The Medical Properties of Organic Vinegar goes on and on and on, and it has been used for Medical Purposes for hundreds of years. If your Great Grandmother was still around she would bear testimony of how Vinegar has made life way more healthier with less pain. Below is a list of Remedies that Vinegar can provide to anyone who would like to use it as an Organic Supplement. All you need is a teaspoon of Braggs Organic Vinegar put into a glass of water and then you could sweeten it with Honey if you like.
1. One of the main reasons for using Organic Vinegar is that it will lower your Blood Pressure in just 12 hours. Yes you read that right. Organic Vinegar is a natural opener of the arteries and this will provide you with a much better circulation of your Blood. As we all get older our arteries will begin to get smaller and they will start to harden up giving us poor circulation and that can cause us to have a Stroke or a Heart Attach. Organic Vinegar will not only open up your arteries but it will also make them soft and pliable and it will greatly lower your chances of getting a Stroke or a Heart Attach. By taking the Organic Vinegar our Blood will be flowing very freely and that is what we all want.
2. Organic Vinegar is rich in Potassium. This Mineral helps the Heart to beat normally. If the body were to get very low on Potassium then the Heart will quit beating. No matter what you may do to start the heart again, nothing will work if Potassium levels are way too low. It is wise to eat one or two bananas every day because Bananas are very high in Potassium. Believe it or not both Bananas and Organic Vinegar are natural Heart Regulators.
Potassium is also important in helping the body to absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals. Potassium will break down the molecules of both Vitamins and Minerals so that they can be properly digested and they will be naturally distributed throughout the whole body. Vitamin D-3, Vitamin F and Vitamin CO Q-10 will also break down these Vitamins and Minerals so that the body can make good use of them. Caution!!!! Do Not Take Potassium Supplements unless your Doctor directs you to do so. Potassium Supplements will do do you more harm then good. But the natural Potassium that is found in foods, this will not harm you.
3. Organic Vinegar and water will naturally flush out our Kidneys and it will make them function like brand new. It will also flush out our Bladder or clean out any foreign matter so that the Bladder will always work normally. The Vinegar and Water will help to protect the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Bladder, the Intestines and the urinary track from getting any form of Cancer. Wow!! This in it's self is worth it all for drinking Organic Vinegar and water on a regular bases.
4. Organic Vinegar will dissolve any Crystals that are found in our bodies. Think about this! A lot of people have to pass Kidney Stones from time to time and they are very painful. Also Crystals have been surgically removed from Gallbladders. When the body gets low on Calcium, the body will flake small chips off of our bones and what the body cannot digest in the way of Calcium Crystals they will end up in our Kidneys. But there are two ways to help prevent this from happening. 1. Take Calcium Supplements. There are several kinds that you can take through the mouth. Some of the more common Supplements are Dolomite which is Calcium and Magnesium, or you could take Bone Meal tablets, or they have ground up sea shells that are put into capsules or they have other Calcium Supplements at the store and the store manager will help you to pick one out. Some people will pound egg shells into a powder and drink this down in their juices. In our family we drink a lot of milk, and we take Dolomite Tablets and we also take a liquid Calcium Supplement. You could also talk to a Chiropractor. They can tell you as to which of the Calcium Supplements are the best ones. 2. Drink Organic Vinegar and Water on a regular bases. Vinegar will dissolve all the Crystals that are in the human body. In other words you will not have to pass any kidney Stones ever in your life. Gout is caused by Crystals forming on the bottom of our feet and it is painful to walk on them. Well, the Vinegar will dissolve those crystals. My Mother and Dad drank Vinegar and water everyday and they also took Bone Meal Tablets and they never passed any Kidney Stones. My wife and I have taken Vinegar and water and Calcium Supplements for over 30 years and we have never passed any Kidney Stones.
5. Organic Vinegar is great for all kinds of Burns. Vinegar is soothing to a sun burnt area and it will draw the heat out. When you are at a picnic put Yellow Mustard on the burnt area. Both the Mustard Seed and the Vinegar in this product will draw out the heat and help the burn to heal. I read in the book called " Back To Eden " by a Jethro Kloss that White Vinegar and Yogurt is good for 3rd Degree Burns. He also says on page 283 of his book that a clean rag that is soaked into Kerosene is very soothing to all Burns and it will stop the pain and help the Burns to heal. My first choice for 3rd Degree Burns is to use lots of Honey. A Doctor put Honey all over his son who had 3rd Degree Burns and the Burns all healed with no scaring.
6. Organic Vinegar is a Natural Antioxidant. This means that the molecules that are found in the Vinegar will kill off the Free Radicals that are in our bodies and it will also kill off any Cancer Cells that might be in our bodies. I am sure for these reasons alone everyone would want to take Organic Vinegar every day.
7. Organic Vinegar will slow down your Aging Process and it will prevent wrinkles on your face when you get older. I did mention earlier that my mother had taken Vinegar and water for many years and when she died the people at the funeral home said that she had the face of a 40 year old woman and not that of an older lady. There was not a wrinkle on her face.
8. Organic Vinegar will get rid of the Toxic Wastes and it will help to purify the body. The Human body does not have the vital force to remove the Toxin Wastes that are found throughout the whole body. But the Organic Vinegar will break down the molecules of the Toxin Wastes and then it will flush it out of the system. That is why this Vinegar is excellent in flushing out the Kidneys of it's foreign matter and then it will make them run like new again.
9. Organic Vinegar is a natural Germ killer. It will destroy any Germ that it will come in contact with throughout the whole body. A lot of people like to gargle with this Vinegar because not only will it cure a sore throat but it will also kill the Germs and it will loosen up the garbage that is in the throat so that you can spit it out. My favorite sore throat medicine is Hydrogen Peroxide. After I gargle with it I will leave the foam in my throat all night long and by the time that I get out of bed my sore throat is gone. Hydrogen Peroxide will also get rid of those nagging coughs at night.
10. Organic Vinegar plays a big part in controlling the Common Cold and the Flu. The next time you get a Cold or the Flu make your self a Hot-Totty. This is very easy to make and it is pleasant to sip on. Get yourself a cup of hot water and put into it a tablespoon full of Organic Vinegar. Then add a tablespoon full of Honey and stir until the Honey has disappeared. Then add the juice of a half of a lemon. If you need to reheat it then put it into a microwave for 30 seconds. Drink this Hot-Totty 3 or 4 times a day and it will kiss the Cold or the Flu Bug good-by.
11. Put Organic Vinegar on the top of your head and it will keep your head from itching. It will also prevent Baldness and it will get rid of Dandruff.
12. Drinking Organic Vinegar sweetened with Honey or drinking a Hot-Totty that is listed up above this will not only cure a Headache but it will help you to sleep more soundly at night.
13. Drinking Organic Vinegar on a regular bases will keep the blood at the right consistency and it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle for women.
14. Organic Vinegar will relieve Arthritis pains by removing Toxins and Crystals from the joints, the Tissues and the Organs. By drinking Vinegar and water on a regular bases it will give the body soft and healthy skin.
15. Organic Vinegar will control and get rid of Bladder Infections so that you can pee without pain. It will naturally flush out your Kidneys and it will normalize the urine flow.
16. Organic Vinegar will get rid of the bad Cholesterol and it will help to clean out the foreign matter that is found in the blood stream.
By drinking Organic Vinegar on a regular bases you can build yourself a new Blood Stream in just 90 days. Not a sluggish, thick, toxic, saturated Blood Stream but a rich, healthy, red Blood Steam that is rich in Vitamins and Minerals that will produce a long healthy body.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Words Of Wisdom Centered Around A Breed Of Dogs Known As Pit Bulls.
Some people have a Breed of dog called the Pit Bull for a pet. Their main reason for having this Breed of Dog is for protection. But we hear stores often where these harmless Pit Bulls have bit the face of their owners or the face of the children. Also these Dogs are known not to let go after they have bitten the face. These bites on the face can cause severe injury, disfigurement or death. Some owners claim that if you are always kind to any breed of dog the dog will always show respect and love to their owners. But is this statement 100% correct? Some people enjoy having Lions and Tigers for a pet. But those who have been around these animals, they will tell you that these animals are tame when they are young but when they get old they will still have that wildness in them to where they could still attack their owners and do some harm. In other words Tigers are born man eaters and they are very dangerous in the wild. So would it always be for sure that a pet Tiger will never eat it's own master. A grown up Tiger will still be wild and it will still have the instinct to eat a man.
Dogs are born with the instincts to help mankind in their everyday work. Hunting Dogs are born with the instinct to hunt. Pointers are born with the instinct to point. Retrievers are born with the instinct to retrieve. Herding Dogs are born with the instinct to herd. Heelers are born with the instinct to get low and bite the heels. It is really amazing that these traits can be passed on to the new pups and all of these dogs are more then happy to serve all of us.
How many of you people out there know that Pit Bulls are a descendant of the English Dogs and they were bred to bite the face of Bulls, Bears and other wild animals, and they were also bred to put a lock hold on the face with those powerful jaws. Research shows that even those Pit Bulls that have been well cared for have still attacked the owners or others by biting them on the face. Some Pit Bulls will have a stronger instinct to bite more then other dogs and there is no way of telling as to what a Pit Bull will do when it gets angry. There are too many stories out there of people who have died from these dog bites and it's not really the dog's fault. The dog is acting on instinct to attack, bite and hang on. What can we all do to make things better? We need to stop the breeding of Pit Bulls. Because of their instinct to bite the face and do a lot of damage we all need to settle on another breed of dog that we can use for protection and for a companion. Pit Bulls are too much like a Time Bomb that is soon going to go off. No one can fully predict what a Pit Bull will do next even though they have been well bred and how gentle the dog may have been.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Save Hundreds Of Dollars Every Year During The Christmas Holidays.
A lot of people will spend a lot of money on Christmas presents each and every year. They will use up two or three pay checks and will also charge a lot on their Credit Cards. Would you like to turn that statement around and save yourself hundreds of dollars rather then be spending it, Read on and I will tell you how.
Christmas is a time when most stores make their most money. You may see some items on sale but you are still paying a higher price then you would during the rest of the year. Some people are very desperate in buying presents a few days before Christmas. They are the ones who will pay the most money for clothes and toys. But if you do it my way, you will save 80% or more on every Christmas. If you do it my way, you will not only save a lot of money but you will not have to use your credit card at all.
Just about everybody all over the world honor Christmas on December the 25th every year. But it doesn't matter when we honor Christmas. When Christmas comes put one present under the tree for everyone and then enjoy Christmas the same as everyone else. At the end of the year go to all the year end Clarence sales and do most of your Christmas shopping. This will save you 80% or more on your Christmas list. Then have a 2nd Christmas for your family only on January the 25th and open up all of the extra gifts. Two or three things will take place when you have an extra Christmas in January. 1. Your decorated and lit-up tree only happens once a year. If you enjoy your tree as much as I do then you will be able to enjoy your tree for a whole extra month by having a 2nd Christmas in January. 2. There is a peaceful feeling that many of us enjoy during the Christmas holidays and it makes us more friendlier and more giving. We are willing to serve others and bring more smiles to their faces for a much longer period of time. 3. You will have spent way less money by having two Christmas Days in stead of one.
Some people will start next years Christmas by shopping at all the sales throughout the whole year. The only problem that there is, you have to find a good place to hide all your gifts for the whole year. But when you enjoy a 2nd Christmas in January then you will not have to hide the presents for a whole years and kids really love having 2 days of Christmas and not just one. Try it. you will find that I have spoken nothing but the truth.
Christmas is a time when most stores make their most money. You may see some items on sale but you are still paying a higher price then you would during the rest of the year. Some people are very desperate in buying presents a few days before Christmas. They are the ones who will pay the most money for clothes and toys. But if you do it my way, you will save 80% or more on every Christmas. If you do it my way, you will not only save a lot of money but you will not have to use your credit card at all.
Just about everybody all over the world honor Christmas on December the 25th every year. But it doesn't matter when we honor Christmas. When Christmas comes put one present under the tree for everyone and then enjoy Christmas the same as everyone else. At the end of the year go to all the year end Clarence sales and do most of your Christmas shopping. This will save you 80% or more on your Christmas list. Then have a 2nd Christmas for your family only on January the 25th and open up all of the extra gifts. Two or three things will take place when you have an extra Christmas in January. 1. Your decorated and lit-up tree only happens once a year. If you enjoy your tree as much as I do then you will be able to enjoy your tree for a whole extra month by having a 2nd Christmas in January. 2. There is a peaceful feeling that many of us enjoy during the Christmas holidays and it makes us more friendlier and more giving. We are willing to serve others and bring more smiles to their faces for a much longer period of time. 3. You will have spent way less money by having two Christmas Days in stead of one.
Some people will start next years Christmas by shopping at all the sales throughout the whole year. The only problem that there is, you have to find a good place to hide all your gifts for the whole year. But when you enjoy a 2nd Christmas in January then you will not have to hide the presents for a whole years and kids really love having 2 days of Christmas and not just one. Try it. you will find that I have spoken nothing but the truth.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Start Your Own Bank----Your Own Bank Can Pay You 100% Interest.
I received a letter from one of the local Banks that I could receive 1.15% on a savings account that I would open with them. This Bank was bragging that their interest rates were way higher then all the other Banks. This is not true because if you started your own Bank, your Interest on your savings account could be higher then 100%. This may sound like a bunch of Boloney to you but the Idea of starting your own Banking Business is so simple that you will say: " Now why didn't I think of this Idea ". If you remember back several years ago, you could open up a CD with a Bank that would pay 3.5% on 1 or 2 thousand dollars for one year but you could not touch that money during that whole time. A CD for two years would pay 4.0% Interest. For 5 years the Interest Rate would be 4.5%. If you opened a CD with 5 thousand dollars for 5 years the Interest Rate would be 5.5% and a CD for 10 years would pay 7.5%. Back in those days many of us took an advantage of the CD's because they paid a much higher Interest Rate. But in today's world the Banks will pay you very little in the way of Interest on your Savings Account. But we are soon going to change these methods by starting our own Bank and make a way higher Interest Rate than what other Banks pay.
This is how you will start your own Bank. Open up a Savings Account in any Bank, but if one of those Banks will pay a higher Interest Rate on your account then go for it. Each time you get a pay check take 10% of each total pay check, and put this into your savings account. Now remember that at the end of the year your company will give you a W-2 form so that you can pay your Income Tax. Therefore any money that is coming from your pay check and going into a Savings Account it does not have to be Taxed Twice. You only pay Tax on the Interest that the Bank has paid you.
When you have added 12 hundred dollars to your Savings Account, borrow 1000.00 dollars from your own Bank that you have started. This is a Loan that has been taken from your own Bank. You could spend it on anything you needed or if you are Wise you will take that money and open up another Savings Account in another Bank. Now because it is your own Bank you can make your own rules on how to pay your money back. The rule that I make and the Math is very easy to figure out I will take 10% of my pay check and if the amount is give or take 200.00 dollars then my payment on the Loan is 100.00 dollars and I will match it with 100.00 dollars. If my next pay check shows that I could pay 300.00 dollars on my Loan, then I will pay 150.00 dollars and match it with 150.00 dollars. Each time you make a payment you simply subtract it from the balance. For an example, you started off with a Loan for 1000.00 dollars. Your 1st payment was 100.00 dollars. Now your balance is 900.00 dollars. Your 2nd payment was 150.00 dollars. This now brings your balance to 750.00 dollars that is left to pay on your Loan. When your Loan gets paid off and your balance is now at zero, not only will your Loan be paid off but there will be an additional 1000.00 dollars in your Savings Account because you paid 100% Interest on your own Loan. All of the 100% Interest went into your pocket. The Bank did not get any of it. Now you have 2200.00 dollars in your savings and you did not have to pay any Interest to the Bank on the Loan that you took out. Even though your own Bank collected that 100% Interest you will not have to pay tax on any of it because it all came from your pay check which will all be Taxed at the end of the year.
So what is the next step being that we now have 2200.00 dollars in one savings account and also we have 1000.00 dollars in a second Savings Account? Pull out the 2000.00 that is in the 1st Savings Account and put it into your 2nd Savings Account. You now have 3000.00 dollars in that account and you have taken out a 2nd Loan from your own bank. Now you will make the same kind of payments like you did on the 1st Loan paying back to your own Bank the 100% Interest. The regular Bank will get none of this Interest. When the Loan gets paid up you will have over 4200.00 dollars in your Savings Account. In just a few years the money in your Savings Program will be a lot if you continue to take Loans out of your own Bank and then paying it back with your own set of rules into paying off all the Loans. When you have saved up 10,000.00 dollars of more you could take that out as a Loan from your own Bank and invest it into an Investment Company like Edward Jones or you could buy a new car or go on a vacation to another county. You also have a 4th choice. You could pull out of the 1st Savings Account 4000.00 dollars and put that into the 2nd Savings Account. Now you will have 7000.00 dollars in your 2nd account. When you get your Loan all paid up you will have an additional 8000.00 dollars in your 1st account and there still is time to let that account grow some more.
So don't wait until another day, start your own Bank now and watch that money grow real fast. Why settle for a Savings Account that only pays 1.15% when your own Bank will pay you 100% on your next Savings Account. Do not put this off. Start Today!!
Would you like to save 100.00 dollars or more from every pay check and it can go into a Savings Program. Punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to get more money out of your pay check " .
This is how you will start your own Bank. Open up a Savings Account in any Bank, but if one of those Banks will pay a higher Interest Rate on your account then go for it. Each time you get a pay check take 10% of each total pay check, and put this into your savings account. Now remember that at the end of the year your company will give you a W-2 form so that you can pay your Income Tax. Therefore any money that is coming from your pay check and going into a Savings Account it does not have to be Taxed Twice. You only pay Tax on the Interest that the Bank has paid you.
When you have added 12 hundred dollars to your Savings Account, borrow 1000.00 dollars from your own Bank that you have started. This is a Loan that has been taken from your own Bank. You could spend it on anything you needed or if you are Wise you will take that money and open up another Savings Account in another Bank. Now because it is your own Bank you can make your own rules on how to pay your money back. The rule that I make and the Math is very easy to figure out I will take 10% of my pay check and if the amount is give or take 200.00 dollars then my payment on the Loan is 100.00 dollars and I will match it with 100.00 dollars. If my next pay check shows that I could pay 300.00 dollars on my Loan, then I will pay 150.00 dollars and match it with 150.00 dollars. Each time you make a payment you simply subtract it from the balance. For an example, you started off with a Loan for 1000.00 dollars. Your 1st payment was 100.00 dollars. Now your balance is 900.00 dollars. Your 2nd payment was 150.00 dollars. This now brings your balance to 750.00 dollars that is left to pay on your Loan. When your Loan gets paid off and your balance is now at zero, not only will your Loan be paid off but there will be an additional 1000.00 dollars in your Savings Account because you paid 100% Interest on your own Loan. All of the 100% Interest went into your pocket. The Bank did not get any of it. Now you have 2200.00 dollars in your savings and you did not have to pay any Interest to the Bank on the Loan that you took out. Even though your own Bank collected that 100% Interest you will not have to pay tax on any of it because it all came from your pay check which will all be Taxed at the end of the year.
So what is the next step being that we now have 2200.00 dollars in one savings account and also we have 1000.00 dollars in a second Savings Account? Pull out the 2000.00 that is in the 1st Savings Account and put it into your 2nd Savings Account. You now have 3000.00 dollars in that account and you have taken out a 2nd Loan from your own bank. Now you will make the same kind of payments like you did on the 1st Loan paying back to your own Bank the 100% Interest. The regular Bank will get none of this Interest. When the Loan gets paid up you will have over 4200.00 dollars in your Savings Account. In just a few years the money in your Savings Program will be a lot if you continue to take Loans out of your own Bank and then paying it back with your own set of rules into paying off all the Loans. When you have saved up 10,000.00 dollars of more you could take that out as a Loan from your own Bank and invest it into an Investment Company like Edward Jones or you could buy a new car or go on a vacation to another county. You also have a 4th choice. You could pull out of the 1st Savings Account 4000.00 dollars and put that into the 2nd Savings Account. Now you will have 7000.00 dollars in your 2nd account. When you get your Loan all paid up you will have an additional 8000.00 dollars in your 1st account and there still is time to let that account grow some more.
So don't wait until another day, start your own Bank now and watch that money grow real fast. Why settle for a Savings Account that only pays 1.15% when your own Bank will pay you 100% on your next Savings Account. Do not put this off. Start Today!!
Would you like to save 100.00 dollars or more from every pay check and it can go into a Savings Program. Punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to get more money out of your pay check " .
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The Mineral Potassium----It Keeps Our Hearts Beating.
Believe it or not normal levels of Potassium in our bodies is very important. Why? Because the Natural Potassium that is present in our bodies will keep the Heart beating. It is a proven fact that those who are very active in sports, this could be Basketball, Football, Soccer or Running, if the Potassium is very low in the body and the heavy exercise on the body uses up all the remainder of the Potassium, then the heart will quit beating and the person will die. No matter how one may try to revive this person, it will not work because of the lack of Potassium in the body. It is not uncommon for a Runner to run 26 miles and then at the end of the race they will drink a lot of water and then drop dead. Had they eaten a couple of Bananas before the race and also the day before the race then the runner would have been OK.
Bananas is one of the best foods that a coach could give to his players to prevent an accidental death caused by not enough Potassium in the body. Bananas are nature's Vitamin Pill and they are high in Vitamins A,B and C and they are very rich in Potassium and Pectin. The eating of Bananas would prevent any runner from an accidental death. Other heath benefits that comes from eating foods that are high in Potassium are: Potassium will greatly help to lower the Blood Pressure and prevent Stroke. It helps the Muscles and the Nerves to function properly. It helps to maintain Fluid Balance in the body. It helps the body to better absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals that are found in the body. CO-Q10, Vitamin D-3 and Vitamin F will also help the body to absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals. Also the high levels of the natural Potassium will help to prevent Cancer from growing in our bodies. Having a lot of Potassium in our bodies will help to prevent Diarrhea but it is also important to include a lot fiber in our diet.
I have here a list of common foods that have a lot of Potassium. They are as follows: 1. Dried Fruits. 2. Bananas. 3. Tomatoes. 4. Citrus Fruits. 5. Avocados. 6. Potatoes. 7. Peas and Green Beans. 8. Whole Grains. 9. Nuts. 10. Great Northern Beans. 11. Lima Beans. 12. Navy Beans. 13. Kidney Beans. 14. Orange Winter Squash. 15. Apricots. 16. Beets. 17. Broccoli. 18. Brussels Sprouts. 19. Chicken, Goose or Lamb. 20. Cod, Flounder or Salmon. 21. Milk. 22. Peaches. 23. Orange or Pineapple Juice. 24. Molasses. Molasses is 20% higher in Potassium then any other food. It is often taken internally called Molasses and Milk. 25. Organic Vinegar-This is very high in Potassium. Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of Vinegar. Honey could be added to it to sweeten it. Drink this every other day. Vinegar will also lower your Blood Pressure and your aging process and it will prevent winkles on your face when you get older.
There are many Herbs that have traces of Potassium but the following Herbs are very rich in Potassium: 1. Cayenne Pepper. 2. Celery. 3. Caraway Seeds. 4. Alfalfa Leaves. 5. Chaparral Leaves. 6. Dandelion Leaves and the Root. 7. Fennel Seeds. 8. Flax Seed. 9. Garlic. 10. Golden Seal Root. 11. Horseradish Root. 12. Mullen Leaves. 13. Mustard Seed. 14. Peppermint and Spearmint Leaves. 15. Plantain Leaves. 16. Sage Leaves. 17. Shepherd's Purse the whole plant. 18. Valerian Root. 19. Yarrow Flowers. 20. Yucca Root.
By drinking the tea or the brew from the Herbal leaves or roots, you will be taking into your body the natural Potassium that is found in these plants. There are many natural Vitamins and Minerals that are also found in these Herbal teas. In other words these Herbal teas are very healthy to drink. Plus all the herbs up above can be bought in a Health Foods Store if you do not know how to identify them. Plus the Roots of many herbs have been dried, grounded up and put into capsules so that they can be swallowed.
Caution!!!! Do not take Potassium Supplements. This could cause a big unbalance to your body and it could be harmful to your Heart, your Kidneys or your Liver. Potassium Supplements could mess up your body to where it will not properly absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals. Before taking any Potassium Supplements please talk to your Doctor and follow his instructions.
On the other hand when it comes to eating any of the foods that are naturally high in Potassium you can eat all you want with no problems. The body will take out the Potassium as it needs it and the rest of this Mineral the body will properly get rid of it. This Natural Potassium is good for the heart, the Kidneys and the Liver. When some people talk about too much Potassium in our bodies and how harmful it is, this is only possible when we are taking Potassium Supplements. There is no harm that will come to our bodies when we eat the foods that are high in Potassium and we can eat all we want of this food with no problems.
As a general rule all Orange-Colored fruits and vegetables are all rich in Potassium and all dried fruits are also rich in Potassium, but in our house we mainly eat Bananas, Raisins, Dried Fruits and we drink this all down with Molasses and Milk. For more information, punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Molasses and Milk-An old Remedy but still a good Remedy ".
Also punch in on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-An Easy Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure ".
Bananas is one of the best foods that a coach could give to his players to prevent an accidental death caused by not enough Potassium in the body. Bananas are nature's Vitamin Pill and they are high in Vitamins A,B and C and they are very rich in Potassium and Pectin. The eating of Bananas would prevent any runner from an accidental death. Other heath benefits that comes from eating foods that are high in Potassium are: Potassium will greatly help to lower the Blood Pressure and prevent Stroke. It helps the Muscles and the Nerves to function properly. It helps to maintain Fluid Balance in the body. It helps the body to better absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals that are found in the body. CO-Q10, Vitamin D-3 and Vitamin F will also help the body to absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals. Also the high levels of the natural Potassium will help to prevent Cancer from growing in our bodies. Having a lot of Potassium in our bodies will help to prevent Diarrhea but it is also important to include a lot fiber in our diet.
I have here a list of common foods that have a lot of Potassium. They are as follows: 1. Dried Fruits. 2. Bananas. 3. Tomatoes. 4. Citrus Fruits. 5. Avocados. 6. Potatoes. 7. Peas and Green Beans. 8. Whole Grains. 9. Nuts. 10. Great Northern Beans. 11. Lima Beans. 12. Navy Beans. 13. Kidney Beans. 14. Orange Winter Squash. 15. Apricots. 16. Beets. 17. Broccoli. 18. Brussels Sprouts. 19. Chicken, Goose or Lamb. 20. Cod, Flounder or Salmon. 21. Milk. 22. Peaches. 23. Orange or Pineapple Juice. 24. Molasses. Molasses is 20% higher in Potassium then any other food. It is often taken internally called Molasses and Milk. 25. Organic Vinegar-This is very high in Potassium. Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of Vinegar. Honey could be added to it to sweeten it. Drink this every other day. Vinegar will also lower your Blood Pressure and your aging process and it will prevent winkles on your face when you get older.
There are many Herbs that have traces of Potassium but the following Herbs are very rich in Potassium: 1. Cayenne Pepper. 2. Celery. 3. Caraway Seeds. 4. Alfalfa Leaves. 5. Chaparral Leaves. 6. Dandelion Leaves and the Root. 7. Fennel Seeds. 8. Flax Seed. 9. Garlic. 10. Golden Seal Root. 11. Horseradish Root. 12. Mullen Leaves. 13. Mustard Seed. 14. Peppermint and Spearmint Leaves. 15. Plantain Leaves. 16. Sage Leaves. 17. Shepherd's Purse the whole plant. 18. Valerian Root. 19. Yarrow Flowers. 20. Yucca Root.
By drinking the tea or the brew from the Herbal leaves or roots, you will be taking into your body the natural Potassium that is found in these plants. There are many natural Vitamins and Minerals that are also found in these Herbal teas. In other words these Herbal teas are very healthy to drink. Plus all the herbs up above can be bought in a Health Foods Store if you do not know how to identify them. Plus the Roots of many herbs have been dried, grounded up and put into capsules so that they can be swallowed.
Caution!!!! Do not take Potassium Supplements. This could cause a big unbalance to your body and it could be harmful to your Heart, your Kidneys or your Liver. Potassium Supplements could mess up your body to where it will not properly absorb the natural Vitamins and Minerals. Before taking any Potassium Supplements please talk to your Doctor and follow his instructions.
On the other hand when it comes to eating any of the foods that are naturally high in Potassium you can eat all you want with no problems. The body will take out the Potassium as it needs it and the rest of this Mineral the body will properly get rid of it. This Natural Potassium is good for the heart, the Kidneys and the Liver. When some people talk about too much Potassium in our bodies and how harmful it is, this is only possible when we are taking Potassium Supplements. There is no harm that will come to our bodies when we eat the foods that are high in Potassium and we can eat all we want of this food with no problems.
As a general rule all Orange-Colored fruits and vegetables are all rich in Potassium and all dried fruits are also rich in Potassium, but in our house we mainly eat Bananas, Raisins, Dried Fruits and we drink this all down with Molasses and Milk. For more information, punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-Molasses and Milk-An old Remedy but still a good Remedy ".
Also punch in on Google Search " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-An Easy Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure ".
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Uncle Bob's Most Famous Hunting And Fishing Stores.
These stories will be read by my Grandchildren, my Great-Grandchildren and anyone else who may enjoy reading both Hunting and Fishing stories. My Dad was not a fisherman nor did he ever take any of his sons fishing. But he was an excellent Auto Mechanic, a Silent Hero and a Friend to everyone. This first story is about my Dad and why I feel he is a Silent Hero and my Brothers who were way smarter then me.
1. My Dad was a person that would not say no to anyone who needed help and most generally he would help them for free. He would help to put in new cement driveways and sidewalks using his own cement machine and sometimes he would even use his own money to help pay for the cement. He would help people to build their houses or to help in remodeling a house. He would fix other people's cars or service them for free. For people who were poorer then he was or they were elderly people, he would pay for some of the car parts out of his own pocket. Most generally my Dad would not take money for the services that he provided for others but he did bring home TV sets that needed fixing and Dad would fix them and then donate his extra TV's to people who had none.
One day my Dad brought home an Edison Entertainment Center. It had a wire recorder, a phonograph player and a long wave short wave radio. The only problem was that nothing worked on it but because it was made by Thomas Edison my Dad felt it was going to be worth a lot of money someday. One day our family was gone all day long and we did not get home until after dark. My oldest brother Bill was good at taking broken toys apart and fixing them. I don't know how old he was at this time but when we got home Bill had that Edison Center all torn apart and it's parts were sitting all over the living room. My Dad was mad and I mean really mad. He may have even lost his temper and may have knocked Bill on the floor, But Bill was calm and he told his Dad that he could fix the entertainment center. There were a lot of tubes that were replaced and when Bill put it back together, everything worked. The wire recorder, the phonograph player and the radio, they all worked great. On another day my Dad brought home an old player piano that someone did not want any more and a bunch of paper rolls. As far as the piano playing by it's self, it did not work anymore. None of the hammer heads were broken but it was greatly out of tune. Bill told my Dad that tuning the piano was possible and Bill tuned it up in a few hours using common house hold tools. Again there was a time when our family was gone all day long and when we got home after dark Bill had that piano all torn apart and the parts were all over the living room floor. My Dad was again really mad but Bill calmly told him that he could fix the player piano and make it work like new. When Bill put it back together the player piano did work on it's own. You would put the paper roll on which was full of holes and pump the peddles and the piano would play all by it's self. I don't know what ever happened to the player piano or the Edison Entertainment Center but I will have to ask my brothers the next time I see them.
Bill was really smart. In his senior year of high school Bill designed and built a car that would follow a beam of light that was shined in front of it. He said that someday cars would follow a series of lights to get to it's final destination that was programmed for the car to follow. The people would just ride in the cars and the cars would take the people to where ever they wanted to go. This was a science fair project and the judges were so impressed that not only did Bill get first place but he was also allowed to take his project to the State Science Fair. After high school Bill went on to college and received a degree in Physics.
My brother Jim was an Engineer. He knew all about the automatic car washes and he knew how to fix them from A to Z. His company would send him all over the USA to fix the broken down car washes. He was the company's most valuable fix-it man and he was always on demand. My brother Don was also an Engineer with a college degree. He joined the US Army and made a career from it. Don, Jim and Bill were all excellent violin players when they were younger and either my Mother or I would play the piano and they would play a trio on the violin. Why we were a regular Family Orchestra and it sounded really good. Those were the good old days.
Ron was the youngest brother. both he and Bill followed in my Dad's footsteps when it came to fixing cars and helping others with their many projects. Ron was also an Engineer. He knew how to trouble shoot commercial security systems from A to Z. Ron told me that he made so much money on his job that it was never a problem as to where your next dollar was coming from. It was as if every thing was given to you on a silver platter.
2. As kids we were raised up in Ohio USA and we went out West often as a family for vacation. When I was 6 years old we went to the mountains for a Family Reunion during the summer. We were in a Canyon that had a mountain creek running through it. Some people were fishing and they were catching fish and I too wanted to go fishing. So one of my Uncles loaned me a fishing pole and he put on a hook, a weight and a worm. He told me to go have some fun. I was the only one at that time fishing and I was not catching anything. One of my Uncles yelled down to me and told me to throw rocks down the creek and that will scare the fish up the creek and I would catch a fish for sure. So I began throwing the rocks and my Uncles would laugh at me. About two minutes later I caught a 16 inch trout and I pulled it out of the water. Guess what ? My Uncles were no longer laughing at me. That was the very first fish I have ever caught and I have often heard people say that kids are always catching the biggest fish.
3. My brother-in-law, named Chuck, he owned his own boat and he and his wife, my sister moved to Painsville, Ohio. Painsville sits right on the edge of Lake Erie and just about every weekend Chuck would take his boat out onto the Lake to enjoy some boating and fishing. As a way to get in more fishing time and to be with friends who also enjoyed fishing Chuck joined the " Rod and Gun Club " and they would meet on the beach of Lake Erie every weekend right there in Painsville.
Just about every other weekend my four bothers and I were invited to go up to Painsville and do some water skiing or fishing. I was only about 8 or 9 years old. The Rod and Gun Club members would all bring their boats and the members of the club were very friendly and they would treat us children as if we belonged to them. Most of them would leave in the morning to go fishing and they would invite us kids to go with them. Every time that we were a part of the activities we would end up in a different boat. But that was alright because everybody was always kind and they would treat you as if you were their kids.
They would take you out onto Lake Erie about a mile from shore and drop some weights so the boat would not drift. Then they gave us a fishing pole with 3 hooks on it with a minnow on each hook and a small weight. You then let the minnows drop to the bottom of the lake and then crank it up 7 or 8 times so that the hooks were next to the bottom. After about 30 seconds you would feel a tug and when you reeled your line in there was two or three Yellow Perch that were 10 to 12 inches long. They would remove the fish off the hooks and put more bait on the hooks. Then again you would drop your line to the bottom of the lake and pull in three more fish. Everybody was catching fish. When you got hungry they would give you a sandwich and a soda pop or a glass of ice water. Some people would give you cookies and milk or potato chips to eat with your sandwich. Most of the people would put the fish into buckets of water and when the buckets got full then we headed back for the shore and they would clean up the fish and pull all the bones out and put the fish in the cooler.
After all the fish was cleaned up you could go boating with anyone who would have you and they would most generally let you go water skiing or they would stop the boat and everyone would jump off the boat and go swimming. There was also time for volleyball on the sand or play some baseball. If you wanted to do more fishing, someone would take you out in their boat and you could do more fishing. When it came to the end of the day the wives would bread and deep-fry all the fish that was in the cooler and you could eat all the fish that you wanted. Oh, those were wonderful days to be alive and to be among friends.
4. After I got married we were living in the Provo, Utah area and I heard that Deer Creek Lake on the other side of Provo Canyon provided you with some good Yellow Perch fishing. So the very next Saturday we went to Deer Creek Lake for a picnic. We tried a few fishing holes while going through Provo Canyon but the fish was not biting. Deer Creek Lake was altogether a different story. As fast as I could throw my line into the water I would catch a Perch and they were 10 to 14 inches long. I'll bet we caught 80 Perch that day and we filled up two buckets full. When we got home it took us over two hours to clean up all those fish. We had a freezer to put them in and we had all the fish we wanted to eat for the next several meals.
5. After I had moved to Idaho I found out that there was a lake only 5 miles from where I lived and everyone that I talked to told me that the fishing on that lake was excellent. So I tried it and discovered that it was full of large Yellow Perch, Bass and Rainbow Trout. I went there often and I had made friends with a dog that lived at one of the farms next to the lake. Every time that I would go to the lake that dog would know the sound of my truck and he would follow me up to the lake and he would sit with me the whole time that I was up there. This was the only dog that I knew that loved to eat raw fish. All the fish that was too small to take home I would give to the dog and he would eat the bones and all. One day I was fishing on that lake and I caught about 3 Trout, about 12 Perch and a big 6 pound Bass. I was proud of that Bass and I could not wait to get home so that I could show it to others. While I was there one of my friends came up to the lake and asked me how was the fishing. I talked to him for a few minutes then I told him about the Big Bass I had caught and he wanted to see it. I went looking for my stringer and it was gone. I told my friend that there was a fish eating dog and I think he took my fish. My friend left and I went looking for that Dog and I found him. He had eaten all the fish except one Perch. Boy was I mad, and that was another fish story that went down the drain.
6. I asked the Game Warden as to where I could find the biggest Yellow Perch in the state of Idaho and he said Cascade Lake in Western Idaho. So we planned a family vacation to Cascade Lake that very next summer. When we first got to the lake there were a lot of big rocks in the water not too far from the Dam and the kids said they wanted to put on their swimming suits and go swimming. So for an hour or two we jumped off the large rocks and enjoyed the cool water. Later we found a nice campsite on the other side of the lake. On the first evening all we caught was Cat Fish and Squaw Fish but we just let them all go. The next morning I was helping my wife with the breakfast dishes and my children began to yell for me to come and bring my fishing pole. For the next two hours we caught about 30 Yellow Perch that were 14 to 18 inches long. These were the biggest Perch that I have ever seen. They were fat and chunky and they were breaded and deep fried giving us all the fish that we could eat for the next three or four meals. That was a fun vacation and everyone very much enjoyed themselves.
About 2 or 3 years later we again decided to go on a summer vacation to Cascade Lake and like before we again went swimming where the big rocks were sitting. We set up camp in the same area as before and for two days we fished but we caught no fish. We asked the Ranger why we were not catching any fish and he said that in the spring time a farmer dump a big bunch of Cow Poop into the lake and it killed all the fish. We told him that we came from Eastern Idaho to catch fish and asked him for his suggestion. He said not too far from the campground there was a road the followed the Goldfork River and he suggested that we take that road and fish the fishing holes on the river. We took that road and followed the river for about 10 miles and we crossed a bridge. Holy Cow!! There was lots of Rainbow Trout on both sides of the bridge and I stopped the car and said: " There's our Fishing Hole ". We all fished for two hours and we caught about 30 or 40 fish. There was about 8 of us so we had less then our limit. As we were putting our fishing poles back into the Van getting ready to go, an old farmer drove by in his old pick up and he stopped and asked where we were from and how was the fishing. We told him that the fishing was excellent. He responded right back and said: " It should be good fishing. They just planned those fish only yesterday ".
Again that was a fun vacation trip and the kids still talk about it to this very day.
7. Chuck and his family moved to southern Nevada and he enjoyed going boating on Lake Mead. One of his friends told him this story. This friend did many odds and ends jobs to make a living. One of those jobs was to go under water once a week at the Dam of Lake Mead and clean off the screens of the garbage and junk that collected it's self there. He did this job for over 17 years. One day while he was doing his job, a 500 pound Catfish came up from the bottom of the lake and he was just sitting there staring at him. He said that large Catfish scared the willies out of him. He said that Catfish was big enough to swallow him whole and he felt that he was looking into the face of a big monster. He got out of the water as quick as he could and he told his Boss that no large amount of money would ever get him to go down there again.
When I looked at the Internet it showed at least two catfish that was caught and both of them were well over 20 feet. So do you think it might be possible to find a 500 pound Catfish on the bottom of Lake Mead ?
8. My neighbor told me that his brother went ice fishing one year and he made a hole in the ice with a 10 inch in diameter ice drill. The fishing was good that day and he and his friends had caught several fish. Then one of them caught a great big fish. It was so big that they could not get it out of that 10 inch hole. They tried to chip away at the hole to make it bigger but the fish still would not come out. So they cut the line and let the fish go. Another fish story happened to my other neighbor. He and his Dad were fishing from a boat on Bear Lake which is a large body of water that sits in eastern Idaho and Utah. This lake is about 30 miles long and 3 miles wide. They hooked a 36 inch Lake Trout and it took them a half hour to to bring it in. The son told his Dad that he should have the fish mounted because no one would believe this fish story. Today that 36 inch Lake Trout is sitting on the wall of his Dad's house showing proof that a Lake Trout that big was indeed caught at Bear Lake.
9. There is a man in the State of Florida in the USA that runs a Dude Ranch for catching Large Mouth Bass. You could pay a fee and he will take you out onto a lake and he will help you to catch a big Bass. In his house he has mounted all over his walls 321 Large Mouth Bass that he has caught that are 20 to 24 inches and he says that you could catch one that big also. Many people go to his Dude Ranch to relax or spend the night and eat the meals that his wife provides. She is an excellent cook and people keep coming back because of the good tasting food. His Dude Ranch is advertised in many sports magazines, but most people come so they can catch one of the biggest Large Mouth Bass that is worth bragging about.
Speaking of Big Bass I was at a lake catching Bluegills that were salad plate size and they would get on your hook as fast as you would cast your line. I heard a twig snap behind me and I looked and saw a 20 year old man carrying his fishing pole and a tackle box. We just nodded at each other and I went back to my fishing. About 20 minutes later I feel this tap on my shoulder and that same man was standing behind me asking me to take his picture and he gave me his camera. Then he held up a 20 inch Large Mouth Bass. That was the Biggest Bass I have ever seen in my life for real. He caught it not too far from where I was fishing and he used a homemade lure that his Dad had made.
10. I asked my friend if I could fish on his property which sat on one of the local lakes, and after I had been fishing for 20 minutes I suddenly got this big yank and then nothing happened. I slowly reeled in my line but nothing was fighting on the other end and I felt that the fish must have gotten away. As I brought my hook out of the water I noticed that it was covered with moss and I thought to my self that the fish did get away. As I pulled the line out of the water there was a Bluegill on my hook that was as big as a dinner plate. That was not only the biggest Bluegill I have ever caught but it was also the biggest Bluegill I have ever seen. I was really proud of that Big Bluegill and this story got told over and over again.
11. I went to a yard sale and bought a 60 pound Lemon Wood Long Bow for 3 dollars. I bought 12 arrows and I practiced in my backyard until I was a pretty good shot. On the 1st day of the Bow Hunt I went to some woods that was behind my Grandmother's house. About two miles into the woods I came across a natural spring. There was a well marked trail going to the north of the spring and so I followed the trail that went up a hill. About half way up the hill I came to a thick bunch of trees that was growing very thickly together. Just beyond these trees were some tall grass with a big tree growing right in the middle of it. I sat down into the tall grass right next to the tree and waited. It was early in the morning and it was just beginning to get light outside. I waited there for two hours and then I heard some animal that was slowly coming up the hill. The closer it got to me the harder my heart would pound. When it got to the thicket of trees I stood up and hid behind the tree and I put an arrow onto my string and I pulled it back a little bit. Then the animal began to come through the thick trees. My heart was beating like crazy. Then the animal stopped. I could not see it but I waited quietly hoping it was going to be a Big Buck. I'll bet that we both waited there for 5 minutes or more. Then the animal spoke to me. It said Moooo. Boy what a disappointment. It was somebody's cow and not a Big Buck. Why was't it a Big Buck ? Oh well. I guess better luck the next time.
12. There was another time that I had gone on the Rifle Hunt and it was just shortly after daybreak. I found a well marked trail that lead from the hills to a lake and I was maybe only 100 yards from the lake. There was some tall grass where I was standing so I sat down into the grass and I began to wait. I was very sure that a Deer would come down that trail to get themselves a drink of water. After I had waited for an hour I heard something coming down the trail. The closer it got to me the more excited I became and I was thinking that I would see a Deer in a very short time. Suddenly the animal stopped not too far from me and I kelp wondering as to where is that Deer. Why is it that I can not see it? Then the animal began to move again and I waited and I wandered why I could not see an animal. And then through the thick grass the face of a small animal came right up to my face. I will bet that he was't more then 2 or 3 inches from my face and for several seconds we stared in each other's eyes. Then the animal sniffed me. It was a Wild Porcupine and the spikes on it's body went up in the air. I did not move and only seconds later it sniffed me again and then it backed up and it continued down the trail towards the lake. I did not see any Deer that day but I thought it was really great to get that close to a Porcupine in the wild without any problems.
13. Speaking about small wild animals, my wife and I owned a piece of property only about 4 miles from where we lived and we grew a small garden. When the corn was 2 or 3 feet high I felt that it needed a good weeding. So I went out there for most of the day to pull and hoe the weeds. I was down on my hands and knees pulling out the weeds right next to the corn plants and I heard a noise. I looked all around me but I saw nothing. I went back to work and again I heard this noise. I put my head between the corn plants and coming down the corn row that was next to mine was a mother skunk and three of her babies and they were coming in my direction. When they got to where my face was the mother skunk stopped and she looked right at me. She was only one foot away from my face. After about 3 seconds she began to raise her tail. I said a quick prayer and I told God to let the skunk know that I was her friend and that I was not going to harm her. I was glad that God heard me pray because the tail went back down and the mother skunk continued down the corn row followed by its three babies. They went around a corner and they were gone. I thanked the Lord for watching over me and I was glad that I did not sprayed by the mother skunk.
14. There is a place no too many miles from where I live that is called Rocky Peak. It looks like as if God dropped a giant rock on that spot. On the north end the rock slopes down right to the ground and it is very easy to climb upon the rock on that side. One year during the rifle hunt I hiked in to Rocky Peak early in the morning while it was still dark outside and I climbed upon the rock on the north side and I sat down on the rock only 20 feet away from the dirt. After it got light outside I prayed and asked God if He would bless me with a big beautiful deer. A little bit after 8 am I heard someone walking through the leaves on the left side of the rock. I thought it was another hunter walking through those leaves. When it came around the corner I was thinking that I would see another hunter but it was the largest deer I have ever seen. He stopped not more then 20 feet from me. Then he turned his head and looked right into my eyes. He was the most beautiful deer I have ever seen and his antlers were giant in size. In my opinion I was looking at one of Santa's Reindeer like you see in the story books. We looked at each other for about 10 seconds and I had a strong feeling that I was not to shoot this Deer. The Deer trotted off and went down the hill and started climbing up the next hill. I came out of my state of shock and I aimed my gun at the Deer and again I received a strong feeling that I was not to shoot that Deer. The Deer went over the hill and it was gone.
When I told this story to my wife's brothers who were all mighty hunters, they laughed at me and they told me that big Deer could have gotten me a new rifle had I shot him. To them I was crazy. They said that when you find a Deer that big you should kill it and not listen to some stupid voice. To this very day I felt that I had made the right choice. I did pray asking for a big Deer and twice I got a strong feeling that I should not shoot it. But at the same time I thank God for the experience of meeting the most beautiful Deer ever in my whole life.
15. A good friend of mine told me this hunting story. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. He told me he was out on the rifle hunt all by himself and he was in the woods standing by a tree waiting for a Deer to come. A 4 point buck did come by not to far away and he shot at it and the Deer fell onto the ground. He was really excited and he pulled out the tag and tied it to the antlers. Suddenly the Deer jumped up and took off running. The man picked up his gun and ran after the Deer.
At the bottom of a hill 3 Priest that were the best of friends, they all were hunting and they were all riding in a Jeep. Suddenly they saw this 4 point Buck coming down the hill. They stopped the Jeep and one of the Priest shot the deer. They were gutting out the Deer when they saw this man running down the hill screaming that they can't have that Deer. When he caught up to them the 3 Priest told him that they shot the Deer and that was that. My friend pulled the tag out of his pocket and show it to them that the tag on the antlers had the same number. The three Priest were really impressed and the one who shot the Deer spoke up and said: " By golly, if you can run that fast to catch up with a Deer and tag it then I guess that he is yours " and they let him have the Deer.
16. About 6 months after I graduated from High School I joined the missionary force into teaching Indians in Northern California about Jesus Christ. They gave us a flip chart with colored pictures on each page and it went through several Bible stories and then it talked about the birth of Jesus and the miracles the He performed. They gave us a car and we would go way up into the mountains looking for Indian families to teach. One day we followed an old dirt road until we saw a mailbox out in the middle of nowhere. We followed a second road where we found the mailbox and it took us into a box canyon. About two miles up the road we found an old house where a young Indian lady lived with her 4 children. They invited us inside the house and we taught them for 20 minutes. Suddenly the front door came open and her drunken Indian husband came walking into the house and stared at us for two or three secounds. Then he crossed the room and went into the bedroom saying: " I'll teach you not to mess with my woman ". He came back into the living room with a double barrel shot gun and he was putting two shells into the gun. We grabbed our stuff and got out of the house. When we got in side of our car the Indian came out of the house and fired the first shot up in the air and then he aimed the gun right at us. My partner started the car and backed it up about 50 feet before he turned it around and we got out of there in a big hurry. Boy what a close call and we were both shaking in our boots.
17. This story happened to a friend of mine about 30 years ago. His Dad bought him a new Shotgun for Christmas. During the New Years sales that went on in the many stores his Dad bought both a Lazy-Boy chair and a 25 inch colored TV set with a 4 speaker sound system. At the regular price they both cost a lot of money but after the New Years he got both of them for way less money, A few days after his Dad had bought the TV, my friend tried out his new Shotgun by going Pheasant Hunting. He was gone for 2 or 3 hours and he saw a lot of Pheasants but he was not successful in shooting them. He came home tired and sat down on his Dad's chair and turned on the TV. There was a Cowboy and Indian show that he began to watch it and the Indians were winning. This made him upset and without thinking he aimed his Shotgun at the TV to shoot the Indians and he pulled the trigger. The gun was loaded and sparks were flying everywhere. His Dad new TV set was now ready for the junkyard. He sat in that chair for almost an hour feeling really Dumb and he was wondering how he was going to tell his Dad what had really happened. Boy I am sure glad that did not happen to me. I don't think my Dad would have been as nice as his Dad was. He came home and shook his head finding it hard to believe and he never said another word about it. My friend told me that every time they have a family reunion the story is retold about him shooting his Dad's brand new TV set.
18. I have at least one more hunting story to tell but it does not involve guns. At 12 years of age I joined the Boy Scouts of America, and before I was in the group for very long I went on my first camping trip. Except on this camping trip we were all sleeping in beds in a nice warm cabin instead of tents. As a way to break in the newest scout which was me the other scouts took me way out into the woods by a game trail after dark. They gave me a sack and a stick. I was to catch a snipe and bring it back to the cabin. I asked them what was a snipe and they acted like they did not know but when I saw one I would know and as soon as I caught one I could come back to the cabin. Then they all left and I was all by myself there in the woods. What they did not know was I already knew what a snipe was. It was a black bird with a long curved beak and it hangs around with a whole flock of birds. Also a snipe cannot see in the dark so the chances of seeing a snipe come up this game trail it was all a bunch of Boloney to me. I think they were hoping that I would get scared and would come back to the cabin crying. So I decided to go along with their joke so that they would get the worse end of it. I went back to the cabin and I went behind it. I jumped across a creek and went up a hill and sat down. I could see the cabin very clearly and sat there and waited for two hours. It was now about 9:30 pm and the scout leader came back from meeting with the other scoutmasters. He noticed that I was not there and the scouts said that I had gone for a walk. At 10 pm one of the older scouts was some what troubled because I had not yet returned and he told the scoutmaster what they had done. The scout leader took all the scouts outside and told them that they could not go to bed until I was found. After they had all left I went inside the cabin and went to bed. It was pass 2 am in the morning when they came back to the cabin. They woke me up and asked when did I come back. I just simply said that I did not catch any snipes so I came back to the cabin. As long as I was a scout no more of the new scouts were taken out into the woods after dark to go snipe hunting. I think they would have all been mad if they knew that I threw their joke right back into their own faces.
1. My Dad was a person that would not say no to anyone who needed help and most generally he would help them for free. He would help to put in new cement driveways and sidewalks using his own cement machine and sometimes he would even use his own money to help pay for the cement. He would help people to build their houses or to help in remodeling a house. He would fix other people's cars or service them for free. For people who were poorer then he was or they were elderly people, he would pay for some of the car parts out of his own pocket. Most generally my Dad would not take money for the services that he provided for others but he did bring home TV sets that needed fixing and Dad would fix them and then donate his extra TV's to people who had none.
One day my Dad brought home an Edison Entertainment Center. It had a wire recorder, a phonograph player and a long wave short wave radio. The only problem was that nothing worked on it but because it was made by Thomas Edison my Dad felt it was going to be worth a lot of money someday. One day our family was gone all day long and we did not get home until after dark. My oldest brother Bill was good at taking broken toys apart and fixing them. I don't know how old he was at this time but when we got home Bill had that Edison Center all torn apart and it's parts were sitting all over the living room. My Dad was mad and I mean really mad. He may have even lost his temper and may have knocked Bill on the floor, But Bill was calm and he told his Dad that he could fix the entertainment center. There were a lot of tubes that were replaced and when Bill put it back together, everything worked. The wire recorder, the phonograph player and the radio, they all worked great. On another day my Dad brought home an old player piano that someone did not want any more and a bunch of paper rolls. As far as the piano playing by it's self, it did not work anymore. None of the hammer heads were broken but it was greatly out of tune. Bill told my Dad that tuning the piano was possible and Bill tuned it up in a few hours using common house hold tools. Again there was a time when our family was gone all day long and when we got home after dark Bill had that piano all torn apart and the parts were all over the living room floor. My Dad was again really mad but Bill calmly told him that he could fix the player piano and make it work like new. When Bill put it back together the player piano did work on it's own. You would put the paper roll on which was full of holes and pump the peddles and the piano would play all by it's self. I don't know what ever happened to the player piano or the Edison Entertainment Center but I will have to ask my brothers the next time I see them.
Bill was really smart. In his senior year of high school Bill designed and built a car that would follow a beam of light that was shined in front of it. He said that someday cars would follow a series of lights to get to it's final destination that was programmed for the car to follow. The people would just ride in the cars and the cars would take the people to where ever they wanted to go. This was a science fair project and the judges were so impressed that not only did Bill get first place but he was also allowed to take his project to the State Science Fair. After high school Bill went on to college and received a degree in Physics.
My brother Jim was an Engineer. He knew all about the automatic car washes and he knew how to fix them from A to Z. His company would send him all over the USA to fix the broken down car washes. He was the company's most valuable fix-it man and he was always on demand. My brother Don was also an Engineer with a college degree. He joined the US Army and made a career from it. Don, Jim and Bill were all excellent violin players when they were younger and either my Mother or I would play the piano and they would play a trio on the violin. Why we were a regular Family Orchestra and it sounded really good. Those were the good old days.
Ron was the youngest brother. both he and Bill followed in my Dad's footsteps when it came to fixing cars and helping others with their many projects. Ron was also an Engineer. He knew how to trouble shoot commercial security systems from A to Z. Ron told me that he made so much money on his job that it was never a problem as to where your next dollar was coming from. It was as if every thing was given to you on a silver platter.
2. As kids we were raised up in Ohio USA and we went out West often as a family for vacation. When I was 6 years old we went to the mountains for a Family Reunion during the summer. We were in a Canyon that had a mountain creek running through it. Some people were fishing and they were catching fish and I too wanted to go fishing. So one of my Uncles loaned me a fishing pole and he put on a hook, a weight and a worm. He told me to go have some fun. I was the only one at that time fishing and I was not catching anything. One of my Uncles yelled down to me and told me to throw rocks down the creek and that will scare the fish up the creek and I would catch a fish for sure. So I began throwing the rocks and my Uncles would laugh at me. About two minutes later I caught a 16 inch trout and I pulled it out of the water. Guess what ? My Uncles were no longer laughing at me. That was the very first fish I have ever caught and I have often heard people say that kids are always catching the biggest fish.
3. My brother-in-law, named Chuck, he owned his own boat and he and his wife, my sister moved to Painsville, Ohio. Painsville sits right on the edge of Lake Erie and just about every weekend Chuck would take his boat out onto the Lake to enjoy some boating and fishing. As a way to get in more fishing time and to be with friends who also enjoyed fishing Chuck joined the " Rod and Gun Club " and they would meet on the beach of Lake Erie every weekend right there in Painsville.
Just about every other weekend my four bothers and I were invited to go up to Painsville and do some water skiing or fishing. I was only about 8 or 9 years old. The Rod and Gun Club members would all bring their boats and the members of the club were very friendly and they would treat us children as if we belonged to them. Most of them would leave in the morning to go fishing and they would invite us kids to go with them. Every time that we were a part of the activities we would end up in a different boat. But that was alright because everybody was always kind and they would treat you as if you were their kids.
They would take you out onto Lake Erie about a mile from shore and drop some weights so the boat would not drift. Then they gave us a fishing pole with 3 hooks on it with a minnow on each hook and a small weight. You then let the minnows drop to the bottom of the lake and then crank it up 7 or 8 times so that the hooks were next to the bottom. After about 30 seconds you would feel a tug and when you reeled your line in there was two or three Yellow Perch that were 10 to 12 inches long. They would remove the fish off the hooks and put more bait on the hooks. Then again you would drop your line to the bottom of the lake and pull in three more fish. Everybody was catching fish. When you got hungry they would give you a sandwich and a soda pop or a glass of ice water. Some people would give you cookies and milk or potato chips to eat with your sandwich. Most of the people would put the fish into buckets of water and when the buckets got full then we headed back for the shore and they would clean up the fish and pull all the bones out and put the fish in the cooler.
After all the fish was cleaned up you could go boating with anyone who would have you and they would most generally let you go water skiing or they would stop the boat and everyone would jump off the boat and go swimming. There was also time for volleyball on the sand or play some baseball. If you wanted to do more fishing, someone would take you out in their boat and you could do more fishing. When it came to the end of the day the wives would bread and deep-fry all the fish that was in the cooler and you could eat all the fish that you wanted. Oh, those were wonderful days to be alive and to be among friends.
4. After I got married we were living in the Provo, Utah area and I heard that Deer Creek Lake on the other side of Provo Canyon provided you with some good Yellow Perch fishing. So the very next Saturday we went to Deer Creek Lake for a picnic. We tried a few fishing holes while going through Provo Canyon but the fish was not biting. Deer Creek Lake was altogether a different story. As fast as I could throw my line into the water I would catch a Perch and they were 10 to 14 inches long. I'll bet we caught 80 Perch that day and we filled up two buckets full. When we got home it took us over two hours to clean up all those fish. We had a freezer to put them in and we had all the fish we wanted to eat for the next several meals.
5. After I had moved to Idaho I found out that there was a lake only 5 miles from where I lived and everyone that I talked to told me that the fishing on that lake was excellent. So I tried it and discovered that it was full of large Yellow Perch, Bass and Rainbow Trout. I went there often and I had made friends with a dog that lived at one of the farms next to the lake. Every time that I would go to the lake that dog would know the sound of my truck and he would follow me up to the lake and he would sit with me the whole time that I was up there. This was the only dog that I knew that loved to eat raw fish. All the fish that was too small to take home I would give to the dog and he would eat the bones and all. One day I was fishing on that lake and I caught about 3 Trout, about 12 Perch and a big 6 pound Bass. I was proud of that Bass and I could not wait to get home so that I could show it to others. While I was there one of my friends came up to the lake and asked me how was the fishing. I talked to him for a few minutes then I told him about the Big Bass I had caught and he wanted to see it. I went looking for my stringer and it was gone. I told my friend that there was a fish eating dog and I think he took my fish. My friend left and I went looking for that Dog and I found him. He had eaten all the fish except one Perch. Boy was I mad, and that was another fish story that went down the drain.
6. I asked the Game Warden as to where I could find the biggest Yellow Perch in the state of Idaho and he said Cascade Lake in Western Idaho. So we planned a family vacation to Cascade Lake that very next summer. When we first got to the lake there were a lot of big rocks in the water not too far from the Dam and the kids said they wanted to put on their swimming suits and go swimming. So for an hour or two we jumped off the large rocks and enjoyed the cool water. Later we found a nice campsite on the other side of the lake. On the first evening all we caught was Cat Fish and Squaw Fish but we just let them all go. The next morning I was helping my wife with the breakfast dishes and my children began to yell for me to come and bring my fishing pole. For the next two hours we caught about 30 Yellow Perch that were 14 to 18 inches long. These were the biggest Perch that I have ever seen. They were fat and chunky and they were breaded and deep fried giving us all the fish that we could eat for the next three or four meals. That was a fun vacation and everyone very much enjoyed themselves.
About 2 or 3 years later we again decided to go on a summer vacation to Cascade Lake and like before we again went swimming where the big rocks were sitting. We set up camp in the same area as before and for two days we fished but we caught no fish. We asked the Ranger why we were not catching any fish and he said that in the spring time a farmer dump a big bunch of Cow Poop into the lake and it killed all the fish. We told him that we came from Eastern Idaho to catch fish and asked him for his suggestion. He said not too far from the campground there was a road the followed the Goldfork River and he suggested that we take that road and fish the fishing holes on the river. We took that road and followed the river for about 10 miles and we crossed a bridge. Holy Cow!! There was lots of Rainbow Trout on both sides of the bridge and I stopped the car and said: " There's our Fishing Hole ". We all fished for two hours and we caught about 30 or 40 fish. There was about 8 of us so we had less then our limit. As we were putting our fishing poles back into the Van getting ready to go, an old farmer drove by in his old pick up and he stopped and asked where we were from and how was the fishing. We told him that the fishing was excellent. He responded right back and said: " It should be good fishing. They just planned those fish only yesterday ".
Again that was a fun vacation trip and the kids still talk about it to this very day.
7. Chuck and his family moved to southern Nevada and he enjoyed going boating on Lake Mead. One of his friends told him this story. This friend did many odds and ends jobs to make a living. One of those jobs was to go under water once a week at the Dam of Lake Mead and clean off the screens of the garbage and junk that collected it's self there. He did this job for over 17 years. One day while he was doing his job, a 500 pound Catfish came up from the bottom of the lake and he was just sitting there staring at him. He said that large Catfish scared the willies out of him. He said that Catfish was big enough to swallow him whole and he felt that he was looking into the face of a big monster. He got out of the water as quick as he could and he told his Boss that no large amount of money would ever get him to go down there again.
When I looked at the Internet it showed at least two catfish that was caught and both of them were well over 20 feet. So do you think it might be possible to find a 500 pound Catfish on the bottom of Lake Mead ?
8. My neighbor told me that his brother went ice fishing one year and he made a hole in the ice with a 10 inch in diameter ice drill. The fishing was good that day and he and his friends had caught several fish. Then one of them caught a great big fish. It was so big that they could not get it out of that 10 inch hole. They tried to chip away at the hole to make it bigger but the fish still would not come out. So they cut the line and let the fish go. Another fish story happened to my other neighbor. He and his Dad were fishing from a boat on Bear Lake which is a large body of water that sits in eastern Idaho and Utah. This lake is about 30 miles long and 3 miles wide. They hooked a 36 inch Lake Trout and it took them a half hour to to bring it in. The son told his Dad that he should have the fish mounted because no one would believe this fish story. Today that 36 inch Lake Trout is sitting on the wall of his Dad's house showing proof that a Lake Trout that big was indeed caught at Bear Lake.
9. There is a man in the State of Florida in the USA that runs a Dude Ranch for catching Large Mouth Bass. You could pay a fee and he will take you out onto a lake and he will help you to catch a big Bass. In his house he has mounted all over his walls 321 Large Mouth Bass that he has caught that are 20 to 24 inches and he says that you could catch one that big also. Many people go to his Dude Ranch to relax or spend the night and eat the meals that his wife provides. She is an excellent cook and people keep coming back because of the good tasting food. His Dude Ranch is advertised in many sports magazines, but most people come so they can catch one of the biggest Large Mouth Bass that is worth bragging about.
Speaking of Big Bass I was at a lake catching Bluegills that were salad plate size and they would get on your hook as fast as you would cast your line. I heard a twig snap behind me and I looked and saw a 20 year old man carrying his fishing pole and a tackle box. We just nodded at each other and I went back to my fishing. About 20 minutes later I feel this tap on my shoulder and that same man was standing behind me asking me to take his picture and he gave me his camera. Then he held up a 20 inch Large Mouth Bass. That was the Biggest Bass I have ever seen in my life for real. He caught it not too far from where I was fishing and he used a homemade lure that his Dad had made.
10. I asked my friend if I could fish on his property which sat on one of the local lakes, and after I had been fishing for 20 minutes I suddenly got this big yank and then nothing happened. I slowly reeled in my line but nothing was fighting on the other end and I felt that the fish must have gotten away. As I brought my hook out of the water I noticed that it was covered with moss and I thought to my self that the fish did get away. As I pulled the line out of the water there was a Bluegill on my hook that was as big as a dinner plate. That was not only the biggest Bluegill I have ever caught but it was also the biggest Bluegill I have ever seen. I was really proud of that Big Bluegill and this story got told over and over again.
11. I went to a yard sale and bought a 60 pound Lemon Wood Long Bow for 3 dollars. I bought 12 arrows and I practiced in my backyard until I was a pretty good shot. On the 1st day of the Bow Hunt I went to some woods that was behind my Grandmother's house. About two miles into the woods I came across a natural spring. There was a well marked trail going to the north of the spring and so I followed the trail that went up a hill. About half way up the hill I came to a thick bunch of trees that was growing very thickly together. Just beyond these trees were some tall grass with a big tree growing right in the middle of it. I sat down into the tall grass right next to the tree and waited. It was early in the morning and it was just beginning to get light outside. I waited there for two hours and then I heard some animal that was slowly coming up the hill. The closer it got to me the harder my heart would pound. When it got to the thicket of trees I stood up and hid behind the tree and I put an arrow onto my string and I pulled it back a little bit. Then the animal began to come through the thick trees. My heart was beating like crazy. Then the animal stopped. I could not see it but I waited quietly hoping it was going to be a Big Buck. I'll bet that we both waited there for 5 minutes or more. Then the animal spoke to me. It said Moooo. Boy what a disappointment. It was somebody's cow and not a Big Buck. Why was't it a Big Buck ? Oh well. I guess better luck the next time.
12. There was another time that I had gone on the Rifle Hunt and it was just shortly after daybreak. I found a well marked trail that lead from the hills to a lake and I was maybe only 100 yards from the lake. There was some tall grass where I was standing so I sat down into the grass and I began to wait. I was very sure that a Deer would come down that trail to get themselves a drink of water. After I had waited for an hour I heard something coming down the trail. The closer it got to me the more excited I became and I was thinking that I would see a Deer in a very short time. Suddenly the animal stopped not too far from me and I kelp wondering as to where is that Deer. Why is it that I can not see it? Then the animal began to move again and I waited and I wandered why I could not see an animal. And then through the thick grass the face of a small animal came right up to my face. I will bet that he was't more then 2 or 3 inches from my face and for several seconds we stared in each other's eyes. Then the animal sniffed me. It was a Wild Porcupine and the spikes on it's body went up in the air. I did not move and only seconds later it sniffed me again and then it backed up and it continued down the trail towards the lake. I did not see any Deer that day but I thought it was really great to get that close to a Porcupine in the wild without any problems.
13. Speaking about small wild animals, my wife and I owned a piece of property only about 4 miles from where we lived and we grew a small garden. When the corn was 2 or 3 feet high I felt that it needed a good weeding. So I went out there for most of the day to pull and hoe the weeds. I was down on my hands and knees pulling out the weeds right next to the corn plants and I heard a noise. I looked all around me but I saw nothing. I went back to work and again I heard this noise. I put my head between the corn plants and coming down the corn row that was next to mine was a mother skunk and three of her babies and they were coming in my direction. When they got to where my face was the mother skunk stopped and she looked right at me. She was only one foot away from my face. After about 3 seconds she began to raise her tail. I said a quick prayer and I told God to let the skunk know that I was her friend and that I was not going to harm her. I was glad that God heard me pray because the tail went back down and the mother skunk continued down the corn row followed by its three babies. They went around a corner and they were gone. I thanked the Lord for watching over me and I was glad that I did not sprayed by the mother skunk.
14. There is a place no too many miles from where I live that is called Rocky Peak. It looks like as if God dropped a giant rock on that spot. On the north end the rock slopes down right to the ground and it is very easy to climb upon the rock on that side. One year during the rifle hunt I hiked in to Rocky Peak early in the morning while it was still dark outside and I climbed upon the rock on the north side and I sat down on the rock only 20 feet away from the dirt. After it got light outside I prayed and asked God if He would bless me with a big beautiful deer. A little bit after 8 am I heard someone walking through the leaves on the left side of the rock. I thought it was another hunter walking through those leaves. When it came around the corner I was thinking that I would see another hunter but it was the largest deer I have ever seen. He stopped not more then 20 feet from me. Then he turned his head and looked right into my eyes. He was the most beautiful deer I have ever seen and his antlers were giant in size. In my opinion I was looking at one of Santa's Reindeer like you see in the story books. We looked at each other for about 10 seconds and I had a strong feeling that I was not to shoot this Deer. The Deer trotted off and went down the hill and started climbing up the next hill. I came out of my state of shock and I aimed my gun at the Deer and again I received a strong feeling that I was not to shoot that Deer. The Deer went over the hill and it was gone.
When I told this story to my wife's brothers who were all mighty hunters, they laughed at me and they told me that big Deer could have gotten me a new rifle had I shot him. To them I was crazy. They said that when you find a Deer that big you should kill it and not listen to some stupid voice. To this very day I felt that I had made the right choice. I did pray asking for a big Deer and twice I got a strong feeling that I should not shoot it. But at the same time I thank God for the experience of meeting the most beautiful Deer ever in my whole life.
15. A good friend of mine told me this hunting story. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. He told me he was out on the rifle hunt all by himself and he was in the woods standing by a tree waiting for a Deer to come. A 4 point buck did come by not to far away and he shot at it and the Deer fell onto the ground. He was really excited and he pulled out the tag and tied it to the antlers. Suddenly the Deer jumped up and took off running. The man picked up his gun and ran after the Deer.
At the bottom of a hill 3 Priest that were the best of friends, they all were hunting and they were all riding in a Jeep. Suddenly they saw this 4 point Buck coming down the hill. They stopped the Jeep and one of the Priest shot the deer. They were gutting out the Deer when they saw this man running down the hill screaming that they can't have that Deer. When he caught up to them the 3 Priest told him that they shot the Deer and that was that. My friend pulled the tag out of his pocket and show it to them that the tag on the antlers had the same number. The three Priest were really impressed and the one who shot the Deer spoke up and said: " By golly, if you can run that fast to catch up with a Deer and tag it then I guess that he is yours " and they let him have the Deer.
16. About 6 months after I graduated from High School I joined the missionary force into teaching Indians in Northern California about Jesus Christ. They gave us a flip chart with colored pictures on each page and it went through several Bible stories and then it talked about the birth of Jesus and the miracles the He performed. They gave us a car and we would go way up into the mountains looking for Indian families to teach. One day we followed an old dirt road until we saw a mailbox out in the middle of nowhere. We followed a second road where we found the mailbox and it took us into a box canyon. About two miles up the road we found an old house where a young Indian lady lived with her 4 children. They invited us inside the house and we taught them for 20 minutes. Suddenly the front door came open and her drunken Indian husband came walking into the house and stared at us for two or three secounds. Then he crossed the room and went into the bedroom saying: " I'll teach you not to mess with my woman ". He came back into the living room with a double barrel shot gun and he was putting two shells into the gun. We grabbed our stuff and got out of the house. When we got in side of our car the Indian came out of the house and fired the first shot up in the air and then he aimed the gun right at us. My partner started the car and backed it up about 50 feet before he turned it around and we got out of there in a big hurry. Boy what a close call and we were both shaking in our boots.
17. This story happened to a friend of mine about 30 years ago. His Dad bought him a new Shotgun for Christmas. During the New Years sales that went on in the many stores his Dad bought both a Lazy-Boy chair and a 25 inch colored TV set with a 4 speaker sound system. At the regular price they both cost a lot of money but after the New Years he got both of them for way less money, A few days after his Dad had bought the TV, my friend tried out his new Shotgun by going Pheasant Hunting. He was gone for 2 or 3 hours and he saw a lot of Pheasants but he was not successful in shooting them. He came home tired and sat down on his Dad's chair and turned on the TV. There was a Cowboy and Indian show that he began to watch it and the Indians were winning. This made him upset and without thinking he aimed his Shotgun at the TV to shoot the Indians and he pulled the trigger. The gun was loaded and sparks were flying everywhere. His Dad new TV set was now ready for the junkyard. He sat in that chair for almost an hour feeling really Dumb and he was wondering how he was going to tell his Dad what had really happened. Boy I am sure glad that did not happen to me. I don't think my Dad would have been as nice as his Dad was. He came home and shook his head finding it hard to believe and he never said another word about it. My friend told me that every time they have a family reunion the story is retold about him shooting his Dad's brand new TV set.
18. I have at least one more hunting story to tell but it does not involve guns. At 12 years of age I joined the Boy Scouts of America, and before I was in the group for very long I went on my first camping trip. Except on this camping trip we were all sleeping in beds in a nice warm cabin instead of tents. As a way to break in the newest scout which was me the other scouts took me way out into the woods by a game trail after dark. They gave me a sack and a stick. I was to catch a snipe and bring it back to the cabin. I asked them what was a snipe and they acted like they did not know but when I saw one I would know and as soon as I caught one I could come back to the cabin. Then they all left and I was all by myself there in the woods. What they did not know was I already knew what a snipe was. It was a black bird with a long curved beak and it hangs around with a whole flock of birds. Also a snipe cannot see in the dark so the chances of seeing a snipe come up this game trail it was all a bunch of Boloney to me. I think they were hoping that I would get scared and would come back to the cabin crying. So I decided to go along with their joke so that they would get the worse end of it. I went back to the cabin and I went behind it. I jumped across a creek and went up a hill and sat down. I could see the cabin very clearly and sat there and waited for two hours. It was now about 9:30 pm and the scout leader came back from meeting with the other scoutmasters. He noticed that I was not there and the scouts said that I had gone for a walk. At 10 pm one of the older scouts was some what troubled because I had not yet returned and he told the scoutmaster what they had done. The scout leader took all the scouts outside and told them that they could not go to bed until I was found. After they had all left I went inside the cabin and went to bed. It was pass 2 am in the morning when they came back to the cabin. They woke me up and asked when did I come back. I just simply said that I did not catch any snipes so I came back to the cabin. As long as I was a scout no more of the new scouts were taken out into the woods after dark to go snipe hunting. I think they would have all been mad if they knew that I threw their joke right back into their own faces.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Health Benefits From Eating Honey----A Liquid Gold From The Gods.
Honey is basically a substitute for white sugar and it is used as a natural sweetener. Bees collect Nectar from flowers and make this into a food called Honey to feed the Queen and all the workers in the beehive. But the Bees will always make more Honey then what they can use and a Beekeeper will make a living on the extra Honey that is made.
What a lot of people do not know is that Honey is a Super Food not only for Bees but for people also. It was created for man by the Gods. In the scriptures God would lead the good people to a choice land that was " Flowing with Milk and Honey " and what did John the Baptist eat while he was living in the wilderness? The Lord provided him with Locust and Honey. Honey is really a Liquid Gold that comes from the Gods and believe it or not Honey has a lot of Medical Properties that is worth more then it's weight in Gold. These Medical Properties are as follows:
1. Honey Is Great For Colds And A Sore Throat.
To overcome a Cold, make a " Hot Tottie ". The directions is very simple. Fill up a glass with Hot water and add a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of Honey. Then add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Stir this well until the Honey is mixed in, then slowly drink this mixture. Two or three of these Hot Totties will kiss a Cold good-by. If you have a Sore Throat then you could gargle with this Hot Tottie before you swallow it. If you would like to double the method of curing a Sore Throat then gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide before going to bed and leave the foam in your throat all night long. Do not rinse your mouth out with water. Most generally the Sore throat will be gone by morning. Spit out the Hydrogen Peroxide when you are done gargling.
2. We All Get Coughs From Time To Time.
And we would like to take something that will stop that cough. Swallowing a teaspoon of Honey will help to stop a cough. Children love this method because it is sweet. If one teaspoon of Honey fails to stop a cough then try a second teaspoon full. For a nagging cough I will gargle with the Hydrogen Peroxide and again I will leave the form in my throat all night long. I am able to get more sleep at night using this method. Try the Honey first and then if you are not happy with it you could try the Hydrogen Peroxide.
3. Keep A Small Honey Bear On Your Kitchen Shelf At All Times.
You can snip off the end of the Honey Bear lid so that the Honey can flow out in droplets. This is very soothing for all kinds of wounds and sores. Wash the wound first with soap and water and then put a drop or two of the Honey onto the wound followed by a bandage. Honey is a natural Germ fighter and it will help to keep the wound clean as well as to make it heal up much faster. It is wise to put a Honey Bear into your First-Aid Kit also for Wounds and Burns.
4. Honey Is Very Soothing To All Burns.
Honey will draw the Heat out from any Burn and it is also good for both 2nd and 3rd degree Burns. A second degree Burn will blister up and a third degree Burn is when the flesh is burnt real bad. On these kinds of Burns you need to see a Doctor as soon as possible.
A mid-western Doctor from the USA was on vacation and his son had 3rd degree Burns. A lot of Honey was available. This Doctor applied the Honey in large amounts to the 3rd degree Burns and when the Burns healed there was no red scars. When the Doctor returned to work he made sure that the hospital had plenty of Honey to be used on those who had Burns.
For minor Burns and sunburns put Yellow Mustard onto it. You will not have that prickly feeling on the back of your neck when you sleep at night with the Mustard on it. The juice from the Aloe Vera Plant is also soothing to minor Burns and so is Apple Cider Vinegar or Vitamin E Oil. Then of course you can always put Honey on a Sunburn.
5. Do You Have Bed Wetters In Your Family ?
Some Adults have this problem also. Before a child goes to bed give then a teaspoon of Honey. This will greatly strengthen the Bladder. Better then this and you will double the effect, give the child or Adults four or more fluid ounces of pure Cranberry Juice with a teaspoon of Honey mixed in it. This combination will give the child a dry night. But also remember that no milk is to be drank after 4pm and no water can be drank after 6pm. For Adults with a bed wetting problem no beer after 6pm. But it is OK to drink pure Cranberry Juice after 6pm mixed with Honey.
One lady claimed that regular Honey did not help her but when she used Honey that was made from Orange Blossoms, It gave her the help that she needed. I believe Honey made from Blueberry or Blackberry flowers will also give you good results. Also Honey that is made from any of the fruit tree blossoms, this would work very effectively.
6. Do You Have An Asthma Or A Hay Fever Problem ?
Buy some Honey from a local Beekeeper. This is Honey coming from the local flowers that are growing in your area. When spring is coming and the leaves are growing on the trees, start taking a teaspoon of this Honey every morning. This will help to control Hay Fever, and it will help you also when Pollen is all over in the air. I have had many people tell me that taking this local Honey once or twice a day does really control Asthma and Hay Fever. Try it!! It is much better then having a runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing all day. You will be joyfully singing " Oh What A Relieve It Is ! ".
7. Honey Will Destroy The Dangerous Free Radicals In Our Bodies.
We need all the protection we can get when some foods we take will kill off the Free Radicals. Any Garden Grown vegetable that is eaten fresh or any Fresh Fruit and whole grains will kill off the Dangerous Free Radicals. Always remember to eat the colors of the Rainbow in the way of fruits and vegetables everyday. This will give you the protection that you need each day. Canned vegetables and fruits that is eaten will not kill off Free Radicals.
8. Honey Is Rich In Anti-Oxidants.
And because it is an All-Natural Sweetener, it will help to bring balance to our bodies. This means it will prevent Cancer Cells from growing in our bodies. Believe it or not, the white flour and white sugar that we all eat, this will NOT bring a balance to our bodies and they both will allow Cancer cells to grow. I am not saying that these two will cause Cancer but they will not stop Cancer from growing like the Honey does. Honey will stop Cancer or it will make it go Dormant and we all need this kind of protection.
9. Honey Is A Natural Form Of Energy.
Honey is good for all Athletes and people who do a lot of hard work all day long. It provides strength throughout the whole body.
10. Honey is good for wounds that went unhealed for a long period of time. Honey that is put onto that wound will make it heal.
11. Hospitals from all over the world are using Honey for hundreds of cases and the success rate is excellent. It is used for Surgical Wounds, Bed Sores, Ulcers, Abrasions, All kinds of Wounds and it is great on all Burns.
12. Using Honey On Wounds And Burns Will Prevent Scaring.
It reduces the swelling and it even encourages the skin to regrow on it's own. It does not irritate your Body Tissues and it is painless to apply or to remove it.
13. Honey Is A Natural Antiseptic.
It will say Good-By to all Bacteria and Germs that it comes in contact with. Believe it or not Honey produces it's own Hydrogen Peroxide and it slowly releases it into the wound and that is why all wounds will heal up much faster. It is spelling Doom to Bacteria and Germs for several hours. Eating the Honey will also kill Bacteria on the insides of our bodies. Eating Honey on a piece of bread will make the Honey last longer in our systems.
Wow! This is something we can eat that taste sweet and it will kill all kinds of Bacteria, Germs and most forms of Cancer. This in it's self will make you want to eat more Honey and you will leave the White Sugar completely alone. Honey is even killing Bacteria when powerful Antibiotics can't seem to handle it.
14. Some Honeys Are More Potent Healers Then Others Are.
One source says that the darker the Honey is the more effective are the Medical Properties. Most of the Honey that is sold in stores is called White Cover Honey. This is used for all your cooking needs and it does have all the Medical Properties. But the Honey that is made from Blueberries, Blackberries, Sorghum and Buckwheat, this is a much darker Honey. Most generally the Honey that comes from fruit flowers like Oranges, Apples, Apricots, Peaches, Grapes and Cherries, this Honey is much stronger in Medical Properties then that of other Honeys but they are not a dark Honey.
There is a famous Honey that comes from New Zealand. This Honey is made from the flowers on the Manuka Bush and it is called " Manuka Honey ". It is well known all over the world for it's Potent Medical Properties. It can be bought at most health food stores but the price is generally 50 Dollars or more per pound. You can also order it on the Internet. Just punch in " Manuka Honey ".
Also there is a Honey that comes from Ghana, South Africa that is as dark as Molasses but I have no idea as to how much this Honey cost nor do I know as to where you can buy this dark Honey. I do know that some people in Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA are trying to buy this dark Honey from several sources in Ghana but it is not yet sold on the market.
Also many Honey companies sell a Wild Flower Honey that is very dark in color. At least it is much darker the regular clover Honey. This Honey cost about 20 Dollars or more for five pounds and Buckwheat Honey cost about the same.
If you are a Diabetic, talk to your Doctor before you eat any Honey. Some Diabetics can eat Honey while others can not. Also go see a Doctor or go to a Hospital if a wound looks really bad. It is OK to cover a wound with Honey before seeing a Doctor. The Doctor will wipe the wound clean, disinfect it and then dress it up with a Bandage.
But to everyone else Honey is a Super Food in many ways and as the Title up above says:
" It Is A Liquid Gold Sent To Us From The Gods ".
What a lot of people do not know is that Honey is a Super Food not only for Bees but for people also. It was created for man by the Gods. In the scriptures God would lead the good people to a choice land that was " Flowing with Milk and Honey " and what did John the Baptist eat while he was living in the wilderness? The Lord provided him with Locust and Honey. Honey is really a Liquid Gold that comes from the Gods and believe it or not Honey has a lot of Medical Properties that is worth more then it's weight in Gold. These Medical Properties are as follows:
1. Honey Is Great For Colds And A Sore Throat.
To overcome a Cold, make a " Hot Tottie ". The directions is very simple. Fill up a glass with Hot water and add a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of Honey. Then add the juice from a half of a Lemon. Stir this well until the Honey is mixed in, then slowly drink this mixture. Two or three of these Hot Totties will kiss a Cold good-by. If you have a Sore Throat then you could gargle with this Hot Tottie before you swallow it. If you would like to double the method of curing a Sore Throat then gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide before going to bed and leave the foam in your throat all night long. Do not rinse your mouth out with water. Most generally the Sore throat will be gone by morning. Spit out the Hydrogen Peroxide when you are done gargling.
2. We All Get Coughs From Time To Time.
And we would like to take something that will stop that cough. Swallowing a teaspoon of Honey will help to stop a cough. Children love this method because it is sweet. If one teaspoon of Honey fails to stop a cough then try a second teaspoon full. For a nagging cough I will gargle with the Hydrogen Peroxide and again I will leave the form in my throat all night long. I am able to get more sleep at night using this method. Try the Honey first and then if you are not happy with it you could try the Hydrogen Peroxide.
3. Keep A Small Honey Bear On Your Kitchen Shelf At All Times.
You can snip off the end of the Honey Bear lid so that the Honey can flow out in droplets. This is very soothing for all kinds of wounds and sores. Wash the wound first with soap and water and then put a drop or two of the Honey onto the wound followed by a bandage. Honey is a natural Germ fighter and it will help to keep the wound clean as well as to make it heal up much faster. It is wise to put a Honey Bear into your First-Aid Kit also for Wounds and Burns.
4. Honey Is Very Soothing To All Burns.
Honey will draw the Heat out from any Burn and it is also good for both 2nd and 3rd degree Burns. A second degree Burn will blister up and a third degree Burn is when the flesh is burnt real bad. On these kinds of Burns you need to see a Doctor as soon as possible.
A mid-western Doctor from the USA was on vacation and his son had 3rd degree Burns. A lot of Honey was available. This Doctor applied the Honey in large amounts to the 3rd degree Burns and when the Burns healed there was no red scars. When the Doctor returned to work he made sure that the hospital had plenty of Honey to be used on those who had Burns.
For minor Burns and sunburns put Yellow Mustard onto it. You will not have that prickly feeling on the back of your neck when you sleep at night with the Mustard on it. The juice from the Aloe Vera Plant is also soothing to minor Burns and so is Apple Cider Vinegar or Vitamin E Oil. Then of course you can always put Honey on a Sunburn.
5. Do You Have Bed Wetters In Your Family ?
Some Adults have this problem also. Before a child goes to bed give then a teaspoon of Honey. This will greatly strengthen the Bladder. Better then this and you will double the effect, give the child or Adults four or more fluid ounces of pure Cranberry Juice with a teaspoon of Honey mixed in it. This combination will give the child a dry night. But also remember that no milk is to be drank after 4pm and no water can be drank after 6pm. For Adults with a bed wetting problem no beer after 6pm. But it is OK to drink pure Cranberry Juice after 6pm mixed with Honey.
One lady claimed that regular Honey did not help her but when she used Honey that was made from Orange Blossoms, It gave her the help that she needed. I believe Honey made from Blueberry or Blackberry flowers will also give you good results. Also Honey that is made from any of the fruit tree blossoms, this would work very effectively.
6. Do You Have An Asthma Or A Hay Fever Problem ?
Buy some Honey from a local Beekeeper. This is Honey coming from the local flowers that are growing in your area. When spring is coming and the leaves are growing on the trees, start taking a teaspoon of this Honey every morning. This will help to control Hay Fever, and it will help you also when Pollen is all over in the air. I have had many people tell me that taking this local Honey once or twice a day does really control Asthma and Hay Fever. Try it!! It is much better then having a runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing all day. You will be joyfully singing " Oh What A Relieve It Is ! ".
7. Honey Will Destroy The Dangerous Free Radicals In Our Bodies.
We need all the protection we can get when some foods we take will kill off the Free Radicals. Any Garden Grown vegetable that is eaten fresh or any Fresh Fruit and whole grains will kill off the Dangerous Free Radicals. Always remember to eat the colors of the Rainbow in the way of fruits and vegetables everyday. This will give you the protection that you need each day. Canned vegetables and fruits that is eaten will not kill off Free Radicals.
8. Honey Is Rich In Anti-Oxidants.
And because it is an All-Natural Sweetener, it will help to bring balance to our bodies. This means it will prevent Cancer Cells from growing in our bodies. Believe it or not, the white flour and white sugar that we all eat, this will NOT bring a balance to our bodies and they both will allow Cancer cells to grow. I am not saying that these two will cause Cancer but they will not stop Cancer from growing like the Honey does. Honey will stop Cancer or it will make it go Dormant and we all need this kind of protection.
9. Honey Is A Natural Form Of Energy.
Honey is good for all Athletes and people who do a lot of hard work all day long. It provides strength throughout the whole body.
10. Honey is good for wounds that went unhealed for a long period of time. Honey that is put onto that wound will make it heal.
11. Hospitals from all over the world are using Honey for hundreds of cases and the success rate is excellent. It is used for Surgical Wounds, Bed Sores, Ulcers, Abrasions, All kinds of Wounds and it is great on all Burns.
12. Using Honey On Wounds And Burns Will Prevent Scaring.
It reduces the swelling and it even encourages the skin to regrow on it's own. It does not irritate your Body Tissues and it is painless to apply or to remove it.
13. Honey Is A Natural Antiseptic.
It will say Good-By to all Bacteria and Germs that it comes in contact with. Believe it or not Honey produces it's own Hydrogen Peroxide and it slowly releases it into the wound and that is why all wounds will heal up much faster. It is spelling Doom to Bacteria and Germs for several hours. Eating the Honey will also kill Bacteria on the insides of our bodies. Eating Honey on a piece of bread will make the Honey last longer in our systems.
Wow! This is something we can eat that taste sweet and it will kill all kinds of Bacteria, Germs and most forms of Cancer. This in it's self will make you want to eat more Honey and you will leave the White Sugar completely alone. Honey is even killing Bacteria when powerful Antibiotics can't seem to handle it.
14. Some Honeys Are More Potent Healers Then Others Are.
One source says that the darker the Honey is the more effective are the Medical Properties. Most of the Honey that is sold in stores is called White Cover Honey. This is used for all your cooking needs and it does have all the Medical Properties. But the Honey that is made from Blueberries, Blackberries, Sorghum and Buckwheat, this is a much darker Honey. Most generally the Honey that comes from fruit flowers like Oranges, Apples, Apricots, Peaches, Grapes and Cherries, this Honey is much stronger in Medical Properties then that of other Honeys but they are not a dark Honey.
There is a famous Honey that comes from New Zealand. This Honey is made from the flowers on the Manuka Bush and it is called " Manuka Honey ". It is well known all over the world for it's Potent Medical Properties. It can be bought at most health food stores but the price is generally 50 Dollars or more per pound. You can also order it on the Internet. Just punch in " Manuka Honey ".
Also there is a Honey that comes from Ghana, South Africa that is as dark as Molasses but I have no idea as to how much this Honey cost nor do I know as to where you can buy this dark Honey. I do know that some people in Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA are trying to buy this dark Honey from several sources in Ghana but it is not yet sold on the market.
Also many Honey companies sell a Wild Flower Honey that is very dark in color. At least it is much darker the regular clover Honey. This Honey cost about 20 Dollars or more for five pounds and Buckwheat Honey cost about the same.
If you are a Diabetic, talk to your Doctor before you eat any Honey. Some Diabetics can eat Honey while others can not. Also go see a Doctor or go to a Hospital if a wound looks really bad. It is OK to cover a wound with Honey before seeing a Doctor. The Doctor will wipe the wound clean, disinfect it and then dress it up with a Bandage.
But to everyone else Honey is a Super Food in many ways and as the Title up above says:
" It Is A Liquid Gold Sent To Us From The Gods ".
Friday, October 2, 2015
The Side Effects From Using Drugs----Know What They Are.
In other words Be Wise in taking any of the Drugs. Be very aware of their Side Effects. Even the Drugs that a Doctor may give you. Know about the Side Effects before taking them. Do not fully trust the Doctor's word when he says that this Drug will not harm you. Ask him about the Side Effects and make sure that you completely understand the Side Effects before you decide to take any Drug. If you are not happy with the Side Effects then ask for another Drug or a Medical Method that may help you with your problem. You could also go see a 2nd or a 3rd Doctor to see what they may suggest that you should do. Again I suggest that you do not take any Drugs until you understand the Side Effects and then you can make the decision as to use that Drug or Leave It Alone.
There is a Drug Store that is just down the street from me and it is open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 6pm. People are lined up at the outside window in cars all day long to get their Drugs. I wonder how many of those people understand the Side Effects that comes from using those Drugs.
While watching TV they were talking about a Drug that you would take for Constipation. I thought to myself that if people would include more Fiber in their diet they would not have a the problem of Constipation.. The Side Effects from using this Drug was the following: a dry mouth, aches and pains in the stomach. vomiting, dizziness, pains in your intestines and it may cause a big rip in your stomach. Getting a big rip in my stomach would stop me cold from ever using this drug. But I am sure that others would gladly use this Drug rather then suffer another day of being all plugged up and it hurts like crazy to get it out. I will give you a few helpful suggestions. First of all do not eat heavy on the meat and heavy on the potatoes. This will cause Constipation. Go to the store and buy some Bran. Bran is 100% Fiber. Sprinkle some Bran into your coffee or your orange juice. You could also add it to your soups or stews or sprinkle some onto your morning cereals. The Bran will STOP Constipation with no Side Effects. Or you could eat a few Bananas followed by a big bowl of Bean Soup or a bowl of Chili. If you had some Bran you could sprinkle some into your Bean Soup and this will double your purpose into getting rid of the constipation.
A lot of Drugs including pain pills will give you high Blood Pressure and they are bad on your Kidneys and your Liver. If either one of these Body Organs stopped working then you will die. Usually the use of most Doctor given Drugs for a short time is OK, but using most any Drug for a long period of time, the Drug will do negative things to our Body Organs, and they will cause a big unbalance to our bodies and it will allow Cancer cells to start growing. Always be on the alert when taking Drugs and use no more then what a Doctor may suggest.
You will find information on the TV about Drugs that have brought great harm to those who have used them and even Death or it caused some form of Cancer. They will tell you to call a toll free phone number to get a settlement in the way of Lots of Money to pay for the Damage a Drug did to you or to someone else. Again Know About The Side Effects Before You Take Any Drugs.
Before I close this article I want you to know that 99% of the Drugs that a Doctor will give are known as " Inorganic Drugs ". Most of the Inorganic Drugs have Negative Side Effects. Most Doctors will not use the Organic Drugs because they can not make money on the natural cures. The Organic Drugs most generally do not have Negative Side Effects like other Drugs do. But a lot of the Organic Drugs do have Positive Side Effects. In other words these Natural Drugs will be a big help to you in several different ways. I will give you an example. There are two excellent Organic Drugs that can be used to Lower Your Blood Pressure in just 12 hours. They are Organic Vinegar and Lecithin which is Soy Bean Oil. A teaspoon of vinegar to a half a glass of water or a teaspoon of Lecithin that was put on the back of your tongue and you swallowed it, this will lower your Blood Pressure. You can do this everyday or every other day. The Positive Side Effects of Organic Vinegar are: It will get rid of all the crystals in the human body. This means no more Kidney or Gallbladder Stones nor will you suffer from Gout. It softens and opens up your Arteries for better Blood Circulation. It slows down your aging process and it will prevent wrinkles from forming onto your face. Lecithin will also soften the Arteries. It will clean out the foreign matter in the Blood Stream. It will kill Free Radicals. It will soften your skin. It will also lower your aging process and it will kill Cancer Cells in your body. So which Drug would you want to use to lower your Blood Pressure. The Inorganic Drugs with their Negative Side Effects or the Organic Drugs with their Positive Side Effects.
Remember!! Before you swallow any Drug " Organic or Inorganic " Know About It's Side Effects!! If the Negative Side Effects are giving you a Bad Feeling, then Do Not Take That Drug Or Talk To Your Doctor!!!!
There is a Drug Store that is just down the street from me and it is open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 6pm. People are lined up at the outside window in cars all day long to get their Drugs. I wonder how many of those people understand the Side Effects that comes from using those Drugs.
While watching TV they were talking about a Drug that you would take for Constipation. I thought to myself that if people would include more Fiber in their diet they would not have a the problem of Constipation.. The Side Effects from using this Drug was the following: a dry mouth, aches and pains in the stomach. vomiting, dizziness, pains in your intestines and it may cause a big rip in your stomach. Getting a big rip in my stomach would stop me cold from ever using this drug. But I am sure that others would gladly use this Drug rather then suffer another day of being all plugged up and it hurts like crazy to get it out. I will give you a few helpful suggestions. First of all do not eat heavy on the meat and heavy on the potatoes. This will cause Constipation. Go to the store and buy some Bran. Bran is 100% Fiber. Sprinkle some Bran into your coffee or your orange juice. You could also add it to your soups or stews or sprinkle some onto your morning cereals. The Bran will STOP Constipation with no Side Effects. Or you could eat a few Bananas followed by a big bowl of Bean Soup or a bowl of Chili. If you had some Bran you could sprinkle some into your Bean Soup and this will double your purpose into getting rid of the constipation.
A lot of Drugs including pain pills will give you high Blood Pressure and they are bad on your Kidneys and your Liver. If either one of these Body Organs stopped working then you will die. Usually the use of most Doctor given Drugs for a short time is OK, but using most any Drug for a long period of time, the Drug will do negative things to our Body Organs, and they will cause a big unbalance to our bodies and it will allow Cancer cells to start growing. Always be on the alert when taking Drugs and use no more then what a Doctor may suggest.
You will find information on the TV about Drugs that have brought great harm to those who have used them and even Death or it caused some form of Cancer. They will tell you to call a toll free phone number to get a settlement in the way of Lots of Money to pay for the Damage a Drug did to you or to someone else. Again Know About The Side Effects Before You Take Any Drugs.
Before I close this article I want you to know that 99% of the Drugs that a Doctor will give are known as " Inorganic Drugs ". Most of the Inorganic Drugs have Negative Side Effects. Most Doctors will not use the Organic Drugs because they can not make money on the natural cures. The Organic Drugs most generally do not have Negative Side Effects like other Drugs do. But a lot of the Organic Drugs do have Positive Side Effects. In other words these Natural Drugs will be a big help to you in several different ways. I will give you an example. There are two excellent Organic Drugs that can be used to Lower Your Blood Pressure in just 12 hours. They are Organic Vinegar and Lecithin which is Soy Bean Oil. A teaspoon of vinegar to a half a glass of water or a teaspoon of Lecithin that was put on the back of your tongue and you swallowed it, this will lower your Blood Pressure. You can do this everyday or every other day. The Positive Side Effects of Organic Vinegar are: It will get rid of all the crystals in the human body. This means no more Kidney or Gallbladder Stones nor will you suffer from Gout. It softens and opens up your Arteries for better Blood Circulation. It slows down your aging process and it will prevent wrinkles from forming onto your face. Lecithin will also soften the Arteries. It will clean out the foreign matter in the Blood Stream. It will kill Free Radicals. It will soften your skin. It will also lower your aging process and it will kill Cancer Cells in your body. So which Drug would you want to use to lower your Blood Pressure. The Inorganic Drugs with their Negative Side Effects or the Organic Drugs with their Positive Side Effects.
Remember!! Before you swallow any Drug " Organic or Inorganic " Know About It's Side Effects!! If the Negative Side Effects are giving you a Bad Feeling, then Do Not Take That Drug Or Talk To Your Doctor!!!!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Mustard Seeds-Sesame Seeds-Poppy Seeds And Celery Seeds----Spices In Today's World That Are Big Cancer Fighters.
My wife and I went shopping at the food store the other day and they had large bottles of spices that were priced at four for five dollars. We bought the following four bottles: Mustard seeds, Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds and Celery Seeds. These spices are today's Cancer Fighters. The fresh ground seeds of all of these are very rich in several Vitamins and Minerals. Celery seeds are not only good for fighting off Cancer Cells but it will also get rid of Tumors if it was eaten on a daily bases. The yellow spice called Turmeric is also a Cancer and Tumor Fighter. Now let us take a look at these spices one at a time and find out what makes them so special.
Mustard Seeds.
1. These seeds are rich in Vitamins. Minerals, Anti-oxidants, Essential Oils and Fiber.
2. The seeds are rich in the Vitamin B Complex. It has Folates Riboflavvin, Thiamin, Niacin and Pyridoxine which is Vitamin B-6. B-Complex helps the nervous system to function normally and it regulates the body's metabolism.
3. These seeds also have Vitamins A, C, E and K.
4. Mustard Seeds have a lot of Carotene and it also contains the following Minerals: Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Selenium and Zinc
5. These seeds kill off Free-Radicals in the body.
6. Mustard seed oil will relieve both Muscle and Arthritis Pains. Mustard oil will also stimulate hair growth.
7. Because of the natural Vitamins and Minerals found in Mustard Seeds it will kill off Cancer Cells in the body.
Sesame Seeds.
1. These seeds are high in the Mineral called Magnesium and it will help to prevent Diabetes and it will also lower the Blood Pressure.
2. It kills off any of the bad Cholesterol that is found in the body.
3. Because these seeds are high in Zinc, they are great for your skin and the zinc will repair damaged skin. Zinc is also good for Bone Mineral Density and it will help to control Body Odors.
4. The eating of these seeds will create a Healthy Heart.
5. These seeds contain Anti-Cancer Compounds and it is very good with Skin Cancers.
6. Sesame Seeds will help you to sleep more deeply at night.
7. The Black Sesame Seeds are rich in Iron and they will bring strength back into the body.
8. The high Copper content in these seeds will relieve Arthritis Pains and it will strengthen Bones, Joints and Blood Vessels.
9. Sesame Seeds will help the Liver to function normally.
10. These seeds will prevent wrinkles on your face.
11. A hand full of these seeds have more Calcium then what you will find in a full glass of Milk.
12. The Black Sesame Seeds will help the eyes to function better.
13. A Sesame Seed Oil Rub will help you to sleep better at night and this Oil is great for Diaper Rash.
14. Sesame Seeds will make strong healthy teeth and it reduces Dental Plaque.
Poppy Seeds.
1. Poppy Seeds are rich in Anti-oxidants.
2. Poppy Seeds makes good Red Blood and it gets rid of the Bad Cholesterol and it increases the Good Cholesterol.
3. The outer tusk on the seeds are a good source of Dietary Fiber.
4. These seeds are rich in Vitamins A, C, E, K and the Vitamin B Complex.
5. These seeds also have the following Minerals: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc.
6. These seeds will aid the body in the following functions:
A. It will make a healthy Heart and it will lower the Blood Pressure.
B. It provides growth and development to the body.
C. It helps in Digestion and Sperm Development.
d. It has a powerful Anti-oxidant Enzyme that will help to kill Cancer Cells.
7. These seeds do have traces of Morphine, Opium and Codiene in them but it is no where enough to bother our nervous system even if you are eating a lot of the seeds. On the other hand a urine test will show positive as a drug in your body if you are eating a lot of poppy seeds. So if you work for a company that does urine test, it is best not to eat poppy seeds.
Celery Seeds.
1. Celery Seeds have the following Vitamins and Minerals in it: A, B, C, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron, Sulphur, Silicon and Magnesium.
2. These seeds have a stimulating effect on the Kidneys, producing an increased flow of urine.
3. The ground up Celery Seeds will relieve Arthritis pains and other pains in the body.
4. Celery Seeds are famous for it's ability to get rid of Cancerous Tumors on the inside or the outside of the body. But it needs to be eaten everyday.
5. .Eating the seeds everyday will also keep your Blood Pressure down.
6. Celery Seeds will get rid of all the negatives in the Liver and it will make it work like new again.
7. Celery Seeds will get rid of unwanted matter in the Blood stream including Bad Cholesterol. Celery Seeds will cure circulatory system problems.
8. Because Celery Seeds have Organic Compounds like Flavornoides and Linoleic Acids, it will help the body to overcome many different kinds of Diseases.
9. Celery Seeds will stimulate the Uterus and it will help to ease muscle spasms. It will also help to ease menstrual cramps and pains. If women ate Celery Seeds everyday it would ease their menstrual discomforts.
10. Celery Seeds will flush out Toxins and Uric Acid with the urine.
11. Because these seeds will get rid of Uric Acid it will greatly help people to get rid of their Kidney Stones.
12. Celery Seeds are a natural Antiseptic. It gets rid of infections in the body and it is very good with Bladder or Urine Infections or Kidney Problems.
The yellow spice called Turmeric is also a Deadly Cancer and Tumor Fighter but I am not going to talk about this spice at this time, But if you are interested in this spice then punch in on Google Search Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Spice Called Turmeric.
There is a 6th seed that is the Father of all seeds that is excellent for both Food and Medicine. That seed comes from the Marijuana Plant. Believe it or not this seed has all the Vitamins and Minerals as all the spices listed up above and it also has the same medical properties. Marijuana Seeds are very deadly in killing off both Cancer and Tumor cells. Eating the seeds as a food will NOT make you feel high but it is very healthy to eat.
Most States in the United States do not allow Marijuana in any form to enter the state. If you ordered the seeds and had them sent to your house the company who sold you the seeds are required by law to contact the State Cops and they will come to your door step with the seeds and they will throw you into jail even if your plans was to eat the seeds and not to grow them. Remember, before you order any Marijuana Seeds contact the local Police to make sure you are not breaking the law by ordering the seeds. The State that I live in does not allow Marijuana in any form and I would be a Fool to order it. On the other hand if I had Cancer I would try to make a way to get the Cops to order the seeds for me so that I could use it for Medicine under a Doctors care. If your State does allow you to order and eat the seeds remember that a Drug Test will come out positive and you could loose your job.
But never Fear ! There are two Herbs that have all the Vitamins, Minerals and Medical Properties as all of the seeds that are listed up above. They are the leaves of the Artichoke and the Alfalfa Plants. The leaves are grounded up and put into capsules. For general use take one capsule a day. If you have Cancer take one of each Herb every morning and again at night before going to bed. I did some research on both of these herbs a few years ago and the Medical Properties on both Herbs went on and on and on. I was really impressed. Everybody could benefit from these two Herbs. Alfalfa has the most minerals. It has more Trace Minerals then any other plant and that is because the roots of the Alfalfa Plant goes as much as 100 feet into the ground.
Mustard Seeds.
1. These seeds are rich in Vitamins. Minerals, Anti-oxidants, Essential Oils and Fiber.
2. The seeds are rich in the Vitamin B Complex. It has Folates Riboflavvin, Thiamin, Niacin and Pyridoxine which is Vitamin B-6. B-Complex helps the nervous system to function normally and it regulates the body's metabolism.
3. These seeds also have Vitamins A, C, E and K.
4. Mustard Seeds have a lot of Carotene and it also contains the following Minerals: Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Selenium and Zinc
5. These seeds kill off Free-Radicals in the body.
6. Mustard seed oil will relieve both Muscle and Arthritis Pains. Mustard oil will also stimulate hair growth.
7. Because of the natural Vitamins and Minerals found in Mustard Seeds it will kill off Cancer Cells in the body.
Sesame Seeds.
1. These seeds are high in the Mineral called Magnesium and it will help to prevent Diabetes and it will also lower the Blood Pressure.
2. It kills off any of the bad Cholesterol that is found in the body.
3. Because these seeds are high in Zinc, they are great for your skin and the zinc will repair damaged skin. Zinc is also good for Bone Mineral Density and it will help to control Body Odors.
4. The eating of these seeds will create a Healthy Heart.
5. These seeds contain Anti-Cancer Compounds and it is very good with Skin Cancers.
6. Sesame Seeds will help you to sleep more deeply at night.
7. The Black Sesame Seeds are rich in Iron and they will bring strength back into the body.
8. The high Copper content in these seeds will relieve Arthritis Pains and it will strengthen Bones, Joints and Blood Vessels.
9. Sesame Seeds will help the Liver to function normally.
10. These seeds will prevent wrinkles on your face.
11. A hand full of these seeds have more Calcium then what you will find in a full glass of Milk.
12. The Black Sesame Seeds will help the eyes to function better.
13. A Sesame Seed Oil Rub will help you to sleep better at night and this Oil is great for Diaper Rash.
14. Sesame Seeds will make strong healthy teeth and it reduces Dental Plaque.
Poppy Seeds.
1. Poppy Seeds are rich in Anti-oxidants.
2. Poppy Seeds makes good Red Blood and it gets rid of the Bad Cholesterol and it increases the Good Cholesterol.
3. The outer tusk on the seeds are a good source of Dietary Fiber.
4. These seeds are rich in Vitamins A, C, E, K and the Vitamin B Complex.
5. These seeds also have the following Minerals: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc.
6. These seeds will aid the body in the following functions:
A. It will make a healthy Heart and it will lower the Blood Pressure.
B. It provides growth and development to the body.
C. It helps in Digestion and Sperm Development.
d. It has a powerful Anti-oxidant Enzyme that will help to kill Cancer Cells.
7. These seeds do have traces of Morphine, Opium and Codiene in them but it is no where enough to bother our nervous system even if you are eating a lot of the seeds. On the other hand a urine test will show positive as a drug in your body if you are eating a lot of poppy seeds. So if you work for a company that does urine test, it is best not to eat poppy seeds.
Celery Seeds.
1. Celery Seeds have the following Vitamins and Minerals in it: A, B, C, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron, Sulphur, Silicon and Magnesium.
2. These seeds have a stimulating effect on the Kidneys, producing an increased flow of urine.
3. The ground up Celery Seeds will relieve Arthritis pains and other pains in the body.
4. Celery Seeds are famous for it's ability to get rid of Cancerous Tumors on the inside or the outside of the body. But it needs to be eaten everyday.
5. .Eating the seeds everyday will also keep your Blood Pressure down.
6. Celery Seeds will get rid of all the negatives in the Liver and it will make it work like new again.
7. Celery Seeds will get rid of unwanted matter in the Blood stream including Bad Cholesterol. Celery Seeds will cure circulatory system problems.
8. Because Celery Seeds have Organic Compounds like Flavornoides and Linoleic Acids, it will help the body to overcome many different kinds of Diseases.
9. Celery Seeds will stimulate the Uterus and it will help to ease muscle spasms. It will also help to ease menstrual cramps and pains. If women ate Celery Seeds everyday it would ease their menstrual discomforts.
10. Celery Seeds will flush out Toxins and Uric Acid with the urine.
11. Because these seeds will get rid of Uric Acid it will greatly help people to get rid of their Kidney Stones.
12. Celery Seeds are a natural Antiseptic. It gets rid of infections in the body and it is very good with Bladder or Urine Infections or Kidney Problems.
The yellow spice called Turmeric is also a Deadly Cancer and Tumor Fighter but I am not going to talk about this spice at this time, But if you are interested in this spice then punch in on Google Search Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Spice Called Turmeric.
There is a 6th seed that is the Father of all seeds that is excellent for both Food and Medicine. That seed comes from the Marijuana Plant. Believe it or not this seed has all the Vitamins and Minerals as all the spices listed up above and it also has the same medical properties. Marijuana Seeds are very deadly in killing off both Cancer and Tumor cells. Eating the seeds as a food will NOT make you feel high but it is very healthy to eat.
Most States in the United States do not allow Marijuana in any form to enter the state. If you ordered the seeds and had them sent to your house the company who sold you the seeds are required by law to contact the State Cops and they will come to your door step with the seeds and they will throw you into jail even if your plans was to eat the seeds and not to grow them. Remember, before you order any Marijuana Seeds contact the local Police to make sure you are not breaking the law by ordering the seeds. The State that I live in does not allow Marijuana in any form and I would be a Fool to order it. On the other hand if I had Cancer I would try to make a way to get the Cops to order the seeds for me so that I could use it for Medicine under a Doctors care. If your State does allow you to order and eat the seeds remember that a Drug Test will come out positive and you could loose your job.
But never Fear ! There are two Herbs that have all the Vitamins, Minerals and Medical Properties as all of the seeds that are listed up above. They are the leaves of the Artichoke and the Alfalfa Plants. The leaves are grounded up and put into capsules. For general use take one capsule a day. If you have Cancer take one of each Herb every morning and again at night before going to bed. I did some research on both of these herbs a few years ago and the Medical Properties on both Herbs went on and on and on. I was really impressed. Everybody could benefit from these two Herbs. Alfalfa has the most minerals. It has more Trace Minerals then any other plant and that is because the roots of the Alfalfa Plant goes as much as 100 feet into the ground.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
More Fiber In Our Diets Is Very Important.
Because everyone's Body Chemistry is not the same, the lack of Fiber in our diets will give us Diarrhea or Constipation. Most of the food that we buy in a store, it has no Fiber and it has no real Vitamins and Minerals. A box of food may say " Vitamin Enriched " but those Vitamins in that box are man made.They are made from Oil-By-Products. Those Vitamin and Minerals are not Real. When the US Government began putting man made Vitamins into our food in the 1980's, Cancer found in people went way up. But in countries where the people are still eating the real Vitamin enriched foods, the Cancer rate is very low.
What foods out there are naturally enriched with lots of Real Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals. All fresh fruits and vegetables eaten raw are very rich in Fiber and Vitamins. The eating of whole grains are also very high in Fiber. The white store bought flour which comes from wheat, this flour has no Fiber or Vitamins. Both the Fiber enriched " Bran and Germ " that is found in wheat, these both have been removed and then the flour was bleached to a bright white. For best results it is wise to buy an Electric Wheat Grinder and grind up your own flour from any whole grains. This fresh flour is enriched in Real Vitamins and Minerals and it has lots of Fiber. By eating all the colors of the rainbow in the way of fruits and vegetables and the eating of whole grains everyday you will not suffer from Diarrhea or Constipation. From a College class that I took on nutrition I learned about this simple test that will show you if you are getting enough Fiber in your diet. After you have a bowel movement get off the toilet and look at your " Poop ". If it comes out in C or S shape, then you are getting enough Fiber in your diet.
If you really was thinking that your Diet did not have enough Fiber in it, you could go to the store and buy some Bran. This food is 100% Fiber. You could sprinkle this into your everyday coffee or orange juice. You could add it to your Yogurt, Soups, Stews or your morning cereals. In this way all your foods would be " Fiber Enriched " and having a lot of Fiber in your Diet will never be a problem.
Now there are four groups of words that are printed on store bought products that are somewhat Brainwashing words and in using them companies can make a lot more money. Do not be fooled by these words. They are as follows: " Fiber Enriched ", " Vitamin Enriched ", " Rich in Antioxidants " and the word " Organic ".
The word " Organic " on a product means that it is not as refined as much as other foods. It also means that all the vegetables and fruits were grown from soils that were enrich with animal by products and compost and chemical sprays were not used. But some companies will put "Organic " on their product because people will pay more money for it. I always laugh when I see " Organic Milk ". Most cows eat grass from pastures and whole grains. So 99% of the regular milk that you buy is already " Organic Milk ".and yet people are willing to pay a higher price for milk that has the word " Organic " on it.
The other three words do not mean what they say they are but because companies will print them on the product people are willing to pay a higher price for them. On the TV program called 20-20, they claimed that companies that were selling water in bottles, many of them were using tap water and not spring water. The companies would say that no matter what you put into the bottles people will always pay good money for them and tap water was just as good as anything.
Having a lot of Fiber in your diet will help you to NOT to get Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Of course there are four other factors that will help to prevent these two diseases and they are: 1. Good Blood Circulation to the Brain. 2. Lots of Oxygen going into the Brain. 3. Lots of Good Cholesterol surrounding the Brain and 4. Exercise your Brain everyday by doing thinking solutions like reading and writing or doing Math problems. Playing games that causes the mind to think will also exercise the Brain.
Always remember that if you want a Fiber Enriched Diet then you must eat lots of Whole Grains and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Do Not Trust A Box That Says " Fiber Enriched ".
What foods out there are naturally enriched with lots of Real Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals. All fresh fruits and vegetables eaten raw are very rich in Fiber and Vitamins. The eating of whole grains are also very high in Fiber. The white store bought flour which comes from wheat, this flour has no Fiber or Vitamins. Both the Fiber enriched " Bran and Germ " that is found in wheat, these both have been removed and then the flour was bleached to a bright white. For best results it is wise to buy an Electric Wheat Grinder and grind up your own flour from any whole grains. This fresh flour is enriched in Real Vitamins and Minerals and it has lots of Fiber. By eating all the colors of the rainbow in the way of fruits and vegetables and the eating of whole grains everyday you will not suffer from Diarrhea or Constipation. From a College class that I took on nutrition I learned about this simple test that will show you if you are getting enough Fiber in your diet. After you have a bowel movement get off the toilet and look at your " Poop ". If it comes out in C or S shape, then you are getting enough Fiber in your diet.
If you really was thinking that your Diet did not have enough Fiber in it, you could go to the store and buy some Bran. This food is 100% Fiber. You could sprinkle this into your everyday coffee or orange juice. You could add it to your Yogurt, Soups, Stews or your morning cereals. In this way all your foods would be " Fiber Enriched " and having a lot of Fiber in your Diet will never be a problem.
Now there are four groups of words that are printed on store bought products that are somewhat Brainwashing words and in using them companies can make a lot more money. Do not be fooled by these words. They are as follows: " Fiber Enriched ", " Vitamin Enriched ", " Rich in Antioxidants " and the word " Organic ".
The word " Organic " on a product means that it is not as refined as much as other foods. It also means that all the vegetables and fruits were grown from soils that were enrich with animal by products and compost and chemical sprays were not used. But some companies will put "Organic " on their product because people will pay more money for it. I always laugh when I see " Organic Milk ". Most cows eat grass from pastures and whole grains. So 99% of the regular milk that you buy is already " Organic Milk ".and yet people are willing to pay a higher price for milk that has the word " Organic " on it.
The other three words do not mean what they say they are but because companies will print them on the product people are willing to pay a higher price for them. On the TV program called 20-20, they claimed that companies that were selling water in bottles, many of them were using tap water and not spring water. The companies would say that no matter what you put into the bottles people will always pay good money for them and tap water was just as good as anything.
Having a lot of Fiber in your diet will help you to NOT to get Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Of course there are four other factors that will help to prevent these two diseases and they are: 1. Good Blood Circulation to the Brain. 2. Lots of Oxygen going into the Brain. 3. Lots of Good Cholesterol surrounding the Brain and 4. Exercise your Brain everyday by doing thinking solutions like reading and writing or doing Math problems. Playing games that causes the mind to think will also exercise the Brain.
Always remember that if you want a Fiber Enriched Diet then you must eat lots of Whole Grains and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and Do Not Trust A Box That Says " Fiber Enriched ".
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
If You Do Not Want To Get Cancer----You Must Do The Following:
We all live in a world in which the air around us is getting poisoned everyday from pollution.Therefore anyone of us could get Cancer. There is a saying That says: " If your body is Balanced and your blood is Pure-You will not get Cancer. ". Below is a list of suggestions that will help you not to get Cancer and they will help to balance your body.
1. Stay Away From Processed Foods.
This kind of food has no Real Vitamins and Minerals. It does have man made Vitamins and Minerals but these were made from Oil-By-Products. All the Real Vitamins were removed during the processing. Also Chemical Preservatives have been added to the product to keep it fresh. I am talking about food that is in your freezer that you heat up in a microwave. Or any baked goods that are made out of white flour. Have you ever heard the saying: " The whiter the bread-the more you are dead ". That is because white refined Flour has no Nutrition in it. Both the Germ and the Bran was removed and then the Flour was Bleached to a Bright White. Also you should stay away from the canned goods that you bought at the store. These also have Preservatives and man-made Vitamins.
2. Get A Wheat Grinder And Make Your Own Fresh Flour.
Like I have said up above, white store bought flour is not healthy for you. Because white flour has no Germ or Bran in it, this flour will not kill Cancer cells in the body. Instead it will allow the Cancer cells to grow. White Flour will bring unbalance to the body. If you want Good Quality Flour that has both the Germ and the Bran, then you must buy a Wheat Grinder and grind up your own wheat. Grinding your own wheat is not only very healthy for you but it will also save you a whole big bunch of money. You could buy a hand crank grinder for about 50 dollars or you could buy an Electric Wheat Grinder for 2 or 3 hundred dollars. These electric grinders are way nicer then the hand crank ones and if you do a lot of baking, the electric grinder will pay for it's self in 6 months or less. If you shop at the thrift or second-hand stores you might find an electric grinder at a very low price. We bought one for only 20 dollars and it works great.
3. Eat A Lot Of Fresh Antioxidant Foods.
What are Antioxidant Foods ? These are any Brightly Colored Fresh fruits and vegetables. Those that are Red or Orange are the highest in Antioxidants. The Red ones would be: Tomatoes, Beets, Watermelon, Red Peppers and Red Currants and there are others. The Orange ones are: Oranges, Peaches, Apricots, Carrots, Cam-cots, Sweet Potatoes and Orange Colored Squash and there are others. The Yellow ones are also high in Antioxidants. Remember to always eat the colors of the Rainbow everyday.
Flax Seed is also very high in Antioxidants. This grain is a natural Laxative so it needs to be eaten sparingly. A tablespoon of Flax Seed could be added to the grain when you are grinding fresh wheat flour. The Flax Seed has to be grounded up or it will not do you any good.
4. Do Not Drink Chlorinated Water.
Those who drink Chlorinated water have a 90% greater chance of getting Cancer. Chlorinated water is Bad for your Heart, it is Bad for your Kidneys and it is Bad for your Liver. So what can we do about this being that most of us do live in a big city and all the water coming from our taps is Chlorinated. You need to Un-Chlorinate your water before you drink it and this is easy to do.
Put the Chlorinated water into wide mouth containers. These could canning jars or half gallon milk cartons with the tops cut off. You could use a water pitcher or a large bowl. After they all have been filled up, let them sit for 24 hours. This will get rid of the Chlorine. Put this Un-Chlorinated water into your refrigerator for all your drinking needs. By the way if you have been having a lot of leg cramps, the drinking of this Un-Chlorinated Water will put a stop to most of your leg cramps.
5. The Mineral Called Selenium Is Deadly To Cancer Cells.
If you are not taking the Mineral called Selenium then you need to start. I take a Capsule in the morning and one at night. Brazil Nuts have the Mineral called Selenium in them but as to how much no one knows because it all depends on how much Selenium was in the soil where the tree was grown. If you are interested in taking some selenium capsules then call toll free Deven's Youngevity at 1-800-788-9664. This Mineral is not sold in most stores.
6. Start Using The Yellow Spice Called Turmeric.
The Spice called Turmeric is not only deadly to Cancer cells but it will also help to protect the body from Tumors. Turmeric is not HOT as some people think it to be but it does have a strong flavor to it and if too much is used, it will give your food a turmeric taste. But this spice is used by a lot of people and it is used on many different kinds of foods. The three countries that used it the most is China, India and Italy.
7. Drink Molasses And Milk Everyday.
This simple drink is very deadly to Cancer Cells. Molasses has the following 9 Minerals in it: Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Organic Sulfur. It also has Vitamin B-6. Before the 1900's this drink was commonly used as a winter Vitamin Pill because fresh vegetables were no longer available. As far as the Potassium in Molasses it is 20% higher then any other food. Potassium naturally helps to lower the Blood Pressure.
The directions for making Molasses and Milk is very simple. Put ice cold milk into a 16 oz. cup and add a level teaspoon of Molasses and stir until the Molasses is all gone. Then drink and enjoy. If the drink seems too strong for your taste then add more milk. When it is just right it will have a natural maple flavor to it. Many brands of Molasses are bitter. I use the brand called " Grandmas' Molasses " because it is not bitter. I drink this almost everyday.
Some people claim that if you drink Molasses and Milk twice a day it will control the disease called Eczema.
8. Herbal Teas That Will Guard The Body From Cancer.
There are several Herbs that can be used as Teas to get rid of both Cancer and Tumor cells. But for best results it is wise to use a combination of Herbs as a Tea. Drink these on a regular bases to help the body to be immune to Cancer Cells. Most of these can be bought at a Health Foods Store.
A. Alfalfa Seed----These need to be grounded up.
B. Astragalus----An Herb from China.
C. Burdock Root.
D. Chaparral.
E. Dandelion Root.
F. Golden Seal Root.
G. Horseradish Root.
H. Mandrake Root.
I. Parsley Leaves.
J. Periwinkle.
K. Red Clover.
L. Red Root.
M. Rose Hips.
N. Slippery Elm----The Inner Bark.
O. Violet.
P. Taheebo Tea----This Herb comes from the Amazon Rain Forest. It is very deadly against Cancer and Leukemia Cells. This is the number one Herb in curing children who have this disease of Leukemia. In the USA it is called Pau d' Arco. The Doctors in Brazil can save 99 out of 100 children from using this Herb against Leukemia. The Doctors in the USA do not use this Rain Forest Herb against Leukemia. But I think they need to use it.
Q. Graviola----This is also a Rain Forest Herb and it is Very Very Deadly against Cancer Cells. This Herb is 10,000 times more effective against Cancer Cells then Chemotherapy.
R. Red Bush Tea----This tea comes from Africa but it is commonly sold in Health Food Stores. This tea is very high in Antioxidants and it is a Deadly Cancer killer. It also has about 10 medical properties which makes it good for both children and adults. It is 50 times more effective then Green Tea but there is no Caffeine. You can also drink all you want with no side effects. It does make a good Sports Drink.
9. Cottage Cheese And Flax Seed Oil.
The next time that you buy a container of Cottage Cheese, take off the lid and add a teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil and then stir it in well. These two together when eaten is very deadly to Cancer Cells. In an experiment, dogs were injected with Cancer Cells. After two months the dogs were fed Cottage Cheese with the Flax Seed Oil everyday. After a month of eating the cottage cheese the dogs were completely cured from the Cancer. It was completely gone from their bodies. This Cottage Cheese can protect us from Cancer also. I was told by a friend that said if you can buy " Hemp Oil " and mix one teaspoon of this into your 16 oz container of cottage cheese, it will be 100% better in killing Cancer Cells then any other oil. But before you go out and buy this "Hemp Oil " make sure that you will not be in trouble with the law enforcement officers because your state will not allow it. Some companies even make a skin lotion with Hemp Oil in it. This kind of lotion will greatly help to prevent all kinds of Skin Cancers.
10. Grow An Organic Garden Every Year.
An Organic Garden is grown from rotted animal by-products and Compost. This kind of garden has no Chemical sprays. All the vegetables that are grown in this type of garden will protect your body from getting Cancer. All the vegetables are high in Antioxidants and they are rich in Vitamins and Minerals.If you do not know how to grow a garden then ask one of your neighbors to help you get started. Or the local library will have a lot of books on Gardening. The Internet also has a lot of excellent information. Most of all it takes a lot of work and effort to grow an excellent Garden. But the best part is the eating of all of those vegetables that you have grown with your own hands. Besides this growing a Garden can be a lot of fun watching your plants grow from a seed to a full grown plant producing vegetables.
Our Garden has provided for us during the month of July all we can eat: Radishes, Carrots, Peas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries and Raspberries. During the month of August we are eating the same vegetables and Corn, Green Beans, Onions, Tomatoes and Grapes. The Squash and Potatoes will not be ready for another two months. But the Green Peppers, the Watermelons and the Muskmelons will be ready to eat in just a few weeks. Was it worth growing a garden this year ? You bet it was!!!!
11. Eat Homemade Soups.
Most of the homemade soups have fresh vegetables and some form of meat. The juices from the soup is not only very healthy for you but they are also Cancer fighters. If there was a King of all the soups, I would say Chicken Soup. In a lot of countries around the world Chicken Soup is the number one choice for Colds and the Flu. It brings a big balance back into your body when you are feeling sick or you are all out of energy after a sickness. It is really surprising how Homemade Chicken Soup can get you back on your feet feeling really good again. The store bought soups that you buy in a can, these do not have the same medical properties that you will find in the home made soups.
12. Include Garlic And Onions In Your Diet.
Garlic and Onions are a Deadly Destroyer of Germs and Cancer Cells. The mountain folk and country people believe that Garlic is the number one Remedy for Colds and the Flu. Garlic can be taken fresh or if you do not like it, it can be taken in a capsule or in a pill form.
13. Do Not Smoke And Don't Be Around Others Who Smoke.
Being around others who smoke can be just as bad as if you were smoking yourself. Smoking causes a great big unbalance in your body. Smoking messes up your blood, it lowers your immune system to where your body can get most of the common diseases. Smoking kills the white corpuscles
and it is a proven fact that it causes Cancer in the lungs, the mouth, the throat, the stomach or the Brain. It can cause Tumors anywhere in the body where the Blood flows. It causes a lot of coughing and the Carbon monoxide from the tobacco smoke takes the oxygen out of the body making it difficult to breath. I always feel sorry for those children who have to be around parents who do a lot of smoking, and those children have to breath all that second-hand smoke. Even if the children never start smoking they will have a lot of health problems from being around their Parents who smoke.
14. Use The Following Natural Blood Purifiers Regularly.
A. Burdock Root----This plant grows in moist shady areas. It is a biannual and it has large round like leaves that are soft and hairy. Boy Scouts use these leaves commonly as toilet paper. Each large leaf is attached to a celery-like stem. The roots are dried and grounded up. This powder is put into capsules and can be bought at Health Food Stores. The 2nd year Burdocks has a long stem that grows hundreds of round cockleburs that will stick to your clothes as you walk by.
B. Cayenne Red Peppers----These are most commonly taken in the form of a powder which is put into a capsule. You can buy these at any store that sells Vitamins and Minerals. The bottle will have written on it 40,000 STU. The directions is to take one capsule a day. When eating a full meal. Eat half of it then swallow the capsule and then eat the other half. Never take two capsules at the same time thinking that it will do twice the job. I did it once and it gave me a bad belly ache. Cayenne peppers will also get rid of stomach ulcers, it will create good circulation though out the whole body and it will also lower your Blood Pressure. It also reduces Arthritis Pains.
C. Yellow Dock Root----The root is dried and grounded up to a powder. Then they put this powder into capsules. Yellow Dock Root in capsules can be bought in any Health Foods Store. The directions is to take one capsule a day. This root is also excellent for itch. I will buy a can of "Bag Balm " from a farmer's store and melt it down to a liquid. Then I will add 12 capsules of Yellow Dock Root and stir it well. Letting it sit overnight will make it become a salve again. This Itch Salve will stop itch in just 20 seconds.
D. Dandelion Roots----This is a common weed that grows on every lawn that have not been sprayed. It has long toothed leaves and a round bright yellow flower that sits on the end of a long hollow stem. Children will pick these flowers in the spring and give them to the mothers. The Roots are gathered and dried. In a powered form these roots are put into capsules and they can be bought at any Health Food store. Dandelions have about 12 Amino Acids that will get into the Blood and clean out all the foreign matter making your Blood nice and pure. Every spring I always gather the Dandelion Roots and then I will roast them in an oven for a few hours. These roasted roots are put into a double boiler pan on a paper towel and the hot drippings coming off the roots is known as " Dandelion Brew ". This is a very dark brown color that looks like coffee. I have been drinking this Brew twice a day for the last several weeks. I sweeten mine and add milk or coffee creamer. It has a non-bitter pleasant taste that taste a lot like the hot beverage called " Postum ". This Brew is very healthy for you and it is all free for the taking.
E. Red And White Clover Flowers.
Both of these plants grow on just about everyone's lawn that has not been sprayed. Clover is a small plant and it has 3 dark green leaves and a single flower that grows on each plant. Most of these plants are less then 2 inches tall and the flower is only about a centimeter wide. It will bring you good luck if you can find a 4-leaf clover. Also the 4-leaf clover is a common picture on St. Patrick's Day. The White Clover is more common then the red and most of the common Honey sold on the market, comes from the White clover blossoms. The Red Clover is not so common as the white ones, but if you look carefully you can find Red Clover growing on other people's lawns. My lawn has White Clover, but next door their lawn has mostly Red Clover. Both of these plants are excellent Blood Purifiers, but the Red Clover is more commonly used because it is rich in Antioxidants and it is a deadly Cancer killer. White Clover has creamy white flowers and Red Clover has pinkish red flowers. To make a pleasant tasting tea, gather the white or red flowers and make sure there are no stems attached to the flowers. The stems will give the tea a bitter taste. When you have picked a quart sized bottle full, dump these blossoms onto a double paper towel inside a double boiler. As the water boils the drippings from the Red Clover will be yellow in color. If you let this yellow tea sit for 12 to 15 minutes it will will turn to a deep blood red. The medical properties are way much higher when you drink this tea while it is still yellow. I do sweeten mine with honey and I add a little bit of milk. You can drink all you want of this tea with no side effects. At least it has never bothered me and the tea does taste good.
F. Fresh Purple Concord Grape Juice.
Believe it or not this juice is the best Blood Purifier of them all. But the Purple Concord Grapes are only available when they are in season like in August or October. This juice is only a Blood Purifier when it is drank from fresh squeezed grapes. In other words this Grape Juice is 100% Alive. Processed Grape Juice will not work. Any Grape Juice that you buy in a store will not work as a Blood Purifier. On the other hand if you were to buy fresh Purple Concord Grapes themselves and squeeze the juice from them at home then that is OK. Remember that the juice needs to be 100% fresh grape juice that is 100% Alive.
There are about 50 Herbs that are also known as Blood Purifies but the 6 that are listed above, these are the most common ones and they can be found in any Health Foods Store except for the fresh Concord Grapes. It is wise to use 2 or 3 of these Blood Purifiers to get the best results.
15. Be A Fisherman And Eat Your Fish.
The Omega-3 Fatty Acids that are found in fish is deadly to Cancer Cells, The Cancer rate is very low in people who live on any of the Islands anywhere in the world. They include a lot of fish in their diet everyday. They also eat a lot of fresh tropical fruits which are very high in Antioxidants.
16. Eat Fresh Whole Grain Hot Cereals For Breakfast.
I bought a small Coffee Grinder for about 20 dollars. This is used for grinding up Whole Grains into the making of fresh Hot Whole Grain Cereal. This Cereal can be eaten anytime of day. It is not just a breakfast food. This Fresh Hot Cereal has both the Germ and the Bran in it which makes it a Deadly Cancer Killer. Never trust the store bought Hot Cereals. You have no idea how old it is and you do not know how much Germ and Bran is found in this product. When you grind your own Hot Cereals from Whole Grains, you will know for sure that you are eating a high quality Cereal that has both the Germ and the Bran. There are several grains that can be used as Cereal. They are the Hard Red Winter Wheat, the Soft and the hard White Wheat, Montana Wheat, Buckwheat, Sorghum Seeds, Millet Seeds. Barley Grouts, Oat Grouts or Brown Rice. These are the more popular Grains. I will also add a half of a teaspoon of both Alfalfa Seed and Flax Seed to each batch of cereal that I am grinding up.
To make the hot cereal, bring a small pan of water to the boiling state. Add a little bit of salt so it will not have a flat taste. Put the heat on low and using a wire whisk add the fresh ground cereal to the hot water and stir it the whole time. Add the Grain until it begins to thicken. But keep stirring it while it is cooking for 2 to 3 minutes. You could cook it longer for a more mushier cereal but the roughly cooked cereal will scrape the insides of your intestines of it's impurities. Turn off the heat and put the cereal into bowls.
For the best tasting Hot Cereal you have ever eaten add some real butter to the cereal and let it melt. Then add brown sugar, a few drops or both Vanilla and Maple Flavorings. Add some Cinnamon and some raisins. Then add milk or cream or you could add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. I will even put some cookie chips in it if I have some. This is very good tasting Hot Cereal.
17.. Buy A Juicer And Drink Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juices.
Most people in the world today drink a lot of Soda Pop, Energy Drinks, Beer and Wine. All of these will lower your immune system. Drinking the fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices will greatly increase your immune system and these fresh Juices are deadly to Cancer Cells. The Fresh Juices that we drink the most is Fresh Carrot and Apple Juice. We grow a lot of our own Carrots in our backyard and they are very easy to grow. Please read on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to grow lots of Carrots ".
When Apples are ripe and ready to pick, most people who have Apple trees in the backyard will gladly let you come and pick their Apples. There are several kinds of these apples. When combined and juiced together they make a great tasting healthy drink.
18. Eat Orange Colored Squash Regularly.
We grow two kinds of Orange Colored Squash--Hubbard and Sweetmeat--in our backyard. Both of these will last all winter if they are put into a cool basement or a root cellar. I will usually bake mine in an oven at 350 degrees for an hour. When done I will scrape off the orange pulp and then mash it up. Then I will add some real butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. It taste like Pumpkin -Pie Filling. My wife likes to eat it with real butter and salt and pepper. Like Carrots this orange colored squash is high in " Carotene " and the body changes this into Vitamin A making it deadly to Cancer Cells. Some people like other types of orange colored squash but I enjoy the two listed up above because they are not stringy and they are excellent tasting. If you did not grow any squash in your garden this year then you can buy both of these at any Farmer's Market. Both of these will grow most anywhere.
My wife and I take one capsule a day of the following Herbs and no more then two a week from each Herb. They are some of the best Organic Supplements that will help to prevent Cancer. They are He Shou Wo from China, Pau d' Arco and Graviola from the Amazon Rain Forest and the Herb called Astragalus from China in capsule form. All four of these were bought at a Health Food Store. We also buy the mineral in capsules called " Selenium " and we take one in the morning and one at night. We also will take a Cayenne Pepper capsule 3 or 4 times a week while eating a full meal. I also drink a glass full of Molasses and Milk about 5 times a week. None of us wants to get Cancer and yet people all around us are suffering from Cancer. Follow the suggestions listed up above and your success rate should be excellent.
Please read my Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-A Remedy For Garden Growers ". Also read the Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Facts About Cancer That Doctors Do Not Want You To Know About ".
1. Stay Away From Processed Foods.
This kind of food has no Real Vitamins and Minerals. It does have man made Vitamins and Minerals but these were made from Oil-By-Products. All the Real Vitamins were removed during the processing. Also Chemical Preservatives have been added to the product to keep it fresh. I am talking about food that is in your freezer that you heat up in a microwave. Or any baked goods that are made out of white flour. Have you ever heard the saying: " The whiter the bread-the more you are dead ". That is because white refined Flour has no Nutrition in it. Both the Germ and the Bran was removed and then the Flour was Bleached to a Bright White. Also you should stay away from the canned goods that you bought at the store. These also have Preservatives and man-made Vitamins.
2. Get A Wheat Grinder And Make Your Own Fresh Flour.
Like I have said up above, white store bought flour is not healthy for you. Because white flour has no Germ or Bran in it, this flour will not kill Cancer cells in the body. Instead it will allow the Cancer cells to grow. White Flour will bring unbalance to the body. If you want Good Quality Flour that has both the Germ and the Bran, then you must buy a Wheat Grinder and grind up your own wheat. Grinding your own wheat is not only very healthy for you but it will also save you a whole big bunch of money. You could buy a hand crank grinder for about 50 dollars or you could buy an Electric Wheat Grinder for 2 or 3 hundred dollars. These electric grinders are way nicer then the hand crank ones and if you do a lot of baking, the electric grinder will pay for it's self in 6 months or less. If you shop at the thrift or second-hand stores you might find an electric grinder at a very low price. We bought one for only 20 dollars and it works great.
3. Eat A Lot Of Fresh Antioxidant Foods.
What are Antioxidant Foods ? These are any Brightly Colored Fresh fruits and vegetables. Those that are Red or Orange are the highest in Antioxidants. The Red ones would be: Tomatoes, Beets, Watermelon, Red Peppers and Red Currants and there are others. The Orange ones are: Oranges, Peaches, Apricots, Carrots, Cam-cots, Sweet Potatoes and Orange Colored Squash and there are others. The Yellow ones are also high in Antioxidants. Remember to always eat the colors of the Rainbow everyday.
Flax Seed is also very high in Antioxidants. This grain is a natural Laxative so it needs to be eaten sparingly. A tablespoon of Flax Seed could be added to the grain when you are grinding fresh wheat flour. The Flax Seed has to be grounded up or it will not do you any good.
4. Do Not Drink Chlorinated Water.
Those who drink Chlorinated water have a 90% greater chance of getting Cancer. Chlorinated water is Bad for your Heart, it is Bad for your Kidneys and it is Bad for your Liver. So what can we do about this being that most of us do live in a big city and all the water coming from our taps is Chlorinated. You need to Un-Chlorinate your water before you drink it and this is easy to do.
Put the Chlorinated water into wide mouth containers. These could canning jars or half gallon milk cartons with the tops cut off. You could use a water pitcher or a large bowl. After they all have been filled up, let them sit for 24 hours. This will get rid of the Chlorine. Put this Un-Chlorinated water into your refrigerator for all your drinking needs. By the way if you have been having a lot of leg cramps, the drinking of this Un-Chlorinated Water will put a stop to most of your leg cramps.
5. The Mineral Called Selenium Is Deadly To Cancer Cells.
If you are not taking the Mineral called Selenium then you need to start. I take a Capsule in the morning and one at night. Brazil Nuts have the Mineral called Selenium in them but as to how much no one knows because it all depends on how much Selenium was in the soil where the tree was grown. If you are interested in taking some selenium capsules then call toll free Deven's Youngevity at 1-800-788-9664. This Mineral is not sold in most stores.
6. Start Using The Yellow Spice Called Turmeric.
The Spice called Turmeric is not only deadly to Cancer cells but it will also help to protect the body from Tumors. Turmeric is not HOT as some people think it to be but it does have a strong flavor to it and if too much is used, it will give your food a turmeric taste. But this spice is used by a lot of people and it is used on many different kinds of foods. The three countries that used it the most is China, India and Italy.
7. Drink Molasses And Milk Everyday.
This simple drink is very deadly to Cancer Cells. Molasses has the following 9 Minerals in it: Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Organic Sulfur. It also has Vitamin B-6. Before the 1900's this drink was commonly used as a winter Vitamin Pill because fresh vegetables were no longer available. As far as the Potassium in Molasses it is 20% higher then any other food. Potassium naturally helps to lower the Blood Pressure.
The directions for making Molasses and Milk is very simple. Put ice cold milk into a 16 oz. cup and add a level teaspoon of Molasses and stir until the Molasses is all gone. Then drink and enjoy. If the drink seems too strong for your taste then add more milk. When it is just right it will have a natural maple flavor to it. Many brands of Molasses are bitter. I use the brand called " Grandmas' Molasses " because it is not bitter. I drink this almost everyday.
Some people claim that if you drink Molasses and Milk twice a day it will control the disease called Eczema.
8. Herbal Teas That Will Guard The Body From Cancer.
There are several Herbs that can be used as Teas to get rid of both Cancer and Tumor cells. But for best results it is wise to use a combination of Herbs as a Tea. Drink these on a regular bases to help the body to be immune to Cancer Cells. Most of these can be bought at a Health Foods Store.
A. Alfalfa Seed----These need to be grounded up.
B. Astragalus----An Herb from China.
C. Burdock Root.
D. Chaparral.
E. Dandelion Root.
F. Golden Seal Root.
G. Horseradish Root.
H. Mandrake Root.
I. Parsley Leaves.
J. Periwinkle.
K. Red Clover.
L. Red Root.
M. Rose Hips.
N. Slippery Elm----The Inner Bark.
O. Violet.
P. Taheebo Tea----This Herb comes from the Amazon Rain Forest. It is very deadly against Cancer and Leukemia Cells. This is the number one Herb in curing children who have this disease of Leukemia. In the USA it is called Pau d' Arco. The Doctors in Brazil can save 99 out of 100 children from using this Herb against Leukemia. The Doctors in the USA do not use this Rain Forest Herb against Leukemia. But I think they need to use it.
Q. Graviola----This is also a Rain Forest Herb and it is Very Very Deadly against Cancer Cells. This Herb is 10,000 times more effective against Cancer Cells then Chemotherapy.
R. Red Bush Tea----This tea comes from Africa but it is commonly sold in Health Food Stores. This tea is very high in Antioxidants and it is a Deadly Cancer killer. It also has about 10 medical properties which makes it good for both children and adults. It is 50 times more effective then Green Tea but there is no Caffeine. You can also drink all you want with no side effects. It does make a good Sports Drink.
9. Cottage Cheese And Flax Seed Oil.
The next time that you buy a container of Cottage Cheese, take off the lid and add a teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil and then stir it in well. These two together when eaten is very deadly to Cancer Cells. In an experiment, dogs were injected with Cancer Cells. After two months the dogs were fed Cottage Cheese with the Flax Seed Oil everyday. After a month of eating the cottage cheese the dogs were completely cured from the Cancer. It was completely gone from their bodies. This Cottage Cheese can protect us from Cancer also. I was told by a friend that said if you can buy " Hemp Oil " and mix one teaspoon of this into your 16 oz container of cottage cheese, it will be 100% better in killing Cancer Cells then any other oil. But before you go out and buy this "Hemp Oil " make sure that you will not be in trouble with the law enforcement officers because your state will not allow it. Some companies even make a skin lotion with Hemp Oil in it. This kind of lotion will greatly help to prevent all kinds of Skin Cancers.
10. Grow An Organic Garden Every Year.
An Organic Garden is grown from rotted animal by-products and Compost. This kind of garden has no Chemical sprays. All the vegetables that are grown in this type of garden will protect your body from getting Cancer. All the vegetables are high in Antioxidants and they are rich in Vitamins and Minerals.If you do not know how to grow a garden then ask one of your neighbors to help you get started. Or the local library will have a lot of books on Gardening. The Internet also has a lot of excellent information. Most of all it takes a lot of work and effort to grow an excellent Garden. But the best part is the eating of all of those vegetables that you have grown with your own hands. Besides this growing a Garden can be a lot of fun watching your plants grow from a seed to a full grown plant producing vegetables.
Our Garden has provided for us during the month of July all we can eat: Radishes, Carrots, Peas, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries and Raspberries. During the month of August we are eating the same vegetables and Corn, Green Beans, Onions, Tomatoes and Grapes. The Squash and Potatoes will not be ready for another two months. But the Green Peppers, the Watermelons and the Muskmelons will be ready to eat in just a few weeks. Was it worth growing a garden this year ? You bet it was!!!!
11. Eat Homemade Soups.
Most of the homemade soups have fresh vegetables and some form of meat. The juices from the soup is not only very healthy for you but they are also Cancer fighters. If there was a King of all the soups, I would say Chicken Soup. In a lot of countries around the world Chicken Soup is the number one choice for Colds and the Flu. It brings a big balance back into your body when you are feeling sick or you are all out of energy after a sickness. It is really surprising how Homemade Chicken Soup can get you back on your feet feeling really good again. The store bought soups that you buy in a can, these do not have the same medical properties that you will find in the home made soups.
12. Include Garlic And Onions In Your Diet.
Garlic and Onions are a Deadly Destroyer of Germs and Cancer Cells. The mountain folk and country people believe that Garlic is the number one Remedy for Colds and the Flu. Garlic can be taken fresh or if you do not like it, it can be taken in a capsule or in a pill form.
13. Do Not Smoke And Don't Be Around Others Who Smoke.
Being around others who smoke can be just as bad as if you were smoking yourself. Smoking causes a great big unbalance in your body. Smoking messes up your blood, it lowers your immune system to where your body can get most of the common diseases. Smoking kills the white corpuscles
and it is a proven fact that it causes Cancer in the lungs, the mouth, the throat, the stomach or the Brain. It can cause Tumors anywhere in the body where the Blood flows. It causes a lot of coughing and the Carbon monoxide from the tobacco smoke takes the oxygen out of the body making it difficult to breath. I always feel sorry for those children who have to be around parents who do a lot of smoking, and those children have to breath all that second-hand smoke. Even if the children never start smoking they will have a lot of health problems from being around their Parents who smoke.
14. Use The Following Natural Blood Purifiers Regularly.
A. Burdock Root----This plant grows in moist shady areas. It is a biannual and it has large round like leaves that are soft and hairy. Boy Scouts use these leaves commonly as toilet paper. Each large leaf is attached to a celery-like stem. The roots are dried and grounded up. This powder is put into capsules and can be bought at Health Food Stores. The 2nd year Burdocks has a long stem that grows hundreds of round cockleburs that will stick to your clothes as you walk by.
B. Cayenne Red Peppers----These are most commonly taken in the form of a powder which is put into a capsule. You can buy these at any store that sells Vitamins and Minerals. The bottle will have written on it 40,000 STU. The directions is to take one capsule a day. When eating a full meal. Eat half of it then swallow the capsule and then eat the other half. Never take two capsules at the same time thinking that it will do twice the job. I did it once and it gave me a bad belly ache. Cayenne peppers will also get rid of stomach ulcers, it will create good circulation though out the whole body and it will also lower your Blood Pressure. It also reduces Arthritis Pains.
C. Yellow Dock Root----The root is dried and grounded up to a powder. Then they put this powder into capsules. Yellow Dock Root in capsules can be bought in any Health Foods Store. The directions is to take one capsule a day. This root is also excellent for itch. I will buy a can of "Bag Balm " from a farmer's store and melt it down to a liquid. Then I will add 12 capsules of Yellow Dock Root and stir it well. Letting it sit overnight will make it become a salve again. This Itch Salve will stop itch in just 20 seconds.
D. Dandelion Roots----This is a common weed that grows on every lawn that have not been sprayed. It has long toothed leaves and a round bright yellow flower that sits on the end of a long hollow stem. Children will pick these flowers in the spring and give them to the mothers. The Roots are gathered and dried. In a powered form these roots are put into capsules and they can be bought at any Health Food store. Dandelions have about 12 Amino Acids that will get into the Blood and clean out all the foreign matter making your Blood nice and pure. Every spring I always gather the Dandelion Roots and then I will roast them in an oven for a few hours. These roasted roots are put into a double boiler pan on a paper towel and the hot drippings coming off the roots is known as " Dandelion Brew ". This is a very dark brown color that looks like coffee. I have been drinking this Brew twice a day for the last several weeks. I sweeten mine and add milk or coffee creamer. It has a non-bitter pleasant taste that taste a lot like the hot beverage called " Postum ". This Brew is very healthy for you and it is all free for the taking.
E. Red And White Clover Flowers.
Both of these plants grow on just about everyone's lawn that has not been sprayed. Clover is a small plant and it has 3 dark green leaves and a single flower that grows on each plant. Most of these plants are less then 2 inches tall and the flower is only about a centimeter wide. It will bring you good luck if you can find a 4-leaf clover. Also the 4-leaf clover is a common picture on St. Patrick's Day. The White Clover is more common then the red and most of the common Honey sold on the market, comes from the White clover blossoms. The Red Clover is not so common as the white ones, but if you look carefully you can find Red Clover growing on other people's lawns. My lawn has White Clover, but next door their lawn has mostly Red Clover. Both of these plants are excellent Blood Purifiers, but the Red Clover is more commonly used because it is rich in Antioxidants and it is a deadly Cancer killer. White Clover has creamy white flowers and Red Clover has pinkish red flowers. To make a pleasant tasting tea, gather the white or red flowers and make sure there are no stems attached to the flowers. The stems will give the tea a bitter taste. When you have picked a quart sized bottle full, dump these blossoms onto a double paper towel inside a double boiler. As the water boils the drippings from the Red Clover will be yellow in color. If you let this yellow tea sit for 12 to 15 minutes it will will turn to a deep blood red. The medical properties are way much higher when you drink this tea while it is still yellow. I do sweeten mine with honey and I add a little bit of milk. You can drink all you want of this tea with no side effects. At least it has never bothered me and the tea does taste good.
F. Fresh Purple Concord Grape Juice.
Believe it or not this juice is the best Blood Purifier of them all. But the Purple Concord Grapes are only available when they are in season like in August or October. This juice is only a Blood Purifier when it is drank from fresh squeezed grapes. In other words this Grape Juice is 100% Alive. Processed Grape Juice will not work. Any Grape Juice that you buy in a store will not work as a Blood Purifier. On the other hand if you were to buy fresh Purple Concord Grapes themselves and squeeze the juice from them at home then that is OK. Remember that the juice needs to be 100% fresh grape juice that is 100% Alive.
There are about 50 Herbs that are also known as Blood Purifies but the 6 that are listed above, these are the most common ones and they can be found in any Health Foods Store except for the fresh Concord Grapes. It is wise to use 2 or 3 of these Blood Purifiers to get the best results.
15. Be A Fisherman And Eat Your Fish.
The Omega-3 Fatty Acids that are found in fish is deadly to Cancer Cells, The Cancer rate is very low in people who live on any of the Islands anywhere in the world. They include a lot of fish in their diet everyday. They also eat a lot of fresh tropical fruits which are very high in Antioxidants.
16. Eat Fresh Whole Grain Hot Cereals For Breakfast.
I bought a small Coffee Grinder for about 20 dollars. This is used for grinding up Whole Grains into the making of fresh Hot Whole Grain Cereal. This Cereal can be eaten anytime of day. It is not just a breakfast food. This Fresh Hot Cereal has both the Germ and the Bran in it which makes it a Deadly Cancer Killer. Never trust the store bought Hot Cereals. You have no idea how old it is and you do not know how much Germ and Bran is found in this product. When you grind your own Hot Cereals from Whole Grains, you will know for sure that you are eating a high quality Cereal that has both the Germ and the Bran. There are several grains that can be used as Cereal. They are the Hard Red Winter Wheat, the Soft and the hard White Wheat, Montana Wheat, Buckwheat, Sorghum Seeds, Millet Seeds. Barley Grouts, Oat Grouts or Brown Rice. These are the more popular Grains. I will also add a half of a teaspoon of both Alfalfa Seed and Flax Seed to each batch of cereal that I am grinding up.
To make the hot cereal, bring a small pan of water to the boiling state. Add a little bit of salt so it will not have a flat taste. Put the heat on low and using a wire whisk add the fresh ground cereal to the hot water and stir it the whole time. Add the Grain until it begins to thicken. But keep stirring it while it is cooking for 2 to 3 minutes. You could cook it longer for a more mushier cereal but the roughly cooked cereal will scrape the insides of your intestines of it's impurities. Turn off the heat and put the cereal into bowls.
For the best tasting Hot Cereal you have ever eaten add some real butter to the cereal and let it melt. Then add brown sugar, a few drops or both Vanilla and Maple Flavorings. Add some Cinnamon and some raisins. Then add milk or cream or you could add a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. I will even put some cookie chips in it if I have some. This is very good tasting Hot Cereal.
17.. Buy A Juicer And Drink Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juices.
Most people in the world today drink a lot of Soda Pop, Energy Drinks, Beer and Wine. All of these will lower your immune system. Drinking the fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices will greatly increase your immune system and these fresh Juices are deadly to Cancer Cells. The Fresh Juices that we drink the most is Fresh Carrot and Apple Juice. We grow a lot of our own Carrots in our backyard and they are very easy to grow. Please read on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-How to grow lots of Carrots ".
When Apples are ripe and ready to pick, most people who have Apple trees in the backyard will gladly let you come and pick their Apples. There are several kinds of these apples. When combined and juiced together they make a great tasting healthy drink.
18. Eat Orange Colored Squash Regularly.
We grow two kinds of Orange Colored Squash--Hubbard and Sweetmeat--in our backyard. Both of these will last all winter if they are put into a cool basement or a root cellar. I will usually bake mine in an oven at 350 degrees for an hour. When done I will scrape off the orange pulp and then mash it up. Then I will add some real butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. It taste like Pumpkin -Pie Filling. My wife likes to eat it with real butter and salt and pepper. Like Carrots this orange colored squash is high in " Carotene " and the body changes this into Vitamin A making it deadly to Cancer Cells. Some people like other types of orange colored squash but I enjoy the two listed up above because they are not stringy and they are excellent tasting. If you did not grow any squash in your garden this year then you can buy both of these at any Farmer's Market. Both of these will grow most anywhere.
My wife and I take one capsule a day of the following Herbs and no more then two a week from each Herb. They are some of the best Organic Supplements that will help to prevent Cancer. They are He Shou Wo from China, Pau d' Arco and Graviola from the Amazon Rain Forest and the Herb called Astragalus from China in capsule form. All four of these were bought at a Health Food Store. We also buy the mineral in capsules called " Selenium " and we take one in the morning and one at night. We also will take a Cayenne Pepper capsule 3 or 4 times a week while eating a full meal. I also drink a glass full of Molasses and Milk about 5 times a week. None of us wants to get Cancer and yet people all around us are suffering from Cancer. Follow the suggestions listed up above and your success rate should be excellent.
Please read my Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-A Remedy For Garden Growers ". Also read the Article: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies-The Facts About Cancer That Doctors Do Not Want You To Know About ".
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