There are a lot of stories out there where people are claiming that the use of magnets have done some wonderful things for them. The purpose of this article is to inform you of some of these stories and as to what magnets have been used for in making life more pleasant and enjoyable. Please read the following information and then you can be the judge and jury to decide as to whether magnets can be of help to you also.
Since this earth was created, to it's present time, or the time in which we now live, the air we breath has been polluted time and time again by poisonous gases all over the world. It has been from manufacturing companies, steel mills, forest fires, automobile exhaust, nuclear bomb testings, chemical explosions, and the list goes on and on. Why are we still alive? We should be dead! Many of us are sick on a regular basis because of the polluted air. But we all keep plugging at it hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.
Well, whoever created this earth eons ago, was very wise because they created a magnetic force between the north and south pole. This magnetic force is a natural neutralizer. In other words, the molecules in the air that we breath, even though it is chuck full of poisonous gases, these molecules are being neutralized from the magnetic forces between the north and the south pole. And guess what? These magnetic forces are busy doing their thing for 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. This magnetic machine works on it's own for eons of time with no maintenance problems.
When Abraham and his wife Sarah from the Old Testament spent over 17 years in Egypt, not only was Abraham a Mathematician, but he was also an astronomer. The scientists in Egypt were really impressed with the knowledge Abraham possessed, and he shared that knowledge with them. At that time, there were no pyramids in Egypt, and it is believed that with Abraham's knowledge and with the help of the Egyptians, they began with the building of the pyramid of Giza. After Abraham left Egypt, they finished the Pyramid of Giza and then built two more pyramids. Because Abraham started the first pyramid (Giza), it was built on magnetic north. The other two pyramids are built on true north. As a result, the pyramid of Giza is holding the fertile Nile Valley under a magnetic force. If you look at any modern day map of Egypt showing the fertile Nile Valley, it's boundaries make almost a perfect 90 degree angle, and at the southern most tip or point sits the pyramid of Giza. So Abraham, in building this pyramid of Giza, has been a great benefit to the Egyptians all of these years. The pyramid of Giza is more deteriorated than the other two, and the modern day generation wants to tear this pyramid down and replace it with a new one. But the old wise men of Egypt say: "No! You cannot do this. If you tear down the pyramid of Giza, the Nile Valley will go back to being a dessert. It would be wiser to let it stand for a few more thousand years." Maybe this is all a bunch of baloney, and we just don't know it. But yet at the same time these old wise men highly respect this unexplained power that the Pyramid of Giza is producing and they know that this force is making the Nile Valley one of the most productive valleys in the world, when it should be all dessert.
The pyramid of Giza has been a mystery for thousands of years. There is a story many years ago of 3 Americans who went to Egypt to explore the pyramid of Giza. Each one of them had a knapsack with 3 days of food in them, and 3 canteens full of water. They got inside and got lost, and they couldn't find a way back out. They found plenty of water, and they did not get hungry very often. Through their wanderings in this pyramid, they figured they could not have been in that pyramid for more than 3 weeks. But when they finally found an opening to get back out, 25 years of earth time had gone by. They said: "No way that we were in there for 25 years! That is not possible! ".
The US Military has built and used the Delta T Antenna for a lot of their secret projects. This Antenna runs on the same magnetic force that comes from the Pyramid of Giza. It is made up of two pyramids that are patterned after Giza. One points towards the sky and the other points towards the ground. The Delta T Antenna was used for time and dimension experiments done by US Scientist. Those scientist who have been around the Delta T Antenna when it was in operation, they claim the magnetic force coming from the antenna will sharpen your brain to where you can think more accurately. You can solve math problems so much better after being next to a Delta T Antenna. I need to build one of these antennas in my backyard. If you would like to read about some of those secret government projects, punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/Uncle Bob's Most Famous Stories " then read the story " What ever happened to Fred Kueppers " and the next story after that one. There is one word of Caution if you decided to build one of these Antennas in your backyard. Do not be near the Delta T during a thunder storm or else a bolt of lighting might put you into another Dimension. The scientists who builds these antennas seemed very serous about this Caution. Maybe one of them did disappear for real during a thunder storm.
I use to work with a man who was a magnetic scientist, and he was known by others as the "Magnet Man". He told me that he strongly believed that if you were to build a double mirrored pyramid after the same pattern as the pyramid of Giza, and make it big enough to live in, he strongly believed that once you are inside, time will stand still. He asked me if I as interested in joining him in his project. I told him I was married and had a family, and I owned property, and he did not. So I told him it just would not work for me. That was over ten years ago, and I use to see him a lot after he made me the offer, but I have not seen him for a long, long time. I wonder if he is now sitting in that double mirrored pyramid, staying in the present, while the rest of us are going into the future. I hope he comes to see me when he gets out of that doubled mirrored pyramid. Of course if his experiment does work I may have become a great-great grandfather before I kicked the bucket while he will still be a young man. Maybe I should have joyed him in his project.
He told me this story about magnets, and I was impressed, so I'm passing this story onto you the reader. "A lady who smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day got sick, and went to see a doctor. He told her she had lung cancer really bad, and there was nothing he could do for her. He gave her maybe two months more to live. He said even if she quit smoking, it wouldn't help her. This lady did not want to die, nor did she want to give up her smoking. So she went to the magnet man who was her friend and asked what he would suggest. He told her that she needed to quit smoking right now if she wanted to live longer. She asked if the magnets could help her, and what would he suggest for her to do. He told her to find a record player that turns the 78 speed and put a record on it with button magnets, and let these magnets spin at the 78 speed. He told her to sit by the spinning magnets as much as possible throughout the whole day, and if she could not give up her smoking, she was to placer her packets of smokes by the spinning magnets for 24 hours before smoking them. He told her to think positive that the spinning magnets will make her normal again. So she followed the Magnet Man's instructions and six months later she went back to the doctor. An exam showed that the cancer was completely gone from her body, and the doctor asked if she had given up her smoking. She told him about the spinning magnets, and he laughed at her and told her the magnets were a bunch of hooey. He said that according to God, it wasn't her time to die.
I look at this story as a possibility because the magnets are doing their job of turning negatives into positives, but I too would have told the lady that she needs to quit smoking. The smoking of 3 packs a day is probably what started the cancer in the first place. But I will also look at this story and say that if the magnets got rid of the cancer in a smoker, then it should do wonders to cancer patients who do not smoke.
One comment I would like to say about these spinning magnets, in my opinion it is like finding the Fountain of Youth. These spinning magnets are turning negatives into positives and at the same time they are putting molecules into a dormant state. If we were to put these spinning magnets turning in our bedrooms every night, it would relax our bodies and put them into a dormant state to where our bodies will not age all night long. These is what the magnetic force will do for you. But in order to stop your aging process you have to spin those magnets every night as you sleep and you need to think positive that these magnets are doing their job. My wife and I sleep by these spinning magnets every night and if we are still alive in 50 years from now, I guess I will have to say " I told you so! ". Please read my article: " I Have Found The Fountain Of Youth ".
I have had a irregular hart beat ever since I was a child. There are lots of pauses between the thumps, and the thump-thumps. Every doctor who listens to my heart will tell me that there is something really wrong with my heart to beat that way. But I don't get dizzy, and I rarely get sick, and I have not been to a doctor in a long, long time. I read in a book a long time ago that you should never put magnets next to your heart. My line of thinking was that if magnets were a natural tuning device, then it should be a help to my heart. So I began wearing magnets next to my heart, and guess what? My heart would beat more normally than it did irregularly. So from that time forth, whenever I had a pocket on my shirt, I would wear a magnet next to my heart.
There are companies out there that make magnetic articles for your every need and each company will tell you how it all works and how their product can help you. There are magnetic mattresses, belts, back braces, knee and leg braces, shoulder and arm braces. There are magnetic headbands that will prevent headaches. There are magnetic bands for your fingers, wrist, arms and legs that will help to decrease pain. They put magnetic linings in your clothes so that just about any part of your body can have the benefits of a magnet. They even make a small machine that spins magnets real fast and you can take the machine where ever you go.
Another story I wish to say about the magnetic forces. For people who have built gazebos in their back yards, just for fun some would put on a 4 sided pyramid roof that sat on magnetic north. These people claim that when you store last year's garden seed in the roof of the gazebo all winter, the next year's crop from those seeds grew more healthier plants with larger fruits that were sweeter and tastier than what the regular seeds could produce.
Also, magnetic forces are also collected in cone shaped objects. That is why witches and wizards would wear a cone shaped hat. The magnetic forces would sharpen the brain of anyone who wore those hats. On many of the castes built in the past, you would see cone shape roofs above many of the upper rooms, and most generally the royal families would sleep in these rooms. The magnetic forces that was collected in the roofs was suppose to make the royal family rule wisely and to live longer than everyone else.
Anyone can create a magnetic force in your own home that could be an all around Medical Machine turning negatives into positives and I do believe that this Machine would play a major impact in helping us to not only overcome Cancer but it will also help us to overcome most of common diseases that we all seem to face. Buy an old record player that spins at the 78 speed. Put an old LP record on it that has button magnets glued all over it and then spin it thus creating your own Magnetic Force. If you can not find an old player a window fan will work also. Super Glue about three button magnets at end of each fan blade in the same position as the others so the blade will remain balanced, then spin it thus creating a Magnetic Force. You can be your own scientist and experiment to see what these Magnetic Forces can really do for you. Believe it or not this field of science is wide open to anyone who want to play around with it. Just pure fun for the right person, and in this kind of experiment anything can happen!
In conclusion we go back to the title of this article: "Will using magnets actually help our bodies?" What do you think? ....and may the force be with you always...the magnetic force.
Since this earth was created, to it's present time, or the time in which we now live, the air we breath has been polluted time and time again by poisonous gases all over the world. It has been from manufacturing companies, steel mills, forest fires, automobile exhaust, nuclear bomb testings, chemical explosions, and the list goes on and on. Why are we still alive? We should be dead! Many of us are sick on a regular basis because of the polluted air. But we all keep plugging at it hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.
Well, whoever created this earth eons ago, was very wise because they created a magnetic force between the north and south pole. This magnetic force is a natural neutralizer. In other words, the molecules in the air that we breath, even though it is chuck full of poisonous gases, these molecules are being neutralized from the magnetic forces between the north and the south pole. And guess what? These magnetic forces are busy doing their thing for 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. This magnetic machine works on it's own for eons of time with no maintenance problems.
When Abraham and his wife Sarah from the Old Testament spent over 17 years in Egypt, not only was Abraham a Mathematician, but he was also an astronomer. The scientists in Egypt were really impressed with the knowledge Abraham possessed, and he shared that knowledge with them. At that time, there were no pyramids in Egypt, and it is believed that with Abraham's knowledge and with the help of the Egyptians, they began with the building of the pyramid of Giza. After Abraham left Egypt, they finished the Pyramid of Giza and then built two more pyramids. Because Abraham started the first pyramid (Giza), it was built on magnetic north. The other two pyramids are built on true north. As a result, the pyramid of Giza is holding the fertile Nile Valley under a magnetic force. If you look at any modern day map of Egypt showing the fertile Nile Valley, it's boundaries make almost a perfect 90 degree angle, and at the southern most tip or point sits the pyramid of Giza. So Abraham, in building this pyramid of Giza, has been a great benefit to the Egyptians all of these years. The pyramid of Giza is more deteriorated than the other two, and the modern day generation wants to tear this pyramid down and replace it with a new one. But the old wise men of Egypt say: "No! You cannot do this. If you tear down the pyramid of Giza, the Nile Valley will go back to being a dessert. It would be wiser to let it stand for a few more thousand years." Maybe this is all a bunch of baloney, and we just don't know it. But yet at the same time these old wise men highly respect this unexplained power that the Pyramid of Giza is producing and they know that this force is making the Nile Valley one of the most productive valleys in the world, when it should be all dessert.
The pyramid of Giza has been a mystery for thousands of years. There is a story many years ago of 3 Americans who went to Egypt to explore the pyramid of Giza. Each one of them had a knapsack with 3 days of food in them, and 3 canteens full of water. They got inside and got lost, and they couldn't find a way back out. They found plenty of water, and they did not get hungry very often. Through their wanderings in this pyramid, they figured they could not have been in that pyramid for more than 3 weeks. But when they finally found an opening to get back out, 25 years of earth time had gone by. They said: "No way that we were in there for 25 years! That is not possible! ".
The US Military has built and used the Delta T Antenna for a lot of their secret projects. This Antenna runs on the same magnetic force that comes from the Pyramid of Giza. It is made up of two pyramids that are patterned after Giza. One points towards the sky and the other points towards the ground. The Delta T Antenna was used for time and dimension experiments done by US Scientist. Those scientist who have been around the Delta T Antenna when it was in operation, they claim the magnetic force coming from the antenna will sharpen your brain to where you can think more accurately. You can solve math problems so much better after being next to a Delta T Antenna. I need to build one of these antennas in my backyard. If you would like to read about some of those secret government projects, punch in on Google Search: " Uncle Bob's Home Remedies/Uncle Bob's Most Famous Stories " then read the story " What ever happened to Fred Kueppers " and the next story after that one. There is one word of Caution if you decided to build one of these Antennas in your backyard. Do not be near the Delta T during a thunder storm or else a bolt of lighting might put you into another Dimension. The scientists who builds these antennas seemed very serous about this Caution. Maybe one of them did disappear for real during a thunder storm.
I use to work with a man who was a magnetic scientist, and he was known by others as the "Magnet Man". He told me that he strongly believed that if you were to build a double mirrored pyramid after the same pattern as the pyramid of Giza, and make it big enough to live in, he strongly believed that once you are inside, time will stand still. He asked me if I as interested in joining him in his project. I told him I was married and had a family, and I owned property, and he did not. So I told him it just would not work for me. That was over ten years ago, and I use to see him a lot after he made me the offer, but I have not seen him for a long, long time. I wonder if he is now sitting in that double mirrored pyramid, staying in the present, while the rest of us are going into the future. I hope he comes to see me when he gets out of that doubled mirrored pyramid. Of course if his experiment does work I may have become a great-great grandfather before I kicked the bucket while he will still be a young man. Maybe I should have joyed him in his project.
He told me this story about magnets, and I was impressed, so I'm passing this story onto you the reader. "A lady who smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day got sick, and went to see a doctor. He told her she had lung cancer really bad, and there was nothing he could do for her. He gave her maybe two months more to live. He said even if she quit smoking, it wouldn't help her. This lady did not want to die, nor did she want to give up her smoking. So she went to the magnet man who was her friend and asked what he would suggest. He told her that she needed to quit smoking right now if she wanted to live longer. She asked if the magnets could help her, and what would he suggest for her to do. He told her to find a record player that turns the 78 speed and put a record on it with button magnets, and let these magnets spin at the 78 speed. He told her to sit by the spinning magnets as much as possible throughout the whole day, and if she could not give up her smoking, she was to placer her packets of smokes by the spinning magnets for 24 hours before smoking them. He told her to think positive that the spinning magnets will make her normal again. So she followed the Magnet Man's instructions and six months later she went back to the doctor. An exam showed that the cancer was completely gone from her body, and the doctor asked if she had given up her smoking. She told him about the spinning magnets, and he laughed at her and told her the magnets were a bunch of hooey. He said that according to God, it wasn't her time to die.
I look at this story as a possibility because the magnets are doing their job of turning negatives into positives, but I too would have told the lady that she needs to quit smoking. The smoking of 3 packs a day is probably what started the cancer in the first place. But I will also look at this story and say that if the magnets got rid of the cancer in a smoker, then it should do wonders to cancer patients who do not smoke.
One comment I would like to say about these spinning magnets, in my opinion it is like finding the Fountain of Youth. These spinning magnets are turning negatives into positives and at the same time they are putting molecules into a dormant state. If we were to put these spinning magnets turning in our bedrooms every night, it would relax our bodies and put them into a dormant state to where our bodies will not age all night long. These is what the magnetic force will do for you. But in order to stop your aging process you have to spin those magnets every night as you sleep and you need to think positive that these magnets are doing their job. My wife and I sleep by these spinning magnets every night and if we are still alive in 50 years from now, I guess I will have to say " I told you so! ". Please read my article: " I Have Found The Fountain Of Youth ".
I have had a irregular hart beat ever since I was a child. There are lots of pauses between the thumps, and the thump-thumps. Every doctor who listens to my heart will tell me that there is something really wrong with my heart to beat that way. But I don't get dizzy, and I rarely get sick, and I have not been to a doctor in a long, long time. I read in a book a long time ago that you should never put magnets next to your heart. My line of thinking was that if magnets were a natural tuning device, then it should be a help to my heart. So I began wearing magnets next to my heart, and guess what? My heart would beat more normally than it did irregularly. So from that time forth, whenever I had a pocket on my shirt, I would wear a magnet next to my heart.
There are companies out there that make magnetic articles for your every need and each company will tell you how it all works and how their product can help you. There are magnetic mattresses, belts, back braces, knee and leg braces, shoulder and arm braces. There are magnetic headbands that will prevent headaches. There are magnetic bands for your fingers, wrist, arms and legs that will help to decrease pain. They put magnetic linings in your clothes so that just about any part of your body can have the benefits of a magnet. They even make a small machine that spins magnets real fast and you can take the machine where ever you go.
Another story I wish to say about the magnetic forces. For people who have built gazebos in their back yards, just for fun some would put on a 4 sided pyramid roof that sat on magnetic north. These people claim that when you store last year's garden seed in the roof of the gazebo all winter, the next year's crop from those seeds grew more healthier plants with larger fruits that were sweeter and tastier than what the regular seeds could produce.
Also, magnetic forces are also collected in cone shaped objects. That is why witches and wizards would wear a cone shaped hat. The magnetic forces would sharpen the brain of anyone who wore those hats. On many of the castes built in the past, you would see cone shape roofs above many of the upper rooms, and most generally the royal families would sleep in these rooms. The magnetic forces that was collected in the roofs was suppose to make the royal family rule wisely and to live longer than everyone else.
Anyone can create a magnetic force in your own home that could be an all around Medical Machine turning negatives into positives and I do believe that this Machine would play a major impact in helping us to not only overcome Cancer but it will also help us to overcome most of common diseases that we all seem to face. Buy an old record player that spins at the 78 speed. Put an old LP record on it that has button magnets glued all over it and then spin it thus creating your own Magnetic Force. If you can not find an old player a window fan will work also. Super Glue about three button magnets at end of each fan blade in the same position as the others so the blade will remain balanced, then spin it thus creating a Magnetic Force. You can be your own scientist and experiment to see what these Magnetic Forces can really do for you. Believe it or not this field of science is wide open to anyone who want to play around with it. Just pure fun for the right person, and in this kind of experiment anything can happen!
In conclusion we go back to the title of this article: "Will using magnets actually help our bodies?" What do you think? ....and may the force be with you always...the magnetic force.