Some people take this subject very seriously while others think it is all a bunch of boloney. I have always been a Star Trek Fan and I remember when it first came on TV and our family would never miss an episode. At the beginning of each show they would always say this phrase: " Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprize, it's five year mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new boldly go where no man has gone before".
Space is truly the " Final Frontier ". Scientist claim that outer space has no beginning and it has no end. It just goes on and on like a bottomless pit. They also say that the Galaxy that we live in is not the only one in space. There are many others besides ours. The solar system in which earth is a part of it, the system sits on the edge of our Galaxy. What a waist of time and space it would be if earth was the only planet with people on it. I wonder how many solar systems there are in our Galaxy.
As I grew up I heard about many UFO sightings all over the world. The pictures of some UFO's looked real and other pictures looked like a black frizzbee flying across the sky. Some stories sounded true while others did not. One story that I did not buy as being the truth, it went like this: " Three men were driving through the country in the State of Georgia, USA, and they saw a flying saucer flying over the trees coming down for a landing. All three men jumped out of the pick-up and went through the trees to where the spaceship had landed in a grassy meadow. After a few minutes the door opened and three Big Foots came out of the ship and went into the woods in three different directions. The door then closed and the spaceship took off and left ". I read that in a book that was full of Big Foot stories. The first time that I read the story I said to myself that those three men must have drank a lot of " Moonshine ". I am sure that a lot of others would have said that it sounded like a true story to them.
A 2nd story I really liked and I believe it to be more true then the first one. In the State of Kentucky, USA, there is an Air Force Base at Fort Knox. On January 7th, 1948, a large spaceship that was about 300 feet in diameter. it flew over the town of Irvington, KY. and then it flew over the town of Owensburro. Several people saw it and one of them called the Air Force Base and reported what he saw to a Colonel Hix. Colonel Hix called Sgt. Quintin A. Blackwell who was the chief operator in the control tower at Godman Field. Pfc. Stanley Oliver was also on duty at the control tower and he saw a large object southwest of Godman Field that was flying across the sky. They called a Lt. Orner who came to the tower and saw the object. He called a Captain Carter who came to the tower and then Colonel Hix was called to the tower. All five of them were watching this large unknown object fly across the sky. Then it began to climb into the sky. Five planes that were P-51's were approaching the air field for a landing and the flight leader a Lt. Mentell was asked to go after the object and find out what it was. As Lt. Mentell got close to the object at 15,000 feet he called in on the radio and said that he was going the same speed as the object. He said he was right behind it and that it was very big in size. Then the radio became silent and they tried to call him but he would not answer. So they sent another plane after the object. The 2nd plane saw it and then it went behind a cloud and it was no more to be seen and the plane flew back to the base. Later they found out that Lt. Mentell had wrecked his plane and was killed. No one knew why but they all speculated that when the plane got too close to the object it was shot down by the object.
This story sounded more real then the first story. First of all this 300 foot in diameter UFO was seen by several people and one of them called Colonel Hix at the Air Force Base. Five important military people were in the control tower watching the object, and then a plane with the flight leader a Lt. Mentell said on the radio that he was right behind the object and that it was very big in size. I do believe that all of these men told the truth and they saw what they saw.
Does anyone out there still remember the Roswell story in New Mexico in July of 1947 about the flying saucer that crashed landed there and the ship was in bits and pieces. It was then gathered up by military persons and it was taken to the underground military base near Dulce, New mexico. A second flying saucer had crash landed in Mexico but this one was in good shape. The Mexicans loaded it onto a flatbed pulled by a semi and the US Military people went down there and took it away from them at gun point. They took the flying saucer back to the United States and put it into an under ground bunker at Area 51. A man serving time in the Utah Prison for selling drugs to minors, he claims that he use to drive a truck from the Pacific coast to Area 51 and on a holiday weekend the guard at Area 51 showed him the flying saucer in the 1970's. He says that people may say that I lie but I saw it and I touched it. The flying saucer at Area 51 is for real.
Also a third flying saucer crash landed on Long Island in the State of New York. This one was also in bits and pieces. The Military People from the Montauk Air Force base picked up all the pieces and put them into one of their underground basements. There are 7 underground basements at the Montauk Air Force Base. If you could get others to reveal their stories, I believe that you will find governments all over the world know where flying saucers have crash landed but they will tell you that they know nothing.
My research shows that there has been four Alien races that have crash landed in the United States. A friend of mine told me that there has been 82 Alien nations that have crash landed on earth. That may be the the real truth but I am going to talk only about four of them. The first two Space Aliens were known as the Grays, or the Greys. There was two Races of them. A short Alien people that were about 3 or 4 feet tall and a tall Alien people that were 6 or 7 feet tall. The short Grays were very unfriendly and the tall Grays, have worked with our government scientist in the USA since the 1940's. Three of our government scientist who have worked directly with the Grays were Nikola Telsa, Fred A. Kueppers and John Von Newman at Montauk Air Force base. Two books that talks about this can be found on the Inter-Library Loan Program and they are called: " The Montauk Project " and " Montauk Revisited ". Both of these books were written by Preston Nichols. It is believed that both Gray Alien Nations live on the bottom of the Saragasso Sea which is southeast off the coast of the United States. The Grays are a humanoid race of people having a head with two eyes, two slits on their face for a nose and a small mouth. They have a neck, a body with two arms and two legs and their skin is colored a light gray.
I am a Christian and as I did my research I was thinking that maybe the Grays were a bunch of Boloney until I read this statement, then I became a believer. The Grays know about the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and He is against their cause. Therefore when He comes again with His Resurrected Body the Grays are going to raise a large army to destroy Jesus Christ. I thought Wow!! This is some heavy stuff. I do not think the Grays know what will be in store for them. First of all Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He has a Resurrected Body that can not be destroyed. He is the Creator of this earth and the earth obeys His every command. Thirdly the Army of Jesus Christ will be made up of two kinds of people. Those who have Resurrected Bodies and those people who have been Translated. Also there is one other factor, and that is that all the Angels in Heaven can be called upon if they are needed. I know what side I am going to be on, and what about you, what side do you plan to be on ?
The third race of Aliens were known as the " Serians ". This race of Aliens were humanoids also. They came from a solar system that is next to ours and they lived on the 3rd planet from the sun. Their world was just like ours with plants and animals. Then one day one of their 3 moons were destroyed by heavenly objects and all the plants and animal life died and their world became a very cold snowy planet. Many of their people were killed but life goes on because they have learned to live underground. They have one big problem and that is an Alien nation called the Drakos have been battling with them for over 100 years. They want to make slaves out of them but the Serians have better weapons and so over the many years that they have been at war the Serians have been able to defend themselves. Both male and female Serians have crash landed in the USA and they like the Grays made an agreement to help us on our secret projects if we would allow them to live in peace. They are a very friendly and kindly race of Aliens. Fred kueppers became good friends with the Serians and he told his daughter Helga that he has been to their underground city which is about a mile deep in the earth not too far from New York City. He told Helga also that the Serians have also crash landed on our moon and the Planet Mars and life goes on inside of both of those worlds also. Maybe this will explain why Pyramids have been found on the Planet Mars and US Scientist claim that there are structures on our moon that are casting shadows. They also claim that they have seen lights on the dark side of the moon and they do not know why.
The Serians said that the Drackos have not been to our solar system but if they do come the Serians will give us weapons to defend ourselves from them. They said that our present day weapons will not work against the Drakos. The Serians are the opposite to the Grays when it comes to Jesus Christ. They are very impressed with him and they claim that their God is very similar and they wonder if Jesus Christ and their God is the same God. The Serians will fight with Jesus Christ if there was ever a war.
A fourth Alien people who crash landed on USA soil were called " Orions ". They gave themselves a title and they were known as the " Orion Federation ". I could not find very much information on this race of Aliens except they were very friendly and they started their own electronics business in New York City and it was called " The Orion Federation Corp. ". Records were found at Montauk Air Force Base that showed that the scientist had bought electronic equipment from the Alien company in the 1940's and the 1950's. The internet shows that this Alien Company does not exist anymore and I believe the Orions have changed the title to their company in order to hide the facts of who they really are. No one knows where they live on earth but they and the Serians gave us the knowledge and the know hows on how to do time travel. These experiments on time travel took place at the Montauk Air Force Base from 1973 to 1983 and the head scientist was Preston Nichols. He wrote a book called " The Montauk Project " which is a Journal of what took place from 1973 to 1983 and he he swears on his mother's grave that he was there and these experiments did take place. The Orions taught our scientist on how to build the " Delta-T Antenna which is two large 4-sided Pyramids and their bases are welded together. These pyramids are made out of copper and one points towards the sky and the other one points towards the ground. They run on the magnetic north power source just like that of the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. This was used in the time travel experiments and it did work and the scientist were able to open a time tunnel into another time period. In fact they were able to get into several different time periods in both the past and the future.Both the Serians and the Orions helped us to succeed in this project. For a full record of this experiment, read the book " The Montauk Project " written by Preston Nichols.
When you watch the Star Trek Series shows there was an episode to where the spaceship goes into the Delta Area in outer space and they find a world that is populated by a green skinned people called Orions. Now where in the world did the makers of Star Trek come up with this race of Aliens. Also in the movie called " Total Recall " it shows in this movie that Aliens have been living inside the Planet Mars for hundreds of years. Now where did the makers of this movie come up with this Idea. It also showed that the Aliens were really smart and putting their project into use at the end of the movie, the Planet Mars became an air breathing Planet the same as earth.
There are stories of other Aliens who have landed on earth and no one knew who they were. There is a story of the Sutton family who lived in a small town in the State of Kentucky, USA, and everyone knew them. They were a friendly family that did not drink. In 1955 they rented a small farmhouse to spend the night there for a family reunion. One of the teenage boys stepped outside to get some fresh air and he noticed that a strange flying object came from out of the sky and landed in a field over a block away. A minute or two later several 3 foot men wearing dark green uniforms were running across the field towards the farmhouse. The teenager went inside to warn his family and they found about 4 rifles that were 22's, and four boxes of shells. They began to shoot the little men but the bullets would bounce off them. It would knock them down but they would get back up again and keep coming. When they ran out of shells they climbed into their cars and drove to the police station. The police already knew the Sutton Family and they all drove back to the farmhouse. The little green men were gone and so was there their space craft. Most people in this small town believed the Sutton Family story because they were an honest family that was loved by everyone. So what kind of Aliens were these little dark green men ? Your guess is just as good as mine.
Do you have a story that you would like to share about Space Aliens ? Please write it down below. We do not think that you are crazy. Remember that we are all in this together !!