Friday, September 11, 2015

Mustard Seeds-Sesame Seeds-Poppy Seeds And Celery Seeds----Spices In Today's World That Are Big Cancer Fighters.

      My wife and I went shopping at the food store the other day and they had large bottles of spices that were priced at four for five dollars. We bought the following four bottles: Mustard seeds, Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds and Celery Seeds. These spices are today's Cancer Fighters. The fresh ground seeds of all of these are very rich in several Vitamins and Minerals. Celery seeds are not only good for fighting off Cancer Cells but it will also get rid of Tumors if it was eaten on a daily bases. The yellow spice called Turmeric is also a Cancer and Tumor Fighter. Now let us take a look at these spices one at a time and find out what makes them so special.

                                                     Mustard  Seeds.

1.  These seeds are rich in Vitamins. Minerals, Anti-oxidants, Essential Oils and Fiber.

2.  The seeds are rich in the Vitamin B Complex. It has Folates  Riboflavvin, Thiamin, Niacin and Pyridoxine which is Vitamin B-6.  B-Complex helps the nervous system to function normally and it regulates the body's metabolism.

3.  These seeds also have Vitamins A, C, E and  K.

4.  Mustard Seeds have a lot of Carotene and it also contains the following Minerals: Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Selenium and Zinc

5.  These seeds kill off Free-Radicals in the body.

6.  Mustard seed oil will relieve both Muscle and Arthritis Pains. Mustard oil will also stimulate hair growth.

7. Because of the natural Vitamins and Minerals found in Mustard Seeds it will kill off Cancer Cells in the body.

                                                    Sesame  Seeds.

 1.  These seeds are high in the Mineral called Magnesium and it will help to prevent Diabetes and it will also lower the Blood Pressure.

 2.  It kills off any of the bad Cholesterol that is found in the body.

 3.  Because these seeds are high in Zinc, they are great for your skin and the zinc will repair damaged skin. Zinc is also good for Bone Mineral Density and it will help to control Body Odors.

 4.  The eating of these seeds will create a Healthy Heart.

 5.  These seeds contain Anti-Cancer Compounds and it is very good with Skin Cancers.

 6.  Sesame Seeds will help you to sleep more deeply at night.

 7.  The Black Sesame Seeds are rich in Iron and they will bring strength back into the body.

 8.  The high Copper content in these seeds will relieve Arthritis Pains and it will strengthen Bones, Joints and Blood Vessels.

 9.  Sesame Seeds will help the Liver to function normally.

10.  These seeds will prevent wrinkles on your face.

11.  A hand full of these seeds have more Calcium then what you will find in a full glass of Milk.

12.  The Black Sesame Seeds  will help the eyes to function better.

13.  A Sesame Seed Oil Rub will help you to sleep better at night and this Oil is great for Diaper Rash.

14.  Sesame Seeds will make strong healthy teeth and it reduces Dental Plaque.

                                                            Poppy  Seeds.

 1.  Poppy Seeds are rich in Anti-oxidants.

 2.  Poppy Seeds makes good Red Blood and it gets rid of the Bad Cholesterol and it increases the Good Cholesterol.

 3.  The outer tusk on the seeds are a good source of Dietary Fiber.

 4.  These seeds are rich in Vitamins  A, C, E, K and the Vitamin B Complex.

 5.  These seeds also have the following Minerals:  Sodium,  Potassium,  Calcium,  Copper,  Iron,  Magnesium,  Manganese,  Phosphorus,  Selenium and  Zinc.

 6.  These seeds will aid the body in the following functions:

      A.  It will make a healthy Heart and it will lower the Blood Pressure.

      B.  It provides growth and development to the body.

      C.  It helps in Digestion and Sperm Development.

      d.  It has a powerful Anti-oxidant Enzyme that will help to kill Cancer Cells.

 7.  These seeds do have traces of  Morphine, Opium and Codiene in them but it is no where enough to bother our nervous system even if you are eating a lot of the seeds. On the other hand a urine test will show positive as a drug in your body if you are eating a lot of poppy seeds. So if you work for a company that does urine test, it is best not to eat poppy seeds.

                                                          Celery  Seeds.

 1.  Celery Seeds have the following Vitamins and Minerals in it:  A, B, C,  Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron, Sulphur, Silicon and Magnesium.

 2.  These seeds have a stimulating effect on the Kidneys, producing an increased flow of urine.

 3.  The ground up Celery Seeds will relieve Arthritis pains and other pains in the body.

 4.  Celery Seeds are famous for it's ability to get rid of Cancerous Tumors on the inside or the outside of the body.  But it needs to be eaten everyday.

 5.  .Eating the seeds everyday will also keep your Blood Pressure down.

 6.  Celery Seeds will get rid of all the negatives in the Liver and it will make it work like new again.

 7.  Celery Seeds will get rid of unwanted matter in the Blood stream including Bad Cholesterol. Celery Seeds will cure circulatory system problems.

 8.  Because Celery Seeds have Organic Compounds like Flavornoides and Linoleic Acids, it will help the body to overcome many different kinds of Diseases.

 9.  Celery Seeds will stimulate the Uterus and it will help to ease muscle spasms. It will also help to ease menstrual cramps and pains. If women ate Celery Seeds everyday it would ease their menstrual discomforts.

10.  Celery Seeds will flush out Toxins and Uric Acid with the urine.

11.  Because these seeds will get rid of Uric Acid it will greatly help people to get rid of their Kidney Stones.

12.  Celery Seeds are a natural Antiseptic. It gets rid of infections in the body and it is very good with Bladder or Urine Infections or Kidney Problems.

      The yellow spice called Turmeric is also a Deadly Cancer and Tumor Fighter but I am not going to talk about this spice at this time, But if you are interested in this spice then punch in on Google Search Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Spice Called Turmeric.
      There is  a 6th seed that is the Father of all seeds that is excellent for both Food and Medicine. That seed comes from the Marijuana Plant. Believe it or not this seed has all the Vitamins and Minerals as all the spices listed up above and it also has the same medical properties. Marijuana Seeds are very deadly in killing off both Cancer and Tumor cells. Eating the seeds as a food will NOT make you feel high but it is very healthy to eat.
      Most States in the United States do not allow Marijuana in any form to enter the state. If you ordered the seeds and had them sent to your house the company who sold you the seeds are required by law to contact the State Cops and they will come to your door step with the seeds and they will throw you into jail even if your plans was to eat the seeds and not to grow them. Remember, before you order any Marijuana Seeds contact the local Police to make sure you are not breaking the law by ordering the seeds. The State that I live in does not allow Marijuana in any form and I would be a Fool to order it. On the other hand if I had Cancer I would try to make a way to get the Cops to order the seeds for me so that I could use it for Medicine under a Doctors care. If your State does allow you to order and eat the seeds remember that a Drug Test will come out positive and you could loose your job.

      But never Fear !  There are two Herbs that have all the Vitamins,  Minerals  and  Medical Properties as all of the seeds that are listed up above. They are the leaves of the Artichoke and the Alfalfa Plants. The leaves are grounded up and put into capsules. For general use take one capsule a day. If you have Cancer take one of each Herb every morning and again at night before going to bed. I did some research on both of these herbs a few years ago and the Medical Properties on both Herbs went on and on and on. I was really impressed. Everybody could benefit from these two Herbs. Alfalfa has the most minerals. It has more Trace Minerals then any other plant and that is because the roots of the Alfalfa Plant goes as much as 100 feet into the ground.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

More Fiber In Our Diets Is Very Important.

      Because everyone's Body Chemistry is not the same, the lack of Fiber in our diets will give us Diarrhea or Constipation. Most of the food that we buy in a store, it has no Fiber and it has no real Vitamins and Minerals. A box of food may say " Vitamin Enriched " but those Vitamins in that box are man made.They are made from Oil-By-Products. Those Vitamin and Minerals are not Real. When the US Government began putting man made Vitamins into our food in the 1980's, Cancer found in people went way up. But in countries where the people are still eating the real Vitamin enriched foods, the Cancer rate is very low.
      What foods out there are naturally enriched with lots of Real Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals. All fresh fruits and vegetables eaten raw are very rich in Fiber and Vitamins. The eating of whole grains are also very high in Fiber. The white store bought flour which comes from wheat, this flour has no Fiber or Vitamins. Both the Fiber enriched " Bran and Germ " that is found in wheat, these both have been removed and then the flour was bleached to a bright white. For best results it is wise to buy an Electric Wheat Grinder and grind up your own flour from any whole grains. This fresh flour is enriched in Real Vitamins and Minerals and it has lots of Fiber. By eating all the colors of the rainbow in the way of fruits and vegetables and the eating of whole grains everyday you will not suffer from Diarrhea or Constipation. From a College class that I took on nutrition I learned about this simple test that will show you if you are getting enough Fiber in your diet. After you have a bowel movement get off the toilet and look at your " Poop ". If it comes out in C or S shape, then you are getting enough Fiber in your diet.
      If you really was thinking that your Diet did not have enough Fiber in it, you could go to the store and buy some Bran. This food is 100%  Fiber. You could sprinkle this into your everyday coffee or orange juice. You could add it to your Yogurt, Soups, Stews or your morning cereals. In this way all your foods would be " Fiber Enriched " and having a lot of Fiber in your Diet will never be a problem.
      Now there are four groups of words that are printed on store bought products that are somewhat Brainwashing words and in using them companies can make a lot more money. Do not be fooled by these words. They are as follows:  " Fiber Enriched ", " Vitamin Enriched ", " Rich in Antioxidants " and the word " Organic ".
      The word " Organic " on a product means that it is not as refined as much as other foods. It also means that all the vegetables and fruits were grown from soils that were enrich with animal by products and compost and chemical sprays were not used. But some companies will put "Organic " on their product because people will pay more money for it. I always laugh when I see " Organic Milk ". Most cows eat grass from pastures and whole grains. So  99%  of the regular milk that you buy is already " Organic Milk ".and yet people are willing to pay a higher price for milk that has the word " Organic " on it.
      The other three words do not mean what they say they are but because companies will print them on the product  people are willing to pay a higher price for them. On the TV program called 20-20, they claimed that companies that were selling water in bottles, many of them were using tap water and not spring water. The companies would say that no matter what you put into the bottles people will always pay good money for them and tap water was just as good as anything.
      Having a lot of Fiber in your diet will help you to NOT to get Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Of course there are four other factors that will help to prevent these two diseases and they are:  1.  Good Blood Circulation to the Brain. 2.  Lots of Oxygen going into the Brain.  3.  Lots of Good Cholesterol surrounding the Brain and  4.  Exercise your Brain everyday by doing thinking solutions like reading and writing or doing Math problems. Playing games that causes the mind to think will also exercise the Brain.

      Always remember that if you want a Fiber Enriched Diet then you must eat lots of Whole Grains and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and  Do Not Trust A Box That Says  " Fiber Enriched ".