We all live in a world in which the air around us is getting poisoned everyday from pollution.Therefore anyone of us could get Cancer. There is a saying That says: " If your body is Balanced and your blood is Pure-You will not get Cancer. ". Below is a list of suggestions that will help you not to get Cancer and they will help to balance your body.
1. Stay Away From Processed Foods.
This kind of food has no Real Vitamins and Minerals. It does have man made Vitamins and Minerals but these were made from Oil-By-Products. All the Real Vitamins were removed during the processing. Also Chemical Preservatives have been added to the product to keep it fresh. I am talking about food that is in your freezer that you heat up in a microwave. Or any baked goods that are made out of white flour. Have you ever heard the saying: " The whiter the bread-the more you are dead ". That is because white refined Flour has no Nutrition in it. Both the Germ and the Bran was removed and then the Flour was Bleached to a Bright White. Also you should stay away from the canned goods that you bought at the store. These also have Preservatives and man-made Vitamins.
2. Get A Wheat Grinder And Make Your Own Fresh Flour.
Like I have said up above, white store bought flour is not healthy for you. Because white flour has no Germ or Bran in it, this flour will not kill Cancer cells in the body. Instead it will allow the Cancer cells to grow. White Flour will bring unbalance to the body. If you want Good Quality Flour that has both the Germ and the Bran, then you must buy a Wheat Grinder and grind up your own wheat. Grinding your own wheat is not only very healthy for you but it will also save you a whole big bunch of money. You could buy a hand crank grinder for about 50 dollars or you could buy an Electric Wheat Grinder for 2 or 3 hundred dollars. These electric grinders are way nicer then the hand crank ones and if you do a lot of baking, the electric grinder will pay for it's self in 6 months or less. If you shop at the thrift or second-hand stores you might find an electric grinder at a very low price. We bought one for only 20 dollars and it works great.
3. Eat A Lot Of Fresh Antioxidant Foods.
What are Antioxidant Foods ? These are any Brightly Colored Fresh fruits and vegetables. Those that are Red or Orange are the highest in Antioxidants. The Red ones would be: Tomatoes, Beets, Watermelon, Red Peppers and Red Currants and there are others. The Orange ones are: Oranges, Peaches, Apricots, Carrots, Cam-cots, Sweet Potatoes and Orange Colored Squash and there are others. The Yellow ones are also high in Antioxidants. Remember to always eat the colors of the Rainbow everyday.
Flax Seed is also very high in Antioxidants. This grain is a natural Laxative so it needs to be eaten sparingly. A tablespoon of Flax Seed could be added to the grain when you are grinding fresh wheat flour. The Flax Seed has to be grounded up or it will not do you any good.
4. Do Not Drink Chlorinated Water.
Those who drink Chlorinated water have a 90% greater chance of getting Cancer. Chlorinated water is Bad for your Heart, it is Bad for your Kidneys and it is Bad for your Liver. So what can we do about this being that most of us do live in a big city and all the water coming from our taps is Chlorinated. You need to Un-Chlorinate your water before you drink it and this is easy to do.
Put the Chlorinated water into wide mouth containers. These could canning jars or half gallon milk cartons with the tops cut off. You could use a water pitcher or a large bowl. After they all have been filled up, let them sit for 24 hours. This will get rid of the Chlorine. Put this Un-Chlorinated water into your refrigerator for all your drinking needs. By the way if you have been having a lot of leg cramps, the drinking of this Un-Chlorinated Water will put a stop to most of your leg cramps.
5. The Mineral Called Selenium Is Deadly To Cancer Cells.
If you are not taking the Mineral called Selenium then you need to start. I take a Capsule in the morning and one at night. Brazil Nuts have the Mineral called Selenium in them but as to how much no one knows because it all depends on how much Selenium was in the soil where the tree was grown. If you are interested in taking some selenium capsules then call toll free Deven's Youngevity at 1-800-788-9664. This Mineral is not sold in most stores.
6. Start Using The Yellow Spice Called Turmeric.
The Spice called Turmeric is not only deadly to Cancer cells but it will also help to protect the body from Tumors. Turmeric is not HOT as some people think it to be but it does have a strong flavor to it and if too much is used, it will give your food a turmeric taste. But this spice is used by a lot of people and it is used on many different kinds of foods. The three countries that used it the most is China, India and Italy.
7. Drink Molasses And Milk Everyday.
This simple drink is very deadly to Cancer Cells. Molasses has the following 9 Minerals in it: Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Organic Sulfur. It also has Vitamin B-6. Before the 1900's this drink was commonly used as a winter Vitamin Pill because fresh vegetables were no longer available. As far as the Potassium in Molasses it is 20% higher then any other food. Potassium naturally helps to lower the Blood Pressure.
The directions for making Molasses and Milk is very simple. Put ice cold milk into a 16 oz. cup and add a level teaspoon of Molasses and stir until the Molasses is all gone. Then drink and enjoy. If the drink seems too strong for your taste then add more milk. When it is just right it will have a natural maple flavor to it. Many brands of Molasses are bitter. I use the brand called " Grandmas' Molasses " because it is not bitter. I drink this almost everyday.
Some people claim that if you drink Molasses and Milk twice a day it will control the disease called Eczema.
8. Herbal Teas That Will Guard The Body From Cancer.
There are several Herbs that can be used as Teas to get rid of both Cancer and Tumor cells. But for best results it is wise to use a combination of Herbs as a Tea. Drink these on a regular bases to help the body to be immune to Cancer Cells. Most of these can be bought at a Health Foods Store.
A. Alfalfa Seed----These need to be grounded up.
B. Astragalus----An Herb from China.
C. Burdock Root.
D. Chaparral.
E. Dandelion Root.
F. Golden Seal Root.
G. Horseradish Root.
H. Mandrake Root.
I. Parsley Leaves.
J. Periwinkle.
K. Red Clover.
L. Red Root.
M. Rose Hips.
N. Slippery Elm----The Inner Bark.
O. Violet.
P. Taheebo Tea----This Herb comes from the Amazon Rain Forest. It is very deadly against Cancer and Leukemia Cells. This is the number one Herb in curing children who have this disease of Leukemia. In the USA it is called Pau d' Arco. The Doctors in Brazil can save 99 out of 100 children from using this Herb against Leukemia. The Doctors in the USA do not use this Rain Forest Herb against Leukemia. But I think they need to use it.
Q. Graviola----This is also a Rain Forest Herb and it is Very Very Deadly against Cancer Cells. This Herb is 10,000 times more effective against Cancer Cells then Chemotherapy.
R. Red Bush Tea----This tea comes from Africa but it is commonly sold in Health Food Stores. This tea is very high in Antioxidants and it is a Deadly Cancer killer. It also has about 10 medical properties which makes it good for both children and adults. It is 50 times more effective then Green Tea but there is no Caffeine. You can also drink all you want with no side effects. It does make a good Sports Drink.
9. Cottage Cheese And Flax Seed Oil.
The next time that you buy a container of Cottage Cheese, take off the lid and add a teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil and then stir it in well. These two together when eaten is very deadly to Cancer Cells. In an experiment, dogs were injected with Cancer Cells. After two months the dogs were fed Cottage Cheese with the Flax Seed Oil everyday. After a month of eating the cottage cheese the dogs were completely cured from the Cancer. It was completely gone from their bodies. This Cottage Cheese can protect us from Cancer also. I was told by a friend that said if you can buy " Hemp Oil " and mix one teaspoon of this into your 16 oz container of cottage cheese, it will be 100% better in killing Cancer Cells then any other oil. But before you go out and buy this "Hemp Oil " make sure that you will not be in trouble with the law enforcement officers because your state will not allow it. Some companies even make a skin lotion with Hemp Oil in it. This kind of lotion will greatly help to prevent all kinds of Skin Cancers.
10. Grow An Organic Garden Every Year.
An Organic Garden is grown from rotted animal by-products and Compost. This kind of garden has no Chemical sprays. All the vegetables that are grown in this type of garden will protect your body from getting Cancer. All the vegetables are high in Antioxidants and they are rich in Vitamins and Minerals.If you do not know how to grow a garden then ask one of your neighbors to help you get started. Or the local library will have a lot of books on Gardening. The Internet also has a lot of excellent information. Most of all it takes a lot of work and effort to grow an excellent Garden. But the best part is the eating of all of those vegetables that you have grown with your own hands. Besides this growing a Garden can be a lot of fun watching your plants grow from a seed to a full grown plant producing vegetables.
Our Garden has provided for us during the month of July all we can eat: Radishes, Carrots, Peas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries and Raspberries. During the month of August we are eating the same vegetables and Corn, Green Beans, Onions, Tomatoes and Grapes. The Squash and Potatoes will not be ready for another two months. But the Green Peppers, the Watermelons and the Muskmelons will be ready to eat in just a few weeks. Was it worth growing a garden this year ? You bet it was!!!!
11. Eat Homemade Soups.
Most of the homemade soups have fresh vegetables and some form of meat. The juices from the soup is not only very healthy for you but they are also Cancer fighters. If there was a King of all the soups, I would say Chicken Soup. In a lot of countries around the world Chicken Soup is the number one choice for Colds and the Flu. It brings a big balance back into your body when you are feeling sick or you are all out of energy after a sickness. It is really surprising how Homemade Chicken Soup can get you back on your feet feeling really good again. The store bought soups that you buy in a can, these do not have the same medical properties that you will find in the home made soups.
12. Include Garlic And Onions In Your Diet.
Garlic and Onions are a Deadly Destroyer of Germs and Cancer Cells. The mountain folk and country people believe that Garlic is the number one Remedy for Colds and the Flu. Garlic can be taken fresh or if you do not like it, it can be taken in a capsule or in a pill form.
13. Do Not Smoke And Don't Be Around Others Who Smoke.
Being around others who smoke can be just as bad as if you were smoking yourself. Smoking causes a great big unbalance in your body. Smoking messes up your blood, it lowers your immune system to where your body can get most of the common diseases. Smoking kills the white corpuscles
and it is a proven fact that it causes Cancer in the lungs, the mouth, the throat, the stomach or the Brain. It can cause Tumors anywhere in the body where the Blood flows. It causes a lot of coughing and the Carbon monoxide from the tobacco smoke takes the oxygen out of the body making it difficult to breath. I always feel sorry for those children who have to be around parents who do a lot of smoking, and those children have to breath all that second-hand smoke. Even if the children never start smoking they will have a lot of health problems from being around their Parents who smoke.
14. Use The Following Natural Blood Purifiers Regularly.
A. Burdock Root----This plant grows in moist shady areas. It is a biannual and it has large round like leaves that are soft and hairy. Boy Scouts use these leaves commonly as toilet paper. Each large leaf is attached to a celery-like stem. The roots are dried and grounded up. This powder is put into capsules and can be bought at Health Food Stores. The 2nd year Burdocks has a long stem that grows hundreds of round cockleburs that will stick to your clothes as you walk by.
B. Cayenne Red Peppers----These are most commonly taken in the form of a powder which is put into a capsule. You can buy these at any store that sells Vitamins and Minerals. The bottle will have written on it 40,000 STU. The directions is to take one capsule a day. When eating a full meal. Eat half of it then swallow the capsule and then eat the other half. Never take two capsules at the same time thinking that it will do twice the job. I did it once and it gave me a bad belly ache. Cayenne peppers will also get rid of stomach ulcers, it will create good circulation though out the whole body and it will also lower your Blood Pressure. It also reduces Arthritis Pains.
C. Yellow Dock Root----The root is dried and grounded up to a powder. Then they put this powder into capsules. Yellow Dock Root in capsules can be bought in any Health Foods Store. The directions is to take one capsule a day. This root is also excellent for itch. I will buy a can of "Bag Balm " from a farmer's store and melt it down to a liquid. Then I will add 12 capsules of Yellow Dock Root and stir it well. Letting it sit overnight will make it become a salve again. This Itch Salve will stop itch in just 20 seconds.
D. Dandelion Roots----This is a common weed that grows on every lawn that have not been sprayed. It has long toothed leaves and a round bright yellow flower that sits on the end of a long hollow stem. Children will pick these flowers in the spring and give them to the mothers. The Roots are gathered and dried. In a powered form these roots are put into capsules and they can be bought at any Health Food store. Dandelions have about 12 Amino Acids that will get into the Blood and clean out all the foreign matter making your Blood nice and pure. Every spring I always gather the Dandelion Roots and then I will roast them in an oven for a few hours. These roasted roots are put into a double boiler pan on a paper towel and the hot drippings coming off the roots is known as " Dandelion Brew ". This is a very dark brown color that looks like coffee. I have been drinking this Brew twice a day for the last several weeks. I sweeten mine and add milk or coffee creamer. It has a non-bitter pleasant taste that taste a lot like the hot beverage called " Postum ". This Brew is very healthy for you and it is all free for the taking.
E. Red And White Clover Flowers.
Both of these plants grow on just about everyone's lawn that has not been sprayed. Clover is a small plant and it has 3 dark green leaves and a single flower that grows on each plant. Most of these plants are less then 2 inches tall and the flower is only about a centimeter wide. It will bring you good luck if you can find a 4-leaf clover. Also the 4-leaf clover is a common picture on St. Patrick's Day. The White Clover is more common then the red and most of the common Honey sold on the market, comes from the White clover blossoms. The Red Clover is not so common as the white ones, but if you look carefully you can find Red Clover growing on other people's lawns. My lawn has White Clover, but next door their lawn has mostly Red Clover. Both of these plants are excellent Blood Purifiers, but the Red Clover is more commonly used because it is rich in Antioxidants and it is a deadly Cancer killer. White Clover has creamy white flowers and Red Clover has pinkish red flowers. To make a pleasant tasting tea, gather the white or red flowers and make sure there are no stems attached to the flowers. The stems will give the tea a bitter taste. When you have picked a quart sized bottle full, dump these blossoms onto a double paper towel inside a double boiler. As the water boils the drippings from the Red Clover will be yellow in color. If you let this yellow tea sit for 12 to 15 minutes it will will turn to a deep blood red. The medical properties are way much higher when you drink this tea while it is still yellow. I do sweeten mine with honey and I add a little bit of milk. You can drink all you want of this tea with no side effects. At least it has never bothered me and the tea does taste good.
F. Fresh Purple Concord Grape Juice.
Believe it or not this juice is the best Blood Purifier of them all. But the Purple Concord Grapes are only available when they are in season like in August or October. This juice is only a Blood Purifier when it is drank from fresh squeezed grapes. In other words this Grape Juice is 100% Alive. Processed Grape Juice will not work. Any Grape Juice that you buy in a store will not work as a Blood Purifier. On the other hand if you were to buy fresh Purple Concord Grapes themselves and squeeze the juice from them at home then that is OK. Remember that the juice needs to be 100% fresh grape juice that is 100% Alive.
There are about 50 Herbs that are also known as Blood Purifies but the 6 that are listed above, these are the most common ones and they can be found in any Health Foods Store except for the fresh Concord Grapes. It is wise to use 2 or 3 of these Blood Purifiers to get the best results.
15. Be A Fisherman And Eat Your Fish.
The Omega-3 Fatty Acids that are found in fish is deadly to Cancer Cells, The Cancer rate is very low in people who live on any of the Islands anywhere in the world. They include a lot of fish in their diet everyday. They also eat a lot of fresh tropical fruits which are very high in Antioxidants.
16. Eat Fresh Whole Grain Hot Cereals For Breakfast.
I bought a small Coffee Grinder for about 20 dollars. This is used for grinding up Whole Grains into the making of fresh Hot Whole Grain Cereal. This Cereal can be eaten anytime of day. It is not just a breakfast food. This Fresh Hot Cereal has both the Germ and the Bran in it which makes it a Deadly Cancer Killer. Never trust the store bought Hot Cereals. You have no idea how old it is and you do not know how much Germ and Bran is found in this product. When you grind your own Hot Cereals from Whole Grains, you will know for sure that you are eating a high quality Cereal that has both the Germ and the Bran. There are several grains that can be used as Cereal. They are the Hard Red Winter Wheat, the Soft and the hard White Wheat, Montana Wheat, Buckwheat, Sorghum Seeds, Millet Seeds. Barley Grouts, Oat Grouts or Brown Rice. These are the more popular Grains. I will also add a half of a teaspoon of both Alfalfa Seed and Flax Seed to each batch of cereal that I am grinding up.
To make the hot cereal, bring a small pan of water to the boiling state. Add a little bit of salt so it will not have a flat taste. Put the heat on low and using a wire whisk add the fresh ground cereal to the hot water and stir it the whole time. Add the Grain until it begins to thicken. But keep stirring it while it is cooking for 2 to 3 minutes. You could cook it longer for a more mushier cereal but the roughly cooked cereal will scrape the insides of your intestines of it's impurities. Turn off the heat and put the cereal into bowls.
For the best tasting Hot Cereal you have ever eaten add some real butter to the cereal and let it melt. Then add brown sugar, a few drops or both Vanilla and Maple Flavorings. Add some Cinnamon and some raisins. Then add milk or cream or you could add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. I will even put some cookie chips in it if I have some. This is very good tasting Hot Cereal.
17.. Buy A Juicer And Drink Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juices.
Most people in the world today drink a lot of Soda Pop, Energy Drinks, Beer and Wine. All of these will lower your immune system. Drinking the fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices will greatly increase your immune system and these fresh Juices are deadly to Cancer Cells. The Fresh Juices that we drink the most is Fresh Carrot and Apple Juice. We grow a lot of our own Carrots in our backyard and they are very easy to grow. Please read on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to grow lots of Carrots ".
When Apples are ripe and ready to pick, most people who have Apple trees in the backyard will gladly let you come and pick their Apples. There are several kinds of these apples. When combined and juiced together they make a great tasting healthy drink.
18. Eat Orange Colored Squash Regularly.
We grow two kinds of Orange Colored Squash--Hubbard and Sweetmeat--in our backyard. Both of these will last all winter if they are put into a cool basement or a root cellar. I will usually bake mine in an oven at 350 degrees for an hour. When done I will scrape off the orange pulp and then mash it up. Then I will add some real butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. It taste like Pumpkin -Pie Filling. My wife likes to eat it with real butter and salt and pepper. Like Carrots this orange colored squash is high in " Carotene " and the body changes this into Vitamin A making it deadly to Cancer Cells. Some people like other types of orange colored squash but I enjoy the two listed up above because they are not stringy and they are excellent tasting. If you did not grow any squash in your garden this year then you can buy both of these at any Farmer's Market. Both of these will grow most anywhere.
My wife and I take one capsule a day of the following Herbs and no more then two a week from each Herb. They are some of the best Organic Supplements that will help to prevent Cancer. They are He Shou Wo from China, Pau d' Arco and Graviola from the Amazon Rain Forest and the Herb called Astragalus from China in capsule form. All four of these were bought at a Health Food Store. We also buy the mineral in capsules called " Selenium " and we take one in the morning and one at night. We also will take a Cayenne Pepper capsule 3 or 4 times a week while eating a full meal. I also drink a glass full of Molasses and Milk about 5 times a week. None of us wants to get Cancer and yet people all around us are suffering from Cancer. Follow the suggestions listed up above and your success rate should be excellent.
Please read my Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-A Remedy For Garden Growers ". Also read the Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Facts About Cancer That Doctors Do Not Want You To Know About ".
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Dandelion Brew----A Very Healthy Drink----This Is Very Yummy For The Tummy !
Every spring when I begin to clear out my garden of it's weeds getting it ready to plant seed, I always save the roots from the Dandelions and the Marshmellow Plants. But most people call this weed the Mellow Plants. I have a Sun Oven that I bought for a couple hundred dollars a few years ago and if the sun is shinning the oven will heat up to as high as 350 degrees F. I will put the roots into a stainless steel square cake pan and I will roast the roots in that oven for 5 or 6 hours or until they are dark and crispy. These roots can be roasted in any kitchen oven also for a few hours at 350 degrees. When the roots are ready I will put then on to a double paper towel in a double boiler which is two pans, one inside the other. The top pan has holes all over it's bottom and the bottom pan has water in it that boils with a lid over the top pan. The drippings that are coming off of these roots is called " Dandelion Brew ". I have traditionally made this Brew now for over 30 years. Dandelion roots are bitter if you eat them raw or cooked, but the roasting of the roots must remove much of the bitterness because the Brew does not taste bitter.
The Dandelion is a yellow flowered plant with long toothed leaves and each yellow flower sits on the end of a long hollow stem. The sun makes the whole plant taste bitter. This plant is found on just about everyone's lawn in the spring that has not been sprayed for weeds. Children love to pick the Dandelion flowers and give them to their mothers. The Marshmellow Plants grows on any poor soil and they grow commonly in my garden every year. It has almost round leaves with 4 or 5 grooves and the leaf is toothed all around the edges. Each leaf has a split in it and each leaf is attached to a long stem. The roots of the younger plants are long and narrow. On the older plants many of the roots look like human body with arms and legs and they can grow up to a foot or more into the ground. These roots are tough and they are well anchored in the ground. In other words most of these older plants can not be pulled out by hand. Most generally you have to use a shovel to get them out and if you are not too careful on the much older plants, shovel handles have been broken trying to get these plants out of the ground. Some Herb Books claim that the Marshmellow Plants are in the same family as the Herb that is called Ginsing and that it has some of the same medical properties. This plant is sometimes called " American Ginsing " The roots of both the Dandelion and the Marshmellow Plants are very healthy for you and most Herb Books claim that the roasted roots make a good coffee substitute. I have been drinking this Dandelion Brew for over 30 years and in my opinion it does not taste anything like coffee. It has it's own taste and I believe that it is a non-bitter pleasant taste. I do sweeten my Brew and I add milk to it. Sometimes I will add a bit of Molasses and a few drops of Vanilla Flavoring and or when it is available I will put a flavored coffee creamer into the Brew. Either way the Dandelion Brew always taste Yummy !!!!
When you drink the Brew from the roasted roots of the Dandelion and the Marshmellow Plants, the Brew is very healthy for you. A Pathologist or one who know all about the Herbs and their medical properties, they will tell you that the Dandelion Roots have about 12 Amino Acids and Salts. These will get into your blood stream and clean out the foreign matter making your blood very pure. Both the leaves and the roots are rich in all the Vitamins and most of the minerals. The reason why the Dandelion is not popular as a food is because the sun makes the leaves taste very bitter. The yellow flowers when they are in full bloom, these are collected and are made into a pleasant tasting healthy tea. The Mountain Folk make a famous Dandelion Wine from the flowers. When gathering the flowers make sure that there are no stems. The stems will make the tea taste bitter.
So if you are one that is willing to drink this " Dandelion Brew ", it will purify your blood and it will provide you with several Natural Vitamins and Minerals. It will also kill Cancer Cells and it will kill off the Free Radicals that are found in our bodies. This Brew helps the kidneys to function better and it will get rid of urine infections. It will also help you to overcome the Common Cold and the Flu. This Brew will also slow down your aging process. These side effects sound great don't they ? Also there is no Caffeine that is found in Dandelion Brew.
Before you roast the roots they need to be cleaned of all the dirt that is on them. I will put the roots into a bucket and swish them in water, changing the water several times until the water no longer looks muddy. Then I will put the clean roots in a pan and roast them.
Right now I have a fresh batch of roots that were roasted a few days ago sitting on my back porch and they are ready to be processed into Dandelion Brew. So if any of you could come to my house I would serve you a fresh batch of this Yummy Brew.
For those of you who maybe interested the Dandelion plant is very rich in Vitamin A. It also has Vitamins B,C and E. It is also rich in these three Minerals, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium. Other Minerals that are found in Dandelions are, Phosphorus, Iron, Cobalt, Tin. Copper and Zinc.
The Marshmellow Plant is rich in Vitamin A, Calcium and Zinc. It also has Iron, Sodium, Iodine, and the B-Complex Vitamins.
Again this year I have gathered the roots of the Dandelion and the mellow plants. The roots have been roasted and it is in a double boiler right this minute on the stove making Dandelion Brew. I even bought some coffee creamer so that I could enjoy some Dandelion Brew this very day. You too can go gather some Dandelion Roots. They grow just about everywhere and they are free for the taking. All you have to do is ask. The Dandelions that grow in a farmer's fields, these have big, long nice looking roots but be careful in digging them up. They can break you shovel handle as you try to dig them up. But most of all have fun and enjoy one of the healthiest beverages that can be freshly made in your kitchen. Plus you can drink all the Dandelion Brew that you want because it has no side effects. This is way better then coffee. Coffee is expensive to buy while Dandelions are free for the taking, and there is so much of it to be gathered.
The Dandelion is a yellow flowered plant with long toothed leaves and each yellow flower sits on the end of a long hollow stem. The sun makes the whole plant taste bitter. This plant is found on just about everyone's lawn in the spring that has not been sprayed for weeds. Children love to pick the Dandelion flowers and give them to their mothers. The Marshmellow Plants grows on any poor soil and they grow commonly in my garden every year. It has almost round leaves with 4 or 5 grooves and the leaf is toothed all around the edges. Each leaf has a split in it and each leaf is attached to a long stem. The roots of the younger plants are long and narrow. On the older plants many of the roots look like human body with arms and legs and they can grow up to a foot or more into the ground. These roots are tough and they are well anchored in the ground. In other words most of these older plants can not be pulled out by hand. Most generally you have to use a shovel to get them out and if you are not too careful on the much older plants, shovel handles have been broken trying to get these plants out of the ground. Some Herb Books claim that the Marshmellow Plants are in the same family as the Herb that is called Ginsing and that it has some of the same medical properties. This plant is sometimes called " American Ginsing " The roots of both the Dandelion and the Marshmellow Plants are very healthy for you and most Herb Books claim that the roasted roots make a good coffee substitute. I have been drinking this Dandelion Brew for over 30 years and in my opinion it does not taste anything like coffee. It has it's own taste and I believe that it is a non-bitter pleasant taste. I do sweeten my Brew and I add milk to it. Sometimes I will add a bit of Molasses and a few drops of Vanilla Flavoring and or when it is available I will put a flavored coffee creamer into the Brew. Either way the Dandelion Brew always taste Yummy !!!!
When you drink the Brew from the roasted roots of the Dandelion and the Marshmellow Plants, the Brew is very healthy for you. A Pathologist or one who know all about the Herbs and their medical properties, they will tell you that the Dandelion Roots have about 12 Amino Acids and Salts. These will get into your blood stream and clean out the foreign matter making your blood very pure. Both the leaves and the roots are rich in all the Vitamins and most of the minerals. The reason why the Dandelion is not popular as a food is because the sun makes the leaves taste very bitter. The yellow flowers when they are in full bloom, these are collected and are made into a pleasant tasting healthy tea. The Mountain Folk make a famous Dandelion Wine from the flowers. When gathering the flowers make sure that there are no stems. The stems will make the tea taste bitter.
So if you are one that is willing to drink this " Dandelion Brew ", it will purify your blood and it will provide you with several Natural Vitamins and Minerals. It will also kill Cancer Cells and it will kill off the Free Radicals that are found in our bodies. This Brew helps the kidneys to function better and it will get rid of urine infections. It will also help you to overcome the Common Cold and the Flu. This Brew will also slow down your aging process. These side effects sound great don't they ? Also there is no Caffeine that is found in Dandelion Brew.
Before you roast the roots they need to be cleaned of all the dirt that is on them. I will put the roots into a bucket and swish them in water, changing the water several times until the water no longer looks muddy. Then I will put the clean roots in a pan and roast them.
Right now I have a fresh batch of roots that were roasted a few days ago sitting on my back porch and they are ready to be processed into Dandelion Brew. So if any of you could come to my house I would serve you a fresh batch of this Yummy Brew.
For those of you who maybe interested the Dandelion plant is very rich in Vitamin A. It also has Vitamins B,C and E. It is also rich in these three Minerals, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium. Other Minerals that are found in Dandelions are, Phosphorus, Iron, Cobalt, Tin. Copper and Zinc.
The Marshmellow Plant is rich in Vitamin A, Calcium and Zinc. It also has Iron, Sodium, Iodine, and the B-Complex Vitamins.
Again this year I have gathered the roots of the Dandelion and the mellow plants. The roots have been roasted and it is in a double boiler right this minute on the stove making Dandelion Brew. I even bought some coffee creamer so that I could enjoy some Dandelion Brew this very day. You too can go gather some Dandelion Roots. They grow just about everywhere and they are free for the taking. All you have to do is ask. The Dandelions that grow in a farmer's fields, these have big, long nice looking roots but be careful in digging them up. They can break you shovel handle as you try to dig them up. But most of all have fun and enjoy one of the healthiest beverages that can be freshly made in your kitchen. Plus you can drink all the Dandelion Brew that you want because it has no side effects. This is way better then coffee. Coffee is expensive to buy while Dandelions are free for the taking, and there is so much of it to be gathered.
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