that would be great to use on your own bathroom.
There is one simple habit that you can practice and teach others to do also in keeping your toilet clean for a longer period of time. If your bowel movement smears your toilet or in other words if your Poop is still on the insides of the toilet after you have flushed it, take some tissue paper and wipe it off so that the toilet will look clean again. If you think that this is nasty, you are right, but you will be washing your hands when you are done and the toilet will remain clean looking if everyone was to practice this habit. Don't you always look at the toilet negatively when you see someone else's Poop smeared on the insides of the toilet? Well we can all do our part in cleaning up after ourselves after we have used the toilet.
After reading this article your bathrooms will become the cleanest bathroom in the whole neighborhood. It will smell good and it will be Germ Free! Most people wear rubber gloves when they clean their bathrooms or they will use a cotton swab. However you may choose to clean your bathroom always clean your hands with soap and water when you are done. Also, a clean and Germ Free bathroom will help you NOT to get a Cold, or the Flu or any of the Cancerous Diseases.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Flu Shots----Should We Take It Or Not.
Every year we are encouraged to take a Flu Shot. The shot puts Flu Germs into our bodies to help the body to build up an immunity towards the Common Cold and the Flu Bug. If your body is balanced from eating Vitamin and Mineral enriched foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and the whole grains, we will not get sick as often as other people do.
My wife and I have never taken the Flu Shot. We are always trying to balance our bodies naturally by eating healthy foods and this will increase our immunity against most diseases and the Flu Bug. Some people will get sick every time they get a Flu Shot and you could die if your body can not handle those Flu Germs. So why do Doctors encourage us all to take a Flu Shot? It is called Job Security! The Doctors invented the Flu Shot. Then they encourage everyone to take it. When you get sick you will be calling the Doctor to help you to get over the Flu. Doctors are smart. They know how to increase their business. If you are one who Does get sick from the Flu Shot and you decide not to take it this year, there are some Natural Remedies that will build up your immunity system and help you NOT to get the Common Cold or the Flu. If these Natural Remedies helped me and my wife then they should help you also.
1. Include Fresh Garlic In Your Diet.
Do you have a Mother or a Grandmother that uses fresh Garlic in their cooking? Have you noticed that you do not get sick as often as others do because you are eating the Garlic enriched foods? Garlic is a Natural Germ Killer. Did you know that a lot of farmers give their farm animals a clove of Garlic to swallow because it prevents them from getting sick and it gets rid of the worms in the stomach and the intestines.
A friend of mine told me that his parents had both died in an Auto accident and his Grandmother had raised him and his brothers. His Grandmother was born and raised in Germany. He said that every year when winter was approaching, his Grandmother would give each one of them a sliver of Garlic to swallow every morning. When others would get the Common Cold or the Flu, he and his brothers never got sick.
If you are one who hates the taste of Garlic like me you can take Garlic in pill form, or you can swallow soft gels with Garlic Oil in them or you can cut the cloves into slivers and easily swallow them. This is the most common way that I use Garlic.
2. Include Flax Seed In Your Diet.
Flax Seeds are very high in Antioxidants. They are very healthy to eat. But Flax Seeds have to be grounded up before eating them, In a whole form the seeds will go right through your body and do you no good. So remember that the seeds need to be grounded up. Flax Seed is a natural laxative. So don't eat a lot of it all at one time or it will go right through you and give you the runs. But I want you to know that I have been eating Flax Seed a little bit at a time for over 20 years and my bowel movement is always comfortable. I have not had diarrhea or constipation for a long long time. Besides protecting you from the Colds and the Flu, Flax Seed is a Cancer killer and it will protect your body from most forms of Cancer. By the way I use a small coffee grinder to grind up Grain and Flax Seed to make my fresh hot breakfast cereals. When my wife grinds up wheat for homemade breads, rolls and muffins, she always adds a teaspoon of Flax Seed.
My neighbor has grounded up Flax Seeds for over 20 years and he puts the grounded Flax Seed into his yogurt, his fruit juices and both his cold and hot cereals. He says when others all around him are getting the Common Cold and the Flu, he never gets sick.
3. Buy A Juicer And Juice Up Fresh Fruits And Vegetables During The Flu Season.
No one can eat 30 or 40 apples all at one time but if you were to juice up 40 apples, it would not be to hard to drink all of that juice. The same goes with carrots. It is way easier to drink the juice from a lot of carrots then it would to eat them. The juice from both fruits and vegetables that were ran through a juicer, they are way higher in both Vitamins and Minerals then it would be to eat them. These fresh juices are way more easier also for the body to digest and to enter into the blood stream giving the body more balance. It also greatly builds up your immunity system and prevents you from getting the Common Cold and the Flu if you are drinking these fresh juices on a regular bases.
A word of Caution for the first time users. This fresh juice will naturally flush out the poisons, the toxins and other impurities that are found in the body. You will experience Diarrhea for the first week or two. This is a natural process when the body is given a " juice flush ". So at first drink the juice sparingly until your body gets use to it. Let the Diarrhea pass naturally and then all will be well and you will not have any more Diarrhea.
Most people do not use their apples and they will gladly let you come and pick them for free starting in July clear to the end of October. Many of these apples will have worm holes and that is OK. I just cut out the bad parts and then run the good parts through the juicer. As for the carrots you can grow all the carrots you want in your own backyard and they will be available all winter. Please read on Google Search---" Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to grow lots of Carrots ".
4. Eat Lots Of Fresh Home Made Chicken Soup During The Flu Season.
Home made Chicken Soup is the number one Remedy for the Common Cold and the Flu and it is eaten by the mountain people, the country folk, Sheep Herders, the Jews and many countries all other the world. Chicken Soup will quickly bring balance back to the body before, during and after the Flu Bug is gone. Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup is OK to eat in a pinch, but the home made Chicken Soup is 100 times better and it will bring balance to your body way much better then any other soup.
Basic Home Made Chicken Soup is very easy to make. You buy a whole chicken or you could buy chicken pieces like the drum sticks or the thighs. Boil the chicken in a large pan on low heat for over an hour or until the chicken meat falls off the bones. Remove the chicken and the bones from the chicken broth. Remove all the meat from the bones and put the meat into a bowl. Now add the following to the hot chicken broth carefully so that you will not burn yourself. Add diced up onions, add diced up potatoes, add diced up celery and then add diced up green and red bell peppers. Frozen Peas could also be added if you choose to do so. Simmer these Vegetables on low heat until you can poke a fork into the potatoes. Then add the chicken meat and simmer another 5 to 10 minutes. Raw Onions are excellent for people who have the Common Cold or the Flu. I always add raw diced up onions at the last minute for flavor and let it simmer for five more minutes. Put this soup into bowls and add salt and pepper until it is just the way you like it. Then if you wish and I do this I will add pre-made flat egg noodles or dumplings. This Home made soup is very Yummy! You could also eat soda crackers with real butter on them and eat this with your soup. Enjoy!!!!
5. Drink A Hot-Tottie.
This is very easy to make and it is excellent for both children and adults. Put some hot water into a mug and add a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, a heaping teaspoon of Honey and the juice that was squeezed from a half of a lemon. If you put the lemon into a cup of hot water for a minute, you will be able to squeeze more juice out of it. Both children and adults can drink these Hot-totties three or four times a day during the Flu Season or when you have a Cold. If you have a dry raspy or a sore throat or a cough, you could gargle with this hot-tottie and it is very soothing to a sore throat then you swallow it.
Some people will put Blackberry Brandy into their hot-tottie because it has Pectin in it. That is OK but not necessary. If you have the Flu all ready and you would like to sleep way better at night, then give a teaspoon of Blackberry Brandy to children and a tablespoon full to adults and this will greatly relax you. Store the Blackberry Brandy in a cool dark place until you need to use it again as a medicine.
6. How Can I Overcome A Sore Throat Or A Cough During the Flu Season?
I have found an easy way to overcome Sore Throat and those nagging coughs that often exist at the same time. I have tried many Remedies for sore throat and I am not impressed with most of them. But I have found a Remedy that seems to work every time I get a sore throat or a bad cough..The Remedy is simple. Before going to bed put some Hydrogen Peroxide into your mouth and gargle with it for a full minute. It will form up in your throat.. Then spit it out but do not rinse your mouth out with water. Leave the form in your throat all night long and generally the sore throat will be gone by morning. If your cough starts up again in the middle of the night then get up and gargle again with the Hydrogen Peroxide and again leave the form in your throat. If you swallow a little bit it will not harm you. I will swallow some of if on purpose if the Peroxide is not getting to the lower parts of the throat. On the Peroxide bottle it does say that it is not for internal use and to keep it away from the eyes and to keep it away from children. Please remember this after using it for you sore throat.
The main cause of sore throat is the presence of sugar in the throat before going to bed. Make it a general rule that no candy or pop after 6 pm and brush your teeth well before going to bed. The Peroxide should not be used by children under the age of eight years because they will swallow much of it. If your children have a sore throat then make a Hot-Tottie listed up above for them to gargle with before swallowing it.
7. Buy A Case Of Oranges And Or Grapefruits To Eat Before, During And Also After The Flu Season,
Often Grapefruits will go on sale for 3,4 or 5 for a dollar. When this happens I will buy 40 or 50 of them. Also cases of Oranges are often sold at Christmas time for 10 to 15 dollars. These fruits are high in Vitamin C and the fruit juices will flush out the impurities and bring balance to our bodies. But for best results for the fruit to do it's thing it must be eaten by it's self and NOT with other foods.
8. Increase Your Intake Of Vitamins C And E.
It is a proven fact that both of these Vitamins will greatly help to prevent the Common Cold and the Flu. It will also build up your immunity towards most types of Cancer. But during the Flu season it would be wise to take one of each in the morning and then again at night before going to bed.
9. Eat Raw Sunflower Seeds Every Day.
Raw Sunflower seeds are very high in Vitamin A which is excellent for the Common Cold and the Flu. Roasted Sunflower Seeds will not work. The seeds that you eat and spit out the shells, these will not work either. The Sunflower Seeds that you will be eating needs to be 100% RAW, and make sure the store owner is selling you the raw seeds. Eat one or two tablespoons of these raw seeds everyday. Besides building up your immunity system towards Cancer and the Flu, you will also notice a great improvement in your eye sight after eating the seeds for 5 or 6 months. It improved my eye sight so much that I do not need glasses now to read. Besides this Raw Sunflower Seeds are a tasty treat and I greatly enjoy eating them every day.
10. The Onion Remedy.
I read this in a County Doctor Book that if you take a large raw onion and cut it in half and put it on a stand right next to where you are sleeping, it well help you to sleep way better at night when you are sick. The last two times that I have been sick and I had a hard time sleeping, I tried this Onion Remedy and it does work. If you have a stuffy nose the Onion Remedy will help to unplug it. Also if you grab the Onion and rub the onion juices all over your chest and then put the Onion back on the stand so you can breath in it's fumes all night long, both of these will greatly help the Common Cold and the Flu.
11. Rub Your Chest With " Vicks Vapor Rub " Or Mentholatum.
You just can not believe how much better you will sleep at night by rubbing either of these salves on your neck, all over yout chest and also put some up your nose before going to bed. This is the Remedy that our Mothers and Grandmothers would use on us when we were all children and guess what? This Remedy still works to this very day.
12. Eat Cottage Cheese Mixed With Flax Seed Oil During The Flu Season.
Buy a 16 oz container of Cottage Cheese and add a level teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil to it and stir it in well then eat this every other day with your regular meals. Flax Seed Oil is generally sold in most stores in the area where the Vitamins and Minerals are sold and it is not too expensive. A better Oil that can be mixed with the Cottage Cheese is Hemp Oil. This Oil is 20 times better in medical properties then that of Flax Seed Oil. The only problem is Hemp Oil is only sold in health food stores and it is way more expensive to by. But Flax Seed Oil mixed with the Cottage Cheese, this is a great medicine for the Flu and all forms of Cancer.
Many of you are tea drinkers and there are some excellent Herbal Teas that will help you in getting over the Common Cold or the Flu. Some of these teas can be bought in a regular food store but the rest of them can only be bought in a Health Food Store unless you have the knowledge of knowing where to find these Herbs in the wild and gathering them yourself.
Here is a list of Herbs to be used as teas for the Flu. 1. Catnip. 2. Sage. 3. Peppermint. 4. Blue Violet ( Excellent ) 5. Ginseng. 6. Nettle. 7. Rosemary. 8. Saffron. 9. Sweet Balm. 10. Tansy. 11. Yarrow. 12. Elder Flowers. 13. Ginger Root. 14. Golden Seal Root. 15. Pennyroyal. and 16. Sarsaparilla.
An excellent tea to drink for the Flu is to mix Bayberry Bark with Yarrow Flowers. My favorite is " Dandelion Brew ". I will gather the Dandelion Roots and roast them in an oven until they are dark and crispy. Then I will boil the roasted roots in a double boiler pan for 20 or 30 minutes but add more water to the pan if it gets low. I'll put the drippings into a mug and add something sweet and milk. I call this " Dandelion Brew " and it is great for the Common Cold and the Flu.
Generally during the Flu season the weather outside is cold. Dress up warm when you are outside even if it is for just a short time. It is important to cover your head, your neck and your hands. Also wear a heavy long sleeve shirt or a warm coat. Your body needs this protection from the cold and it will greatly help you from getting sick. When you wear shoes or boots in cold weather, always wear 2 or 3 pairs of socks. If you wear either one of these without the socks then you are asking for trouble. Not only will the socks help to keep your feet warm but it will also soak up the sweat on your feet.
All of the suggestions up above are excellent Remedies for the Common Cold and the Flu. For best results it is wise to use a combination of these Remedies. My wife and I both use these Remedies and we practice them on both our children and grandchildren. If you choose not to take the Flu Shot, I hope these Remedies will help you too the same as it has helped us. We will go to the Doctor if we really have to but when it comes to the Common Cold or the Flu We Can Do Our Own Doctoring.
My wife and I have never taken the Flu Shot. We are always trying to balance our bodies naturally by eating healthy foods and this will increase our immunity against most diseases and the Flu Bug. Some people will get sick every time they get a Flu Shot and you could die if your body can not handle those Flu Germs. So why do Doctors encourage us all to take a Flu Shot? It is called Job Security! The Doctors invented the Flu Shot. Then they encourage everyone to take it. When you get sick you will be calling the Doctor to help you to get over the Flu. Doctors are smart. They know how to increase their business. If you are one who Does get sick from the Flu Shot and you decide not to take it this year, there are some Natural Remedies that will build up your immunity system and help you NOT to get the Common Cold or the Flu. If these Natural Remedies helped me and my wife then they should help you also.
1. Include Fresh Garlic In Your Diet.
Do you have a Mother or a Grandmother that uses fresh Garlic in their cooking? Have you noticed that you do not get sick as often as others do because you are eating the Garlic enriched foods? Garlic is a Natural Germ Killer. Did you know that a lot of farmers give their farm animals a clove of Garlic to swallow because it prevents them from getting sick and it gets rid of the worms in the stomach and the intestines.
A friend of mine told me that his parents had both died in an Auto accident and his Grandmother had raised him and his brothers. His Grandmother was born and raised in Germany. He said that every year when winter was approaching, his Grandmother would give each one of them a sliver of Garlic to swallow every morning. When others would get the Common Cold or the Flu, he and his brothers never got sick.
If you are one who hates the taste of Garlic like me you can take Garlic in pill form, or you can swallow soft gels with Garlic Oil in them or you can cut the cloves into slivers and easily swallow them. This is the most common way that I use Garlic.
2. Include Flax Seed In Your Diet.
Flax Seeds are very high in Antioxidants. They are very healthy to eat. But Flax Seeds have to be grounded up before eating them, In a whole form the seeds will go right through your body and do you no good. So remember that the seeds need to be grounded up. Flax Seed is a natural laxative. So don't eat a lot of it all at one time or it will go right through you and give you the runs. But I want you to know that I have been eating Flax Seed a little bit at a time for over 20 years and my bowel movement is always comfortable. I have not had diarrhea or constipation for a long long time. Besides protecting you from the Colds and the Flu, Flax Seed is a Cancer killer and it will protect your body from most forms of Cancer. By the way I use a small coffee grinder to grind up Grain and Flax Seed to make my fresh hot breakfast cereals. When my wife grinds up wheat for homemade breads, rolls and muffins, she always adds a teaspoon of Flax Seed.
My neighbor has grounded up Flax Seeds for over 20 years and he puts the grounded Flax Seed into his yogurt, his fruit juices and both his cold and hot cereals. He says when others all around him are getting the Common Cold and the Flu, he never gets sick.
3. Buy A Juicer And Juice Up Fresh Fruits And Vegetables During The Flu Season.
No one can eat 30 or 40 apples all at one time but if you were to juice up 40 apples, it would not be to hard to drink all of that juice. The same goes with carrots. It is way easier to drink the juice from a lot of carrots then it would to eat them. The juice from both fruits and vegetables that were ran through a juicer, they are way higher in both Vitamins and Minerals then it would be to eat them. These fresh juices are way more easier also for the body to digest and to enter into the blood stream giving the body more balance. It also greatly builds up your immunity system and prevents you from getting the Common Cold and the Flu if you are drinking these fresh juices on a regular bases.
A word of Caution for the first time users. This fresh juice will naturally flush out the poisons, the toxins and other impurities that are found in the body. You will experience Diarrhea for the first week or two. This is a natural process when the body is given a " juice flush ". So at first drink the juice sparingly until your body gets use to it. Let the Diarrhea pass naturally and then all will be well and you will not have any more Diarrhea.
Most people do not use their apples and they will gladly let you come and pick them for free starting in July clear to the end of October. Many of these apples will have worm holes and that is OK. I just cut out the bad parts and then run the good parts through the juicer. As for the carrots you can grow all the carrots you want in your own backyard and they will be available all winter. Please read on Google Search---" Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to grow lots of Carrots ".
4. Eat Lots Of Fresh Home Made Chicken Soup During The Flu Season.
Home made Chicken Soup is the number one Remedy for the Common Cold and the Flu and it is eaten by the mountain people, the country folk, Sheep Herders, the Jews and many countries all other the world. Chicken Soup will quickly bring balance back to the body before, during and after the Flu Bug is gone. Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup is OK to eat in a pinch, but the home made Chicken Soup is 100 times better and it will bring balance to your body way much better then any other soup.
Basic Home Made Chicken Soup is very easy to make. You buy a whole chicken or you could buy chicken pieces like the drum sticks or the thighs. Boil the chicken in a large pan on low heat for over an hour or until the chicken meat falls off the bones. Remove the chicken and the bones from the chicken broth. Remove all the meat from the bones and put the meat into a bowl. Now add the following to the hot chicken broth carefully so that you will not burn yourself. Add diced up onions, add diced up potatoes, add diced up celery and then add diced up green and red bell peppers. Frozen Peas could also be added if you choose to do so. Simmer these Vegetables on low heat until you can poke a fork into the potatoes. Then add the chicken meat and simmer another 5 to 10 minutes. Raw Onions are excellent for people who have the Common Cold or the Flu. I always add raw diced up onions at the last minute for flavor and let it simmer for five more minutes. Put this soup into bowls and add salt and pepper until it is just the way you like it. Then if you wish and I do this I will add pre-made flat egg noodles or dumplings. This Home made soup is very Yummy! You could also eat soda crackers with real butter on them and eat this with your soup. Enjoy!!!!
5. Drink A Hot-Tottie.
This is very easy to make and it is excellent for both children and adults. Put some hot water into a mug and add a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, a heaping teaspoon of Honey and the juice that was squeezed from a half of a lemon. If you put the lemon into a cup of hot water for a minute, you will be able to squeeze more juice out of it. Both children and adults can drink these Hot-totties three or four times a day during the Flu Season or when you have a Cold. If you have a dry raspy or a sore throat or a cough, you could gargle with this hot-tottie and it is very soothing to a sore throat then you swallow it.
Some people will put Blackberry Brandy into their hot-tottie because it has Pectin in it. That is OK but not necessary. If you have the Flu all ready and you would like to sleep way better at night, then give a teaspoon of Blackberry Brandy to children and a tablespoon full to adults and this will greatly relax you. Store the Blackberry Brandy in a cool dark place until you need to use it again as a medicine.
6. How Can I Overcome A Sore Throat Or A Cough During the Flu Season?
I have found an easy way to overcome Sore Throat and those nagging coughs that often exist at the same time. I have tried many Remedies for sore throat and I am not impressed with most of them. But I have found a Remedy that seems to work every time I get a sore throat or a bad cough..The Remedy is simple. Before going to bed put some Hydrogen Peroxide into your mouth and gargle with it for a full minute. It will form up in your throat.. Then spit it out but do not rinse your mouth out with water. Leave the form in your throat all night long and generally the sore throat will be gone by morning. If your cough starts up again in the middle of the night then get up and gargle again with the Hydrogen Peroxide and again leave the form in your throat. If you swallow a little bit it will not harm you. I will swallow some of if on purpose if the Peroxide is not getting to the lower parts of the throat. On the Peroxide bottle it does say that it is not for internal use and to keep it away from the eyes and to keep it away from children. Please remember this after using it for you sore throat.
The main cause of sore throat is the presence of sugar in the throat before going to bed. Make it a general rule that no candy or pop after 6 pm and brush your teeth well before going to bed. The Peroxide should not be used by children under the age of eight years because they will swallow much of it. If your children have a sore throat then make a Hot-Tottie listed up above for them to gargle with before swallowing it.
7. Buy A Case Of Oranges And Or Grapefruits To Eat Before, During And Also After The Flu Season,
Often Grapefruits will go on sale for 3,4 or 5 for a dollar. When this happens I will buy 40 or 50 of them. Also cases of Oranges are often sold at Christmas time for 10 to 15 dollars. These fruits are high in Vitamin C and the fruit juices will flush out the impurities and bring balance to our bodies. But for best results for the fruit to do it's thing it must be eaten by it's self and NOT with other foods.
8. Increase Your Intake Of Vitamins C And E.
It is a proven fact that both of these Vitamins will greatly help to prevent the Common Cold and the Flu. It will also build up your immunity towards most types of Cancer. But during the Flu season it would be wise to take one of each in the morning and then again at night before going to bed.
9. Eat Raw Sunflower Seeds Every Day.
Raw Sunflower seeds are very high in Vitamin A which is excellent for the Common Cold and the Flu. Roasted Sunflower Seeds will not work. The seeds that you eat and spit out the shells, these will not work either. The Sunflower Seeds that you will be eating needs to be 100% RAW, and make sure the store owner is selling you the raw seeds. Eat one or two tablespoons of these raw seeds everyday. Besides building up your immunity system towards Cancer and the Flu, you will also notice a great improvement in your eye sight after eating the seeds for 5 or 6 months. It improved my eye sight so much that I do not need glasses now to read. Besides this Raw Sunflower Seeds are a tasty treat and I greatly enjoy eating them every day.
10. The Onion Remedy.
I read this in a County Doctor Book that if you take a large raw onion and cut it in half and put it on a stand right next to where you are sleeping, it well help you to sleep way better at night when you are sick. The last two times that I have been sick and I had a hard time sleeping, I tried this Onion Remedy and it does work. If you have a stuffy nose the Onion Remedy will help to unplug it. Also if you grab the Onion and rub the onion juices all over your chest and then put the Onion back on the stand so you can breath in it's fumes all night long, both of these will greatly help the Common Cold and the Flu.
11. Rub Your Chest With " Vicks Vapor Rub " Or Mentholatum.
You just can not believe how much better you will sleep at night by rubbing either of these salves on your neck, all over yout chest and also put some up your nose before going to bed. This is the Remedy that our Mothers and Grandmothers would use on us when we were all children and guess what? This Remedy still works to this very day.
12. Eat Cottage Cheese Mixed With Flax Seed Oil During The Flu Season.
Buy a 16 oz container of Cottage Cheese and add a level teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil to it and stir it in well then eat this every other day with your regular meals. Flax Seed Oil is generally sold in most stores in the area where the Vitamins and Minerals are sold and it is not too expensive. A better Oil that can be mixed with the Cottage Cheese is Hemp Oil. This Oil is 20 times better in medical properties then that of Flax Seed Oil. The only problem is Hemp Oil is only sold in health food stores and it is way more expensive to by. But Flax Seed Oil mixed with the Cottage Cheese, this is a great medicine for the Flu and all forms of Cancer.
Many of you are tea drinkers and there are some excellent Herbal Teas that will help you in getting over the Common Cold or the Flu. Some of these teas can be bought in a regular food store but the rest of them can only be bought in a Health Food Store unless you have the knowledge of knowing where to find these Herbs in the wild and gathering them yourself.
Here is a list of Herbs to be used as teas for the Flu. 1. Catnip. 2. Sage. 3. Peppermint. 4. Blue Violet ( Excellent ) 5. Ginseng. 6. Nettle. 7. Rosemary. 8. Saffron. 9. Sweet Balm. 10. Tansy. 11. Yarrow. 12. Elder Flowers. 13. Ginger Root. 14. Golden Seal Root. 15. Pennyroyal. and 16. Sarsaparilla.
An excellent tea to drink for the Flu is to mix Bayberry Bark with Yarrow Flowers. My favorite is " Dandelion Brew ". I will gather the Dandelion Roots and roast them in an oven until they are dark and crispy. Then I will boil the roasted roots in a double boiler pan for 20 or 30 minutes but add more water to the pan if it gets low. I'll put the drippings into a mug and add something sweet and milk. I call this " Dandelion Brew " and it is great for the Common Cold and the Flu.
Generally during the Flu season the weather outside is cold. Dress up warm when you are outside even if it is for just a short time. It is important to cover your head, your neck and your hands. Also wear a heavy long sleeve shirt or a warm coat. Your body needs this protection from the cold and it will greatly help you from getting sick. When you wear shoes or boots in cold weather, always wear 2 or 3 pairs of socks. If you wear either one of these without the socks then you are asking for trouble. Not only will the socks help to keep your feet warm but it will also soak up the sweat on your feet.
All of the suggestions up above are excellent Remedies for the Common Cold and the Flu. For best results it is wise to use a combination of these Remedies. My wife and I both use these Remedies and we practice them on both our children and grandchildren. If you choose not to take the Flu Shot, I hope these Remedies will help you too the same as it has helped us. We will go to the Doctor if we really have to but when it comes to the Common Cold or the Flu We Can Do Our Own Doctoring.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Chokecherries,Huckleberries,Elderberries And Service Berries.
For anyone that lives in any of the Western States in the USA, going Chokecherry or Huckleberry picking in the Fall is very popular. The Fruit of these two and Elderberries are made into Jams, Jelly, Muffins with fruit, Pies, Wines and Pancake Syrup. The Service Berry is also made into pies because both Service Berries and Huckleberries do make a good Blueberry substitute. But Service Berries are more common as a snack berry. Most of the time when Service Berries become ripe they have no sugar or juice in the berry. When you try to eat them they are dry and tasteless. But I check on these berries every year and sometimes they are plump, sweet, juicy and really Yummy to eat. They are so good to eat that after I have visited the tree, the fruit will be all gone and there will be none left for anyone else. When it comes to eating Service Berries I guess I am a little pig.
There are lots of stories to be told over and over again that is centered around going Huckleberry and Chokecherry picking and I plan to tell some of my stories. All of these Berries are very high in Vitamin C and they also have a lot of Pectin in them. If you were to store any of these berries in your freezer they would make good medicine in controlling a once in a while case of Diarrhea. The Pectin in the fruit is whats doing the job and these fruits will also help you to overcome any constipation. When ever either one of these problems take place, all you have to do is make a Berry Pie and eat your problems away. Of course you can also take Pepto-Bizmo.
One year we had a Family reunion in Island Park in the State of Idaho. It is a family tradition to eat a Pancake Breakfast with Real Butter and Chokecherry Syrup. Eggs and Sausage is also served but the Pancakes and the Chokecherry Syrup with some whipped cream on top is what everyone wants. This is really a special treat for Breakfast. Later that morning several of us went on a hike with a Lady Ranger. She gave us a history lesson on both the Indians and the Mountain Men who use to live in this area. She told us about the wild animals that live there and she gave us the names of several plants that we had passed and what the Indians used to do with them. Then we came to a Chokecherry bush and it was loaded with cherries but they were not ripe yet. She said that this was a Chokecherry Bush but do not eat the berries. They are very poisonous. Everyone in our group told her that they were not poisonous and we had just got through eating pancakes with chokecherry syrup on them. She said she had never heard such a thing and the information that they were poisonous came from a Ranger Book.
In a way the Ranger was telling the truth. If you were to eat the Chokecherries right off the tree they do not taste good and they will somewhat choke you as you try to eat them fresh. The seeds inside the berries have a poison in them that can make you very sick if you were to swallow a bunch of them. My wife will take the freshly picked cherries home and boil them in a large pot. The juice is a dark Purple-Red color. She will boil the cherries twice and then combined both juices together. The juice is put into both quart size and half gallon glass bottles and boiled in a water bath and when the bottles cool down the lids will seal onto the bottles. When ever we need some Jelly or Pancake Syrup, sugar and or Pectin is added to the juice and boiled on the stove making both Jelly and Syrup. I have noticed though that after a good heavy frost in the fall, any of the chokecherries that may still be on a tree, the frost will make the cherries sweet and good to eat without the choking effect. But most generally when a heavy frost comes there is generally no more cherries on the tree.
Just like the Chokecherries Do Not Eat The Elderberries Raw. They Will Make You Very Sick!!!!
But after you have cooked the berries then they are OK to eat. Elderberries makes a great tasting pancake syrup, jelly and a yummy pie. The Mountain Folk know how to make a great tasting Wine or Brandy from the Elderberries. A tea that is made from the cooked Elderberries or the flowers will help a person to overcome a Cold or the Flu.
I would like to say a few more things about the Chokecherry before I quit. The Indians enjoyed using the stout sticks on the Chokecherry Bush. They made a strong powerful Bow that was excellent for hunting, and it kept it's spring way longer then any other wood. Remember these words of wisdom just case we may have to rely on some other weapons besides guns. The Bark from the Chokecherry Bush made into a tea made an excellent gargle. This Gargle will get rid of all the gunk and unwanted matter that may collect in your throat. I have personally tried this Gargle and it does work. If you were to swallow some of it that is OK because this tea is also good for an upset tummy. Another thing that this Gargle will do, it will tune-up your vocal cords. If you could not sing before this Gargle will allow you to sing for the first time and if you already have a lovely voice this Gargle will make it more beautiful. I kid you not !!
When going Huckleberry picking the berries are quite small and it takes 2 or 3 hours to get a gallon container full. The Huckleberry Plants generally grow on the east side of a mountain slope. So when one goes Huckleberry picking you have to go way up into the mountains and it takes most of the day to pick a few quarts of the berries. My wife and I will take lunch with us and have a picnic while berry picking. Plus there is a great feeling when you are in the mountains and enjoying the great outdoors. In my eyes this beautiful mountainous area is God's Country.
One time many years ago, the Huckleberries were as big as pie cherries plus the plants were just loaded with the berries. They were plump, very sweet and juicy and you could pick a whole gallon in less then a half hour. We picked several gallons that day and a lot of people were there picking the berries. That was a fun day picking the fruit and visiting with other people and making new friends. At the end of the day, we started back home and we passed a chokecherry bush that was heavy with lots of big berries. My wife could not pass them up so we stopped the car and she began picking. On the other side of the road was another chokecherry bush and my wife sent me over there to pick those berries also. Right next to this chokecherry bush was a small service berry bush and it was loaded with plump juicy berries. I did pick all the chokecherries and when I left all the service berries were gone also. I ate them all. That was one of the best days we have ever had for both chokecherry and huckleberry picking.
Only a few weeks ago my wife asked me if I was interested in doing some fishing in the mountains and while I was fishing she would pick chokecherries. Well, on the way to the fishing hole we passed by several chokecherry bushes and we had to stop at each one and pick all the berries. At the fishing hole there were several bushes loaded with chokecherries just up the road. I dropped my wife by the berry bushes and I drove to a near by campground to use their bathroom and all around the bathroom were chokecherry bushes with maybe 4 gallons of chokecherries. This was way more berries then where my wife was picking. So I picked her up and took her by the bathrooms and she picked all the berries and by the time that I had caught my limit in fish she had also picked all the chokecherries that were up the road also. That was a good day for both fishing and chokecherry picking.
I read this story in a Big Foot book and I hope you will enjoy it. A man went huckleberry picking all by himself because his wife had to work that day. After he had been picking for an hour, he heard a noise and when he looked up the hill there was a Big Foot sitting on the ground eating the berries about 300 feet away. The man kept staring at him because this was the very first Big Foot he had ever seen. The Big Foot looked at the man and then stood up and began walking towards the man. The man dropped his bucket and ran down the hill and got inside of his car. When he looked back at the Big Foot the creature was sitting down and was eating the berries the man had picked. When the berries were gone the Big Foot began walking towards the car and the man started his car and got out of there. The Big Foot might have had the same feelings as Casper the Friendly Ghost. While the Big Foot was running down the hill he was saying: " I just want to be your friend ".
There are lots of stories to be told over and over again that is centered around going Huckleberry and Chokecherry picking and I plan to tell some of my stories. All of these Berries are very high in Vitamin C and they also have a lot of Pectin in them. If you were to store any of these berries in your freezer they would make good medicine in controlling a once in a while case of Diarrhea. The Pectin in the fruit is whats doing the job and these fruits will also help you to overcome any constipation. When ever either one of these problems take place, all you have to do is make a Berry Pie and eat your problems away. Of course you can also take Pepto-Bizmo.
One year we had a Family reunion in Island Park in the State of Idaho. It is a family tradition to eat a Pancake Breakfast with Real Butter and Chokecherry Syrup. Eggs and Sausage is also served but the Pancakes and the Chokecherry Syrup with some whipped cream on top is what everyone wants. This is really a special treat for Breakfast. Later that morning several of us went on a hike with a Lady Ranger. She gave us a history lesson on both the Indians and the Mountain Men who use to live in this area. She told us about the wild animals that live there and she gave us the names of several plants that we had passed and what the Indians used to do with them. Then we came to a Chokecherry bush and it was loaded with cherries but they were not ripe yet. She said that this was a Chokecherry Bush but do not eat the berries. They are very poisonous. Everyone in our group told her that they were not poisonous and we had just got through eating pancakes with chokecherry syrup on them. She said she had never heard such a thing and the information that they were poisonous came from a Ranger Book.
In a way the Ranger was telling the truth. If you were to eat the Chokecherries right off the tree they do not taste good and they will somewhat choke you as you try to eat them fresh. The seeds inside the berries have a poison in them that can make you very sick if you were to swallow a bunch of them. My wife will take the freshly picked cherries home and boil them in a large pot. The juice is a dark Purple-Red color. She will boil the cherries twice and then combined both juices together. The juice is put into both quart size and half gallon glass bottles and boiled in a water bath and when the bottles cool down the lids will seal onto the bottles. When ever we need some Jelly or Pancake Syrup, sugar and or Pectin is added to the juice and boiled on the stove making both Jelly and Syrup. I have noticed though that after a good heavy frost in the fall, any of the chokecherries that may still be on a tree, the frost will make the cherries sweet and good to eat without the choking effect. But most generally when a heavy frost comes there is generally no more cherries on the tree.
Just like the Chokecherries Do Not Eat The Elderberries Raw. They Will Make You Very Sick!!!!
But after you have cooked the berries then they are OK to eat. Elderberries makes a great tasting pancake syrup, jelly and a yummy pie. The Mountain Folk know how to make a great tasting Wine or Brandy from the Elderberries. A tea that is made from the cooked Elderberries or the flowers will help a person to overcome a Cold or the Flu.
I would like to say a few more things about the Chokecherry before I quit. The Indians enjoyed using the stout sticks on the Chokecherry Bush. They made a strong powerful Bow that was excellent for hunting, and it kept it's spring way longer then any other wood. Remember these words of wisdom just case we may have to rely on some other weapons besides guns. The Bark from the Chokecherry Bush made into a tea made an excellent gargle. This Gargle will get rid of all the gunk and unwanted matter that may collect in your throat. I have personally tried this Gargle and it does work. If you were to swallow some of it that is OK because this tea is also good for an upset tummy. Another thing that this Gargle will do, it will tune-up your vocal cords. If you could not sing before this Gargle will allow you to sing for the first time and if you already have a lovely voice this Gargle will make it more beautiful. I kid you not !!
When going Huckleberry picking the berries are quite small and it takes 2 or 3 hours to get a gallon container full. The Huckleberry Plants generally grow on the east side of a mountain slope. So when one goes Huckleberry picking you have to go way up into the mountains and it takes most of the day to pick a few quarts of the berries. My wife and I will take lunch with us and have a picnic while berry picking. Plus there is a great feeling when you are in the mountains and enjoying the great outdoors. In my eyes this beautiful mountainous area is God's Country.
One time many years ago, the Huckleberries were as big as pie cherries plus the plants were just loaded with the berries. They were plump, very sweet and juicy and you could pick a whole gallon in less then a half hour. We picked several gallons that day and a lot of people were there picking the berries. That was a fun day picking the fruit and visiting with other people and making new friends. At the end of the day, we started back home and we passed a chokecherry bush that was heavy with lots of big berries. My wife could not pass them up so we stopped the car and she began picking. On the other side of the road was another chokecherry bush and my wife sent me over there to pick those berries also. Right next to this chokecherry bush was a small service berry bush and it was loaded with plump juicy berries. I did pick all the chokecherries and when I left all the service berries were gone also. I ate them all. That was one of the best days we have ever had for both chokecherry and huckleberry picking.
Only a few weeks ago my wife asked me if I was interested in doing some fishing in the mountains and while I was fishing she would pick chokecherries. Well, on the way to the fishing hole we passed by several chokecherry bushes and we had to stop at each one and pick all the berries. At the fishing hole there were several bushes loaded with chokecherries just up the road. I dropped my wife by the berry bushes and I drove to a near by campground to use their bathroom and all around the bathroom were chokecherry bushes with maybe 4 gallons of chokecherries. This was way more berries then where my wife was picking. So I picked her up and took her by the bathrooms and she picked all the berries and by the time that I had caught my limit in fish she had also picked all the chokecherries that were up the road also. That was a good day for both fishing and chokecherry picking.
I read this story in a Big Foot book and I hope you will enjoy it. A man went huckleberry picking all by himself because his wife had to work that day. After he had been picking for an hour, he heard a noise and when he looked up the hill there was a Big Foot sitting on the ground eating the berries about 300 feet away. The man kept staring at him because this was the very first Big Foot he had ever seen. The Big Foot looked at the man and then stood up and began walking towards the man. The man dropped his bucket and ran down the hill and got inside of his car. When he looked back at the Big Foot the creature was sitting down and was eating the berries the man had picked. When the berries were gone the Big Foot began walking towards the car and the man started his car and got out of there. The Big Foot might have had the same feelings as Casper the Friendly Ghost. While the Big Foot was running down the hill he was saying: " I just want to be your friend ".
Friday, May 27, 2016
The Heath Benefits From Eating English Walnuts.
What are English Walnuts ? These are a light brown and some what round nut that is rough on the outside. One end of the nut is round and the other end has a point on it. When you crack it open the nut on the inside looks like a Human Brain. These are also called White Walnuts and a lot of people buy them both shelled and unshelled at the store. They are eaten as they are right from the bag as a snack or people will chop them up into small pieces and add them to cookies, cakes or a topping to go onto ice cream. The unshelled ones are bought commonly throughput the year while the shelled ones, that you have to crack open, these are often bought at Christmas time. I have notice that when people buy the shelled mixed nuts, the Walnut are always the last nuts left in the bottom of the bowl and yet it is one of the most healthiest of all the nuts to eat.
Because this nut is shape like a Human Brain, is it a healthy food for the Brain ? Yes it is ! It is an Antioxidant Food that is rich in Fiber and it feeds the Brain. It also provides good Cholesterol that will surround the Brain to help it to perform and think way much better. Yes, the eating of 5 or 6 Walnuts everyday is healthy for both your Body and your Brain. Believe it or not the eating of these Walnuts will help the body NOT to get the Cancerous Diseases. So it is very safe to eat more Walnuts everyday. Some of the other Health Benefits from eating Walnuts are listed below.
1. English Walnuts have Vitamin A, the B-Complex Vitamins and it is very rich in Vitamin E. These Walnuts also have the following Minerals: 1. Potassium 2. Calcium and 3. Magnesium.
2. Walnuts eaten as a food will get rid of the Free Radials in our bodies because it is an Antioxidant.
3. Walnuts have Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients in them that will help to get rid of both Infections and Staff that may be found in the body.
4. The eating of English Walnuts everyday will greatly reduce the risk of both Prostate and Breast Cancer.. This is a proven fact.
5. Eating Walnuts everyday will help to control both Diarrhea and Constipation.
6. Because Walnuts provide the Brain with Fiber, Oxygen and Good Cholesterol, it will help to prevent both Alzheimer and Parkinson's Disease.
7. Walnuts have a rich source of Heart Healthy Mono-Unsaturated Fats and they are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
8. The eating of Walnuts will benefit the Heart and the Circulatory Systems. It will cause the Blood Vessel Walls to be soft and flexible.
9. It will stop excessive clotting in the Arteries.
10. Because of the minerals that are found in Walnuts it will help to lower our Blood Pressure.
11. Walnuts are a great food source for those who have Type 2 Diabetes and for those who do not have Diabetes, the eating of English Walnuts will greatly lower the risk of future health problems.
12. Other Health Benefits that come from eating Walnuts are weight loss and Walnuts will help to create strong Bones. It will help to boost up your memory and it will greatly strengthen the nervous system.
13. The leaves on the tree will make a great Bug Repellent. Rub these leaves on your arms and face and all over your clothes. It will repel mosquitoes, flies, bees and fruit flies.
14. The Walnut Husks when they turn to a dark brown or almost a black color, the insides of these husks can be rubbed onto your grey hair as a natural brown dye. Then rub Vinegar onto your hair and you will have beautiful brown hair until you again cut your hair. I have done this to my own hair and it does work. It will make you look 20 years younger. One year for Halloween I rubbed the green husks onto my hair and it gave me green hair for over a month. But in today's world green hair will help you to blend in with others who dye their hair with every color of the rainbow.
As you can see above English Walnuts are indeed a very healthy food. Not only for our bodies but it is also very healthy to our Brains. You can't go wrong from eating lots of English Walnuts.
Because this nut is shape like a Human Brain, is it a healthy food for the Brain ? Yes it is ! It is an Antioxidant Food that is rich in Fiber and it feeds the Brain. It also provides good Cholesterol that will surround the Brain to help it to perform and think way much better. Yes, the eating of 5 or 6 Walnuts everyday is healthy for both your Body and your Brain. Believe it or not the eating of these Walnuts will help the body NOT to get the Cancerous Diseases. So it is very safe to eat more Walnuts everyday. Some of the other Health Benefits from eating Walnuts are listed below.
1. English Walnuts have Vitamin A, the B-Complex Vitamins and it is very rich in Vitamin E. These Walnuts also have the following Minerals: 1. Potassium 2. Calcium and 3. Magnesium.
2. Walnuts eaten as a food will get rid of the Free Radials in our bodies because it is an Antioxidant.
3. Walnuts have Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients in them that will help to get rid of both Infections and Staff that may be found in the body.
4. The eating of English Walnuts everyday will greatly reduce the risk of both Prostate and Breast Cancer.. This is a proven fact.
5. Eating Walnuts everyday will help to control both Diarrhea and Constipation.
6. Because Walnuts provide the Brain with Fiber, Oxygen and Good Cholesterol, it will help to prevent both Alzheimer and Parkinson's Disease.
7. Walnuts have a rich source of Heart Healthy Mono-Unsaturated Fats and they are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
8. The eating of Walnuts will benefit the Heart and the Circulatory Systems. It will cause the Blood Vessel Walls to be soft and flexible.
9. It will stop excessive clotting in the Arteries.
10. Because of the minerals that are found in Walnuts it will help to lower our Blood Pressure.
11. Walnuts are a great food source for those who have Type 2 Diabetes and for those who do not have Diabetes, the eating of English Walnuts will greatly lower the risk of future health problems.
12. Other Health Benefits that come from eating Walnuts are weight loss and Walnuts will help to create strong Bones. It will help to boost up your memory and it will greatly strengthen the nervous system.
13. The leaves on the tree will make a great Bug Repellent. Rub these leaves on your arms and face and all over your clothes. It will repel mosquitoes, flies, bees and fruit flies.
14. The Walnut Husks when they turn to a dark brown or almost a black color, the insides of these husks can be rubbed onto your grey hair as a natural brown dye. Then rub Vinegar onto your hair and you will have beautiful brown hair until you again cut your hair. I have done this to my own hair and it does work. It will make you look 20 years younger. One year for Halloween I rubbed the green husks onto my hair and it gave me green hair for over a month. But in today's world green hair will help you to blend in with others who dye their hair with every color of the rainbow.
As you can see above English Walnuts are indeed a very healthy food. Not only for our bodies but it is also very healthy to our Brains. You can't go wrong from eating lots of English Walnuts.
Monday, April 4, 2016
20 Common Places Where People Safely Hide Their Cash.
We all live at a time when strangers will walk right into our houses and will steal your money or any valuables that may be sitting around your house. There are even relatives who will steal from you when they think you are not looking. Most of our money belongs in a bank and most of us do trust those who are watching over our money. But we all need some spending money to be near by or we might end up with a bunch of cash that will come from another on a Holiday or a weekend when the bank is closed. So where can we safely put that money that could end up in a strangers pocket. Below are 20 places that you could safely hide your money. Good Luck!!!!
1. Under The Mattress. Many people will hide their money or valuables under the mattress, but in the moves the mattress is always one of the first places that is checked. Some people will hide a gun under the mattress that they can easily get to just in case someone breaks into their house in the middle of the night. A person who is very quiet can come into your house and check under your mattress with their hand or under the pillow and steal your money while you are sleeping. If you are wise and you still are thinking about using the mattress for a hiding place, cut a hole at the top of the mattress with a knife where your head is laying on a pillow and put your money and or valuables into a sock and stuff it into the hole. Only you will know that it is there.
2. Under A Loose Floor Board. In the attic of the house that I grew up in, a water pipe with a sealed cap on the end came out of the floor about 4 inches. It came through a hole in the floor board. My brother had worked the board loose around the pipe and he would pull it up and turn it to a 90 degree angle and then hide his money in the rafters. He did this for many years and none of us knew about it. When Bill moved out of the house he showed me his hiding place and I began using it for several years.
A neighbor down the street about two blocks away was removing the floor boards in the house that he was renting so that he could grow Drug Mushrooms under his house. For five years he grew and sold those mushrooms. Then he got caught and had to go to jail for several years.
Yes. hiding money and other valuables under the floor boards of your house makes a great hiding place. Most people would have to tear your house apart in order to find it..
3. Behind A Loose Brick In The Wall. A friend of mine was a boot repair man, and he was raised up in an old sand stone house on the other side of town. He said when he was a boy he would use his pocket knife to loosen a stone in the wall of his bedroom and behind the stone he would hide his valuables. I asked him if any of his valuables were still in the wall and he said that he had a bunch of marbles, some old coins maybe 20 or 30 of them and a bunch of old baseball cards. Those were put into the wall back in the 1930's. He has passed on and his old house was sold to another who has completely sheet rocked the whole inside of that old house. So that hiding place with all of those valuables will continue to remain hidden for years to come.
In many cowboy shows on the TV it will show people hiding their money in the walls of their homes and they would remove several bricks to pull the money box out of the wall. If you remember in the musical called " Oliver " the old man would hide all of his valuables in a wall and he had to remove several bricks in order to get his chest out. You too could hide all your valuables and money in side the walls of your home that only you know about.
4. Put Your Money Into A Metal Box And Bury It In The Ground. This idea has been around for over a thousand years. Back in the good old days bandits would rob the stagecoach or the bank and then bury the money. If they got caught they would serve their time in prison and then go back and enjoy the money that they had stolen and only they knew where it was hidden.
You could do this also if you had a large some of money on hand and you wanted to put it into a safe place so that you could spend it at a future time. Most people will bury a metal box full of money in their flower beds next to the house. Others will bury it somewhere in the backyard and put a painted rock over it to mark the spot. Then they will add a row of other painted rocks to make others think that it is a landscape idea in your backyard but only you will know where your money is hidden. Others will take a box of money and bury it at a favorite picnic spot or at your favorite fishing hole. It does not matter where you bury it as long as you will not forget about it. But that one day will come along when you will need a bunch of money right then and there and only you will know where it is hidden in the ground,
5. Inside A Hollow Object. Both Drugs and Diamonds have been secretly transported from one place to another in toys and other hollow objects and no one ever knew about it. One day when I took a load of trash to the dump, I found an old orange Shredded Wheat Lionel box car sitting on the ground with rusty wheels. I took it home and I cleaned it up and sanded most of the rust off of the wheels..There was a slit in the top of the box car so that it could be used as a coin bank. The top could also be easily removed from the wheels by using a screwdriver. For several years I would stuff paper money into that box car and only I knew about it. I even bought an old Lionel electric train set at a yard sale and I would add that orange box car full of money to my train set when I played with it but only I knew that there was paper money in it. Then one day I needed a bunch a money and I opened up that box car and there was over 300 dollars in there. You too could hide money inside a toy and no one would know about it.
6. Inside A Pocket Of An Old Pants Or Shirt. Do this only to clean clothes and put it into the bottom of your drawer that is full of pants or shirts. Or you could put it into a sock. I have also put paper money into my socks and then put the socks inside my shoes. This is also a good hiding place when you visit the swimming pool or the Gym and you use a locker to park your clothes. Your clothes with the money could also be hidden in a suitcase or a trunk or you could hang them in a closet. No one ever bothers your clothes and only you know where the money is hidden.
7. Inside An Old Birdhouse. Birdhouses are not only found in trees but the new ones are used to help decorate the insides of our homes. Generally a birdhouse is a hollow small box with a round hole for the bird to get in and out. Most of these houses are hung in trees to attract more birds to our yards. Money could be put through the round hole of a birdhouse that was sitting inside your house or your garage. Or you could use an old birdhouse that hangs in your tree and the birds do not use it anymore. The only thing bad about using a birdhouse is that you can not get your money out unless you break it open with a hammer. But it is a great place to hide your money for a long time like I did in using a toy box car and I have used birdhouses also to hide my money.
8. Under The Carpet. Most homes have carpet in every room. If you were to loosen an area to where you could slide an envelope under the carpet with a few hundred dollars bills in it, no one would ever notice that it was there except for the one who hid it. You could hide money in several places under the carpet and it will be easy to get to when you need some cash.
9. In Your Attic Or In Your Garage. Both of these places are used to store our junk or stuff that we do not want to throw away. There are hundreds of places that you could hide your money and no one would ever find it. Besides this no one ever goes to the attic unless you really need something that was stored there.
10. In A Rotted Out Tree Hole. These holes can be found in any place where trees grow even in your own backyard. But make sure that it is not a tree that kids like to climb or you will find that your money will be gone and some lucky kid will be enjoying a lot of treats for a long time. I have hidden money in tree holes many times for as long as two years and so far none of it was ever found and the money was still there waiting for me to come and pick it up. Sometimes birds will make a nest in the hole but they are not interested in your money.
11. In Your Own Wallet. Some people would say that your wallet is a crazy place to hide your money. But your wallet goes everywhere that you go unless you lay it down and walk off without it. When I moved to California I was told by others to always put my wallet into my front pocket. All of your other pockets can be picked even your suit coat pockets. But they always have a hard time picking your front pockets because your hand is always sitting on your front pocket. So I made this a habit early in life. In fact the back pockets have been picketed so often that they began to make wallets with a chain on it and it is attached to your belt. My one dollar bills will be in the regular money slot but all of the larger bills are hidden inside the other pockets of my wallet and that wallet does sit in my front pocket.
12. Put All Your Larger Money Bills Into A Money Belt. A money belt will be on your waist all day long and no one will know about it except you. Your money will always be safe and you can even go to bed with it. Just make sure you are in a safe place so that no one will see you pulling the money out of the money belt.
13. Inside An Old Appliance That Is No Longer Used. Most appliances can come apart by using a screwdriver. There is plenty of room in most appliances to stash some money and being that it no longer works some of the motor could be removed to make more room. These old appliances could be placed in the kitchen, the attic, the basement, into a closet or in the garage.
14. Hide Your Money In An Old Empty Paint Can. Most people store their left over paint cans on a shelf on the back porch or in the garage or it could be stored in the basement. When you have emptied the paint can of it's paint and have allowed it to dry, money could be put on the inside and then pound the lid back in place. To take off the lid when you need some money you just pry off the lid with a flat screwdriver. The can is placed back on the shelf with the other paint cans.
15. Hide Your Money Under The Back Or Front Steps Of Your House. I have successfully left money for a short time under the steps in a metal box and no one ever touched it. When my mother use to gather magazines and newspapers and put them on the back porch to make money for the Boy Scouts, we kids would go through it all looking for comic books and we also found a bunch of Playboy Magazines. To hide them from our mother we hid them under the back steps of our next door neighbor who was an old lady. They sat under those steps for ten years and only we knew that they were there. After ten years, those old wooden back steps were replaced with steps that were made out of cement. The men who replace those steps were happy to find all of those Playboys and they put them all into their trucks and that was the end of that.
16. Put Your Money In A Small Metal Box. They make both mints and breath fresheners in several different flavors that are packed in metal cans. I have also seen Band-Aids that were in metal cans. These empty cans are great for storing small parts. My wife uses them for her sewing supplies and I use them for my fishing lures. These small metal boxes are great for your large money bills. In the basement you could put a flat magnet on the back side of your furnace or water heater or put a magnet on the top of any water pipe except copper, and put that can of money on the magnet. The possibility of hiding a small metal box on a magnet anywhere in your house is almost endless and I am sure that you will know the perfect place to hide it.
17. Put The Money Into Your Sock Or Your Shoe As You Move About. This means that as you go places your large money bills are very safe if you put them into your sock or into the bottom of your shoe. Only you will know it is there but don't forget to remove the money when you take your shoes off. You could put all the money into your sock and stuff this into the bottom of your shoe or you could hide that money into another safe place.
18. Put Your Money And Other Valuables Into The Truck Of Your Car. People who live in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, have told me that if you lock your car with valuables sitting inside, they will break your windows and steal the goodies. But if you locked all of those valuables in the trunk of the car and left your car unlocked, no one will bother your car. The same goes if you are at home. Your money and valuables will be very safe inside the trunk of your car.
19. Inside The Pages Of An Old Book. I have put large money bills in between the pages of an old book and no one ever found them. First of all you put it into a book that no one reads. Then you put it with other books that are not read or you could put it into a suitcase or a trunk with other books. An attic or a garage is a good place to hide the book. I have left money in the pages of an old book for several years and it was still there when I needed it.
20. Inside A Locked Room, A Locked Closet Or In A Home Safe. All of these places are great in hiding your money but a burglar will think that you must have something valuable sitting in that locked room and they will want to break the door down to find out why it is locked. A lot of people will have a home safe custom built behind a picture or in a book case behind the books. Some people will buy a large safe for their guns and they will also put their money and valuable papers in there also. Small safes can also be bought that will easily sit on your floor and one safe is so small that it can sit between your hands. Most all of these safes are fire proof and any thing you have stored in it will be safe. As for myself I have never bought a safe but I have hidden my money in most of the places listed up above with very good results. Just make sure no one is watching as you hide the money or you will find the money all gone the next time you go looking for it.
Good Luck in putting your money into a safe place, but remember your money will also be very safe inside a bank. I have hidden my cash at home all of my life and only I knew where the money was hidden, None of my money has ever been stolen but my wife has had her money stolen and it was our relatives who stole it. So make sure that no one is watching when you are hiding your money or you will find it gone just as soon as you turn your back.
Please read on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to start your own bank and make 100% interest " or punch in " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to get more money out of your paycheck ".
1. Under The Mattress. Many people will hide their money or valuables under the mattress, but in the moves the mattress is always one of the first places that is checked. Some people will hide a gun under the mattress that they can easily get to just in case someone breaks into their house in the middle of the night. A person who is very quiet can come into your house and check under your mattress with their hand or under the pillow and steal your money while you are sleeping. If you are wise and you still are thinking about using the mattress for a hiding place, cut a hole at the top of the mattress with a knife where your head is laying on a pillow and put your money and or valuables into a sock and stuff it into the hole. Only you will know that it is there.
2. Under A Loose Floor Board. In the attic of the house that I grew up in, a water pipe with a sealed cap on the end came out of the floor about 4 inches. It came through a hole in the floor board. My brother had worked the board loose around the pipe and he would pull it up and turn it to a 90 degree angle and then hide his money in the rafters. He did this for many years and none of us knew about it. When Bill moved out of the house he showed me his hiding place and I began using it for several years.
A neighbor down the street about two blocks away was removing the floor boards in the house that he was renting so that he could grow Drug Mushrooms under his house. For five years he grew and sold those mushrooms. Then he got caught and had to go to jail for several years.
Yes. hiding money and other valuables under the floor boards of your house makes a great hiding place. Most people would have to tear your house apart in order to find it..
3. Behind A Loose Brick In The Wall. A friend of mine was a boot repair man, and he was raised up in an old sand stone house on the other side of town. He said when he was a boy he would use his pocket knife to loosen a stone in the wall of his bedroom and behind the stone he would hide his valuables. I asked him if any of his valuables were still in the wall and he said that he had a bunch of marbles, some old coins maybe 20 or 30 of them and a bunch of old baseball cards. Those were put into the wall back in the 1930's. He has passed on and his old house was sold to another who has completely sheet rocked the whole inside of that old house. So that hiding place with all of those valuables will continue to remain hidden for years to come.
In many cowboy shows on the TV it will show people hiding their money in the walls of their homes and they would remove several bricks to pull the money box out of the wall. If you remember in the musical called " Oliver " the old man would hide all of his valuables in a wall and he had to remove several bricks in order to get his chest out. You too could hide all your valuables and money in side the walls of your home that only you know about.
4. Put Your Money Into A Metal Box And Bury It In The Ground. This idea has been around for over a thousand years. Back in the good old days bandits would rob the stagecoach or the bank and then bury the money. If they got caught they would serve their time in prison and then go back and enjoy the money that they had stolen and only they knew where it was hidden.
You could do this also if you had a large some of money on hand and you wanted to put it into a safe place so that you could spend it at a future time. Most people will bury a metal box full of money in their flower beds next to the house. Others will bury it somewhere in the backyard and put a painted rock over it to mark the spot. Then they will add a row of other painted rocks to make others think that it is a landscape idea in your backyard but only you will know where your money is hidden. Others will take a box of money and bury it at a favorite picnic spot or at your favorite fishing hole. It does not matter where you bury it as long as you will not forget about it. But that one day will come along when you will need a bunch of money right then and there and only you will know where it is hidden in the ground,
5. Inside A Hollow Object. Both Drugs and Diamonds have been secretly transported from one place to another in toys and other hollow objects and no one ever knew about it. One day when I took a load of trash to the dump, I found an old orange Shredded Wheat Lionel box car sitting on the ground with rusty wheels. I took it home and I cleaned it up and sanded most of the rust off of the wheels..There was a slit in the top of the box car so that it could be used as a coin bank. The top could also be easily removed from the wheels by using a screwdriver. For several years I would stuff paper money into that box car and only I knew about it. I even bought an old Lionel electric train set at a yard sale and I would add that orange box car full of money to my train set when I played with it but only I knew that there was paper money in it. Then one day I needed a bunch a money and I opened up that box car and there was over 300 dollars in there. You too could hide money inside a toy and no one would know about it.
6. Inside A Pocket Of An Old Pants Or Shirt. Do this only to clean clothes and put it into the bottom of your drawer that is full of pants or shirts. Or you could put it into a sock. I have also put paper money into my socks and then put the socks inside my shoes. This is also a good hiding place when you visit the swimming pool or the Gym and you use a locker to park your clothes. Your clothes with the money could also be hidden in a suitcase or a trunk or you could hang them in a closet. No one ever bothers your clothes and only you know where the money is hidden.
7. Inside An Old Birdhouse. Birdhouses are not only found in trees but the new ones are used to help decorate the insides of our homes. Generally a birdhouse is a hollow small box with a round hole for the bird to get in and out. Most of these houses are hung in trees to attract more birds to our yards. Money could be put through the round hole of a birdhouse that was sitting inside your house or your garage. Or you could use an old birdhouse that hangs in your tree and the birds do not use it anymore. The only thing bad about using a birdhouse is that you can not get your money out unless you break it open with a hammer. But it is a great place to hide your money for a long time like I did in using a toy box car and I have used birdhouses also to hide my money.
8. Under The Carpet. Most homes have carpet in every room. If you were to loosen an area to where you could slide an envelope under the carpet with a few hundred dollars bills in it, no one would ever notice that it was there except for the one who hid it. You could hide money in several places under the carpet and it will be easy to get to when you need some cash.
9. In Your Attic Or In Your Garage. Both of these places are used to store our junk or stuff that we do not want to throw away. There are hundreds of places that you could hide your money and no one would ever find it. Besides this no one ever goes to the attic unless you really need something that was stored there.
10. In A Rotted Out Tree Hole. These holes can be found in any place where trees grow even in your own backyard. But make sure that it is not a tree that kids like to climb or you will find that your money will be gone and some lucky kid will be enjoying a lot of treats for a long time. I have hidden money in tree holes many times for as long as two years and so far none of it was ever found and the money was still there waiting for me to come and pick it up. Sometimes birds will make a nest in the hole but they are not interested in your money.
11. In Your Own Wallet. Some people would say that your wallet is a crazy place to hide your money. But your wallet goes everywhere that you go unless you lay it down and walk off without it. When I moved to California I was told by others to always put my wallet into my front pocket. All of your other pockets can be picked even your suit coat pockets. But they always have a hard time picking your front pockets because your hand is always sitting on your front pocket. So I made this a habit early in life. In fact the back pockets have been picketed so often that they began to make wallets with a chain on it and it is attached to your belt. My one dollar bills will be in the regular money slot but all of the larger bills are hidden inside the other pockets of my wallet and that wallet does sit in my front pocket.
12. Put All Your Larger Money Bills Into A Money Belt. A money belt will be on your waist all day long and no one will know about it except you. Your money will always be safe and you can even go to bed with it. Just make sure you are in a safe place so that no one will see you pulling the money out of the money belt.
13. Inside An Old Appliance That Is No Longer Used. Most appliances can come apart by using a screwdriver. There is plenty of room in most appliances to stash some money and being that it no longer works some of the motor could be removed to make more room. These old appliances could be placed in the kitchen, the attic, the basement, into a closet or in the garage.
14. Hide Your Money In An Old Empty Paint Can. Most people store their left over paint cans on a shelf on the back porch or in the garage or it could be stored in the basement. When you have emptied the paint can of it's paint and have allowed it to dry, money could be put on the inside and then pound the lid back in place. To take off the lid when you need some money you just pry off the lid with a flat screwdriver. The can is placed back on the shelf with the other paint cans.
15. Hide Your Money Under The Back Or Front Steps Of Your House. I have successfully left money for a short time under the steps in a metal box and no one ever touched it. When my mother use to gather magazines and newspapers and put them on the back porch to make money for the Boy Scouts, we kids would go through it all looking for comic books and we also found a bunch of Playboy Magazines. To hide them from our mother we hid them under the back steps of our next door neighbor who was an old lady. They sat under those steps for ten years and only we knew that they were there. After ten years, those old wooden back steps were replaced with steps that were made out of cement. The men who replace those steps were happy to find all of those Playboys and they put them all into their trucks and that was the end of that.
16. Put Your Money In A Small Metal Box. They make both mints and breath fresheners in several different flavors that are packed in metal cans. I have also seen Band-Aids that were in metal cans. These empty cans are great for storing small parts. My wife uses them for her sewing supplies and I use them for my fishing lures. These small metal boxes are great for your large money bills. In the basement you could put a flat magnet on the back side of your furnace or water heater or put a magnet on the top of any water pipe except copper, and put that can of money on the magnet. The possibility of hiding a small metal box on a magnet anywhere in your house is almost endless and I am sure that you will know the perfect place to hide it.
17. Put The Money Into Your Sock Or Your Shoe As You Move About. This means that as you go places your large money bills are very safe if you put them into your sock or into the bottom of your shoe. Only you will know it is there but don't forget to remove the money when you take your shoes off. You could put all the money into your sock and stuff this into the bottom of your shoe or you could hide that money into another safe place.
18. Put Your Money And Other Valuables Into The Truck Of Your Car. People who live in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, have told me that if you lock your car with valuables sitting inside, they will break your windows and steal the goodies. But if you locked all of those valuables in the trunk of the car and left your car unlocked, no one will bother your car. The same goes if you are at home. Your money and valuables will be very safe inside the trunk of your car.
19. Inside The Pages Of An Old Book. I have put large money bills in between the pages of an old book and no one ever found them. First of all you put it into a book that no one reads. Then you put it with other books that are not read or you could put it into a suitcase or a trunk with other books. An attic or a garage is a good place to hide the book. I have left money in the pages of an old book for several years and it was still there when I needed it.
20. Inside A Locked Room, A Locked Closet Or In A Home Safe. All of these places are great in hiding your money but a burglar will think that you must have something valuable sitting in that locked room and they will want to break the door down to find out why it is locked. A lot of people will have a home safe custom built behind a picture or in a book case behind the books. Some people will buy a large safe for their guns and they will also put their money and valuable papers in there also. Small safes can also be bought that will easily sit on your floor and one safe is so small that it can sit between your hands. Most all of these safes are fire proof and any thing you have stored in it will be safe. As for myself I have never bought a safe but I have hidden my money in most of the places listed up above with very good results. Just make sure no one is watching as you hide the money or you will find the money all gone the next time you go looking for it.
Good Luck in putting your money into a safe place, but remember your money will also be very safe inside a bank. I have hidden my cash at home all of my life and only I knew where the money was hidden, None of my money has ever been stolen but my wife has had her money stolen and it was our relatives who stole it. So make sure that no one is watching when you are hiding your money or you will find it gone just as soon as you turn your back.
Please read on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to start your own bank and make 100% interest " or punch in " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to get more money out of your paycheck ".
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Pioneer Wisdom And Medicine.
What is a Pioneer? These are people who came from all over the world to America in the 1800's seeking a new life and free land in the unexplored North America. This was an opportunity to many farmers and businessmen. Many of them started at the big cities on the east coast and if this did not meet their needs they bought covered wagons and moved towards the west to where the American Government was giving free land to homesteaders. Thousands of farmers and ranchers made good use of this free land and began to build houses, plant their crops and raise a lot of cattle and sheep. These Pioneers were an independent group of people. They could make their own tools. They could fix almost anything and they would Doctor themselves. Most of these words of wisdom came from the old country or it came from friendly Indians. Below is a list of Ideas and Words of Wisdom that came from the Pioneers and these Ideas can still be used in today's world.
1. To remove Bunions, apply fresh radish juice everyday for several days.
2. To soften the Bunions or Corns, make a salve of equal parts of Baking Soda and Lard and apply this salve to the Bunions and Corns at night just before going to bed.
3. To relieve a cold, do any of the following:
A. Slice open a fresh onion and allow it to sit overnight near the sick bed.
B. Boil a quart of water and then add each of the following: a tablespoon of Sage, Thyme and Chamomile Flowers, fresh or dried. Allow the steam to arise and breath in the vapors. The left over tea can be taken to help stop a cold.
C. Steam one tablespoon of freshly graded Ginger Root in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes then strain and add one teaspoon of honey and the juice from a lemon or a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink this tea very slowly. Drink this 2 or 3 times a day.
4. To relieve Congestion, steep one teaspoon of crushed Anise or Fennel Seed in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and add one teaspoon each of Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar. Another Remedy that will relieve an upset stomach is to put a teaspoon of Baking Soda into a glass of water. Stir this well and then drink it.
5. To remove Corns, soak Ground Ivy Leaves in Vinegar overnight then wrap these treated Ivy Leaves around each Corn and tie this down with a clean cloth. Wrap a fresh treated leaf everyday around the Corn.
6. To stop a cough, do any of the following:
A. Squeeze out the juice of a large onion and add one tablespoon of Honey, and the juice of a half of lemon. Take one teaspoon 3 or 4 times each day. Apply the onion to the chest mashing it in well.
B. Take a quart sized jar and dice up a medium sized onion and then add 2 cups of Honey. Then add the juice of one lemon and fill the rest of the bottle with Blackberry Brandy. Stir this well and store it in your refrigerator. When a cough comes on take one or two teaspoons of this homemade cough medicine.
C. Mix 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into a cup of hot water or wine and add the juice of a half of lemon and a teaspoon of Honey. Stir this well and sip on it. Do this 3 or 4 times a day to control a cough or get rid of a cold.
D. Steam a tablespoon of grated Horseradish Root into a quart of water for 15 minutes. To each cup of this tea add one tablespoon of Honey and drink to sooth a cough.
E. Make a tea of one teaspoon of grated Nutmeg into a cup of Apple Cider and drink this 3 times a day. This will also help to cure a cold..
7. To clean out the Digestion Track drink a cup of Chamomile Tea.
8. To stop Diarrhea add some Cinnamon to warm water and drink.
9. To relieve a Headache make a tea from fresh Mint, Lavender or Rosemary leaves. Steep 2 Teaspoons of leaves per cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink or apply the tea as a compress to the head and the temples.
10. To relieve Gas, Heartburn and Indigestion, drink fresh Celery Juice. Or to a glass of water add a teaspoon of Baking Soda and drink. Pioneers will also tell you that a cup of Peppermint Tea will help to settle an upset tummy.
11. To reduce inflamed skin or a Sunburn, apply thin slices of cucumbers or potatoes to the affected areas and bind these on with a clean cloth. You could also boil some lettuce leaves in a few tablespoons of water and apply the juice to the Sunburn when the water had cooled.
12. To stop itching and insect bites, apply apple cider vinegar and then rinse with salt water.
13. To clean the teeth and to remove the tartar, rub fresh strawberry juice onto the teeth.
14. If you want juicier strawberries in your garden then add a lot of pine needles to your strawberry beds. You will have the most juiciest strawberries around.
15. Homemade bread that was soaked in raw milk was tied onto most wounds. This would prevent infections if it was changed everyday. Also a piece of salt pork with lots of black pepper on it was applied to wounds to help them to heal.
16. When garden vegetables were not available in the winter the pioneers would drink Molasses and Milk. Molasses and Milk has 9 minerals and Vitamin B-6. It was a natural Vitamin Pill. Molasses and Milk is a natural Cancer fighter so therefore it is a good beverage to drink everyday.
17. Both Yarrow and Elderberry Flowers were gathered by the Pioneers to be used for Fevers, the Common Cold and the Flu. These flowers were gathered and then dried so that they could be used throughout the whole year. Both of these are common all over North America but both of these flowers are more common in the mountain States of the United States. The Elderberries were also gathered to be made into Jams, Pancake Syrup, Wines and Pies. Do not eat the berries raw. they will make you sick, but after they have been cooked and are sweetened, the cooked berries are really yummy. These Elderberries are blue when they are ripe and the flowers are white and they grow in clusters on a large bush. These Elderberries are common up almost any canyon in the inter mountain west. Elderberries can be bought from any nursery and they grow easily in any backyard.
18. There were other berries that were also popular and these were picked by the Pioneers during the summer and the fall. All of these were rich in Vitamin C and they would eat them fresh or they would make Jams, Pancake Syrup or Pies out of them. The most popular berries were as follows: 1. Wild Strawberries. 2. Black, Red or Orange Currants. 3. Service Berries. 4. Huckleberries. 5. Wild Raspberries. 6. Wild Grapes. 7. Thimble Berries. 8. Black and Red Mulberries. 9. Haw Berries. 10. Buffalo Berries. 11. Blackberries. and 12. Goose Berries. I am sure there were other berries that were gathered but the ones up above, these were the most popular that were picked by the Pioneers. Where I live, everyone likes to pick Chokecherries. This wild fruit grows everywhere and it is picked and made into Pancake Syrup and Jam.
Where ever the Pioneers settled they would plant a Weeping Willow Tree. This is also called a White Willow. It is well known as the Headache Tree or the Aspirin Tree. The Bark is shredded and boiled into a tea that will cure headaches and body pains. Even though many swear that this tea will cure the common headache it is suggested that you do not drink more then 3 cups a week. Too much of this tea used for a long time can do you more harm then good. If this advice troubles you then use something else for your headaches or talk to your Doctor.
1. To remove Bunions, apply fresh radish juice everyday for several days.
2. To soften the Bunions or Corns, make a salve of equal parts of Baking Soda and Lard and apply this salve to the Bunions and Corns at night just before going to bed.
3. To relieve a cold, do any of the following:
A. Slice open a fresh onion and allow it to sit overnight near the sick bed.
B. Boil a quart of water and then add each of the following: a tablespoon of Sage, Thyme and Chamomile Flowers, fresh or dried. Allow the steam to arise and breath in the vapors. The left over tea can be taken to help stop a cold.
C. Steam one tablespoon of freshly graded Ginger Root in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes then strain and add one teaspoon of honey and the juice from a lemon or a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink this tea very slowly. Drink this 2 or 3 times a day.
4. To relieve Congestion, steep one teaspoon of crushed Anise or Fennel Seed in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain and add one teaspoon each of Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar. Another Remedy that will relieve an upset stomach is to put a teaspoon of Baking Soda into a glass of water. Stir this well and then drink it.
5. To remove Corns, soak Ground Ivy Leaves in Vinegar overnight then wrap these treated Ivy Leaves around each Corn and tie this down with a clean cloth. Wrap a fresh treated leaf everyday around the Corn.
6. To stop a cough, do any of the following:
A. Squeeze out the juice of a large onion and add one tablespoon of Honey, and the juice of a half of lemon. Take one teaspoon 3 or 4 times each day. Apply the onion to the chest mashing it in well.
B. Take a quart sized jar and dice up a medium sized onion and then add 2 cups of Honey. Then add the juice of one lemon and fill the rest of the bottle with Blackberry Brandy. Stir this well and store it in your refrigerator. When a cough comes on take one or two teaspoons of this homemade cough medicine.
C. Mix 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into a cup of hot water or wine and add the juice of a half of lemon and a teaspoon of Honey. Stir this well and sip on it. Do this 3 or 4 times a day to control a cough or get rid of a cold.
D. Steam a tablespoon of grated Horseradish Root into a quart of water for 15 minutes. To each cup of this tea add one tablespoon of Honey and drink to sooth a cough.
E. Make a tea of one teaspoon of grated Nutmeg into a cup of Apple Cider and drink this 3 times a day. This will also help to cure a cold..
7. To clean out the Digestion Track drink a cup of Chamomile Tea.
8. To stop Diarrhea add some Cinnamon to warm water and drink.
9. To relieve a Headache make a tea from fresh Mint, Lavender or Rosemary leaves. Steep 2 Teaspoons of leaves per cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink or apply the tea as a compress to the head and the temples.
10. To relieve Gas, Heartburn and Indigestion, drink fresh Celery Juice. Or to a glass of water add a teaspoon of Baking Soda and drink. Pioneers will also tell you that a cup of Peppermint Tea will help to settle an upset tummy.
11. To reduce inflamed skin or a Sunburn, apply thin slices of cucumbers or potatoes to the affected areas and bind these on with a clean cloth. You could also boil some lettuce leaves in a few tablespoons of water and apply the juice to the Sunburn when the water had cooled.
12. To stop itching and insect bites, apply apple cider vinegar and then rinse with salt water.
13. To clean the teeth and to remove the tartar, rub fresh strawberry juice onto the teeth.
14. If you want juicier strawberries in your garden then add a lot of pine needles to your strawberry beds. You will have the most juiciest strawberries around.
15. Homemade bread that was soaked in raw milk was tied onto most wounds. This would prevent infections if it was changed everyday. Also a piece of salt pork with lots of black pepper on it was applied to wounds to help them to heal.
16. When garden vegetables were not available in the winter the pioneers would drink Molasses and Milk. Molasses and Milk has 9 minerals and Vitamin B-6. It was a natural Vitamin Pill. Molasses and Milk is a natural Cancer fighter so therefore it is a good beverage to drink everyday.
17. Both Yarrow and Elderberry Flowers were gathered by the Pioneers to be used for Fevers, the Common Cold and the Flu. These flowers were gathered and then dried so that they could be used throughout the whole year. Both of these are common all over North America but both of these flowers are more common in the mountain States of the United States. The Elderberries were also gathered to be made into Jams, Pancake Syrup, Wines and Pies. Do not eat the berries raw. they will make you sick, but after they have been cooked and are sweetened, the cooked berries are really yummy. These Elderberries are blue when they are ripe and the flowers are white and they grow in clusters on a large bush. These Elderberries are common up almost any canyon in the inter mountain west. Elderberries can be bought from any nursery and they grow easily in any backyard.
18. There were other berries that were also popular and these were picked by the Pioneers during the summer and the fall. All of these were rich in Vitamin C and they would eat them fresh or they would make Jams, Pancake Syrup or Pies out of them. The most popular berries were as follows: 1. Wild Strawberries. 2. Black, Red or Orange Currants. 3. Service Berries. 4. Huckleberries. 5. Wild Raspberries. 6. Wild Grapes. 7. Thimble Berries. 8. Black and Red Mulberries. 9. Haw Berries. 10. Buffalo Berries. 11. Blackberries. and 12. Goose Berries. I am sure there were other berries that were gathered but the ones up above, these were the most popular that were picked by the Pioneers. Where I live, everyone likes to pick Chokecherries. This wild fruit grows everywhere and it is picked and made into Pancake Syrup and Jam.
Where ever the Pioneers settled they would plant a Weeping Willow Tree. This is also called a White Willow. It is well known as the Headache Tree or the Aspirin Tree. The Bark is shredded and boiled into a tea that will cure headaches and body pains. Even though many swear that this tea will cure the common headache it is suggested that you do not drink more then 3 cups a week. Too much of this tea used for a long time can do you more harm then good. If this advice troubles you then use something else for your headaches or talk to your Doctor.
Friday, March 4, 2016
The Art Of Keeping Warm During The Winter.
I have had an outside job almost all of my life and I had to learn on my own on how to keep warm. I just finished a winter and spring is on the way. But many of you around the world are just starting your winter. I an going to give you a few tips on how I have learned to keep warm and then pass it onto you. I hope these Words of Wisdom will do you all some good.
Rule number one is to cover your head with a warm hat. Then tie a bandanna around your neck and put a pair of cotton gloves on your hands. A lot of body heat is lost when a person does not wear a warm hat and a bandanna. The Bandanna not only covers your neck but it also will keep the cold air off of your chest, and this really does the job when the wind is blowing. I have worn a bandanna all of my life maybe 80% of the time. I even wear one in the summer time. It is either on my neck or my eyebrows to collect the sweat, and it does the job very well. But in the winter time when it is cold outside if your head and neck is covered this will greatly help you not to catch a Cold or the Flu. A good diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains will also prevent the common Cold.
When the weather outside is cold but not cold enough for a heavy winter coat, I will wear a tee shirt, a long sleeve cotton shirt, a long sleeve flannel shirt, a pair of pants and two pair of socks in side my shoes. I will also wear a warm hat and a bandanna. Even if I am outside only a few minutes it is best to wear a warm jacket or a long sleeve shirt, a hat and bandanna. You will see people outside all the time with a warm jacket or a coat but they have nothing on the head or the neck. They will get sick if they do not start taking care of themselves.
At my place of employment, the outside doors go up and down all day long in the winter time and there are several of these doors. It is quite cold and drafty inside the building and when I first started working there I was the only one wearing a warm hat and a bandanna. People would ask me why I would wear a bandanna that is chocking me all day. I told them that they too would be wise to wear a bandanna in that cold building that it would keep them a lot more warmer and they would not get sick very often. I worked at this company for 20 years before I got laid off and just about everyone in that cold building was now wearing a bandanna around their necks.
When it gets really cold outside lets say from 0 degrees to 30 or 40 degrees below zero I will wear one or two warm hats, two bandannas, one for the neck and one for your face, two long sleeve cotton shirts, a long sleeve flannel shirt, a double extra large wind breaker if the wind is blowing, a good winter coat, a pair of pajamas under my pants or two pajamas for very cold weather, two pair of gloves or some heavy duty welding gloves and two pair of cotton socks followed by a pair of wool boot socks. Then wear insulated work boots or winter boots. I have worked all day long in some very cold weather outside and I did not get cold. Always remember to wear too much rather then too little in very cold weather. You can always remove clothes if it was warmer outside then what you thought it to be. After I had worked for several years outside my company felt sorry for me and they bought me some insulated coveralls and a heavy duty winter coat. But the clothes I have listed up above do keep you warm when the winters become bitter cold. The only drawback I had for getting cold, my company made everyone wear steel toed shoes and no matter what kind of socks you wore the steel toed boots kept your feet cold all day long in cold weather and there was nothing that I could do about it. So when it comes to wearing steel toed shoes in the winter time, I do not have a Remedy on how to keep your feet warm during the cold winter months. I did get laid off in the winter time and I was thank full for not to having cold feet for the rest of the winter.
Rule number one is to cover your head with a warm hat. Then tie a bandanna around your neck and put a pair of cotton gloves on your hands. A lot of body heat is lost when a person does not wear a warm hat and a bandanna. The Bandanna not only covers your neck but it also will keep the cold air off of your chest, and this really does the job when the wind is blowing. I have worn a bandanna all of my life maybe 80% of the time. I even wear one in the summer time. It is either on my neck or my eyebrows to collect the sweat, and it does the job very well. But in the winter time when it is cold outside if your head and neck is covered this will greatly help you not to catch a Cold or the Flu. A good diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains will also prevent the common Cold.
When the weather outside is cold but not cold enough for a heavy winter coat, I will wear a tee shirt, a long sleeve cotton shirt, a long sleeve flannel shirt, a pair of pants and two pair of socks in side my shoes. I will also wear a warm hat and a bandanna. Even if I am outside only a few minutes it is best to wear a warm jacket or a long sleeve shirt, a hat and bandanna. You will see people outside all the time with a warm jacket or a coat but they have nothing on the head or the neck. They will get sick if they do not start taking care of themselves.
At my place of employment, the outside doors go up and down all day long in the winter time and there are several of these doors. It is quite cold and drafty inside the building and when I first started working there I was the only one wearing a warm hat and a bandanna. People would ask me why I would wear a bandanna that is chocking me all day. I told them that they too would be wise to wear a bandanna in that cold building that it would keep them a lot more warmer and they would not get sick very often. I worked at this company for 20 years before I got laid off and just about everyone in that cold building was now wearing a bandanna around their necks.
When it gets really cold outside lets say from 0 degrees to 30 or 40 degrees below zero I will wear one or two warm hats, two bandannas, one for the neck and one for your face, two long sleeve cotton shirts, a long sleeve flannel shirt, a double extra large wind breaker if the wind is blowing, a good winter coat, a pair of pajamas under my pants or two pajamas for very cold weather, two pair of gloves or some heavy duty welding gloves and two pair of cotton socks followed by a pair of wool boot socks. Then wear insulated work boots or winter boots. I have worked all day long in some very cold weather outside and I did not get cold. Always remember to wear too much rather then too little in very cold weather. You can always remove clothes if it was warmer outside then what you thought it to be. After I had worked for several years outside my company felt sorry for me and they bought me some insulated coveralls and a heavy duty winter coat. But the clothes I have listed up above do keep you warm when the winters become bitter cold. The only drawback I had for getting cold, my company made everyone wear steel toed shoes and no matter what kind of socks you wore the steel toed boots kept your feet cold all day long in cold weather and there was nothing that I could do about it. So when it comes to wearing steel toed shoes in the winter time, I do not have a Remedy on how to keep your feet warm during the cold winter months. I did get laid off in the winter time and I was thank full for not to having cold feet for the rest of the winter.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Orgone Energy----The Pure White Orb Surrounds Each One Of Us.
This is a Scientific Term that no one ever talks about and you will not find this topic in any of the science books. The Term " Orgone Energy " almost sounds Science Fiction, but this Energy is very real and some of us are gifted to where we can see it but most people can not see it. Most people would ask the question: " What is Orgone Energy ? ". Every Human Being on this earth has a bright white light that surrounds the whole body. This white light is called an Orb or a Halo and it is also known as Orgone Energy. I have the gift of seeing these bright white lights that are found around every individual and these lights are for real. They really do exists. I have noticed that the more righteous that a person may be the brighter will be his light. What I mean by righteous is that the person is kind and friendly towards everyone and he really loves them. He is always willing to help others and make them happy and he is not paid at all for his services. The people who are unfriendly and they keep to themselves and they are mean towards others, it is hard to see their Orbs and you wonder if they even have one.
I have a friend that lives about 20 miles away and he and his wife are the nicest people you have ever met. These people are natural problem solvers. If you have a problem that is really bothering you, you could go and ask them for help. They will do anything in their power to help you and they will not charge you for their services. In their house the walls and the ceilings are painted with the whitest Industrial White paint that I have ever seen and there are very few pictures on their walls. In the day time those white rooms are well lit up. When this man and his wife stands next to those pure white walls their Orbs are very very bright and as bright white that the walls may be, their Orbs are very much more whiter then the white walls. It is really a great experience to see this. I have talked to religious leaders and they have told me that this bright light that is called an Orb is " The Light Of Jesus Christ " , and the more Christ like that a person may be the brighter will be the light that surrounds his body. He said that if we had seen Jesus Christ, His Halo would have been brighter then any other person.
A scientist that was born in Germany named Wilhelm Reich, he discovered a way to harness this Orgone Energy. He went to medical school in Germany and became a Doctor of medicine in 1922. He did a lot of good working in the German Hospitals, but his mind kept exploring scientific ideas which led him into doing many experiments in his free time. As a result of his many experiments he learned to harness Orgone Energy. Because the German Government kept trying to control his life, Wilhelm Reich moved to the United States and continued his studies and experiments in Orgone Energy. Even though he continued his studies he never applied for a Medical License. In 1940 he made a small metal box and using Orgone Energy he would put Cancerous mice. rats, dogs and cats into the box and completely cure them. Then he made a 5 foot cubed metal box with a chair in it to cure people of Cancer. For several years Wilhelm Reich was very successful in curing people of Cancer using the " Light Of Christ ", but the only drawback was everyone had to remove all of their clothes in order for the Orgone Energy Rays to work properly. The nice thing was that his metal box was successfully curing everybody of their Cancer.
One day he accepted a beautiful 12 year old girl who came from a rich family. The Cancer was all over the inside of her body and he put the girl inside his box naked and did the experiments on her. The Cancer was completely removed after several treatments. Of all the Cancerous people who entered the metal box, none of them ever died nor did they experience any side effects. On the last treatment of the 12 year old girl the father was in the room when the door was opened. He was very shocked to find out that his daughter was naked. He took Wilhelm Reich to court and because Reich had no license to practice medicine, he was thrown into jail for several months and his five foot metal box was completely destroyed.
When he got out of jail, he and his son bought a farm on the east side of the State of Maine in the USA. There was a small house and a well built barn. He turned the barn into a laboratory and he and his son continued with his experiments. He did not make any more Cancer boxes but he did invent and built a Ray Gun that ran on Orgone Energy. This was not a gun that sat in the palm of your hand but it was a very large object and he wrote in all the newspapers about his invention claiming that he could aim the object at any cloud and he could make it rain. He called the object a Cloudbuster. A Blue Berry Farm in northern Vermont was going through a drout and they offered Wilhelm Reich a large amount of money if he could produce rain and save their crop. He took his Cloudbuster to Vermont and on the 3rd day a bunch of clouds were moving towards the farm and when they were directly over head Reich shot them with his Ray Gun and it began to rain. This news was printed in newspapers all over the world and people began to write to Wilhelm Reich asking him to start mass producing the Cloudbuster. They all wanted to buy one. Reich could now become a Millionaire. He left the house to go and round up a lot of supplies to start making the Cloudbusters. While he was gone his son took the Cloudbuster outside and pretended that he was in a war. A military plane flew by and the boy aimed the Ray Gun at the plane and pulled the trigger. The Orgone Rays ruined the electronics in the airplane and it had to make an emergency landing. No one got hurt but they had to rewire the whole plane. The US Air Force Personnel came right to the farm house and they talked to the boy. The boy told them what he did but he did not think it would hurt the plane. When they heard that his father was out gathering supplies to mass produce the cloudbusters they were not happy with this story and they did not want the cloudbuster to be sold to other countries. When Wilhelm Reich came home he was thrown into jail and went before a judge. They told him that he could not mass produce the Cloudbusters and they threw him into a military prison in 1957. A year later he died of a heart attack. His Cloudbuster was completely destroyed and the military burn up all of his notes so that no one could learn how to harness Orgone Energy ever again. His son did not know how to follow in his Dad's footsteps so they let him go and he lived a normal life.
I have a friend that lives about 20 miles away and he and his wife are the nicest people you have ever met. These people are natural problem solvers. If you have a problem that is really bothering you, you could go and ask them for help. They will do anything in their power to help you and they will not charge you for their services. In their house the walls and the ceilings are painted with the whitest Industrial White paint that I have ever seen and there are very few pictures on their walls. In the day time those white rooms are well lit up. When this man and his wife stands next to those pure white walls their Orbs are very very bright and as bright white that the walls may be, their Orbs are very much more whiter then the white walls. It is really a great experience to see this. I have talked to religious leaders and they have told me that this bright light that is called an Orb is " The Light Of Jesus Christ " , and the more Christ like that a person may be the brighter will be the light that surrounds his body. He said that if we had seen Jesus Christ, His Halo would have been brighter then any other person.
A scientist that was born in Germany named Wilhelm Reich, he discovered a way to harness this Orgone Energy. He went to medical school in Germany and became a Doctor of medicine in 1922. He did a lot of good working in the German Hospitals, but his mind kept exploring scientific ideas which led him into doing many experiments in his free time. As a result of his many experiments he learned to harness Orgone Energy. Because the German Government kept trying to control his life, Wilhelm Reich moved to the United States and continued his studies and experiments in Orgone Energy. Even though he continued his studies he never applied for a Medical License. In 1940 he made a small metal box and using Orgone Energy he would put Cancerous mice. rats, dogs and cats into the box and completely cure them. Then he made a 5 foot cubed metal box with a chair in it to cure people of Cancer. For several years Wilhelm Reich was very successful in curing people of Cancer using the " Light Of Christ ", but the only drawback was everyone had to remove all of their clothes in order for the Orgone Energy Rays to work properly. The nice thing was that his metal box was successfully curing everybody of their Cancer.
One day he accepted a beautiful 12 year old girl who came from a rich family. The Cancer was all over the inside of her body and he put the girl inside his box naked and did the experiments on her. The Cancer was completely removed after several treatments. Of all the Cancerous people who entered the metal box, none of them ever died nor did they experience any side effects. On the last treatment of the 12 year old girl the father was in the room when the door was opened. He was very shocked to find out that his daughter was naked. He took Wilhelm Reich to court and because Reich had no license to practice medicine, he was thrown into jail for several months and his five foot metal box was completely destroyed.
When he got out of jail, he and his son bought a farm on the east side of the State of Maine in the USA. There was a small house and a well built barn. He turned the barn into a laboratory and he and his son continued with his experiments. He did not make any more Cancer boxes but he did invent and built a Ray Gun that ran on Orgone Energy. This was not a gun that sat in the palm of your hand but it was a very large object and he wrote in all the newspapers about his invention claiming that he could aim the object at any cloud and he could make it rain. He called the object a Cloudbuster. A Blue Berry Farm in northern Vermont was going through a drout and they offered Wilhelm Reich a large amount of money if he could produce rain and save their crop. He took his Cloudbuster to Vermont and on the 3rd day a bunch of clouds were moving towards the farm and when they were directly over head Reich shot them with his Ray Gun and it began to rain. This news was printed in newspapers all over the world and people began to write to Wilhelm Reich asking him to start mass producing the Cloudbuster. They all wanted to buy one. Reich could now become a Millionaire. He left the house to go and round up a lot of supplies to start making the Cloudbusters. While he was gone his son took the Cloudbuster outside and pretended that he was in a war. A military plane flew by and the boy aimed the Ray Gun at the plane and pulled the trigger. The Orgone Rays ruined the electronics in the airplane and it had to make an emergency landing. No one got hurt but they had to rewire the whole plane. The US Air Force Personnel came right to the farm house and they talked to the boy. The boy told them what he did but he did not think it would hurt the plane. When they heard that his father was out gathering supplies to mass produce the cloudbusters they were not happy with this story and they did not want the cloudbuster to be sold to other countries. When Wilhelm Reich came home he was thrown into jail and went before a judge. They told him that he could not mass produce the Cloudbusters and they threw him into a military prison in 1957. A year later he died of a heart attack. His Cloudbuster was completely destroyed and the military burn up all of his notes so that no one could learn how to harness Orgone Energy ever again. His son did not know how to follow in his Dad's footsteps so they let him go and he lived a normal life.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Always Back Your Car Or Truck Into It's Parking Spot.
All of those who own and drive a car or a truck are very wise when they back it into a parking spot or they will park it on a drive through parking space so that it is sitting forwards. These cars all have " Blind Spots " and there are more of them when you have to back your car up in a busy parking lot with a lot of people around. On the other hand when you are ready to go, you just climb into your car, look both ways twice and go forwards with caution. There are way less " Blind Spots " when you go forward in a busy area.
How many times have you or I had walked through a parking lot and someone was backing up and they about hit us because they could not see past their blind spots. If their car was facing forwards then their sight would have been 100% better. One day I was sitting in my Van and it was sitting forwards in a busy parking area. A lady got into her car and began to back up. She stopped and looked both ways twice. Then she started backing up again. A car tried to get past her and she backed up into the side of the car and put a big dent into the door. This could have happened to anyone of us if we had to back out of our parking spot. But I will bet that you will agree with me that if that lady's car was sitting forwards, this accident would not have happened. You will also agree with me that people are getting hit by cars everyday somewhere in the world because someone was backing up and the blind spots caused the accident.
Many times I have sat in a parking lot and you see all these pull through parking spots all around you. It is surprising how many people will not use a pull through and when they get done shopping, a car had pulled in front of them and now they have to back up. So the next time you go shopping, please take an advantage and use a pull though parking spot so that you can go forwards when it is time to go home or you could back up into a parking space. Believe me you will be doing us all and yourself a big favor.
The backing of your car or truck into your own driveway is also wise. Many of you do not live in a busy neighborhood but I most certainly do. Cars are always going up and down my street and I believe I would be a fool if I had to back out of my driveway everyday. It is so much safer for me to go forwards out of my driveway. I have noticed that there are a lot of wise people who will back their car or truck into a garage because backing out of a garage with children or grandchildren around can be very dangerous and many people have backed up and ran over their own children. So make a wise choice today when parking your car or truck and it will prevent any future accidents.
How many times have you or I had walked through a parking lot and someone was backing up and they about hit us because they could not see past their blind spots. If their car was facing forwards then their sight would have been 100% better. One day I was sitting in my Van and it was sitting forwards in a busy parking area. A lady got into her car and began to back up. She stopped and looked both ways twice. Then she started backing up again. A car tried to get past her and she backed up into the side of the car and put a big dent into the door. This could have happened to anyone of us if we had to back out of our parking spot. But I will bet that you will agree with me that if that lady's car was sitting forwards, this accident would not have happened. You will also agree with me that people are getting hit by cars everyday somewhere in the world because someone was backing up and the blind spots caused the accident.
Many times I have sat in a parking lot and you see all these pull through parking spots all around you. It is surprising how many people will not use a pull through and when they get done shopping, a car had pulled in front of them and now they have to back up. So the next time you go shopping, please take an advantage and use a pull though parking spot so that you can go forwards when it is time to go home or you could back up into a parking space. Believe me you will be doing us all and yourself a big favor.
The backing of your car or truck into your own driveway is also wise. Many of you do not live in a busy neighborhood but I most certainly do. Cars are always going up and down my street and I believe I would be a fool if I had to back out of my driveway everyday. It is so much safer for me to go forwards out of my driveway. I have noticed that there are a lot of wise people who will back their car or truck into a garage because backing out of a garage with children or grandchildren around can be very dangerous and many people have backed up and ran over their own children. So make a wise choice today when parking your car or truck and it will prevent any future accidents.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Natural Remedies For Getting A Good Nights Sleep.
Some of us will go to bed and in a few minutes we are fast asleep while others will toss and turn and sleep just will not come. This article is for those who can not go to sleep. I did read a statement a long time ago that when everything you have tried to make yourself go to sleep and nothing seems to work, try Hops Flowers made into a strong tea and it will put you to sleep. When I was in College, one of my room mates had a bad case of the Flu. He took all kinds of Medication but he could not go to sleep. Another room mate gave him his grandmother's sleeping Remedy and it put him to sleep for over 48 hours. But when he woke up his Flu was gone and he felt just fine. The Remedy that we gave him was a tall glass of strong hot lemon aid followed by a bottle of Coca Cola. I do not know if this Remedy will work for everyone and I have never tried it myself, but it sure did help my room mate to go to sleep and to get well.
Many people would rather take sleeping pills for a good nights rest but many of these have side effects. Be sure that you understand the side effects before you take any pills. The Natural Remedies most generally do not have negative side effects. Below is a list of Natural Remedies that will help you to get a good night rest. Try them! They just might work!!
1. Do not drink any Caffeinated Drinks after 6 pm in the evenings. Some people will drink coffee at every meal or they will drink the Caffeinated soda pops and or Energy Drinks all day long. These Caffeinated drinks are very bad for you and those who use then regularly, they will have a hard time sleeping at night. The Caffeinated drinks will harden up your arteries giving you poor circulation and high Blood Pressure. The more Caffeine that is present in the drink that you are taking, the higher will be your risk for getting a Heart Attack or Stroke. It is a fact that those who drink a lot of the Mountain Dew Soda Pop it slowly eats the Cartilage out of the knees and you will need a knee replacement before you turn 60 years old. So make a wise choice. Do Not Drink Any Of The Caffeinated Drinks. They Will Do You More Harm Then Good!!!!
2. Keep busy all day long and you will naturally tire out your body so that at the end of the day when you sit down or lay down your body will relax and it will want to go to sleep. Many of us will come home from work, eat supper and then we will read a book or watch the TV and as we do so our bodies will begin to relax and we will become sleepy. If we were already in bed then we would just turn off the TV and the light and then go into a peaceful sleep. If you are retired, find things to do all day long to keep yourself busy. Always remember that when you are serving others and you are making them happy then you too will be happy. You will be busy all day long helping others and then at night you will sleep very peacefully.
3. Say a Prayer asking God to help you to sleep peacefully every night before going to bed. I know that many of you out there are religious and you do believe in God. Most of our Parents taught us to pray when we were children and we were to say our prayers before going to bed. You could do this too and ask God to help you to sleep peacefully every night. If you do not know how to pray then I will teach you the same way that my mother taught me. She told me that I have a kind Heavenly Father who loves me very much. I was to think that He was sitting on the bed next to me. I would get on my knees and start my prayer by saying " Dear Father in Heaven ". Then I would thank Him for the things that I enjoyed in life. Like my friends, for good food, for the clothes that I wear, for good health and for my bike. Then I would ask Him for the things that I was in need of like to forgive others that have not been nice to me. Or I would ask Him for a good nights rest. I would ask him to help me to obey my Parents, or help me with my homework so that I could be a good student. Then I was taught to end all of my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ because He was the one who paid for my sins when He died on the cross. If we repent of our sins that we had made in the future we could all go back someday to again live with our Father in Heaven. Then we end the prayer by saying the word " Amen ". This is how I pray. This was the way that my mother had taught me. This is just an example on how to pray and I am sure that many of you will also say your kind of prayer to help you to get a good nights rest.
4. Listen to some relaxing music after jumping into bed. Some may want to listen to Rock and Roll music but to me that kind of music does not relax the mind. I will listen to orchestra music like " Dance of the Hours " or " The Poet and the Peasant " or " Orphesus and the Underworld " or most of the instrumental Waltzes are very soothing to the mind. This kind of music will put me into a deep peaceful sleep.
5. When most of us were children our mother would tell us a bedtime story. In my opinion it was not the Fairy Tale Story that put us to sleep, it was the smooth rhythm of our mothers voice that would make us all sleepy. It was the voice from one that we all trusted. Believe it or not my wife will tell me a story while I am in bed or she will read a chapter from one of her books and the rhythm of her voice will put me to sleep in just a short time.
6. Many people enjoy taking a bath or a shower in the morning right after they get up so they can smell fresh and clean all day long. But if you are one who can not sleep at nights then try taking a bath or a shower before going to bed. This will greatly relax the body and you will sleep more soundly all night. If you have a tub you could take a bath first and then you add the spice called Ginger and or Epsom Salt to the warm water and soak yourself an additional 10 minutes before getting out of the tub. The Ginger will much more greatly relax the body before climbing into bed.
7. Drink one or two Hot Tottys before going to bed. A Hot Totty is very easy to make and it is pleasant to drink. To a cup of hot water add one tablespoon of Organic Vinegar, one tablespoon of Honey and also add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Then stir until the Honey is dissolved. If you would like to make this drink a little warmer then put it into the microwave oven for 30 seconds.
8. The sound of Rain on a tin roof or a heavy Rain Storm outside will greatly relax most of us into a nice sleep. Also a waterfalls or a swift flowing Creek or River can be very soothing to our nerves. I have noticed that on the Internet you can find programs that will play a thunderstorms with heavy rains or you can listen to the ocean surf or a waterfalls and these sounds can be played all night long on your computer.
9. A person singing softly can put others to sleep. You see this a lot in the movies to where a parent is singing to their children hoping that they will go to sleep. My Mother use to sing to me and my brothers when we were children a common song that her mother use to sing to her. This lovely song was called " Little Man You're Crying " and I am sure that this is a familiar song to many of you. The words of this song as far as I can remember goes like this: " Little Man You're Crying, I Know Why You're Blue. Someone Took Your Kitty Cart Away. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. You've Been Playing Solder. The Battle Has Been Won. The Enemy Is Out Of Sight. Come Along There Solder. Put Away Your Gun. The War Is Over For Tonight. Time To Stop You're Screaming. Time Your Day Was Through. Time To Do Your Bitty Bitty By's. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. Yes, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. ". For those who know me and do not know this song, please get a hold of me and I will sing it.
10. Do a Massage on each other before going to bed. You don't have to be a Massage Doctor. Anyone can learn to Massage, and the more that you do it the better you will become. Use Coconut or Olive Oil and rub this onto your hands. While the person is laying on their stomach use the palms of your hands and your fingers and begin to rub the shoulders and all over the back with a circular motion. Then rub your hands from the top of the back to the waist line and do this several times. Many Chiropractors will Massage people with hot rocks before they give an adjustment. These rocks are kept in a slow cooker filled with water to keep them nice and warm. You too could also use hot rocks when you Massage. Pick up smooth flat rocks that will fit into the palm of your hand. It feels so good to the person who is receiving the hot rocks as a part of the Massage.
Many people would rather take sleeping pills for a good nights rest but many of these have side effects. Be sure that you understand the side effects before you take any pills. The Natural Remedies most generally do not have negative side effects. Below is a list of Natural Remedies that will help you to get a good night rest. Try them! They just might work!!
1. Do not drink any Caffeinated Drinks after 6 pm in the evenings. Some people will drink coffee at every meal or they will drink the Caffeinated soda pops and or Energy Drinks all day long. These Caffeinated drinks are very bad for you and those who use then regularly, they will have a hard time sleeping at night. The Caffeinated drinks will harden up your arteries giving you poor circulation and high Blood Pressure. The more Caffeine that is present in the drink that you are taking, the higher will be your risk for getting a Heart Attack or Stroke. It is a fact that those who drink a lot of the Mountain Dew Soda Pop it slowly eats the Cartilage out of the knees and you will need a knee replacement before you turn 60 years old. So make a wise choice. Do Not Drink Any Of The Caffeinated Drinks. They Will Do You More Harm Then Good!!!!
2. Keep busy all day long and you will naturally tire out your body so that at the end of the day when you sit down or lay down your body will relax and it will want to go to sleep. Many of us will come home from work, eat supper and then we will read a book or watch the TV and as we do so our bodies will begin to relax and we will become sleepy. If we were already in bed then we would just turn off the TV and the light and then go into a peaceful sleep. If you are retired, find things to do all day long to keep yourself busy. Always remember that when you are serving others and you are making them happy then you too will be happy. You will be busy all day long helping others and then at night you will sleep very peacefully.
3. Say a Prayer asking God to help you to sleep peacefully every night before going to bed. I know that many of you out there are religious and you do believe in God. Most of our Parents taught us to pray when we were children and we were to say our prayers before going to bed. You could do this too and ask God to help you to sleep peacefully every night. If you do not know how to pray then I will teach you the same way that my mother taught me. She told me that I have a kind Heavenly Father who loves me very much. I was to think that He was sitting on the bed next to me. I would get on my knees and start my prayer by saying " Dear Father in Heaven ". Then I would thank Him for the things that I enjoyed in life. Like my friends, for good food, for the clothes that I wear, for good health and for my bike. Then I would ask Him for the things that I was in need of like to forgive others that have not been nice to me. Or I would ask Him for a good nights rest. I would ask him to help me to obey my Parents, or help me with my homework so that I could be a good student. Then I was taught to end all of my prayers in the name of Jesus Christ because He was the one who paid for my sins when He died on the cross. If we repent of our sins that we had made in the future we could all go back someday to again live with our Father in Heaven. Then we end the prayer by saying the word " Amen ". This is how I pray. This was the way that my mother had taught me. This is just an example on how to pray and I am sure that many of you will also say your kind of prayer to help you to get a good nights rest.
4. Listen to some relaxing music after jumping into bed. Some may want to listen to Rock and Roll music but to me that kind of music does not relax the mind. I will listen to orchestra music like " Dance of the Hours " or " The Poet and the Peasant " or " Orphesus and the Underworld " or most of the instrumental Waltzes are very soothing to the mind. This kind of music will put me into a deep peaceful sleep.
5. When most of us were children our mother would tell us a bedtime story. In my opinion it was not the Fairy Tale Story that put us to sleep, it was the smooth rhythm of our mothers voice that would make us all sleepy. It was the voice from one that we all trusted. Believe it or not my wife will tell me a story while I am in bed or she will read a chapter from one of her books and the rhythm of her voice will put me to sleep in just a short time.
6. Many people enjoy taking a bath or a shower in the morning right after they get up so they can smell fresh and clean all day long. But if you are one who can not sleep at nights then try taking a bath or a shower before going to bed. This will greatly relax the body and you will sleep more soundly all night. If you have a tub you could take a bath first and then you add the spice called Ginger and or Epsom Salt to the warm water and soak yourself an additional 10 minutes before getting out of the tub. The Ginger will much more greatly relax the body before climbing into bed.
7. Drink one or two Hot Tottys before going to bed. A Hot Totty is very easy to make and it is pleasant to drink. To a cup of hot water add one tablespoon of Organic Vinegar, one tablespoon of Honey and also add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Then stir until the Honey is dissolved. If you would like to make this drink a little warmer then put it into the microwave oven for 30 seconds.
8. The sound of Rain on a tin roof or a heavy Rain Storm outside will greatly relax most of us into a nice sleep. Also a waterfalls or a swift flowing Creek or River can be very soothing to our nerves. I have noticed that on the Internet you can find programs that will play a thunderstorms with heavy rains or you can listen to the ocean surf or a waterfalls and these sounds can be played all night long on your computer.
9. A person singing softly can put others to sleep. You see this a lot in the movies to where a parent is singing to their children hoping that they will go to sleep. My Mother use to sing to me and my brothers when we were children a common song that her mother use to sing to her. This lovely song was called " Little Man You're Crying " and I am sure that this is a familiar song to many of you. The words of this song as far as I can remember goes like this: " Little Man You're Crying, I Know Why You're Blue. Someone Took Your Kitty Cart Away. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. You've Been Playing Solder. The Battle Has Been Won. The Enemy Is Out Of Sight. Come Along There Solder. Put Away Your Gun. The War Is Over For Tonight. Time To Stop You're Screaming. Time Your Day Was Through. Time To Do Your Bitty Bitty By's. Better Go To Sleep Now, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. Yes, Little Man You've Had A Busy Day. ". For those who know me and do not know this song, please get a hold of me and I will sing it.
10. Do a Massage on each other before going to bed. You don't have to be a Massage Doctor. Anyone can learn to Massage, and the more that you do it the better you will become. Use Coconut or Olive Oil and rub this onto your hands. While the person is laying on their stomach use the palms of your hands and your fingers and begin to rub the shoulders and all over the back with a circular motion. Then rub your hands from the top of the back to the waist line and do this several times. Many Chiropractors will Massage people with hot rocks before they give an adjustment. These rocks are kept in a slow cooker filled with water to keep them nice and warm. You too could also use hot rocks when you Massage. Pick up smooth flat rocks that will fit into the palm of your hand. It feels so good to the person who is receiving the hot rocks as a part of the Massage.
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