This is a subject that should be taken very seriously. " All Burns Should Be Handled By A Doctor Or A Trained Medical Person ". But some of you may live far away from a Doctor or getting to a Doctor is not possible. If this is the case with you, then there are some Remedies that can be helpful.
First of all there are three kinds of burns:
A. First Degree Burns----This is a minor burn. A sunburn, a rash or a burn from scalding hot water.
B. Second Degree Burns----This is when the burn forms blisters on the skin.
C. Third Degree Burns----This is the most Serious Burn, when flesh has been burnt. This is a burn that will put a person into a state of shock. On this type of Burn a person needs to be taken to a Doctor just as soon as possible. This kind of Burn could cause death or if blood poisoning sets in, the person could loose an arm or a leg.
If a Doctor can not be found, the first choice I have as a Remedy is HONEY! This is a good choice for both Second and Third Degree Burns. Remove all the clothing from the burnt area and then coat the Burn with a thick layer of Honey. For serious Third Degree Burns, treat the person for shock. Rest the head on a pillow, and lay him on his back. Elevate both feet so that they are higher then the head and then cover the person with a blanket.
A mid-western Doctor from the United States was faced with an emergency, and his child had Third Degree Burns. There was plenty of Honey available so he coated his son with the Honey. When the burns all healed, there was no scaring. When the Doctor went back to work, he talked the hospital into having plenty of Honey available to be used on burnt patients. Honey is both a natural healer and a disinfectant. It naturally draws the heat out of a Burn.
A second way to treat a 2nd or 3rd Degree Burn comes from a book called " Back To Eden " by a Jethro Kloss. This man is an expert when it comes to herbs and how to use them. On page 283 of his book, he talks about treating deep serious Burns by soaking a clean cloth in Kerosene and wrapping it around the Burn. The Writer claims he has treated many large burns with this Kerosene method and there was very little pain. My wife said it is strange to use a flammable fuel like Kerosene on a Burn, but in the good old days there were a lot of different substances that was used as Remedies. If any of you readers out there have ever heard of using Kerosene for Burns or other problems, please feel free to make a comment on the bottom of this page. We would like to hear from you.
A second way to treat a 2nd or 3rd Degree Burn by Jethro Kloss was to bath these Burns with a special lotion. This is made be taking a teaspoon each of Golden Seal, Myrrh and Boric Acid and you add these three to a pint of boiling water. You let this mixture stand for a half of an hour. Then you pour off the clear liquid and apply these three ingredients with a cotton ball to the Burn. Then you cover the treated Burn with a gauze. He goes on to say that if there is any proud flesh then sprinkle it with Burnt Alum. Even Jethro Kloss suggests that if the Burn is deep then you need to see a Doctor or go to the hospital.
Most of the minor Burns can be treated at home or where ever an activity is taking place. There are several Remedies for minor burns. they are as follows:
1. It is wise to have an Aloe Vera plant growing on your window sill at your house. When a person gets a minor Burn, the juice from an Aloe Vera plant is very soothing to a Burn and it will help it to heal without any major problems.
2. Egg whites mixed with olive oil and applied to a Burn, this will bring the heat out and after a gauze that has been put over the Burn, it will heal properly.
3. As listed above Honey is great when applied to Burns follow by a gauze.
4. There are many salves and lotions that can be bought at a store to be used on Burns. The store manager will help you to pick the right one.
Often when you are on the beach, or at a picnic or working or playing in your own backyard, many of us will get sun burnt. Below are several ways to treat sunburn:
A. I personally have used Yellow Prepared Mustard. This is often available at picnics and other family get togethers. Just rub it on your arms or neck . It is soothing and it makes the burning go away. At night you can go to sleep without that prickly feeling on the back of your neck with Mustard applied to it.
B. The juice from a slice of onion rubbed on minor Burns is very soothing.
C. Cut a lemon in half and rub the lemon juice all over the minor Burn.
D. If you have Vitamin E Oil, rub this onto minor Burns. It draws the heat out and it is very soothing.
E. House hold Vinegar is good for minor Burns.
F. The juice of a strawberry cut in half is very soothing to a sunburn.
G. The juice from a slice of potato is great for sunburn.
H. White Flour, Baking Soda and Corn Starch will stop a Burn. A friend of mine was using an iron skillet and he got it too hot. He burned his hand real bad when he grabbed the handle. There was a bag of flour near by and he put his hand into the flour and found instant relief.
I. Wearing a bandanna around your neck or wearing a long sleeve cotton shirt, this will prevent sunburn on the arms and back of your neck.
One should never panic when there are so many ways to treat a Burn. One of the first rules of thumb in treating a Burn on your hands or feet is to put them into cold water for several minutes. This will stop the burning process, then you apply Honey or mustard to it and bandage it.
A lady from India who was living in the United States, she suggested of putting yogurt on any Burn even the deep ones and then bandage it up. Also it was suggested of taking a clean cloth and soaking this into White Vinegar and wrap this around 2nd and 3rd Degree Burns changing the bandages once or twice a day. This will cause the Burn to heal without any problems.
By the way, those of you who have First Aid Kits and you carry them where ever you go, it is wise to include a small bottle of Honey, mustard and/or Vinegar. These could be the small squeezable plastic bottles. Or a small bottle of Vitamin E Oil will also work. These are to be used for burns only. If you use Honey then you need to check it from time to time to make sure it will not crystallize. Of course you can remelt it by letting it sit in the sun.
I have been informed about " St. John Wort Oil " that this oil is great for deeper Burns followed by a bandage. Also when blisters have formed, do not break them open to let the fluid out. You can prevent infection by leaving the fluid where it is. This is the bodies natural barrier in protecting the Burn from dirt and infection.
Have you ever heard of a 4th, 5th or a 6th Degree Burn? You do not hear much about these three because they are somewhat Military Terms. The 4th Degree Burn are rashes that form all over your body because you have been exposed to an operating Military Antenna for too long of a period of time. The 5th Degree Burns are Radiation Burns that would form on your body from being exposed to Radio-Active substances. This is very deadly and very few people survive it. People who are involved in an Atom Bomb drop will suffer from 5th Degree Burns and very few people will survive this experience.
The 6th Degree Burns is usually the most feared of all the Burns. These Burns on the body comes from Extra-Teresteral Technology. In other words someone got captured by Aliens and experiments were done on them. If this ever happens to you, it is best to keep your mouth shut to those you do not trust, because you may end up being a test subject for some government scientist that will want to know how, when,where and why you have received those 6th Degree Burns. Most of the Worlds Governments will tell you that Aliens from another planet is all a bunch of boloney. But at the same time the US Air Force has two books that talks about UFO'S and Aliens. They are called " The Air Force Blue Book " and " The Air Force Black Book ". Both of these books can be checked out through the Inter-Library Loan Program. The Library at Utah State has both of these books on the second floor for anyone to read. But they will not loan them out.
This article was written to help all of us to know what to do when a person gets a bad burn. There are many good ways to treat a burn but when it is possible, please take the burnt person to a Hospital or to a Doctor. They will know what to do.