Coconut Oil is a " Super Food ". When you include coconut oil as a part of your regular diet it will slowly get rid of the unwanted fat around your waist. You read that right. Coconut Oil will get rid of that Pot Belly that you may have had for some time. But you need to remember that drinking a lot of pop and or beer will also create a pot belly. So you need to cut down on both of these if you want the coconut oil to do its job in getting rid of that fat on the gut, because the beer and the pop will continue to provide you with a pot belly even though the coconut oil is doing it's best into getting rid of it.
Coconut Oil is a wonderful natural medicine. Because the coconut is the fruit of the palm tree it will naturally get rid of the poisonous toxins that are found in the body and it also kills free radicals. Besides helping you to loose weight it is also good for Diabetes, irritable bowel syndrone, Alzheimer's disease, thyroid conditions, boosting your energy levels, boosting the immune system and it provides the body with a lot of good cholesterol. It is also good for softening and conditioning the skin giving it a moisturizing effect, and overcoming a disease called Psonasis.
Why does Coconut Oil work in so many different ways? Because it is a " Saturated Fat " called Medium Chain Triglycendes, and this fat works differently in your body then that of other " saturated fats ".
A few comments are listed below as to why we should include Coconut Oil in our diet.
1. As it is already listed up above Coconut Oil has a positive effect upon several medical problems.
2. People who eat coconuts on a regular bases, they are some of the most healthiest people around and many of them live way past 100 years old. The people who live in the South Pacific, their diets are mainly tropical fruits, fish and coconuts. They are a very healthy people with no heart diseases and very few of them ever get Cancer.
3. Coconut Oil will increase your energy levels and it will burn fat off your body automatically.
4. The Lauric Acid that is found in Coconut Oil will kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. In other words the eating of Coconut Oil will kill infections in the body automatically.
5. Coconut Oil will kill your hunger pains so that you will eat less.
6. For those of you who are having seizures, Coconut Oil will help to control it. This is both for adults and also children.
7. Coconut Oil will improve Blood Cholesterol levels and it will also lower your risk of heart diseases.
8. Coconut Oil is a great skin moisturizer and it also makes a good sunscreen.
9. Coconut Oil will boost up the function of the brain and improves the memory power. It will also help the people who are suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.
10. Coconut Oil will help your body to loose it's fat especially the dangerous fat that is found in the abdominal cavity.
11. Coconut Oil controls blood sugar levels. It helps to improve the body's use of insulin and it increases digestion and it helps the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
The only Side Effect that a first time user could experience is Diarrhea for the first few days. Because coconuts are the fruit of the Palm Tree, they will destroy toxins in your body and for a few days you will have diarrhea which is a natural processes when the body is getting rid of those poisons that are found in your body. After a couple of days you will be back to normal with no more problems, because your body has gotten use to this new oil.
There are several ways that you can add Coconut Oil to your diet. For the first time users, use only a little bit at a time until your body gets use to it. My wife melts it down and adds a tablespoon of this oil to baked goods or pancake batter. It can be added to gravies to put on mashed potatoes. It could be added to fruit smoothies, root beer floats or milkshakes.You could spread it onto bagels or toast followed by cream cheese or jelly. Some people will even melt it down and add yellow food coloring and salt and when it becomes solid again it will make a good butter substitute, and it taste like butter.
When buying Coconut Oil buy the " Organic Virgin Coconut Oil ". My wife bought some from a neighbor who bought a case of 12 bottles at 16 dollars a bottle. These were 32 oz. bottles and they were ordered from off the internet. On another day my wife found some Coconut Oil at a store. These were 29 oz. bottles for only 8 dollars. So when you go looking for this product, remember that some stores will sale it for less money then other stores. If your store does not have it talk to the manager and they will order it. Or you can order it off the internet for a higher cost.